Poly.hs revision c13afb2b57f4673fd4de304b19916fe0b02eaf93
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Helper functions for coding out polymorphism
Copyright : (c) J. von Schroeder, DFKI Bremen 2012
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Jonathan von Schroeder <jonathan.von_schroeder@dfki.de>
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable
module THF.Poly
import THF.Cons
import THF.Sign
import THF.Utils
import THF.As
import THF.PrintTHF ()
import THF.Print ()
import Common.Result
import Common.Id
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.DocUtils
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.Map (Map, lookup, insert, empty,
mapAccumWithKey, foldWithKey,
import qualified Data.List (mapAccumL, elemIndex)
sh :: Pretty a => a -> String
sh = show . pretty
data Constraint = NormalC (String, Range, Type)
| WeakC (String, Range, Type) deriving Show
instance GetRange Constraint where
getRange (NormalC (_, r, _)) = r
getRange (WeakC (_, r, _)) = r
instance GetRange Type where
getRange _ = nullRange
occursType :: Token -> Type -> Bool
occursType t tp = case tp of
MapType tp1 tp2 ->
occursType t tp1 || occursType t tp2
ProdType tps ->
any (occursType t) tps
VType t1 -> t == t1
ParType tp2 -> occursType t tp2
_ -> False
constraintToType :: Constraint -> (Bool, (String, Range, Type))
constraintToType (WeakC d) = (True, d)
constraintToType (NormalC d) = (False, d)
toConstraint :: Bool -> (String, Range, Type) -> Constraint
toConstraint weak = if weak then WeakC
else NormalC
unifyType :: Type -> Constraint -> Result [(Token, Type)]
unifyType tp1 tp2_ =
let (weak, (s, r, tp2)) = constraintToType tp2_
c t = toConstraint weak (s, r, t)
in case (tp1, tp2) of
(ParType tp1', _) ->
unifyType tp1' (c tp2)
(_, ParType tp2') ->
unifyType tp1 (c tp2')
(VType t1, VType t2) -> return $
if t1 == t2 then [] else [(t1, tp2)]
(VType t1, _) -> if occursType t1 tp2
then fatal_error ("Occurs check failed! - "
++ s) r
else return [(t1, tp2)]
(_, VType t2) -> if occursType t2 tp1
then fatal_error ("Occurs check failed! - "
++ s) r
else return [(t2, tp1)]
(MapType tp1_1 tp1_2,
MapType tp2_1 tp2_2) -> do
u1 <- unifyType tp1_1 (c tp2_1)
u2 <- unifyType tp1_2 (c tp2_2)
return $ u1 ++ u2
(MapType _ _, _) ->
fatal_error ("Different type constructors! " ++
" - " ++ s) r
(_, MapType _ _) ->
fatal_error ("Different type constructor! " ++
" - " ++ s) r
(ProdType tps1, ProdType tps2) ->
if length tps1 == length tps2 ||
weak then
liftM concat $
mapR (\ (tp1', tp2') -> unifyType tp1' (c tp2'))
(zip tps1 tps2)
else fatal_error ("Products of different size! - " ++ s) r
(ProdType _, _) ->
fatal_error ("Different type constructors! - " ++ s) r
(CType c1, CType c2) -> if c1 == c2
then return [] else fatal_error ("Cannot unify different kinds!" ++ s) r
(CType _, _) -> fatal_error ("Unification not possible! - " ++ s) r
(_, CType _) -> fatal_error ("Unification not possible! - " ++ s) r
(_, ProdType _) ->
fatal_error ("Different type constructors! - " ++ s) r
(TType, TType) -> return []
(OType, OType) -> return []
(IType, IType) -> return []
(TType, _) -> fatal_error ("Cannot unify TType with "
++ show tp2 ++ "! - " ++ s) r
(_, TType) -> fatal_error ("Cannot unify TType with "
++ show tp1 ++ "! - " ++ s) r
(OType, _) -> fatal_error ("Cannot unify OType with "
++ show tp2 ++ "! - " ++ s) r
(_, OType) -> fatal_error ("Cannot unify OType with "
++ show tp1 ++ "! - " ++ s) r
(IType, _) -> fatal_error ("Cannot unify IType with "
++ show tp2 ++ "! - " ++ s) r
(_, IType) -> fatal_error ("Cannot unify IType with "
++ show tp1 ++ "! - " ++ s) r
_ -> return []
applyType :: [(Token, Type)] -> Token -> Maybe Type
applyType us t = case us of
(t', tp) : _ | t' == t -> Just tp
_ : us' -> applyType us' t
_ -> Nothing
apply :: [(Token, Type)] -> Type -> Type
apply us t = case t of
ParType t' -> ParType $ apply us t'
MapType t1 t2 -> MapType (apply us t1)
(apply us t2)
ProdType tps -> ProdType $ map (apply us) tps
VType tok -> case applyType us tok of
Just t' -> apply us t'
Nothing -> t
_ -> t
unify' :: [(Type, Constraint)] -> Result [(Token, Type)]
unify' ts = case ts of
[] -> return []
(t1, t2) : ts' -> do
r1 <- unify' ts'
let t1' = apply r1 t1
let (weak, (msg, rg, t2'')) = constraintToType t2
let t2' = apply r1 t2''
r2 <- unifyType t1' (toConstraint weak (msg, rg, t2'))
return (r1 ++ r2)
tmpV :: Token
tmpV = mkSimpleId "tmpV"
type Constraints = UniqueT Result (Type, [(Type, Constraint)])
not_supported :: (Show a, GetRange a) => a -> Constraints
not_supported f = lift $ fatal_error
("Formula " ++ show f ++ " not supported!")
(getRange f)
getTypeC :: ConstMap -> THFFormula -> Constraints
getTypeC cm f = case f of
TF_THF_Logic_Formula lf -> getTypeCLF cm lf
_ -> not_supported f
getTypeCLF :: ConstMap -> THFLogicFormula -> Constraints
getTypeCLF cm lf = case lf of
TLF_THF_Binary_Formula bf -> getTypeCBF cm bf
TLF_THF_Unitary_Formula uf -> getTypeCUF cm uf
_ -> not_supported lf
getTypeCBF :: ConstMap -> THFBinaryFormula -> Constraints
getTypeCBF cm bf = case bf of
TBF_THF_Binary_Pair uf1 c uf2 -> if (case c of
Infix_Equality -> True
Infix_Inequality -> True
_ -> False) then do
(t1, cs1) <- getTypeCUF cm uf1
(t2, cs2) <- getTypeCUF cm uf2
let errMsg = "(In-)Equality requires (" ++
sh uf1 ++ ") : (" ++ sh t1
++ ") and (" ++ sh uf2 ++ ") : ("
++ sh t2 ++ " to have the same type"
return (OType,
cs1 ++ cs2 ++ [(t1, NormalC (errMsg, getRangeSpan bf, t2))])
else do
(t1, cs1) <- getTypeCUF cm uf1
(t2, cs2) <- getTypeCUF cm uf2
let errMsg1 = "Infix operator " ++ sh c
++ " requires (" ++ sh uf1 ++ ") : ("
++ sh t1 ++ ") to have type OType"
let errMsg2 = "Infix operator " ++ sh c
++ " requires (" ++ sh uf2 ++ ") : ("
++ sh t2 ++ ") to have type OType"
return (OType,
cs1 ++ cs2 ++ [(t1, NormalC (errMsg1, getRangeSpan uf1, OType)),
(t2, NormalC (errMsg2, getRangeSpan uf2, OType))])
TBF_THF_Binary_Tuple bt ->
let ufs = case bt of
TBT_THF_Or_Formula ufs' -> ufs'
TBT_THF_And_Formula ufs' -> ufs'
TBT_THF_Apply_Formula ufs' -> ufs'
in case bt of
TBT_THF_Apply_Formula _ -> do
ufs' <- mapM (getTypeCUF cm) ufs
case ufs' of
[] -> lift $ fatal_error ("Invalid Application: "
++ show bt) (getRange bt)
_ : [] -> lift $ fatal_error ("Invalid Application: "
++ show bt) (getRange bt)
u : ufs'' -> do
let (t1, cs1) = u
tps = map fst ufs''
cs2 = map snd ufs''
{- try to do a best-effort beta-reduction
* either t1 is a "function type" we
can recognize
* or we simply assign a new type variable
and hope that further constraints
will determine the type variable -}
t <- applyResult (length ufs'') t1
let errMsg = "Application is not well typed"
return (t, cs1 ++ concat cs2
++ [(t1, WeakC (errMsg, getRangeSpan bt, genFn $ tps ++ [t]))])
_ -> do
ufs' <- mapM (getTypeCUF cm) ufs
case ufs' of
[] -> lift $ fatal_error ("Empty boolean connective: "
++ show bt) (getRange bt)
(t, cs) : [] -> return (t, cs ++ [(t, NormalC (
"Boolean connective requires all " ++
"arguments to be of type OType", getRangeSpan ufs, OType))])
_ -> do
let (ts, cs) = unzip ufs'
let errMsg = "Boolean connective requires all " ++
"arguments to be of type OType"
return (OType, concat cs ++ map (\ t ->
(t, NormalC (errMsg, getRangeSpan bt, OType))) ts)
_ -> not_supported bf
applyResult :: Int -> Type -> UniqueT Result Type
applyResult 0 t = return t
applyResult i t = case t of
MapType _ t' -> applyResult (i - 1) t'
_ -> do
v <- numberedTok tmpV
return (VType v)
getTypeCUF :: ConstMap -> THFUnitaryFormula -> Constraints
getTypeCUF cm uf = case uf of
TUF_THF_Quantified_Formula qf -> case qf of
TQF_THF_Quantified_Formula _ vs uf' -> getTypeCQF vs uf'
T0QF_THF_Quantified_Var _ vs uf' -> getTypeCQF vs uf'
_ -> not_supported uf
where getTypeCQF vs uf' = do
cm' <- foldM (\ cm' v ->
case v of
TV_THF_Typed_Variable t tp -> case thfTopLevelTypeToType tp of
Just tp' -> return $ ins t tp' cm'
Nothing ->
lift $ fatal_error ("Failed to analyze type " ++ show tp)
(getRange tp)
TV_Variable t -> do
v' <- numberedTok tmpV
return $ ins t (VType v') cm') cm vs
(t, cs) <- getTypeCUF cm' uf'
let errMsg = "Quantified Formula (" ++ sh uf' ++ ") : ("
++ sh t ++ ") is expected to be of type OType"
return (t, cs ++ [(t, NormalC (errMsg, getRangeSpan uf', OType))])
c = A_Single_Quoted
ins t tp = Data.Map.insert (c t)
ConstInfo {
constId = c t,
constName = N_Atomic_Word $ c t,
constType = tp,
constAnno = Null}
TUF_THF_Unary_Formula _ lf -> do
(lf', cs) <- getTypeCLF cm lf
let errMsg = "Unary Formula (" ++ sh lf ++ ") : ("
++ sh lf' ++ ") is expected to be of type OType"
return (lf', cs ++ [(lf', NormalC (errMsg, getRangeSpan lf, OType))])
TUF_THF_Atom a -> case a of
TA_THF_Conn_Term _ -> not_supported a
T0A_Constant c -> case Data.Map.lookup c cm of
Just ti -> return (constType ti, [])
Nothing -> case show $ toToken c of
'p' : 'r' : '_' : i' -> do
let i = read i' :: Int
vs <- replicateM i $ liftM VType $ numberedTok tmpV
return (MapType (ProdType vs) $ last vs, [])
_ -> do
v <- numberedTok tmpV
return (VType v, [])
-- fixme - add types for internal constants
T0A_Defined_Constant _ -> not_supported a
T0A_System_Constant _ -> not_supported a
T0A_Variable v -> case Data.Map.lookup (A_Single_Quoted v) cm of
Just ti -> return (constType ti, [])
Nothing -> do
v' <- numberedTok tmpV
return (VType v', [])
_ -> not_supported a
TUF_THF_Tuple lfs -> do
lfs' <- mapM (getTypeCLF cm) lfs
let (tps, cs) = unzip lfs'
return (ProdType tps, concat cs)
TUF_THF_Logic_Formula_Par lf -> getTypeCLF cm lf
T0UF_THF_Abstraction vs uf' -> do
(vst, cm') <- foldM (\ (l, cm') v ->
case v of
TV_THF_Typed_Variable t tp ->
case thfTopLevelTypeToType tp of
Just tp' -> return (tp' : l, ins t tp' cm')
Nothing ->
lift $ fatal_error ("Failed to analyze type " ++ show tp)
(getRange tp)
TV_Variable t -> do
v' <- numberedTok tmpV
return (VType v' : l, ins t (VType v') cm')) ([], cm) vs
(uf'', cs) <- getTypeCUF cm' uf'
case vst of
[] -> lift $ fatal_error ("Invalid Abstraction: "
++ show uf) (getRange uf)
_ -> return (genFn (vst ++ [uf'']), cs)
where c = A_Single_Quoted
ins t tp = Data.Map.insert (c t)
ConstInfo {
constId = c t,
constName = N_Atomic_Word $ c t,
constType = tp,
constAnno = Null }
_ -> not_supported uf
genFn :: [Type] -> Type
genFn (tp : []) = tp
genFn (tp : tps) = MapType tp (genFn tps)
genFn _ = error "This shouldn't happen!"
insertAndIdx :: (Ord a, Eq b) => Data.Map.Map a [b] -> a -> b
-> (Data.Map.Map a [b], Maybe Int)
insertAndIdx m k v = case Data.Map.lookup k m of
Just l -> case Data.List.elemIndex v l of
Just i -> (m, Just i)
Nothing -> (Data.Map.insert k (l ++ [v]) m,
Just $ length l)
Nothing -> (Data.Map.insert k [v] m, Just 0)
intToStr :: Int -> String
intToStr 0 = ""
intToStr i = '_' : show i
flattenMap :: Data.Map.Map Constant [a] -> Data.Map.Map Constant a
flattenMap = Data.Map.foldWithKey
(\ k v new_m ->
let ks = evalUnique $ replicateM (length v) $ do
f <- fresh
let s = intToStr $ fromIntegral (f - 1)
return $ addSuffix s k
in foldl (\ new_m' (k', v') -> Data.Map.insert k' v' new_m')
new_m (zip ks v)) Data.Map.empty
type RewriteArg = Data.Map.Map Constant (Maybe Int)
rewriteVariableList' :: (RewriteFuns RewriteArg, RewriteArg) ->
[THFVariable] -> Result [THFVariable]
rewriteVariableList' (_, cm) vs = return $
map (\ v -> let t = case v of
TV_THF_Typed_Variable t' _ -> t'
TV_Variable t' -> t'
in case Data.Map.lookup (A_Single_Quoted t) cm of
Just (Just i) -> TV_Variable $
t { tokStr = tokStr t ++ intToStr i }
_ -> v) vs
rewriteConst' :: (RewriteFuns RewriteArg, RewriteArg) ->
Constant -> Result THFUnitaryFormula
rewriteConst' (_, cm) c = return . TUF_THF_Atom . T0A_Constant $
case Data.Map.lookup c cm of
Just (Just i) -> addSuffix (intToStr i) c
_ -> c
rewriteConst4needsConst :: (RewriteFuns Constant, Constant) ->
Constant -> Result THFUnitaryFormula
rewriteConst4needsConst (_, c1) c2 =
if c1 == c2 then mkError "" nullRange
else return . TUF_THF_Atom . T0A_Constant $ c2
needsConst :: Constant -> Named THFFormula -> Bool
needsConst c f =
let r = rewriteTHF0 {rewriteConst = rewriteConst4needsConst}
res = rewriteSenFun (r, c) f
in case resultToMaybe res of
Nothing -> True
_ -> False
infer :: ConstMap -> [Named THFFormula]
-> Result (ConstMap, [Named THFFormula])
infer cm fs =
let constraints' = mapM (evalUniqueT . getTypeC cm
. sentence) fs
errMsg = "Sentences have to be of type OType"
constraints =
liftM (map (\ (t, cs) -> (OType, NormalC
(errMsg, getRangeSpan cs, t)) : cs)) constraints'
in do
unis' <- liftM (map unify') constraints
sequence unis' >>= \ unis ->
let (cm', instances) = Data.List.mapAccumL
(\ cm'_ (f, u) ->
let (cm'', m1) = Data.Map.mapAccumWithKey
(\ cm''' c ci -> if needsConst c f
then insertAndIdx cm''' c
(apply u (constType ci))
else (cm''', Nothing)) cm'_ cm
in (cm'', m1))
Data.Map.empty (zip fs unis)
new_cm = Data.Map.mapWithKey (\ k v ->
ConstInfo { constId = k,
constName = N_Atomic_Word k,
constType = v,
constAnno = Null}) $ flattenMap cm'
in do
let r = rewriteTHF0 {
rewriteVariableList = rewriteVariableList',
rewriteConst = rewriteConst'
fs' <- mapM (\ (f, i) -> rewriteSenFun (r, i) f)
(zip fs instances)
return (new_cm, fs')
type_check :: TypeMap -> ConstMap -> [Named THFFormula]
-> Result [[(Token, Type)]]
type_check _ cm sens = do
let constraints' = mapM (evalUniqueT .
getTypeC cm . sentence) sens
let errMsg = "Every formula is expected to be of type OType"
let constraints =
liftM (map (\ (t, cs) -> (OType, NormalC (errMsg, nullRange, t)) : cs))
unifications <- liftM (map unify') constraints
sequence unifications