Logic_THF.hs revision 9d05f30775dd499da9e262b5c199b63c86cc239b
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Instance of class Logic for THF.
Copyright : (c) A. Tsogias, DFKI Bremen 2011
(c) Jonathan von Schroeder, DFKI Bremen 2012
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Jonathan von Schroeder <j.von_schroeder@dfki.de>
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic)
Instance of class Logic for THF.
module THF.Logic_THF where
import ATC.ProofTree ()
import Common.DefaultMorphism
import Common.ProofTree
import Common.ProverTools
import Data.Monoid
import Logic.Logic
import THF.ATC_THF ()
import THF.Cons
import THF.StaticAnalysisTHF
import THF.ProveLeoII
import THF.ProveIsabelle
import THF.ProveSatallax
import THF.Sign
import THF.Print
import THF.PrintTHF (printTPTPTHF)
import THF.ParseTHF
import THF.ParseTHF0
import qualified THF.Sublogic as SL
import THF.As (TPTP_THF (..))
-- TODO implement more instance methods
data THF = THF deriving Show
instance Language THF where
description _ =
"THF is a language for Higher Order Logic from the TPTP standard.\n" ++
"For further information please refer to" ++
instance Monoid BasicSpecTHF where
mempty = BasicSpecTHF []
mappend (BasicSpecTHF l1) (BasicSpecTHF l2) =
BasicSpecTHF $ l1 ++ l2
instance Logic.Logic.Syntax THF BasicSpecTHF () () where
parsersAndPrinters THF = addSyntax (show SL.THF0)
(fmap BasicSpecTHF parseTHF0,\(BasicSpecTHF a) -> printTPTPTHF a)
$ makeDefault (fmap BasicSpecTHF parseTHF,
\(BasicSpecTHF a) -> printTPTPTHF a)
-- remaining default implementations are fine!
instance Sentences THF SentenceTHF SignTHF MorphismTHF SymbolTHF where
map_sen THF _ = return
print_named THF = printNamedSentenceTHF
{- sym_name THF =
negation THF _ =
other default implementations are fine -}
instance StaticAnalysis THF BasicSpecTHF SentenceTHF () ()
SignTHF MorphismTHF SymbolTHF () where
basic_analysis THF = Just basicAnalysis
empty_signature THF = emptySign
signature_union THF = sigUnion
signatureDiff THF = sigDiff
intersection THF = sigIntersect
is_subsig THF _ _ = True
subsig_inclusion THF = defaultInclusion
{- In order to find the LeoII prover there must be an entry in the
PATH environment variable leading to the leo executable
(The executable leo.opt is not supported. In this case there should be a link
called leo, or something like that.) -}
instance Logic THF SL.THFSl BasicSpecTHF SentenceTHF () ()
SignTHF MorphismTHF SymbolTHF () ProofTree where
all_sublogics THF = SL.sublogics_all
stability THF = Testing
provers THF = [] ++ unsafeProverCheck "leo" "PATH" leoIIProver
++ unsafeProverCheck "isabelle" "PATH" isaProver
++ unsafeProverCheck "isabelle" "PATH" nitpickProver
++ unsafeProverCheck "isabelle" "PATH" refuteProver
++ unsafeProverCheck "isabelle" "PATH" sledgehammerProver
++ unsafeProverCheck "satallax" "PATH" satallaxProver
-- Sublogics
instance SemiLatticeWithTop SL.THFSl where
join = SL.join
top = SL.THF
instance MinSublogic SL.THFSl BasicSpecTHF where
map (\x -> case x of
TPTP_THF_Annotated_Formula _ _ f _ -> minSublogic f
_ -> SL.THF0
) xs
instance SublogicName SL.THFSl where
sublogicName = show
instance MinSublogic SL.THFSl SymbolTHF where
minSublogic = \ _ -> SL.THF --actually implement this!
instance MinSublogic SL.THFSl () where
minSublogic = \ _ -> SL.THF -- why do we need this?
instance MinSublogic SL.THFSl SignTHF where
minSublogic = \ _ -> SL.THF -- actually implement this!
instance MinSublogic SL.THFSl MorphismTHF where
minSublogic (MkMorphism s1 s2) = join (minSublogic s1)
(minSublogic s2)
instance ProjectSublogicM SL.THFSl SymbolTHF where
projectSublogicM _ _ = Nothing
instance ProjectSublogicM SL.THFSl () where
projectSublogicM _ _ = Nothing
instance ProjectSublogic SL.THFSl SignTHF where
projectSublogic _ i = i
instance ProjectSublogic SL.THFSl MorphismTHF where
projectSublogic _ i = i
instance ProjectSublogic SL.THFSl BasicSpecTHF where
projectSublogic _ i = i