PrintTHF.hs revision e21e5f0fa66bf80e14cfd3f571e09b3952e46ad9
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : A printer for the TPTP-THF Syntax
Copyright : (c) A. Tsogias, DFKI Bremen 2011
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability :
Portability :
A printer for the TPTP-THF Input Syntax v5.1.0.2 taken from
module THF.PrintTHF where
import THF.As
import Data.Char
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
printTPTPTHF :: [TPTP_THF] -> Doc
printTPTPTHF [] = empty
printTPTPTHF (t : rt) = case t of
TPTP_THF_Annotated_Formula n fr f a -> printTHF t $++$ printTPTPTHF rt
_ -> printTHF t $+$ printTPTPTHF rt
class PrintTHF a where
printTHF :: a -> Doc
instance PrintTHF TPTP_THF where
printTHF t = case t of
TPTP_THF_Annotated_Formula n fr f a ->
text "thf" <> parens (printTHF n <> comma
<+> printTHF fr <> comma
<+> printTHF f <> printTHF a)
<> text "."
TPTP_Include i -> printTHF i
TPTP_Comment c -> printTHF c
TPTP_Defined_Comment dc -> printTHF dc
TPTP_System_Comment sc -> printTHF sc
instance PrintTHF Comment where
printTHF c = case c of
Comment_Line s -> text "%" <> text s
Comment_Block sl -> text "/*"
$+$ printCommentBlock sl
$+$ text "*/"
instance PrintTHF DefinedComment where
printTHF dc = case dc of
Defined_Comment_Line s -> text "%$" <> text s
Defined_Comment_Block sl -> text "/*$"
$+$ printCommentBlock sl
$+$ text "*/"
instance PrintTHF SystemComment where
printTHF sc = case sc of
System_Comment_Line s -> text "%$$" <> text s
System_Comment_Block sl -> text "/*$$"
$+$ printCommentBlock sl
$+$ text "*/"
printCommentBlock :: [String] -> Doc
printCommentBlock [] = empty
printCommentBlock (s : rt) = text s $+$ printCommentBlock rt
instance PrintTHF Include where
printTHF (I_Include fn nl) = text "include" <> parens (printFileName fn
<> maybe empty (\c -> comma <+> printNameList c) nl) <> text "."
instance PrintTHF Annotations where
printTHF a = case a of
Annotations s o -> comma <+> printTHF s <> printOptionalInfo o
Null -> empty
instance PrintTHF FormulaRole where
printTHF fr = text $ map toLower (show fr)
instance PrintTHF THFFormula where
printTHF f = case f of
TF_THF_Logic_Formula lf -> printTHF lf
TF_THF_Sequent s -> printTHF s
instance PrintTHF THFLogicFormula where
printTHF lf = case lf of
TLF_THF_Binary_Formula bf -> printTHF bf
TLF_THF_Unitary_Formula uf -> printTHF uf
TLF_THF_Type_Formula tf -> printTHF tf
TLF_THF_Sub_Type st -> printTHF st
instance PrintTHF THFBinaryFormula where
printTHF bf = case bf of
TBF_THF_Binary_Tuple bt -> printTHF bt
TBF_THF_Binary_Type bt -> printTHF bt
TBF_THF_Binary_Pair uf1 pc uf2 ->
printTHF uf1 <+> printTHF pc <+> printTHF uf2
instance PrintTHF THFBinaryTuple where
printTHF bt = case bt of
TBT_THF_Or_Formula uf ufl ->
sepBy (map printTHF (uf : ufl)) orSign
TBT_THF_And_Formula uf ufl ->
sepBy (map printTHF (uf : ufl)) andSign
TBT_THF_Apply_Formula uf ufl ->
sepBy (map printTHF (uf : ufl)) applySign
instance PrintTHF THFUnitaryFormula where
printTHF uf = case uf of
TUF_THF_Quantified_Formula q vl uf ->
printTHF q <+> brackets (sepByCommas (map printTHF vl))
<+> text ":" <+> printTHF uf
TUF_THF_Unary_Formula uc lf ->
printTHF uc <+> parens (printTHF lf)
TUF_THF_Atom a -> printTHF a
TUF_THF_Tuple t -> printTHFTuple t
TUF_THF_Let dvl uf ->
text ":=" <+> brackets (sepByCommas (map printTHF dvl))
<+> text ":" <+> printTHF uf
TUF_THF_Conditional lf1 lf2 lf3 ->
text "$itef" <> parens (printTHF lf1
<> comma <+> printTHF lf2
<> comma <+> printTHF lf3)
TUF_THF_Logic_Formula_Par l -> parens (printTHF l)
instance PrintTHF THFVariable where
printTHF v = case v of
TV_THF_Typed_Variable v tlt -> printVariable v
<+> text ":" <+> printTHF tlt
TV_Variable var -> printVariable var
instance PrintTHF THFTypeFormula where
printTHF tf = case tf of
TTF_THF_Type_Formula tbf tlt ->
printTHF tbf <+> text ":" <+> printTHF tlt
TTF_THF_Role_Type c tlt ->
printTHF c <+> text ":" <+> printTHF tlt
instance PrintTHF THFTypeableFormula where
printTHF tbf = case tbf of
TTyF_THF_Atom a -> printTHF a
TTyF_THF_Tuple t -> printTHFTuple t
TTyF_THF_Logic_Formula lf -> parens $ printTHF lf
instance PrintTHF THFSubType where
printTHF (TST_THF_Sub_Type c1 c2) =
printTHF c1 <+> text "<<" <+> printTHF c2
printTHFTopLevelType :: THFTopLevelType -> Doc
printTHFTopLevelType = printTHF
printTHFUnitaryType :: THFUnitaryType -> Doc
printTHFUnitaryType = printTHF
instance PrintTHF THFBinaryType where
printTHF bt = case bt of
TBT_THF_Mapping_Type ut utl -> sepBy (map printTHF (ut : utl)) arrowSign
TBT_THF_Xprod_Type ut utl -> sepBy (map printTHF (ut : utl)) starSign
TBT_THF_Union_Type ut utl -> sepBy (map printTHF (ut : utl)) plusSign
instance PrintTHF THFAtom where
printTHF a = case a of
TA_Term t -> printTHF t
TA_THF_Conn_Term ct -> printTHF ct
TA_Defined_Type dt -> printTHF dt
TA_Defined_Plain_Formula dp -> printTHF dp
TA_System_Type asw -> printAtomicSystemWord asw
TA_System_Atomic_Formula st -> printTHF st
printTHFTuple :: THFTuple -> Doc
printTHFTuple ufl = brackets $ sepByCommas (map printTHF ufl)
instance PrintTHF THFDefinedVar where
printTHF dv = case dv of
TDV_THF_Defined_Var v lf ->
printTHF v <+> text ":=" <+> printTHF lf
TDV_THF_Defined_Var_Par d -> parens (printTHF d)
instance PrintTHF THFSequent where
printTHF (TS_THF_Sequent_Par s) = parens $ printTHF s
printTHF (TS_THF_Sequent t1 t2) =
printTHFTuple t1 <+> text "-->" <+> printTHFTuple t2
instance PrintTHF THFConnTerm where
printTHF ct = case ct of
TCT_THF_Pair_Connective pc -> printTHF pc
TCT_Assoc_Connective ac -> printTHF ac
TCT_THF_Unary_Connective uc -> printTHF uc
instance PrintTHF THFQuantifier where
printTHF q = case q of
ForAll -> text "!"
Exists -> text "?"
Lambda_Binder -> text "^"
Dependent_Product -> text "!>"
Dependent_Sum -> text "?*"
Indefinite_Description -> text "@+"
Definite_Description -> text "@-"
instance PrintTHF THFPairConnective where
printTHF pc = case pc of
Infix_Equality -> text "="
Infix_Inequality -> text "!="
Equivalent -> text "<=>"
Implication -> text "=>"
IF -> text "<="
XOR -> text "<~>"
NOR -> text "~|"
NAND -> text "~&"
instance PrintTHF THFUnaryConnective where
printTHF uc = case uc of
Negation -> text "~"
PiForAll -> text "!!"
SigmaExists -> text "??"
instance PrintTHF AssocConnective where
printTHF AND = text "&"
printTHF OR = text "|"
instance PrintTHF DefinedType where
printTHF dt = text $ "$" ++ drop 3 (show dt)
instance PrintTHF DefinedPlainFormula where
printTHF dpf = case dpf of
DPF_Defined_Prop dp -> printTHF dp
DPF_Defined_Formula dp a -> printTHF dp <> parens (printArguments a)
instance PrintTHF DefinedProp where
printTHF DP_True = text "$true"
printTHF DP_False = text "$false"
instance PrintTHF DefinedPred where
printTHF dp = text $ "$" ++ map toLower (show dp)
instance PrintTHF Term where
printTHF t = case t of
T_Function_Term ft -> printTHF ft
T_Variable v -> printVariable v
instance PrintTHF FunctionTerm where
printTHF ft = case ft of
FT_Plain_Term pt -> printTHF pt
FT_Defined_Term dt -> printTHF dt
FT_System_Term st ->printTHF st
instance PrintTHF PlainTerm where
printTHF pt = case pt of
PT_Constant c -> printConstant c
PT_Plain_Term f a -> printTPTPFunctor f <> parens (printArguments a)
printConstant :: Constant -> Doc
printConstant = printTPTPFunctor
printTPTPFunctor :: TPTPFunctor -> Doc
printTPTPFunctor = printTHF
instance PrintTHF DefinedTerm where
printTHF dt = case dt of
DT_Defined_Atom da -> printTHF da
DT_Defined_Atomic_Term dpt -> printTHF dpt
instance PrintTHF DefinedAtom where
printTHF da = case da of
DA_Number n -> printTHF n
DA_Distinct_Object dio -> printDistinctObject dio
instance PrintTHF DefinedPlainTerm where
printTHF dpt = case dpt of
DPT_Defined_Constant df -> printTHF df
DPT_Defined_Function df a -> printTHF df <> parens (printArguments a)
instance PrintTHF DefinedFunctor where
printTHF df = text $ "$" ++ map toLower (show df)
instance PrintTHF SystemTerm where
printTHF st = case st of
ST_System_Constant sf -> printSystemFunctor sf
ST_System_Term sf a -> printSystemFunctor sf
<> parens (printArguments a)
printSystemFunctor :: SystemFunctor -> Doc
printSystemFunctor = printAtomicSystemWord
printVariable :: Variable -> Doc
printVariable = text
printArguments :: Arguments -> Doc
printArguments = sepByCommas . map printTHF
instance PrintTHF PrincipalSymbol where
printTHF ps = case ps of
PS_Functor f -> printTPTPFunctor f
PS_Variable v -> printVariable v
instance PrintTHF Source where
printTHF s = case s of
S_Dag_Source ds -> printTHF ds
S_Internal_Source it oi -> text "introduced" <> parens (
printTHF it <> printOptionalInfo oi)
S_External_Source es -> printTHF es
S_Sources ss -> sepByCommas (map printTHF ss)
S_Unknown -> text "unknown"
instance PrintTHF DagSource where
printTHF ds = case ds of
DS_Name n -> printTHF n
DS_Inference_Record aw ui pl -> text "inference"
<> parens (printTHF aw <> comma <+> printUsefulInfo ui
<> comma <+> brackets (sepByCommas (map printTHF pl)))
instance PrintTHF ParentInfo where
printTHF (PI_Parent_Info s mgl) =
let gl = maybe empty (\c -> text ":" <> printGeneralList c) mgl
in printTHF s <> gl
instance PrintTHF IntroType where
printTHF it = text (drop 3 (show it))
instance PrintTHF ExternalSource where
printTHF es = case es of
ES_File_Source fs -> printTHF fs
ES_Theory tn oi -> text "theory" <> parens (
printTHF tn <> printOptionalInfo oi)
ES_Creator_Source aw oi -> text "creator" <> parens (
printTHF aw <> printOptionalInfo oi)
instance PrintTHF FileSource where
printTHF (FS_File fn mn) =
let n = maybe empty (\c -> comma <+> printTHF c) mn
in text "file" <> parens (printFileName fn <> n)
instance PrintTHF TheoryName where
printTHF tn = text $ map toLower (show tn)
printOptionalInfo :: OptionalInfo -> Doc
printOptionalInfo = maybe empty (\ui -> comma <+> printUsefulInfo ui)
printUsefulInfo :: UsefulInfo -> Doc
printUsefulInfo = brackets . sepByCommas . map printTHF
instance PrintTHF InfoItem where
printTHF ii = case ii of
II_Formula_Item fi -> printTHF fi
II_Inference_Item infi -> printTHF infi
II_General_Function gf -> printTHF gf
instance PrintTHF FormulaItem where
printTHF fi = case fi of
FI_Description_Item aw -> text "description" <> parens (printTHF aw)
FI_Iquote_Item aw -> text "iquote" <> parens (printTHF aw)
instance PrintTHF InferenceItem where
printTHF ii = case ii of
II_Inference_Status is -> printTHF is
II_Assumptions_Record nl -> text "assumptions"
<> parens (brackets (printNameList nl))
II_New_Symbol_Record aw psl -> text "new_symbols" <> parens (printTHF aw
<> comma <+> brackets (sepByCommas (map printTHF psl)))
II_Refutation fs -> text "refutation" <> parens (printTHF fs)
instance PrintTHF InferenceStatus where
printTHF is = case is of
IS_Status s -> text "status" <> parens (printTHF s)
IS_Inference_Info aw1 aw2 gl -> printTHF aw1 <> parens (printTHF aw2
<> comma <+> printGeneralList gl)
instance PrintTHF StatusValue where
printTHF sv = text $ map toLower (show sv)
printNameList :: NameList -> Doc
printNameList = sepByCommas . map printTHF
instance PrintTHF GeneralTerm where
printTHF gt = case gt of
GT_General_Data gd -> printTHF gd
GT_General_Data_Term gd gt -> printTHF gd <+> text ":" <+> printTHF gt
GT_General_List gl -> printGeneralList gl
instance PrintTHF GeneralData where
printTHF gd = case gd of
GD_Atomic_Word aw -> printTHF aw
GD_General_Function gf -> printTHF gf
GD_Variable v -> printVariable v
GD_Number n -> printTHF n
GD_Distinct_Object dio -> printDistinctObject dio
GD_Formula_Data fd -> printTHF fd
GD_Bind v fd -> text "bind" <> parens (
printVariable v <> comma <+> printTHF fd)
instance PrintTHF GeneralFunction where
printTHF (GF_General_Function aw gts) =
printTHF aw <> parens (printGeneralTerms gts)
instance PrintTHF FormulaData where
printTHF (THF_Formula thff) = text "$thf" <> parens (printTHF thff)
printGeneralList :: GeneralList -> Doc
printGeneralList = brackets . printGeneralTerms
printGeneralTerms :: GeneralTerms -> Doc
printGeneralTerms = sepByCommas . map printTHF
instance PrintTHF Name where
printTHF n = case n of
N_Atomic_Word a -> printTHF a
N_Integer s -> text s
instance PrintTHF AtomicWord where
printTHF a = case a of
A_Single_Quoted s -> printSingleQuoted s
A_Lower_Word l -> text l
printAtomicSystemWord :: AtomicSystemWord -> Doc
printAtomicSystemWord asw = text ("$$" ++ asw)
instance PrintTHF Number where
printTHF n = case n of
Num_Integer i -> text i
Num_Rational ra -> text ra
Num_Real re -> text re
printFileName :: FileName -> Doc
printFileName = printSingleQuoted
printSingleQuoted :: SingleQuoted -> Doc
printSingleQuoted s = text "\'" <> text s <> text "\'"
printDistinctObject :: DistinctObject -> Doc
printDistinctObject s = text "\"" <> text s <> text "\""
orSign :: Doc
orSign = text "|"
andSign :: Doc
andSign = text "&"
applySign :: Doc
applySign = text "@"
arrowSign :: Doc
arrowSign = text ">"
starSign :: Doc
starSign = text "*"
plusSign :: Doc
plusSign = text "+"
sepBy :: [Doc] -> Doc -> Doc
sepBy (c : []) s = c
sepBy (c : d) s = c <+> s <+> sepBy d s