Print.hs revision 7dc37844730a8b23973139e9720574382de109e7
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Seveal Pretty instances.
Copyright : (c) A. Tsogias, DFKI Bremen 2011
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Instances for Pretty for some data structures of As and Cons
module THF.Print where
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Doc
import Common.AS_Annotation
import THF.As
import THF.Cons
import THF.Sign
import THF.PrintTHF
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-- import qualified Data.Set as Set
instance Pretty BasicSpecTHF where
pretty (BasicSpecTHF _ a) = printTPTPTHF a
instance Pretty THFFormula where
pretty = printTHF
instance Pretty Include where
pretty = printTHF
instance Pretty TPTP_THF where
pretty = printTHF
instance Pretty THFTypedConst where
pretty = printTHF
instance Pretty AtomicWord where
pretty = printTHF
instance Pretty SymbolTHF where
pretty s = text "Name: " <+> printTHF (symName s)
<+> text (" Type: " ++ drop 3 (show $ symType s))
instance Pretty SignTHF where
pretty s =
let ts = foldl (\ d (i, k) ->
d $+$ (printTHF i <+> text ":" <+> pretty k))
empty (Map.toList $ types s)
cs = foldl (\ d (i, k) ->
d $+$ (printTHF i <+> text ":" <+> pretty k))
empty (Map.toList $ consts s)
in text "Types: " $+$ ts $++$ text "Constatns: " $+$ cs
instance Pretty Kind where
pretty k = case k of
Kind -> text "$tType"
MapKind k1 k2 _ -> pretty k1 <+> text "->" <+> pretty k2
SysType st -> printSystemType st
instance Pretty Type where
pretty t = case t of
TType -> text "$tType"
OType -> text "$o"
IType -> text "$i"
MapType t1 t2 -> pretty t1 <+> text "->" <+> pretty t2
CType c -> printConstant c
SType st -> printSystemType st
instance Pretty TypeInfo where
-- pretty ti = pretty typeKind
pretty ti = text "Name:" <+> printTHF (typeName ti) <+>
text "Kind:" <+> pretty (typeKind ti) <+>
text "Def:" <+> pretty (typeDef ti)
instance Pretty ConstInfo where
-- pretty ci = pretty constKind
pretty ci = text "Name:" <+> printTHF (constName ci) <+>
text "Kind:" <+> pretty (constType ci) <+>
text "Def:" <+> pretty (constDef ci)
printProblemTHF :: SignTHF -> [Named SentenceTHF] -> Named SentenceTHF -> Doc
printProblemTHF sig ax goal = text "Signature:" $+$ pretty sig
$++$ text "Axioms:" $+$
foldl (\ d e -> d $+$ printNamedSentenceTHF e) empty ax
$++$ text "Goal:" $+$ printNamedSentenceTHF goal
printNamedSentenceTHF :: Named SentenceTHF -> Doc
printNamedSentenceTHF ns = text (senAttr ns) <+> text ":"
<+> pretty (sentence ns)