Logic_THF.hs revision 55cf6e01272ec475edea32aa9b7923de2d36cb42
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Instance of class Logic for THF.
Copyright : (c) A. Tsogias, DFKI Bremen 2011
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Alexis.Tsogias@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic)
Instance of class Logic for THF.
module THF.Logic_THF where
import Logic.Logic
import ATC.ProofTree ()
import Common.ProofTree
import Common.ProverTools
import THF.ATC_THF ()
import THF.Cons
import THF.StaticAnalysisTHF
import THF.ProveLeoII
import THF.Sign
import THF.Print
-- TODO:
-- * Ask Till or Christian about other methods of the instances that are
-- important
data THF = THF deriving Show
instance Language THF where
description _ =
"THF is a Languag for Higher Order Logic from the TPTP standard.\n" ++
"For further information please refer to" ++
instance Logic.Logic.Syntax THF BasicSpecTHF () () where
parse_basic_spec THF = Just (basicSpec BSTHF0)
-- remaining default implementations are fine!
instance Sentences THF SentenceTHF SignTHF MorphismTHF SymbolTHF where
map_sen THF _ = return
print_named THF = printNamedSentenceTHF
-- sym_name THF =
-- negation THF _ =
-- other default implementations are fine
instance StaticAnalysis THF BasicSpecTHF SentenceTHF () ()
SignTHF MorphismTHF SymbolTHF () where
basic_analysis THF = Just basicAnalysis
empty_signature THF = emptySign
signature_union THF = sigUnion
signatureDiff THF = sigDiff
intersection THF = sigIntersect
-- is_subsig THF _ _ = True
-- subsig_inclusion THF = defaultInclusion
-- In order to find the LeoII prover there must be an entry in the
-- PATH environment variable leading to the leo executable
-- (The executable leo.opt is not supported. In this case there should be a link
-- callen leo, or something like that.)
instance Logic THF () BasicSpecTHF SentenceTHF () ()
SignTHF MorphismTHF SymbolTHF () ProofTree where
stability THF = Testing
provers THF = [] ++ unsafeProverCheck "leo" "PATH" leoIIProver