ParseTHF.hs revision 8bdf8ddb76255ac9d0c508654bccb4728b0e43f7
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : A Parser for the TPTP-THF Syntax
Copyright : (c) Jonathan von Schroeder, DFKI Bremen 2012
(c) A. Tsogias, DFKI Bremen 2011
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Jonathan von Schroeder <>
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
A Parser for the TPTP-THF Input Syntax v5.4.0.0 taken from
<> and THF0
Syntax taken from <> P. 15-16
Note: The parser prefers a THF0 parse tree over a THF parse tree
Note: We pretend as if tuples were still part of the syntax
module THF.ParseTHF (parseTHF) where
import THF.As
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Common.Parsec
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
-- Parser for the THF and THF0 Syntax
-- THF & THF0:
-- <TPTP_input> ::= <annotated_formula> | <include>
-- <thf_annotated> ::= thf(<name>,<formula_role>,<thf_formula><annotations>).
-- Data Type: TPTP_THF
parseTHF :: CharParser st [TPTP_THF]
parseTHF = do
h <- optionMaybe header
thf <- many ((systemComment <|> definedComment <|> comment <|>
include <|> thfAnnotatedFormula) << skipSpaces)
return $ if isJust h then fromJust h : thf else thf
header :: CharParser st TPTP_THF
header = try (do
s <- headerSE
c <- myManyTill (try (commentLine << skipSpaces)) (try headerSE)
return $ TPTP_Header (s : c))
headerSE :: CharParser st Comment
headerSE = do
try (char '%' >> notFollowedBy (char '$'))
c <- many1 $ char '-' << notFollowedBy printableChar
return $ Comment_Line c
-- THF & THF0:
-- <comment> ::- <comment_line>|<comment_block>
-- <comment_line> ::- [%]<printable_char>*
-- <comment_block> ::: [/][*]<not_star_slash>[*][*]*[/]
-- <not_star_slash> ::: ([^*]*[*][*]*[^/*])*[^*]*
commentLine :: CharParser st Comment
commentLine = do
try (char '%' >> notFollowedBy (char '$'))
c <- many printableChar
return $ Comment_Line c
comment :: CharParser st TPTP_THF
comment = fmap TPTP_Comment commentLine
<|> do
try (string "/*" >> notFollowedBy (char '$'))
c <- many (noneOf "*/")
skipMany1 (char '*'); char '/'
return $ TPTP_Comment (Comment_Block (lines c))
-- THF & THF0:
-- <defined_comment> ::- <def_comment_line>|<def_comment_block>
-- <def_comment_line> ::: [%]<dollar><printable_char>*
-- <def_comment_block> ::: [/][*]<dollar><not_star_slash>[*][*]*[/]
-- Data Type: DefinedComment
definedComment :: CharParser st TPTP_THF
definedComment = do
try (string "%$" >> notFollowedBy (char '$'))
c <- many printableChar
return $ TPTP_Defined_Comment (Defined_Comment_Line c)
<|> do
try (string "/*$" >> notFollowedBy (char '$'))
c <- many (noneOf "*/")
skipMany1 (char '*'); char '/'
return $ TPTP_Defined_Comment (Defined_Comment_Block (lines c))
-- THF & THF0:
-- <system_comment> ::- <sys_comment_line>|<sys_comment_block>
-- <sys_comment_line> ::: [%]<dollar><dollar><printable_char>*
-- <sys_comment_block> ::: [/][*]<dollar><dollar><not_star_slash>[*][*]*[/]
-- Data Type: SystemComment
systemComment :: CharParser st TPTP_THF
systemComment = do
tryString "%$$"
c <- many printableChar
return $ TPTP_System_Comment (System_Comment_Line c)
<|> do
tryString "/*$$"
c <- many (noneOf "*/")
skipMany1 (char '*'); char '/'
return $ TPTP_System_Comment (System_Comment_Block (lines c))
-- THF & THF0:
-- <include> ::= include(<file_name><formula_selection>).
-- <formula_selection> ::= ,[<name_list>] | <null>
-- Data Type: Include
include :: CharParser st TPTP_THF
include = do
key $ tryString "include"
fn <- fileName
fs <- formulaSelection
cParentheses; char '.'
return $ TPTP_Include (I_Include fn fs)
thfAnnotatedFormula :: CharParser st TPTP_THF
thfAnnotatedFormula = do
key $ tryString "thf"
n <- name; comma
fr <- formulaRole; comma
tf <- thfFormula
a <- annotations
cParentheses; char '.'
return $ TPTP_THF_Annotated_Formula n fr tf a
-- THF & THF0:
-- <annotations> ::= ,<source><optional_info> | <null>
annotations :: CharParser st Annotations
annotations = do
s <- source
oi <- optionalInfo
return $ Annotations s oi
<|> do
notFollowedBy (char ',');
return Null
-- THF & THF0:
-- <formula_role> ::= <lower_word>
-- <formula_role> :== axiom | hypothesis | definition | assumption |
-- lemma | theorem | conjecture | negated_conjecture |
-- plain | fi_domain | fi_functors | fi_predicates |
-- type | unknown
formulaRole :: CharParser st FormulaRole
formulaRole = do
r <- lowerWord
case r of
"axiom" -> return Axiom
"hypothesis" -> return Hypothesis
"definition" -> return Definition
"assumption" -> return Assumption
"lemma" -> return Lemma
"theorem" -> return Theorem
"conjecture" -> return Conjecture
"negated_conjecture" -> return Negated_Conjecture
"plain" -> return Plain
"fi_domain" -> return Fi_Domain
"fi_functors" -> return Fi_Functors
"fi_predicates" -> return Fi_Predicates
"type" -> return Type
"unknown" -> return Unknown
_ -> fail ("No such Role: " ++ r)
-- THF
-- <thf_formula> ::= <thf_logic_formula> | <thf_sequent>
-- THF0:
-- <thf_formula> ::= <thf_logic_formula> | <thf_typed_const>
thfFormula :: CharParser st THFFormula
thfFormula = fmap T0F_THF_Typed_Const thfTypedConst
<|> fmap TF_THF_Logic_Formula thfLogicFormula
<|> fmap TF_THF_Sequent thfSequent
-- THF:
-- <thf_logic_formula> ::= <thf_binary_formula> | <thf_unitary_formula> |
-- <thf_type_formula> | <thf_subtype>
-- THF0:
-- <thf_logic_formula> ::= <thf_binary_formula> | <thf_unitary_formula>
thfLogicFormula :: CharParser st THFLogicFormula
thfLogicFormula = fmap TLF_THF_Binary_Formula thfBinaryFormula
<|> fmap TLF_THF_Unitary_Formula thfUnitaryFormula
-- different position for unitary formula to prefer thf0 parse
<|> fmap TLF_THF_Type_Formula thfTypeFormula
<|> fmap TLF_THF_Sub_Type thfSubType
-- THF:
-- <thf_binary_formula> ::= <thf_binary_pair> | <thf_binary_tuple> |
-- <thf_binary_type>
-- <thf_binary_pair> ::= <thf_unitary_formula> <thf_pair_connective>
-- <thf_unitary_formula>
-- THF0:
-- <thf_binary_formula> ::= <thf_pair_binary> | <thf_tuple_binary>
-- <thf_pair_binary> ::= <thf_unitary_formula> <thf_pair_connective>
-- <thf_unitary_formula>
-- Note: For THF0
-- <thf_binary_pair> is used like <thf_pair_binary> and
-- <thf_binary_tuple> are used like <thf_tuple_binary>
thfBinaryFormula :: CharParser st THFBinaryFormula
thfBinaryFormula = fmap TBF_THF_Binary_Tuple thfBinaryTuple
<|> do
(uff, pc) <- try $ do
uff1 <- thfUnitaryFormula
pc1 <- thfPairConnective
return (uff1, pc1)
ufb <- thfUnitaryFormula
return $ TBF_THF_Binary_Pair uff pc ufb
<|> fmap TBF_THF_Binary_Type thfBinaryType
-- different position for binary type to prefer thf0 parse
-- THF:
-- <thf_binary_tuple> ::= <thf_or_formula> | <thf_and_formula> |
-- <thf_apply_formula>
-- THF0:
-- <thf_tuple_binary> ::= <thf_or_formula> | <thf_and_formula> |
-- <thf_apply_formula>
-- THF & THF0:
-- <thf_or_formula> ::= <thf_unitary_formula> <vline> <thf_unitary_formula> |
-- <thf_or_formula> <vline> <thf_unitary_formula>
-- <thf_and_formula> ::= <thf_unitary_formula> & <thf_unitary_formula> |
-- thf_and_formula> & <thf_unitary_formula>
-- <thf_apply_formula> ::= <thf_unitary_formula> @ <thf_unitary_formula> |
-- <thf_apply_formula> @ <thf_unitary_formula>
-- <vline> :== |
thfBinaryTuple :: CharParser st THFBinaryTuple
thfBinaryTuple = do -- or
uff <- try (thfUnitaryFormula << vLine)
ufb <- sepBy1 thfUnitaryFormula vLine
return $ TBT_THF_Or_Formula (uff : ufb)
<|> do -- and
uff <- try (thfUnitaryFormula << ampersand)
ufb <- sepBy1 thfUnitaryFormula ampersand
return $ TBT_THF_And_Formula (uff : ufb)
<|> do -- apply
uff <- try (thfUnitaryFormula << at)
ufb <- sepBy1 thfUnitaryFormula at
return $ TBT_THF_Apply_Formula (uff : ufb)
-- THF:
-- <thf_unitary_formula> ::= <thf_quantified_formula> | <thf_unary_formula> |
-- <thf_atom> | <thf_tuple> | <thf_let> |
-- <thf_conditional> | (<thf_logic_formula>)
-- note: thf let is currently not well defined and thus ommited
-- <thf_conditional> ::= $itef(<thf_logic_formula>,<thf_logic_formula>,
-- <thf_logic_formula>)
-- THF0:
-- <thf_unitary_formula> ::= <thf_quantified_formula> | <thf_abstraction> |
-- <thf_unary_formula> | <thf_atom> |
-- (<thf_logic_formula>)
-- <thf_abstraction> ::= <thf_lambda> [<thf_variable_list>] :
-- <thf_unitary_formula>
-- <thf_lambda> ::= ^
-- THF & THF0:
-- <thf_unary_formula> ::= <thf_unary_connective> (<thf_logic_formula>)
thfUnitaryFormula :: CharParser st THFUnitaryFormula
thfUnitaryFormula = fmap TUF_THF_Logic_Formula_Par (parentheses thfLogicFormula)
<|> fmap TUF_THF_Quantified_Formula thfQuantifiedFormula
<|> try thfUnaryFormula
<|> fmap TUF_THF_Atom thfAtom
<|> do
keyChar '^'
vl <- brackets thfVariableList; colon
uf <- thfUnitaryFormula
return $ T0UF_THF_Abstraction vl uf --added this for thf0
--changed positions of parses below to prefer th0
<|> fmap TUF_THF_Tuple thfTuple
<|> do
key $ tryString "$itef"; oParentheses
lf1 <- thfLogicFormula; comma
lf2 <- thfLogicFormula; comma
lf3 <- thfLogicFormula; cParentheses
return $ TUF_THF_Conditional lf1 lf2 lf3
-- THF:
-- <thf_quantified_formula> ::= <thf_quantifier> [<thf_variable_list>] :
-- <thf_unitary_formula>
-- THF0:
-- <thf_quantified_formula> ::= <thf_quantified_var> | <thf_quantified_novar>
-- <thf_quantified_var> ::= <quantifier> [<thf_variable_list>] :
-- <thf_unitary_formula>
-- <thf_quantified_novar> ::= <thf_quantifier> (<thf_unitary_formula>)
thfQuantifiedFormula :: CharParser st THFQuantifiedFormula
thfQuantifiedFormula = do
q <- quantifier
vl <- brackets thfVariableList; colon
uf <- thfUnitaryFormula
return $ T0QF_THF_Quantified_Var q vl uf --added this for thf0
<|> do
q <- thfQuantifier
uf <- parentheses thfUnitaryFormula
return $ T0QF_THF_Quantified_Novar q uf --added this for thf0
<|> do
q <- thfQuantifier
vl <- brackets thfVariableList; colon
uf <- thfUnitaryFormula
return $ TQF_THF_Quantified_Formula q vl uf
-- THF & THF0:
-- <thf_variable_list> ::= <thf_variable> |
-- <thf_variable>,<thf_variable_list>
thfVariableList :: CharParser st THFVariableList
thfVariableList = sepBy1 thfVariable comma
-- THF & THF0:
-- <thf_variable> ::= <thf_typed_variable> | <variable>
-- <thf_typed_variable> ::= <variable> : <thf_top_level_type>
thfVariable :: CharParser st THFVariable
thfVariable = do
v <- try (variable << colon)
tlt <- thfTopLevelType
return $ TV_THF_Typed_Variable v tlt
<|> fmap TV_Variable variable
-- THF0:
-- <thf_typed_const> ::= <constant> : <thf_top_level_type> |
-- (<thf_typed_const>)
thfTypedConst :: CharParser st THFTypedConst --added this for thf0
thfTypedConst = fmap T0TC_THF_TypedConst_Par (parentheses thfTypedConst)
<|> do
c <- try (constant << colon)
tlt <- thfTopLevelType
return $ T0TC_Typed_Const c tlt
thfUnaryFormula :: CharParser st THFUnitaryFormula
thfUnaryFormula = do
uc <- thfUnaryConnective
lf <- parentheses thfLogicFormula
return $ TUF_THF_Unary_Formula uc lf
-- THF:
-- <thf_type_formula> ::= <thf_typeable_formula> : <thf_top_level_type>
-- <thf_type_formula> :== <constant> : <thf_top_level_type>
thfTypeFormula :: CharParser st THFTypeFormula
thfTypeFormula = do
tp <- try (thfTypeableFormula << colon)
tlt <- thfTopLevelType
return $ TTF_THF_Type_Formula tp tlt
<|> do
c <- try (constant << colon)
tlt <- thfTopLevelType
return $ TTF_THF_Typed_Const c tlt
-- THF:
-- <thf_typeable_formula> ::= <thf_atom> | <thf_tuple> | (<thf_logic_formula>)
thfTypeableFormula :: CharParser st THFTypeableFormula
thfTypeableFormula = fmap TTyF_THF_Atom thfAtom
<|> fmap TTyF_THF_Tuple thfTuple
<|> fmap TTyF_THF_Logic_Formula (parentheses thfLogicFormula)
-- THF:
-- <thf_subtype> ::= <constant> <subtype_sign> <constant>
-- <subtype_sign> == <<
thfSubType :: CharParser st THFSubType
thfSubType = do
cf <- try (constant << key (string "<<"))
cb <- constant
return $ TST_THF_Sub_Type cf cb
-- THF:
-- <thf_top_level_type> ::= <thf_logic_formula>
-- THF0:
-- <thf_top_level_type> ::= <constant> | <variable> | <defined_type> |
-- <system_type> | <thf_binary_type>
thfTopLevelType :: CharParser st THFTopLevelType
thfTopLevelType = fmap T0TLT_THF_Binary_Type thfBinaryType
<|> fmap T0TLT_Constant constant
<|> fmap T0TLT_Variable variable
<|> fmap T0TLT_Defined_Type definedType
<|> fmap T0TLT_System_Type systemType
<|> fmap TTLT_THF_Logic_Formula thfLogicFormula
--added all except for this for thf0
-- THF:
-- <thf_unitary_type> ::= <thf_unitary_formula>
-- THF0:
-- <thf_unitary_type> ::= <constant> | <variable> | <defined_type> |
-- <system_type> | (<thf_binary_type>)
thfUnitaryType :: CharParser st THFUnitaryType
thfUnitaryType = fmap T0UT_Constant constant
<|> fmap T0UT_Variable variable
<|> fmap T0UT_Defined_Type definedType
<|> fmap T0UT_System_Type systemType
<|> fmap T0UT_THF_Binary_Type_Par (parentheses thfBinaryType)
<|> fmap TUT_THF_Unitary_Formula thfUnitaryFormula
--added all except for this for th0
-- THF:
-- <thf_binary_type> ::= <thf_mapping_type> | <thf_xprod_type> |
-- <thf_union_type>
-- <thf_xprod_type> ::= <thf_unitary_type> <star> <thf_unitary_type> |
-- <thf_xprod_type> <star> <thf_unitary_type>
-- <star> ::- *
-- <thf_union_type> ::= <thf_unitary_type> <plus> <thf_unitary_type> |
-- <thf_union_type> <plus> <thf_unitary_type>
-- <plus> ::- +
-- THF0:
-- <thf_binary_type> ::= <thf_mapping_type> | (<thf_binary_type>)
-- THF & THF0:
-- <thf_mapping_type> ::= <thf_unitary_type> <arrow> <thf_unitary_type> |
-- <thf_unitary_type> <arrow> <thf_mapping_type>
-- <arrow> ::- >
thfBinaryType :: CharParser st THFBinaryType
thfBinaryType = do
utf <- try (thfUnitaryType << arrow)
utb <- sepBy1 thfUnitaryType arrow
return $ TBT_THF_Mapping_Type (utf : utb)
<|> fmap T0BT_THF_Binary_Type_Par (parentheses thfBinaryType)
-- added this for thf0
<|> do -- xprodType
utf <- try (thfUnitaryType << star)
utb <- sepBy1 thfUnitaryType star
return $ TBT_THF_Xprod_Type (utf : utb)
<|> do -- unionType
utf <- try (thfUnitaryType << plus)
utb <- sepBy1 thfUnitaryType plus
return $ TBT_THF_Union_Type (utf : utb)
-- THF:
-- <thf_atom> ::= <term> | <thf_conn_term>
-- %----<thf_atom> can also be <defined_type> | <defined_plain_formula> |
-- %----<system_type> | <system_atomic_formula>, but they are syntactically
-- %----captured by <term>.
-- <system_atomic_formula> ::= <system_term>
-- THF0:
-- <thf_atom> ::= <constant> | <defined_constant> |
-- <system_constant> | <variable> | <thf_conn_term>
-- <defined_constant> ::= <atomic_defined_word>
-- <system_constant> ::= <atomic_system_word>
thfAtom :: CharParser st THFAtom
thfAtom = fmap T0A_Constant constant
<|> fmap T0A_Defined_Constant atomicDefinedWord
<|> fmap T0A_System_Constant atomicSystemWord
<|> fmap T0A_Variable variable
-- added all above for thf0
<|> fmap TA_THF_Conn_Term thfConnTerm
-- changed position to prefer thf0
<|> fmap TA_Defined_Type definedType
<|> fmap TA_Defined_Plain_Formula definedPlainFormula
<|> fmap TA_System_Type systemType
<|> fmap TA_System_Atomic_Formula systemTerm
<|> fmap TA_Term term
-- THF:
-- <thf_tuple> ::= [] | [<thf_tuple_list>]
-- <thf_tuple_list> ::= <thf_logic_formula> |
-- <thf_logic_formula>,<thf_tuple_list>
-- THFTupleList must not be empty
thfTuple :: CharParser st THFTuple
thfTuple = try ((oBracket >> cBracket) >> return [])
<|> brackets (sepBy1 thfLogicFormula comma)
-- THF:
-- <thf_sequent> ::= <thf_tuple> <gentzen_arrow> <thf_tuple> |
-- (<thf_sequent>)
-- <gentzen_arrow> ::= -->
thfSequent :: CharParser st THFSequent
thfSequent = fmap TS_THF_Sequent_Par (parentheses thfSequent)
<|> do
tf <- try (thfTuple << gentzenArrow)
tb <- thfTuple
return $ TS_THF_Sequent tf tb
-- <thf_conn_term> ::= <thf_pair_connective> | <assoc_connective> |
-- <thf_unary_connective>
-- THF0:
-- <thf_conn_term> ::= <thf_quantifier> | <thf_pair_connective> |
-- <assoc_connective> | <thf_unary_connective>
thfConnTerm :: CharParser st THFConnTerm
thfConnTerm = fmap TCT_THF_Pair_Connective thfPairConnective
<|> fmap TCT_Assoc_Connective assocConnective
<|> fmap TCT_THF_Unary_Connective thfUnaryConnective
<|> fmap T0CT_THF_Quantifier thfQuantifier
-- added for thf0
-- THF:
-- <thf_quantifier> ::= <fol_quantifier> | ^ | !> | ?* | @+ | @-
-- <fol_quantifier> ::= ! | ?
-- THF0:
-- <thf_quantifier> ::= !! | ??
thfQuantifier :: CharParser st THFQuantifier
thfQuantifier = (key (tryString "!!") >> return T0Q_PiForAll)
<|> (key (tryString "??") >> return T0Q_SigmaExists)
--added all above for thf0
<|> (keyChar '!' >> return TQ_ForAll)
<|> (keyChar '?' >> return TQ_Exists)
<|> (keyChar '^' >> return TQ_Lambda_Binder)
<|> (key (tryString "!>") >> return TQ_Dependent_Product)
<|> (key (tryString "?*") >> return TQ_Dependent_Sum)
<|> (key (tryString "@+") >> return TQ_Indefinite_Description)
<|> (key (tryString "@-") >> return TQ_Definite_Description)
<?> "thfQuantifier"
-- THF0:
-- <quantifier> ::= ! | ?
quantifier :: CharParser st Quantifier
quantifier = (keyChar '!' >> return T0Q_ForAll)
<|> (keyChar '?' >> return T0Q_Exists)
<?> "quantifier"
-- <thf_pair_connective> ::= <infix_equality> | <infix_inequality> |
-- <binary_connective>
-- <infix_equality> ::= =
-- <infix_inequality> ::= !=
-- THF0:
-- <thf_pair_connective> ::= <defined_infix_pred> | <binary_connective>
-- <defined_infix_pred> ::= = | !=
-- THF & THF0:
-- <binary_connective> ::= <=> | => | <= | <~> | ~<vline> | ~&
thfPairConnective :: CharParser st THFPairConnective
thfPairConnective = (key (tryString "!=") >> return Infix_Inequality)
<|> (key (tryString "<=>") >> return Equivalent)
<|> (key (tryString "=>") >> return Implication)
<|> (key (tryString "<=") >> return IF)
<|> (key (tryString "<~>") >> return XOR)
<|> (key (tryString "~|") >> return NOR)
<|> (key (tryString "~&") >> return NAND)
<|> (keyChar '=' >> return Infix_Equality)
<?> "pairConnective"
-- THF:
-- <thf_unary_connective> ::= <unary_connective> | !! | ??
-- THF0:
-- <thf_unary_connective> ::= <unary_connective>
-- THF & THF0:
-- <unary_connective> ::= ~
thfUnaryConnective :: CharParser st THFUnaryConnective
thfUnaryConnective = (keyChar '~' >> return Negation)
<|> (key (tryString "!!") >> return PiForAll)
<|> (key (tryString "??") >> return SigmaExists)
-- THF & THF0:
-- <assoc_connective> ::= <vline> | &
assocConnective :: CharParser st AssocConnective
assocConnective = (keyChar '|' >> return OR)
<|> (keyChar '&' >> return AND)
-- THF:
-- <defined_type> :== $oType | $o | $iType | $i | $tType |
-- $real | $rat | $int
-- THF0:
-- <defined_type> :== $oType | $o | $iType | $i | $tType
-- THF & THF0:
-- <defined_type> ::= <atomic_defined_word>
definedType :: CharParser st DefinedType
definedType = do
adw <- atomicDefinedWord
case adw of
"oType" -> return DT_oType
"o" -> return DT_o
"iType" -> return DT_iType
"i" -> return DT_i
"tType" -> return DT_tType
"real" -> return DT_real
"rat" -> return DT_rat
"int" -> return DT_int
_ -> fail ("No such definedType: " ++ adw)
-- THF & THF0:
-- <system_type> ::= <atomic_system_word>
systemType :: CharParser st SystemType
systemType = atomicSystemWord
-- THF:
-- <defined_plain_formula> ::= <defined_plain_term>
-- <defined_plain_formula> :== <defined_prop> | <defined_pred>(<arguments>)
definedPlainFormula :: CharParser st DefinedPlainFormula
definedPlainFormula = fmap DPF_Defined_Prop definedProp
<|> do
dp <- definedPred
a <- parentheses arguments
return $ DPF_Defined_Formula dp a
-- THF & THF0:
-- <defined_prop> :== <atomic_defined_word>
-- <defined_prop> :== $true | $false
definedProp :: CharParser st DefinedProp
definedProp = do
adw <- atomicDefinedWord
case adw of
"true" -> return DP_True
"false" -> return DP_False
_ -> fail ("No such definedProp: " ++ adw)
-- THF:
-- <defined_pred> :== <atomic_defined_word>
-- <defined_pred> :== $distinct |
-- $less | $lesseq | $greater | $greatereq |
-- $is_int | $is_rat
definedPred :: CharParser st DefinedPred
definedPred = do
adw <- atomicDefinedWord
case adw of
"distinct" -> return Disrinct
"less" -> return Less
"lesseq" -> return Lesseq
"greater" -> return Greater
"greatereq" -> return Greatereq
"is_int" -> return Is_int
"is_rat" -> return Is_rat
_ -> fail ("No such definedPred: " ++ adw)
-- THF:
-- <term> ::= <function_term> | <variable> | <conditional_term>
-- %----Conditional terms should only be used by TFF and not by THF.
-- Thus tey are not implemented.
term :: CharParser st Term
term = fmap T_Function_Term functionTerm
<|> fmap T_Variable variable
-- THF:
-- <function_term> ::= <plain_term> | <defined_term> | <system_term>
functionTerm :: CharParser st FunctionTerm
functionTerm = fmap FT_System_Term systemTerm
<|> fmap FT_Defined_Term definedTerm
<|> fmap FT_Plain_Term plainTerm
-- THF:
-- <plain_term> ::= <constant> | <functor>(<arguments>)
plainTerm :: CharParser st PlainTerm
plainTerm = try (do
f <- tptpFunctor
a <- parentheses arguments
return $ PT_Plain_Term f a)
<|> fmap PT_Constant constant
-- THF & THF0:
-- <constant> ::= <functor>
constant :: CharParser st Constant
constant = tptpFunctor
-- THF & THF0:
-- <functor> ::= <atomic_word>
tptpFunctor :: CharParser st TPTPFunctor
tptpFunctor = atomicWord
-- THF:
-- <defined_term> ::= <defined_atom> | <defined_atomic_term>
-- <defined_atomic_term> ::= <defined_plain_term>
definedTerm :: CharParser st DefinedTerm
definedTerm = fmap DT_Defined_Atomic_Term definedPlainTerm
<|> fmap DT_Defined_Atom definedAtom
-- THF:
-- <defined_atom> ::= <number> | <distinct_object>
definedAtom :: CharParser st DefinedAtom
definedAtom = fmap DA_Number number
<|> fmap DA_Distinct_Object distinctObject
-- THF:
-- <defined_plain_term> ::= <defined_constant> | <defined_functor>(<arguments>)
-- <defined_constant> ::= <defined_functor>
definedPlainTerm :: CharParser st DefinedPlainTerm
definedPlainTerm = try (do
df <- definedFunctor
a <- parentheses arguments
return $ DPT_Defined_Function df a)
<|> fmap DPT_Defined_Constant definedFunctor
-- THF:
-- <defined_functor> ::= <atomic_defined_word>
-- <defined_functor> :== $uminus | $sum | $difference | $product |
-- $quotient | $quotient_e | $quotient_t | $quotient_f |
-- $remainder_e | $remainder_t | $remainder_f |
-- $floor | $ceiling | $truncate | $round |
-- $to_int | $to_rat | $to_real
definedFunctor :: CharParser st DefinedFunctor
definedFunctor = do
adw <- atomicDefinedWord
case adw of
"uminus" -> return UMinus
"sum" -> return Sum
"difference" -> return Difference
"product" -> return Product
"quotient" -> return Quotient
"quotient_e" -> return Quotient_e
"quotient_t" -> return Quotient_t
"quotient_f" -> return Quotient_f
"floor" -> return Floor
"ceiling" -> return Ceiling
"truncate" -> return Truncate
"round" -> return Round
"to_int" -> return To_int
"to_rat" -> return To_rat
"to_real" -> return To_real
_ -> fail ("No such definedFunctor: " ++ adw)
-- THF:
-- <system_term> ::= <system_constant> | <system_functor>(<arguments>)
-- <system_constant> ::= <system_functor>
systemTerm :: CharParser st SystemTerm
systemTerm = try (do
sf <- systemFunctor
a <- parentheses arguments
return $ ST_System_Term sf a)
<|> fmap ST_System_Constant systemFunctor
-- THF:
-- <system_functor> ::= <atomic_system_word>
systemFunctor :: CharParser st SystemFunctor
systemFunctor = atomicSystemWord
-- THF & THF0:
-- <variable> ::= <upper_word>
variable :: CharParser st Variable
variable = do
u <- upper
an <- many alphaNum
return (u : an)
<?> "Variable"
-- THF:
-- <arguments> ::= <term> | <term>,<arguments>
-- at least one term is neaded
arguments :: CharParser st Arguments
arguments = sepBy1 term comma
-- THF & THF0:
-- <principal_symbol> :== <functor> | <variable>
principalSymbol :: CharParser st PrincipalSymbol
principalSymbol = fmap PS_Functor tptpFunctor
<|> fmap PS_Variable variable
-- THF & THF0:
-- <source> ::= <general_term>
-- <source> :== <dag_source> | <internal_source> | <external_source> |
-- unknown | [<sources>]
-- <internal_source> :== introduced(<intro_type><optional_info>)
-- <sources> :== <source> | <source>,<sources>
source :: CharParser st Source
source = (key (tryString "unknown") >> return S_Unknown)
<|> fmap S_Dag_Source dagSource
<|> fmap S_External_Source externalSource
<|> fmap S_Sources (sepBy1 source comma)
<|> do -- internal_source
key $ tryString "introduced"; oParentheses
it <- introType
oi <- optionalInfo; cParentheses
return $ S_Internal_Source it oi
-- THF & THF0:
-- <dag_source> :== <name> | <inference_record>
-- <inference_record> :== inference(<inference_rule>,<useful_info>,
-- [<parent_list>])
-- <inference_rule> :== <atomic_word>
-- <parent_list> :== <parent_info> | <parent_info>,<parent_list>
dagSource :: CharParser st DagSource
dagSource = do
key (tryString "inference"); oParentheses
ir <- atomicWord; comma
ui <- usefulInfo; comma
pl <- brackets (sepBy1 parentInfo comma)
return (DS_Inference_Record ir ui pl)
<|> fmap DS_Name name
-- THF & THF0:
-- <parent_info> :== <source><parent_details>
-- <parent_details> :== :<general_list> | <null>
parentInfo :: CharParser st ParentInfo
parentInfo = do
s <- source
pd <- parentDetails
return $ PI_Parent_Info s pd
parentDetails :: CharParser st (Maybe GeneralList)
parentDetails = fmap Just (colon >> generalList)
<|> (notFollowedBy (char ':') >> return Nothing)
-- THF & THF0:
-- <intro_type> :== definition | axiom_of_choice | tautology | assumption
introType :: CharParser st IntroType
introType = (key (tryString "definition") >> return IT_definition)
<|> (key (tryString "axiom_of_choice") >> return IT_axiom_of_choice)
<|> (key (tryString "tautology") >> return IT_tautology)
<|> (key (tryString "assumption") >> return IT_assumption)
-- THF & THF0:
-- <external_source> :== <file_source> | <theory> | <creator_source>
-- <theory> :== theory(<theory_name><optional_info>)
-- <creator_source> :== creator(<creator_name><optional_info>)
-- <creator_name> :== <atomic_word>
externalSource :: CharParser st ExternalSource
externalSource = fmap ES_File_Source fileSource
<|> do
key $ tryString "theory"; oParentheses
tn <- theoryName
oi <- optionalInfo; cParentheses
return $ ES_Theory tn oi
<|> do
key $ tryString "creator"; oParentheses
cn <- atomicWord
oi <- optionalInfo; cParentheses
return $ ES_Creator_Source cn oi
-- THF & THF0:
-- <file_source> :== file(<file_name><file_info>)
-- <file_info> :== ,<name> | <null>
fileSource :: CharParser st FileSource
fileSource = do
key $ tryString "file"; oParentheses
fn <- fileName
fi <- fileInfo; cParentheses
return $ FS_File fn fi
fileInfo :: CharParser st (Maybe Name)
fileInfo = fmap Just (comma >> name)
<|> (notFollowedBy (char ',') >> return Nothing)
-- THF & THF0:
-- <theory_name> :== equality | ac
theoryName :: CharParser st TheoryName
theoryName = (key (tryString "equality") >> return Equality)
<|> (key (tryString "ac") >> return Ac)
-- THF & THF0:
-- <optional_info> ::= ,<useful_info> | <null>
optionalInfo :: CharParser st OptionalInfo
optionalInfo = fmap Just (comma >> usefulInfo)
<|> (notFollowedBy (char ',') >> return Nothing)
-- THF & THF0:
-- <useful_info> ::= <general_list>
-- <useful_info> :== [] | [<info_items>]
-- <info_items> :== <info_item> | <info_item>,<info_items>
usefulInfo :: CharParser st UsefulInfo
usefulInfo = (oBracket >> cBracket >> return [])
<|> brackets (sepBy1 infoItem comma)
-- THF & THF0:
-- <info_item> :== <formula_item> | <inference_item> |
-- <general_function>
infoItem :: CharParser st InfoItem
infoItem = fmap II_Formula_Item formulaItem
<|> fmap II_Inference_Item inferenceItem
<|> fmap II_General_Function generalFunction
-- THF & THF0:
-- <formula_item> :== <description_item> | <iquote_item>
-- <description_item> :== description(<atomic_word>)
-- <iquote_item> :== iquote(<atomic_word>)
formulaItem :: CharParser st FormulaItem
formulaItem = do
key $ tryString "description"
fmap FI_Description_Item (parentheses atomicWord)
<|> do
key $ tryString "iquote"
fmap FI_Iquote_Item (parentheses atomicWord)
-- THF & THF0:
-- <inference_item> :== <inference_status> | <assumptions_record> |
-- <new_symbol_record> | <refutation>
-- <assumptions_record> :== assumptions([<name_list>])
-- <refutation> :== refutation(<file_source>)
-- <new_symbol_record> :== new_symbols(<atomic_word>,[<new_symbol_list>])
-- <new_symbol_list> :== <principal_symbol> |
-- <principal_symbol>,<new_symbol_list>
inferenceItem :: CharParser st InferenceItem
inferenceItem = fmap II_Inference_Status inferenceStatus
<|> do
key $ tryString "assumptions"
fmap II_Assumptions_Record (parentheses (brackets nameList))
<|> do
key $ tryString "new_symbols"; oParentheses
aw <- atomicWord; comma
nsl <- brackets (sepBy1 principalSymbol comma); cParentheses
return $ II_New_Symbol_Record aw nsl
<|> do
key $ tryString "refutation"
fmap II_Refutation (parentheses fileSource)
-- THF & THF0:
-- <inference_status> :== status(<status_value>) | <inference_info>
-- <inference_info> :== <inference_rule>(<atomic_word>,<general_list>)
-- <inference_rule> :== <atomic_word>
inferenceStatus :: CharParser st InferenceStatus
inferenceStatus = do
key $ tryString "status"
fmap IS_Status (parentheses statusValue)
<|> do
ir <- try (atomicWord << oParentheses)
aw <- atomicWord; comma
gl <- generalList; cParentheses
return $ IS_Inference_Info ir aw gl
-- THF & THF0:
-- <status_value> :== suc | unp | sap | esa | sat | fsa | thm | eqv | tac |
-- wec | eth | tau | wtc | wth | cax | sca | tca | wca |
-- cup | csp | ecs | csa | cth | ceq | unc | wcc | ect |
-- fun | uns | wuc | wct | scc | uca | noc
statusValue :: CharParser st StatusValue
statusValue = choice $ map (\ r -> key (tryString $ showStatusValue r)
>> return r) allStatusValues
allStatusValues :: [StatusValue]
allStatusValues =
[Suc, Unp, Sap, Esa, Sat, Fsa, Thm, Eqv, Tac,
Wec, Eth, Tau, Wtc, Wth, Cax, Sca, Tca, Wca,
Cup, Csp, Ecs, Csa, Cth, Ceq, Unc, Wcc, Ect,
Fun, Uns, Wuc, Wct, Scc, Uca, Noc]
showStatusValue :: StatusValue -> String
showStatusValue = map toLower . show
formulaSelection :: CharParser st (Maybe NameList)
formulaSelection = fmap Just (comma >> brackets nameList)
<|> (notFollowedBy (char ',') >> return Nothing)
-- THF & THF0:
-- <name_list> ::= <name> | <name>,<name_list>
-- the list must mot be empty
nameList :: CharParser st NameList
nameList = sepBy1 name comma
-- THF & THF0:
-- <general_term> ::= <general_data> | <general_data>:<general_term> |
-- <general_list>
generalTerm :: CharParser st GeneralTerm
generalTerm = do
gd <- try (generalData << notFollowedBy (char ':'))
return $ GT_General_Data gd
<|> do
gd <- try (generalData << colon)
gt <- generalTerm
return $ GT_General_Data_Term gd gt
<|> fmap GT_General_List generalList
-- THF & THF0:
-- <general_data> ::= <atomic_word> | <general_function> |
-- <variable> | <number> | <distinct_object> |
-- <formula_data>
-- <general_data> :== bind(<variable>,<formula_data>)
generalData :: CharParser st GeneralData
generalData = fmap GD_Variable variable
<|> fmap GD_Number number
<|> fmap GD_Distinct_Object distinctObject
<|> do
key $ tryString "bind"; oParentheses
v <- variable; comma
fd <- formulaData; cParentheses
return (GD_Bind v fd)
<|> fmap GD_General_Function generalFunction
<|> fmap GD_Atomic_Word atomicWord
<|> fmap GD_Formula_Data formulaData
-- THF & THF0:
-- <general_function> ::= <atomic_word>(<general_terms>)
-- general_terms must not be empty
generalFunction :: CharParser st GeneralFunction
generalFunction = do
aw <- atomicWord
gts <- parentheses generalTerms
return $ GF_General_Function aw gts
-- THF & THF0:
-- <formula_data> ::= $thf(<thf_formula>) | $tff(<tff_formula>) |
-- $fof(<fof_formula>) | $cnf(<cnf_formula>) |
-- $fot(<term>)
-- only thf is used here
formulaData :: CharParser st FormulaData
formulaData = fmap THF_Formula thfFormula
-- THF & THF0:
-- <general_list> ::= [] | [<general_terms>]
generalList :: CharParser st GeneralList
generalList = (try (oBracket >> cBracket) >> return [])
<|> brackets generalTerms
-- THF & THF0:
-- <general_terms> ::= <general_term> | <general_term>,<general_terms>
generalTerms :: CharParser st [GeneralTerm]
generalTerms = sepBy1 generalTerm comma
-- THF:
-- <name> ::= <atomic_word> | <integer>
-- <name> ::= <atomic_word> | <unsigned_integer>
name :: CharParser st Name
name = fmap T0N_Unsigned_Integer (unsignedInteger << skipAll)
--added for thf0
<|> fmap N_Integer (integer << skipAll)
<|> fmap N_Atomic_Word atomicWord
-- THF & THF0:
-- <atomic_word> ::= <lower_word> | <single_quoted>
atomicWord :: CharParser st AtomicWord
atomicWord = fmap A_Lower_Word lowerWord
<|> fmap A_Single_Quoted singleQuoted
<?> "lowerWord or singleQuoted"
-- THF & THF0:
-- <atomic_defined_word> ::= <dollar_word>
atomicDefinedWord :: CharParser st String
atomicDefinedWord = char '$' >> lowerWord
-- THF & THF0:
-- <atomic_system_word> ::= <dollar_dollar_word>
-- <dollar_dollar_word> ::- <dollar><dollar><lower_word>
-- <dollar> ::: [$]
atomicSystemWord :: CharParser st AtomicSystemWord
atomicSystemWord = tryString "$$" >> lowerWord
-- THF & THF0:
-- <number> ::= <integer> | <rational> | <real>
-- <real> ::- (<signed_real>|<unsigned_real>)
-- <signed_real> ::- <sign><unsigned_real>
-- <unsigned_real> ::- (<decimal_fraction>|<decimal_exponent>)
-- <rational> ::- (<signed_rational>|<unsigned_rational>)
-- <signed_rational> ::- <sign><unsigned_rational>
-- <unsigned_rational> ::- <decimal><slash><positive_decimal>
-- <integer> ::- (<signed_integer>|<unsigned_integer>)
-- <signed_integer> ::- <sign><unsigned_integer>
-- <unsigned_integer> ::- <decimal>
-- <decimal> ::- (<zero_numeric>|<positive_decimal>)
-- <positive_decimal> ::- <non_zero_numeric><numeric>*
-- <decimal_exponent> ::- (<decimal>|<decimal_fraction>)<exponent><decimal>
-- <decimal_fraction> ::- <decimal><dot_decimal>
-- <dot_decimal> ::- <dot><numeric><numeric>*
-- <sign> ::: [+-]
-- <dot> ::: [.]
-- <exponent> ::: [Ee]
-- <slash> ::: [/]
-- <zero_numeric> ::: [0]
-- <non_zero_numeric> ::: [1-9]
-- <numeric> ::: [0-9]
number :: CharParser st Number
number = fmap Num_Real (real << skipAll)
<|> fmap Num_Rational (rational << skipAll)
<|> fmap Num_Integer (integer << skipAll)
-- THF & THF0:
-- <file_name> ::= <single_quoted>
fileName :: CharParser st FileName
fileName = singleQuoted
-- THF & THF0:
-- <single_quoted> ::- <single_quote><sq_char><sq_char>*<single_quote>
-- <single_quote> ::: [']
-- <sq_char> ::: ([\40-\46\50-\133\135-\176]|[\\]['\\])
singleQuoted :: CharParser st SingleQuoted
singleQuoted = do
char '\''
s <- fmap concat $ many1 (tryString "\\\\" <|> tryString "\\'"
<|> tryString "\\\'"
<|> single ( satisfy (\ c -> printable c && notElem c ['\'', '\\'])))
keyChar '\''
return s
-- THF & THF0:
-- <distinct_object> ::- <double_quote><do_char>*<double_quote>
-- <do_char> ::: ([\40-\41\43-\133\135-\176]|[\\]["\\])
-- <double_quote> ::: ["]
distinctObject :: CharParser st DistinctObject
distinctObject = do
char '\"'
s <- fmap concat $ many1 (tryString "\\\\" <|> tryString "\\\""
<|> single ( satisfy (\ c -> printable c && notElem c ['\'', '\\'])))
keyChar '\"'
return s
-- THF & THF0:
-- <lower_word> ::- <lower_alpha><alpha_numeric>*
-- <alpha_numeric> ::: (<lower_alpha>|<upper_alpha>|<numeric>|[_])
-- <lower_alpha> ::: [a-z]
-- <upper_alpha> ::: [A-Z]
-- <numeric> ::: [0-9]
lowerWord :: CharParser st LowerWord
lowerWord = do
l <- lower
an <- many (alphaNum <|> char '_'); skipAll
return (l : an)
<?> "alphanumeric word with leading lowercase letter"
printableChar :: CharParser st Char
printableChar = satisfy printable
printable :: Char -> Bool
printable c = ord c >= 32 && ord c <= 126
-- Numbers
real :: CharParser st String
real = try (do
s <- oneOf "-+"
ur <- unsignedReal
return (s : ur))
<|> unsignedReal
<?> "(signed) real"
unsignedReal :: CharParser st String
unsignedReal = do
de <- try (do
d <- decimalFractional <|> decimal
e <- oneOf "Ee"
return (d ++ [e]))
ex <- decimal
return (de ++ ex)
<|> decimalFractional
<?> "unsigned real"
rational :: CharParser st String
rational = try (do
s <- oneOf "-+"
ur <- unsignedRational
return (s : ur))
<|> unsignedRational
<?> "(signed) rational"
unsignedRational :: CharParser st String
unsignedRational = do
d1 <- try (decimal << char '/')
d2 <- positiveDecimal
return (d1 ++ "/" ++ d2)
integer :: CharParser st String
integer = try (do
s <- oneOf "-+"
ui <- unsignedInteger
return (s : ui))
<|> unsignedInteger
<?> "(signed) integer"
unsignedInteger :: CharParser st String
unsignedInteger = try (decimal << notFollowedBy (oneOf "eE/."))
decimal :: CharParser st String
decimal = do
char '0'
notFollowedBy digit
return "0"
<|> positiveDecimal
<?> "single zero or digits"
positiveDecimal :: CharParser st String
positiveDecimal = do
nz <- satisfy (\ c -> isDigit c && c /= '0')
d <- many digit
return (nz : d)
<?> "positiv decimal"
decimalFractional :: CharParser st String
decimalFractional = do
dec <- try (decimal << char '.')
n <- many1 digit
return (dec ++ "." ++ n)
<?> "decimal fractional"
-- Some helper functions
skipAll :: CharParser st ()
skipAll = skipMany (skipMany1 space <|>
((comment <|> definedComment <|>
systemComment) >> return ()))
skipSpaces :: CharParser st ()
skipSpaces = skipMany space
key :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st ()
key = (>> skipAll)
keyChar :: Char -> CharParser st ()
keyChar = key . char
myManyTill :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st a -> CharParser st [a]
myManyTill p end = do
e <- end ; return [e]
<|> do
x <- p; xs <- myManyTill p end; return (x : xs)
-- Different simple symbols
vLine :: CharParser st ()
vLine = keyChar '|'
star :: CharParser st ()
star = keyChar '*'
plus :: CharParser st ()
plus = keyChar '+'
arrow :: CharParser st ()
arrow = keyChar '>'
comma :: CharParser st ()
comma = keyChar ','
colon :: CharParser st ()
colon = keyChar ':'
oParentheses :: CharParser st ()
oParentheses = keyChar '('
cParentheses :: CharParser st ()
cParentheses = keyChar ')'
parentheses :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st a
parentheses p = do
r <- try (oParentheses >> p)
return r
oBracket :: CharParser st ()
oBracket = keyChar '['
cBracket :: CharParser st ()
cBracket = keyChar ']'
brackets :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st a
brackets p = do
r <- try (oBracket >> p)
return r
ampersand :: CharParser st ()
ampersand = keyChar '&'
at :: CharParser st ()
at = keyChar '@'
gentzenArrow :: CharParser st ()
gentzenArrow = key $ string "-->"