ParseTHF.hs revision 7ea4e81c5409e0ed5d9879e370ac3d7457b5a37e
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : A abstract syntax for the TPTP-THF Syntax
Copyright : (c) A.Tsogias, DFKI Bremen 2011
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability :
Portability :
A parser for the TPTP-THF Input Syntax v5.1.0.1 taken from
-- bnf no_star_slash ist auch unverständlich
-- siehe newSymbolRecord und seine spezifikation. sollen ( als keychars behandelt werden?
-- nochmal generell soll <wort(> als ein token gelten oder dürfen vor der
-- klammer noch leerzeichen sein?
module THF.ParseTHF (parseTHF) where
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import THF.As
import Common.Parsec
import Data.Ratio
import Char
-- Parser
-- run is just a method for testing parseTHF
run :: IO ()
run = case (parse parseTHF "" " \n \n \n %$$hallo \n\n /*$$ vsdfgvsdou \n seld \n***/ \n /*$ skjfg \n\n */\n %$ lkdjfbhasdf \n") of
Left err -> do{ putStr "parse error at "
; print err
Right x -> print x
parseTHF :: Parser [TPTP_THF]
parseTHF = do
thf <- many (comment <|> definedComment <|> systemComment <|>
include <|> thfAnnotatedFormula)
skipSpaces; eof
return thf
-- wie verhalten sich comments in comments?
-- die lines sollten damit kein problem haben aber die blocks werden rummeckern
comment :: Parser TPTP_THF
comment = try (do
char '%'; notFollowedBy (char '$')
c <- many printableChar
return $ TPTP_Comment (Comment_Line c))
<|> try (do
char '/'; char '*'; notFollowedBy (char '$')
c <- many (noneOf "*/")
skipMany1 (char '*'); char '/'
return $ TPTP_Comment (Comment_Block (lines c)))
definedComment :: Parser TPTP_THF
definedComment = try (do
char '%'; char '$'; notFollowedBy (char '$')
c <- many printableChar
return $ TPTP_Defined_Comment (Defined_Comment_Line c))
<|> try (do
char '/'; char '*'; char '$'; notFollowedBy (char '$')
c <- many (noneOf "*/")
skipMany1 (char '*'); char '/'
return $ TPTP_Defined_Comment (Defined_Comment_Block (lines c)))
systemComment :: Parser TPTP_THF
systemComment = try (do
char '%'; char '$'; char '$'
c <- many printableChar
return $ TPTP_System_Comment (System_Comment_Line c))
<|> try (do
char '/'; char '*'; char '$'; char '$'
c <- many (noneOf "*/")
skipMany1 (char '*'); char '/'
return $ TPTP_System_Comment (System_Comment_Block (lines c)))
include :: Parser TPTP_THF
include = try (do
key $ string "include("
fn <- fileName
fs <- formulaSelection
string ")."
return $ TPTP_Include (I_Include fn fs))
thfAnnotatedFormula :: Parser TPTP_THF
thfAnnotatedFormula = try (do
key $ string "thf("
n <- name; comma
fr <- formulaRole; comma
tf <- thfFormula
a <- annotations
string ")."
return $ TPTP_THF_Annotated_Formula n fr tf a)
annotations :: Parser Annotations
annotations = try (do
s <- source
oi <- optionalInfo
return $ Annotations s oi)
<|> do
notFollowedBy (char ',');
return Null
formulaRole :: Parser FormulaRole
formulaRole = do
r <- lowerWord
case r of
"axiom" -> return Axiom
"hypothesis" -> return Hypothesis
"definition" -> return Definition
"assumption" -> return Assumption
"lemma" -> return Lemma
"theorem" -> return Theorem
"conjecture" -> return Conjecture
"negated_conjecture" -> return Negated_Conjecture
"plain" -> return Plain
"fi_domain" -> return Fi_Domain
"fi_functors" -> return Fi_Functors
"fi_predicates" -> return Fi_Predicates
"type" -> return Type
"unknown" -> return Unknown
_ -> fail ("No such Role: " ++ r)
thfFormula :: Parser THFFormula
thfFormula = try (thfLogicFormula >>= (return . TF_THF_Logic_Formula))
<|> (thfSequent >>= (return . TF_THF_Sequent))
thfLogicFormula :: Parser THFLogicFormula
thfLogicFormula = try (thfUnitaryFormula >>= (return . TLF_THF_Unitary_Formula))
<|> try(thfTypeFormula >>= (return . TLF_THF_Type_Formula))
<|> try (thfBinaryFormula >>= (return . TLF_THF_Binary_Formula))
<|> (thfSubType >>= (return . TLF_THF_Sub_Type))
thfBinaryFormula :: Parser THFBinaryFormula
thfBinaryFormula = try (thfBinaryPair >>= (return . TBF_THF_Binary_Pair))
<|> try (thfBinaryTuple >>= (return . TBF_THF_Binary_Tuple))
<|> (thfBinaryType >>= (return . TBF_THF_Binary_Type))
thfBinaryPair :: Parser THFBinaryPair
thfBinaryPair = do
uff <- thfUnitaryFormula
pc <- thfPairConnective
ufb <- thfUnitaryFormula
return $ TBP_THF_Binary_Pair uff pc ufb
thfBinaryTuple :: Parser THFBinaryTuple
thfBinaryTuple = try (thfOrFormula >>= (return . TBT_THF_Or_Formula))
<|> try (thfAndFormula >>= (return . TBT_THF_And_Formula))
<|> (thfApplyFormula >>= (return . TBT_THF_Apply_Formula))
thfOrFormula :: Parser THFOrFormula
thfOrFormula = try (do
uff <- thfUnitaryFormula
ufb <- thfUnitaryFormula
return $ TOF_THF_Or_Formula uff ufb)
<|> do
tof <- thfOrFormula
uf <- thfUnitaryFormula
return $ TOF_THF_Or_Formula_Il tof uf
thfAndFormula :: Parser THFAndFormula
thfAndFormula = try (do
uff <- thfUnitaryFormula
ufb <- thfUnitaryFormula
return $ TAF_THF_And_Formula uff ufb)
<|> do
af <- thfAndFormula
uf <- thfUnitaryFormula
return $ TAF_THF_And_Formula_Il af uf
thfApplyFormula :: Parser THFApplyFormula
thfApplyFormula = try (do
uff <- thfUnitaryFormula
ufb <- thfUnitaryFormula
return $ TApF_THF_Apply_Formula uff ufb)
<|> do
af <- thfApplyFormula
uf <- thfUnitaryFormula
return $ TApF_THF_Apply_Formula_Il af uf
thfUnitaryFormula :: Parser THFUnitaryFormula
thfUnitaryFormula = try (do
lf <- thfLogicFormula
return $ TUF_THF_Logic_Formula lf)
<|> try (thfQuantifiedFormula >>= (return . TUF_THF_Quantified_Formula))
<|> try (thfUnaryFormula >>= (return . TUF_THF_Unary_Formula))
<|> try (thfAtom >>= (return . TUF_THF_atom))
<|> try (thfTuple >>= (return . TUF_THF_Tuple))
<|> try (thfLet >>= (return . TUF_THF_Let))
<|> (thfConditional >>= (return . TUF_THF_Conditional))
thfQuantifiedFormula :: Parser THFQuantifiedFormula
thfQuantifiedFormula = do
q <- thfQuantifier
vl <- thfVariableList
cBracket; colon
uf <- thfUnitaryFormula
return $ TQF_THF_Quantified_Formula q vl uf
thfVariableList :: Parser THFVariableList
thfVariableList = try (do
v <- thfVariable
notFollowedBy (char ',')
return [v])
<|> do
v <- thfVariable
vl <-thfVariableList
return (v : vl)
thfVariable :: Parser THFVariable
thfVariable = try (thfTypedVariable >>= (return . TV_THF_Typed_Variable))
<|> (variable >>= (return . TV_Variable))
thfTypedVariable :: Parser THFTypedVariable
thfTypedVariable = do
v <- variable
tlt <- thfTopLevelType
return $ TTV_THF_Typed_Variable v tlt
thfUnaryFormula :: Parser THFUnaryFormula
thfUnaryFormula = do
uc <- thfUnaryConnective
lf <- thfLogicFormula
return $ TUnF_THF_Unary_Formula uc lf
thfTypeFormula :: Parser THFTypeFormula
thfTypeFormula = try (do
tp <- thfTypeableFormula
tlt <- thfTopLevelType
return $ TTF_THF_Type_Formula tp tlt)
<|> do
c <- constant
tlt <- thfTopLevelType
return $ TTF_THF_Role_Type c tlt
thfTypeableFormula :: Parser THFTypeableFormula
thfTypeableFormula = try (thfAtom >>= (return . TTyF_THF_Atom))
<|> try (thfTuple >>= (return . TTyF_THF_Tuple))
<|> (thfLogicFormula >>= (return . TTyF_THF_Logic_Formula))
thfSubType :: Parser THFSubType
thfSubType = do
cf <- constant
key $ string "<<"
cb <- constant
return $ TST_THF_Sub_Type cf cb
thfTopLevelType :: Parser THFTopLevelType
thfTopLevelType = thfLogicFormula
thfUnitaryType :: Parser THFUnitaryType
thfUnitaryType = thfUnitaryFormula
thfBinaryType :: Parser THFBinaryType
thfBinaryType = try (thfMappingType >>= (return . TBT_THF_Mapping_Type))
<|> try (thfXprodType >>= (return . TBT_THF_Xprod_Type))
<|> (thfUnionType >>= (return . TBT_THF_Union_Type))
thfMappingType :: Parser THFMappingType
thfMappingType = try (do
utf <- thfUnitaryType
utb <- thfUnitaryType
return $ TMT_THF_Mapping_Type utf utb)
<|> do
ut <- thfUnitaryType
mt <- thfMappingType
return $ TMT_THF_Mapping_Type_Il ut mt
thfXprodType :: Parser THFXprodType
thfXprodType = try (do
utf <- thfUnitaryType
utb <- thfUnitaryType
return $ TXT_THF_Xprod_Type utf utb)
<|> do
xt <- thfXprodType
ut <- thfUnitaryType
return $ TXT_THF_Xprod_Type_Il xt ut
thfUnionType :: Parser THFUnionType
thfUnionType = try (do
utf <- thfUnitaryType
utb <- thfUnitaryType
return $ TUT_THF_Union_Type utf utb)
<|> do
unt <- thfUnionType
ut <- thfUnitaryType
return $ TUT_THF_Union_Type_Il unt ut
thfAtom :: Parser THFAtom
thfAtom = try (definedType >>= (return . TA_Defined_Type))
<|> try (definedPlainFormula >>= (return . TA_Defined_Plain_Formula))
<|> try (atomicSystemWord >>= (return . TA_System_Type))
<|> try (systemTerm >>= (return . TA_System_Atomic_Formula))
<|> try (term >>= (return . TA_Term))
<|> (thfConnTerm >>= (return . TA_THF_Conn_Term))
thfTuple :: Parser THFTuple
thfTuple = try (do
oBracket; cBracket
return [])
<|> do
tl <- thfTupleList
return tl
thfTupleList :: Parser [THFUnitaryFormula]
thfTupleList = try (do
uf <- thfUnitaryFormula
notFollowedBy (char ',')
return [uf])
<|> do
uf <- thfUnitaryFormula
tl <- thfTupleList
return (uf : tl)
thfLet :: Parser THFLet
thfLet = do
key $ string ":="
ll <- thfLetList
cBracket; colon
uf <- thfUnitaryFormula
return $ TL_THf_Let ll uf
thfLetList :: Parser THFLetList
thfLetList = try (do
dv <- thfDefinedVar
notFollowedBy (char ',')
return [dv])
<|> do
dv <- thfDefinedVar
ll <-thfLetList
return (dv : ll)
thfDefinedVar :: Parser THFDefinedVar
thfDefinedVar = try (do
dv <- thfDefinedVar
return $ TDV_THF_Defined_Var_Bracketed dv)
<|> do
v <- thfVariable
key $ string ":="
lf <- thfLogicFormula
return $ TDV_THF_Defined_Var v lf
thfConditional :: Parser THFConditional
thfConditional = do
key $ string "$itef("
lf1 <- thfLogicFormula
lf2 <- thfLogicFormula
lf3 <- thfLogicFormula
return $ TC_THF_Conditional lf1 lf2 lf3
thfSequent :: Parser THFSequent
thfSequent = try (do
tf <- thfTuple
tb <- thfTuple
return $ TS_THF_Sequent tf tb)
<|> do
ts <- thfSequent
return $ TS_THF_Sequent_Bracketed ts
thfConnTerm :: Parser THFConnTerm
thfConnTerm = try (thfPairConnective >>= (return . TCT_THF_Pair_Connective))
<|> try (assocConnective >>= (return . TCT_Assoc_Connective))
<|> (thfUnaryConnective >>= (return . TCT_THF_Unary_Connective))
thfQuantifier :: Parser THFQuantifier
thfQuantifier = try ((keyChar '!') >> (return ForAll))
<|> try ((keyChar '?') >> (return Exists))
<|> try ((keyChar '^') >> (return Lambda_Binder))
<|> try ((key $ string "!>") >> (return Dependent_Product))
<|> try ((key $ string "?*") >> (return Dependent_Sum))
<|> try ((key $ string "@+") >> (return Indefinite_Description))
<|> ((key $ string "@-") >> (return Definite_Description))
thfPairConnective :: Parser THFPairConnective
thfPairConnective = try ((keyChar '=') >> (return Infix_Equality))
<|> try ((key $ string "!=") >> (return Infix_Inequality))
<|> try ((key $ string "<=>") >> (return Equivalent))
<|> try ((key $ string "=>") >> (return Implication))
<|> try ((key $ string "<=") >> (return IF))
<|> try ((key $ string "<~>") >> (return XOR))
<|> try ((key $ string "~|") >> (return NOR))
<|> ((key $ string "~&") >> (return NAND))
thfUnaryConnective :: Parser THFUnaryConnective
thfUnaryConnective = try (keyChar '~' >> return Negation)
<|> try (key (string "!!") >> return PiForAll)
<|> (key (string "??") >> return SigmaExists)
assocConnective :: Parser AssocConnective
assocConnective = try (keyChar '|' >> return OR)
<|> (keyChar '&' >> return AND)
definedType :: Parser DefinedType
definedType = do
adw <- atomicDefinedWord
case adw of
"oType" -> return DT_oType
"o" -> return DT_o
"iType" -> return DT_iType
"i" -> return DT_i
"tType" -> return DT_tType
"real" -> return DT_real
"rat" -> return DT_rat
"int" -> return DT_int
_ -> fail ("No such definedType: " ++ adw)
definedPlainFormula :: Parser DefinedPlainFormula
definedPlainFormula = try (definedProp >>= (return . DPF_Defined_Prop))
<|> do
dp <- definedPred
a <- arguments
return $ DPF_Defined_Formula dp a
definedProp :: Parser DefinedProp
definedProp = do
adw <- atomicDefinedWord
case adw of
"true" -> return DP_True
"false" -> return DP_False
_ -> fail ("No such definedProp: " ++ adw)
definedPred :: Parser DefinedPred
definedPred = do
adw <- atomicDefinedWord
case adw of
"equal" -> return DP_equal
"distinct" -> return DP_disrinct
"itef" -> return DP_itef
"less" -> return DP_less
"lesseq" -> return DP_lesseq
"greater" -> return DP_greater
"greatereq" -> return DP_greatereq
"evaleq" -> return DP_evaleq
"is_int" -> return DP_is_int
"is_rat" -> return DP_is_rat
_ -> fail ("No such definedPred: " ++ adw)
term :: Parser Term
term = try (functionTerm >>= (return . T_Function_Term))
<|> (variable >>= (return . T_Variable))
functionTerm :: Parser FunctionTerm
functionTerm = try (systemTerm >>= (return . FT_System_Term))
<|> try (definedTerm >>= (return . FT_Defined_Term))
<|> (plainTerm >>= (return . FT_Plain_Term))
plainTerm :: Parser PlainTerm
plainTerm = try (do
f <- tptpFunctor
a <- arguments
return $ PT_Plain_Term f a)
<|> (constant >>= (return . PT_Constant))
constant :: Parser Constant
constant = tptpFunctor
tptpFunctor :: Parser TPTPFunctor
tptpFunctor = atomicWord
definedTerm :: Parser DefinedTerm
definedTerm = try (definedAtomicTerm >>= (return . DT_Defined_Atomic_Term))
<|> (definedAtom >>= (return . DT_Defined_Atom))
definedAtom :: Parser DefinedAtom
definedAtom = try (number >>= (return . DA_Number))
<|> (distinctObject >>= (return . DA_Distinct_Object))
definedAtomicTerm :: Parser DefinedAtomicTerm
definedAtomicTerm = definedPlainTerm
definedPlainTerm :: Parser DefinedPlainTerm
definedPlainTerm = try (do
df <- definedFunctor
a <- arguments
return $ DPT_Defined_Function df a)
<|> (definedConstant >>= (return . DPT_Defined_Constant))
definedConstant :: Parser DefinedConstant
definedConstant = definedFunctor
definedFunctor :: Parser DefinedFunctor
definedFunctor = do
adw <- atomicDefinedWord
case adw of
"itett" -> return Itett
"uminus" -> return Uminus
"sum" -> return Sum
"difference" -> return Difference
"product" -> return Product
"to_int" -> return To_int
"to_rat" -> return To_rat
"to_real" -> return To_real
_ -> fail ("No such definedFunctor: " ++ adw)
systemTerm :: Parser SystemTerm
systemTerm = try (do
sf <- systemFunctor
a <- arguments
return $ ST_System_Term sf a)
<|> (systemConstant >>= (return . ST_System_Constant))
systemConstant :: Parser SystemConstant
systemConstant = systemFunctor
systemFunctor :: Parser SystemFunctor
systemFunctor = atomicSystemWord
variable :: Parser Variable
variable = do
u <- upper
an <- many alphaNum
return (u : an)
<?> "alphanumeric word with leading uppercase letter"
arguments :: Parser Arguments
arguments = try (do
t <- term
notFollowedBy (char ',')
return $ A_Term t)
<|> (do
t <- term
a <- arguments
return $ A_Arguments_Rec t a)
principalSymbol :: Parser PrincipalSymbol
principalSymbol = try (tptpFunctor >>= (return . PS_Functor))
<|> (variable >>= (return . PS_Variable))
source :: Parser Source
source = try ((key $ string "unknown") >> (return S_Unknown))
<|> try (dagSource >>= (return . S_Dag_Source))
<|> try (externalSource >>= (return . S_External_Source))
<|> try (sources >>= (return . S_Sources))
<|> do -- internal_source
key (string "introduced(")
it <- introType
oi <- optionalInfo
return (S_Internal_Source it oi)
sources :: Parser Sources
sources = try (do
s <- source;
notFollowedBy (char ',')
return [s])
<|> do
s <- source;
ss <- sources
return (s : ss)
dagSource :: Parser DagSource
dagSource = try (do
n <- name
return $ DS_Name n)
<|> do
key (string "inference(")
ir <- atomicWord; comma
ui <- usefulInfo; comma
pl <- parentList
return (DS_Inference_Record ir ui pl)
parentList :: Parser ParentList
parentList = try (do
pi <- parentInfo
notFollowedBy (char ',')
return [pi])
<|> do
pi <- parentInfo
pl <- parentList
return (pi : pl)
parentInfo :: Parser ParentInfo
parentInfo = do
s <- source
pd <- parentDetails
return $ PI_Parent_Info s pd
parentDetails :: Parser (Maybe GeneralList)
parentDetails = try (do
gl <- generalList
return $ Just gl)
<|> do
notFollowedBy (char ',')
return Nothing
introType :: Parser IntroType
introType = try ((key $ string "definition") >> (return IT_definition))
<|> try ((key $ string "axiom_of_choice") >> (return IT_axiom_of_choice))
<|> try ((key $ string "tautology") >> (return IT_tautology))
<|> ((key $ string "assumption") >> (return IT_assumption))
externalSource :: Parser ExternalSource
externalSource = try (do
fs <- fileSource
return $ ES_File_Source fs) -- das gleiche in kuerzer: try (fileSource >>= (return . ES_File_Source))
<|> try (do
key $ string "theory("
tn <- theoryName
oi <- optionalInfo
return $ ES_Theory tn oi)
<|> do
key $ string "creator("
cn <- atomicWord
oi <- optionalInfo
return $ ES_Creator_Source cn oi
fileSource :: Parser FileSource
fileSource = do
key $ string "file("
fn <- fileName
fi <- fileInfo
return $ FS_File fn fi
fileInfo :: Parser (Maybe Name)
fileInfo = try (do
n <- name
return $ Just n)
<|> do
notFollowedBy (char ',')
return Nothing
theoryName :: Parser TheoryName
theoryName = try (do
key $ string "equality"
return Equality)
<|> do
key $ string "ac"
return Ac
optionalInfo :: Parser OptionalInfo
optionalInfo = try (do
ui <- usefulInfo
return $ OI_Useful_Info ui)
<|> do
notFollowedBy (char ',')
return OI_Null
usefulInfo :: Parser UsefulInfo
usefulInfo = try (do
oBracket; cBracket
return [])
<|> do
iis <- infoItems
return iis
infoItems :: Parser [InfoItem]
infoItems = try (do
ii <- infoItem
notFollowedBy (char ',')
return [ii])
<|> do
ii <- infoItem
iis <- infoItems
return (ii : iis)
infoItem :: Parser InfoItem
infoItem = try (formulaItem >>= (return . II_Formula_Item))
<|> try(inferenceItem >>= (return . II_Inference_Item))
<|> (generalFunction >>= (return . II_General_Function))
formulaItem :: Parser FormulaItem
formulaItem = try (do
key $ string "description("
aw <- atomicWord
return $ FI_Description_Item aw)
<|> do
key $ string "iquote("
aw <- atomicWord
return $ FI_Iquote_Item aw
inferenceItem :: Parser InferenceItem
inferenceItem = try (inferenceStatus >>= (return . II_Inference_Status))
<|> try (assumptionRecord >>= (return . II_Assumptions_Record))
<|> try (newSymbolRecord >>= (return . II_New_Symbol_Record))
<|> (refutation >>= (return . II_Refutation))
inferenceStatus :: Parser InferenceStatus
inferenceStatus = try (do
string "status("
s <- statusValue
return $ IS_Status s)
<|> do
ir <- atomicWord
aw <- atomicWord
gl <- generalList
return $ IS_Inference_Info ir aw gl
statusValue :: Parser StatusValue
statusValue = choice $ map (\r -> key (tryString $ showStatusValue r)
>> return r) allStatusValues
allStatusValues :: [StatusValue]
allStatusValues =
[Suc, Unp, Sap, Esa, Sat, Fsa, Thm, Eqv, Tac,
Wec, Eth, Tau, Wtc, Wth, Cax, Sca, Tca, Wca,
Cup, Csp, Ecs, Csa, Cth, Ceq, Unc, Wcc, Ect,
Fun, Uns, Wuc, Wct, Scc, Uca, Noc]
showStatusValue :: StatusValue -> String
showStatusValue = map toLower . show
assumptionRecord :: Parser AssumptionRecord
assumptionRecord = do
key $ string "assumptions("
nl <- nameList
cBracket; cParentheses
return nl
refutation :: Parser Refutation
refutation = do
key $ string "refutation("
fs <- fileSource
return fs
newSymbolRecord :: Parser NewSymbolRecord
newSymbolRecord = do
key $ string "new_symbols("
aw <- atomicWord
comma; oBracket
nsl <- newSymbolList
cBracket; cParentheses
return $ NSR_New_Symbols aw nsl
newSymbolList :: Parser [PrincipalSymbol]
newSymbolList = try (do
ps <- principalSymbol
notFollowedBy (char ',')
return [ps])
<|> do
ps <- principalSymbol
nsl <- newSymbolList
return (ps : nsl)
formulaSelection :: Parser FormulaSelection
formulaSelection = try (do
comma; oBracket
n <- nameList
return (FS_Name_List n))
<|> do
notFollowedBy (char ',')
return FS_Null
nameList :: Parser NameList
nameList = try (do
n <- name
nl <- nameList
return (n : nl))
<|> do
n <- name
notFollowedBy (char ',')
return [n]
generalTerm :: Parser GeneralTerm
generalTerm = try (do
gd <- generalData
notFollowedBy (char ':')
return $ GT_General_Data gd)
<|> try (do
gd <- generalData
gt <- generalTerm
return $ GT_General_Data_Term gd gt)
<|> do
gl <- generalList
return $ GT_General_List gl
generalData :: Parser GeneralData
generalData = try (atomicWord >>= (return . GD_Atomic_Word))
<|> try (generalFunction >>= (return . GD_General_Function))
<|> try (variable >>= (return . GD_Variable))
<|> try (number >>= (return . GD_Number))
<|> try (distinctObject >>= (return . GD_Distinct_Object))
<|> try (formulaData >>= (return . GD_Formula_Data))
<|> do
key $ string "bind("
v <- variable
fd <- formulaData
return (GD_Bind v fd)
generalFunction :: Parser GeneralFunction
generalFunction = do
aw <- atomicWord
gts <- generalTerms
return $ GF_General_Function aw gts
formulaData :: Parser FormulaData
formulaData = thfFormula >>= (return .THF_Formula)
generalList :: Parser GeneralList
generalList = try (do
oBracket; cBracket
return [])
<|> do
gt <- generalTerms
return gt
generalTerms :: Parser [GeneralTerm]
generalTerms = try (do
gt <- generalTerm
notFollowedBy (char ',')
return [gt])
<|> do
gt <- generalTerm
gts <- generalTerms
return (gt : gts)
name :: Parser Name
name = try (do
aw <- atomicWord
return (N_Atomic_Word aw))
<|> do
i <- integer
return (N_Integer i)
atomicWord :: Parser AtomicWord
atomicWord = try (lowerWord)
<|> singleQuoted
<?> "lowerWord or singleQuoted"
atomicDefinedWord :: Parser String
atomicDefinedWord = do
char '$'
lw <- lowerWord
return lw
atomicSystemWord :: Parser AtomicSystemWord
atomicSystemWord = do
string "$$"
lw <- lowerWord
return lw
number :: Parser Number
number = try (do
r <- real; skipAll
return $ Num_Real r)
<|> try (do
r <- rational; skipAll
return $ Num_Rational r)
<|> do
i <- integer; skipAll
return $ Num_Integer i
fileName :: Parser FileName
fileName = singleQuoted
singleQuoted :: Parser String
singleQuoted = do
char '\''
s <- fmap concat $ many1 (tryString "\\\\" <|> tryString "\\\'" <|> (single $ satisfy (\c -> printable c && c /= '\'' && c /= '\\')))
keyChar '\''
return s
distinctObject :: Parser DistinctObject
distinctObject = do
char '\"'
s <- fmap concat $ many1 (tryString "\\\\" <|> tryString "\\\"" <|> (single $ satisfy (\c -> printable c && c /= '\"' && c /= '\\')))
keyChar '\"'
return s
lowerWord :: Parser String
lowerWord = do
l <- lower
an <- many alphaNum
return (l : an)
<?> "alphanumeric word with leading lowercase letter"
printableChar :: Parser Char
printableChar = satisfy printable
printable :: Char -> Bool
printable c = (ord c) >= 32 && (ord c) <= 126
-- Numbers
real :: Parser String
real = try (signedReal)
<|> unsignedReal
<?> "(signed) real"
signedReal :: Parser String
signedReal = do
s <- oneOf "-+"
ur <- unsignedReal
return (s : ur)
<?> "signed real"
unsignedReal :: Parser String
unsignedReal =
try (do
df <- decimalFractional;
notFollowedBy (oneOf "Ee")
return df)
<|> do
d <- ((try decimalFractional) <|> decimal)
e <- oneOf "Ee"
ex <- decimal
return (d ++ ([e]) ++ ex)
<?> "unsigned real"
rational :: Parser String
rational = do
s <- oneOf "-+"
ur <- unsignedRational
return (s : ur)
<|> do
ur <- unsignedRational
return ur
<?> "(signed) rational"
unsignedRational :: Parser String
unsignedRational = do
d1 <- decimal
s <- char '/'
d2 <- positiveDecimal
return (d1 ++ [s] ++ d2)
integer :: Parser String
integer = do
s <- oneOf "-+"
ui <- decimal
return (s : ui)
<|> do
i <- decimal
return i
<?> "(signed) integer"
decimal :: Parser String
decimal = try (do
char '0'; notFollowedBy digit
return "0")
<|> positiveDecimal
<?> "single zero or digits"
positiveDecimal :: Parser String
positiveDecimal = do
nz <- satisfy (\c -> isDigit c && c /= '0')
d <- many digit
return (nz : d)
<?> "positiv decimal"
decimalFractional :: Parser String
decimalFractional =
let toDouble a b = a + foldr (\c d -> c + d / 10) 0 (0 : b)
in do
dec <- decimal
dot <- char '.'
n <- many1 digit
return (dec ++ [dot] ++ n)
<?> "decimal fractional"
-- some helper functions
skipAll :: Parser ()
skipAll = skipMany ((skipMany1 space) <|> ((definedComment <|>
comment <|> systemComment) >> return ()))
skipSpaces :: Parser ()
skipSpaces = skipMany space
key :: Parser a -> Parser ()
key = (>> skipAll)
keyChar :: Char -> Parser ()
keyChar = key . char
-- symbols
vLine :: Parser ()
vLine = keyChar '|'
star :: Parser ()
star = keyChar '*'
plus :: Parser ()
plus = keyChar '+'
arrow :: Parser ()
arrow = keyChar '>'
comma :: Parser ()
comma = keyChar ','
colon :: Parser ()
colon = keyChar ':'
oParentheses :: Parser ()
oParentheses = keyChar '('
cParentheses :: Parser ()
cParentheses = keyChar ')'
oBracket :: Parser ()
oBracket = keyChar '['
cBracket :: Parser ()
cBracket = keyChar ']'
ampersand :: Parser ()
ampersand = keyChar '&'
at :: Parser ()
at = keyChar '@'
gentzenArrow :: Parser ()
gentzenArrow = key $ string "-->"
-- test
test :: String -> IO ()
test s = case (parse formulaRole "" s) of
Left err -> do{ putStr "parse error at "
; print err
Right x -> print x
filetest :: IO ()
filetest = do
f <- readFile "Test/testfile.p"
case (parse parseTHF "" f) of
Left err -> do{ putStr "parse error at "
; print err
Right x -> print x
parentheses :: Parser a -> Parser a
parentheses p = do
r <- p
return r