{- |
Module : ./THF/Print.hs
Description : Seveal Pretty instances.
Copyright : (c) A. Tsogias, DFKI Bremen 2011
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Alexis.Tsogias@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Pretty instances some data structures of As, Sign and Cons
module THF.Print where
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Doc
import Common.AS_Annotation
import THF.Cons
import THF.Sign
import THF.PrintTHF
import THF.As (THFFormula, FormulaRole (..))
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
{- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Some pretty instances for datastructures defined in Cons and Sign and
other print methods
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
instance Pretty BasicSpecTHF where
pretty (BasicSpecTHF a) = printTPTPTHF a
instance Pretty SymbolTHF where
pretty s = case symType s of
ST_Const t -> pretty (symId s) <+> text ":" <+> pretty t
ST_Type k -> pretty (symId s) <+> text ":" <+> pretty k
instance Pretty SignTHF where
pretty s =
let ts = Map.fold (\ ti d -> d $+$ pretty ti) empty (types s)
cs = Map.fold (\ ci d -> d $+$ pretty ci) empty (consts s)
in text "%Types:" $+$ ts $++$ text "%Constants: " $+$ cs
instance Pretty Kind where
pretty k = case k of
Kind -> text "$tType"
instance Pretty Type where
pretty t = case t of
TType -> text "$tType"
OType -> text "$o"
IType -> text "$i"
MapType t1 t2 -> pretty t1 <+> text ">" <+> pretty t2
CType c -> prettyConstant c
SType st -> prettyAtomicSystemWord st
VType v -> prettyUpperWord v
ParType t1 -> parens $ pretty t1
ProdType ts -> parens $ sepBy (map pretty ts) starSign
instance Pretty TypeInfo where
pretty ti = text "thf" <> parens (pretty (typeName ti) <> comma
<+> text "type" <> comma <+>
(pretty (typeId ti) <+> colon <+> pretty (typeKind ti))
<> pretty (typeAnno ti))
<> text "."
instance Pretty ConstInfo where
pretty ci = text "thf" <> parens (pretty (constName ci) <> comma
<+> text "type" <> comma <+>
(pretty (constId ci) <+> colon <+> pretty (constType ci))
<> pretty (constAnno ci))
<> text "."
-- print the signature, with axioms and the proof goal
printProblemTHF :: SignTHF -> [Named THFFormula] -> Named THFFormula -> Doc
printProblemTHF sig ax gl = pretty sig $++$ text "%Axioms:" $+$
foldl (\ d e -> d $+$ printNamedSentenceTHF (Just Axiom) e) empty ax $++$
text "%Goal:" $+$ printNamedSentenceTHF (Just Conjecture) gl
-- print a Named Sentence
printNamedSentenceTHF :: Maybe FormulaRole -> Named THFFormula -> Doc
printNamedSentenceTHF r' f =
let r = fromMaybe (if isAxiom f then Axiom
else Conjecture) r'
in text "thf" <> parens (text (senAttr f) <> comma
<+> pretty r <> comma <+> pretty (sentence f))
<> text "."