As.hs revision 7ea4e81c5409e0ed5d9879e370ac3d7457b5a37e
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : A abstract syntax for the TPTP-THF Syntax
Copyright : (c) A.Tsogias, DFKI Bremen 2011
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability :
Portability :
A Abstract Syntax for the TPTP-THF Input Syntax v5.1.0.1 taken from
module THF.As where
-- <TPTP_input> ::= <annotated_formula> | <include>
-- <thf_annotated> ::= thf(<name>,<formula_role>,<thf_formula><annotations>).
data TPTP_THF =
TPTP_THF_Annotated_Formula {ttaf_name :: Name,
ttaf_formula_role :: FormulaRole,
ttaf_thf_formula :: THFFormula,
ttaf_annotations :: Annotations}
| TPTP_Include Include
| TPTP_Comment Comment
| TPTP_Defined_Comment DefinedComment
| TPTP_System_Comment SystemComment
-- | TPTP_Empty_Line
deriving Show
-- <comment> ::- <comment_line>|<comment_block>
-- <comment_line> ::- [%]<printable_char>*
-- <comment_block> ::: [/][*]<not_star_slash>[*][*]*[/]
-- <not_star_slash> ::: ([^*]*[*][*]*[^/*])*[^*]*
data Comment =
Comment_Line String
| Comment_Block [String]
deriving Show
-- <defined_comment> ::- <def_comment_line>|<def_comment_block>
-- <def_comment_line> ::: [%]<dollar><printable_char>*
-- <def_comment_block> ::: [/][*]<dollar><not_star_slash>[*][*]*[/]
data DefinedComment =
Defined_Comment_Line String
| Defined_Comment_Block [String]
deriving Show
-- <system_comment> ::- <sys_comment_line>|<sys_comment_block>
-- <sys_comment_line> ::: [%]<dollar><dollar><printable_char>*
-- <sys_comment_block> ::: [/][*]<dollar><dollar><not_star_slash>[*][*]*[/]
data SystemComment =
System_Comment_Line String
| System_Comment_Block [String]
deriving Show
-- <include> ::= include(<file_name><formula_selection>).
data Include =
I_Include {file_name :: FileName,
formula_selection :: FormulaSelection}
deriving Show
-- <annotations> ::= ,<source><optional_info> | <null>
data Annotations =
Annotations {a_source :: Source,
a_optional_info :: OptionalInfo}
| Null
deriving Show
-- <formula_role> ::= <lower_word>
-- <formula_role> :== axiom | hypothesis | definition | assumption |
-- lemma | theorem | conjecture | negated_conjecture |
-- plain | fi_domain | fi_functors | fi_predicates |
-- type | unknown
data FormulaRole =
Axiom | Hypothesis | Definition | Assumption
| Lemma | Theorem | Conjecture | Negated_Conjecture
| Plain | Fi_Domain | Fi_Functors | Fi_Predicates
| Type | Unknown
deriving Show
-- <thf_formula> ::= <thf_logic_formula> | <thf_sequent>
data THFFormula =
TF_THF_Logic_Formula THFLogicFormula
| TF_THF_Sequent THFSequent
deriving Show
-- <thf_logic_formula> ::= <thf_binary_formula> | <thf_unitary_formula> |
-- <thf_type_formula> | <thf_subtype>
data THFLogicFormula =
TLF_THF_Binary_Formula THFBinaryFormula
| TLF_THF_Unitary_Formula THFUnitaryFormula
| TLF_THF_Type_Formula THFTypeFormula
| TLF_THF_Sub_Type THFSubType
deriving Show
-- <thf_binary_formula> ::= <thf_binary_pair> | <thf_binary_tuple> |
-- <thf_binary_type>
data THFBinaryFormula =
TBF_THF_Binary_Pair THFBinaryPair
| TBF_THF_Binary_Tuple THFBinaryTuple
| TBF_THF_Binary_Type THFBinaryType
deriving Show
-- <thf_binary_pair> ::= <thf_unitary_formula> <thf_pair_connective>
-- <thf_unitary_formula>
data THFBinaryPair =
TBP_THF_Binary_Pair {thf_unitary_formula_front :: THFUnitaryFormula,
thf_pair_connective :: THFPairConnective,
thf_unitary_formula_back :: THFUnitaryFormula}
deriving Show
-- <thf_binary_tuple> ::= <thf_or_formula> | <thf_and_formula> |
-- <thf_apply_formula>
data THFBinaryTuple =
TBT_THF_Or_Formula THFOrFormula
| TBT_THF_And_Formula THFAndFormula
| TBT_THF_Apply_Formula THFApplyFormula
deriving Show
-- <thf_or_formula> ::= <thf_unitary_formula> <vline> <thf_unitary_formula> |
-- <thf_or_formula> <vline> <thf_unitary_formula>
data THFOrFormula =
TOF_THF_Or_Formula THFUnitaryFormula THFUnitaryFormula
| TOF_THF_Or_Formula_Il THFOrFormula THFUnitaryFormula
deriving Show
-- <thf_and_formula> ::= <thf_unitary_formula> & <thf_unitary_formula> |
-- thf_and_formula> & <thf_unitary_formula>
data THFAndFormula =
TAF_THF_And_Formula THFUnitaryFormula THFUnitaryFormula
| TAF_THF_And_Formula_Il THFAndFormula THFUnitaryFormula
deriving Show
-- <thf_apply_formula> ::= <thf_unitary_formula> @ <thf_unitary_formula> |
-- <thf_apply_formula> @ <thf_unitary_formula>
data THFApplyFormula =
TApF_THF_Apply_Formula THFUnitaryFormula THFUnitaryFormula
| TApF_THF_Apply_Formula_Il THFApplyFormula THFUnitaryFormula
deriving Show
-- <thf_unitary_formula> ::= <thf_quantified_formula> | <thf_unary_formula> |
-- <thf_atom> | <thf_tuple> | <thf_let> |
-- <thf_conditional> | (<thf_logic_formula>)
data THFUnitaryFormula =
TUF_THF_Quantified_Formula THFQuantifiedFormula
| TUF_THF_Unary_Formula THFUnaryFormula
| TUF_THF_atom THFAtom
| TUF_THF_Tuple THFTuple
| TUF_THF_Conditional THFConditional
| TUF_THF_Logic_Formula THFLogicFormula
deriving Show
-- <thf_quantified_formula> ::= <thf_quantifier> [<thf_variable_list>] :
-- <thf_unitary_formula>
data THFQuantifiedFormula =
TQF_THF_Quantified_Formula {thf_quantifier :: THFQuantifier,
thf_variable_list :: THFVariableList,
thf_unitary_formula :: THFUnitaryFormula}
deriving Show
-- <thf_variable_list> ::= <thf_variable> |
-- <thf_variable>,<thf_variable_list>
-- THFVariableList must not be empty
type THFVariableList = [THFVariable]
-- <thf_variable> ::= <thf_typed_variable> | <variable>
data THFVariable =
TV_THF_Typed_Variable THFTypedVariable
| TV_Variable Variable
deriving Show
-- <thf_typed_variable> ::= <variable> : <thf_top_level_type>
data THFTypedVariable =
TTV_THF_Typed_Variable {ttv_variable :: Variable,
ttv_thf_top_level_type :: THFTopLevelType}
deriving Show
-- thf_unary_formula> ::= <thf_unary_connective> (<thf_logic_formula>)
data THFUnaryFormula =
TUnF_THF_Unary_Formula {thf_unary_connective :: THFUnaryConnective,
thf_logic_formula :: THFLogicFormula}
deriving Show
-- <thf_type_formula> ::= <thf_typeable_formula> : <thf_top_level_type>
-- <thf_type_formula> :== <constant> : <thf_top_level_type>
data THFTypeFormula =
TTF_THF_Type_Formula {ttf_thf_typeable_formula :: THFTypeableFormula,
ttf_thf_top_level_type :: THFTopLevelType}
| TTF_THF_Role_Type {ttf_constant :: Constant,
ttf_thf_top_level_type :: THFTopLevelType}
deriving Show
-- <thf_typeable_formula> ::= <thf_atom> | <thf_tuple> | (<thf_logic_formula>)
data THFTypeableFormula =
| TTyF_THF_Tuple THFTuple
| TTyF_THF_Logic_Formula THFLogicFormula
deriving Show
-- <thf_subtype> ::= <constant> <subtype_sign> <constant>
-- <subtype_sign> == <<
data THFSubType =
TST_THF_Sub_Type {constant_front :: Constant,
constant_back :: Constant}
deriving Show
-- <thf_top_level_type> ::= <thf_logic_formula>
type THFTopLevelType = THFLogicFormula
-- <thf_unitary_type> ::= <thf_unitary_formula>
type THFUnitaryType = THFUnitaryFormula
-- <thf_binary_type> ::= <thf_mapping_type> | <thf_xprod_type> |
-- <thf_union_type>
data THFBinaryType =
TBT_THF_Mapping_Type THFMappingType
| TBT_THF_Xprod_Type THFXprodType
| TBT_THF_Union_Type THFUnionType
deriving Show
-- <thf_mapping_type> ::= <thf_unitary_type> <arrow> <thf_unitary_type> |
-- <thf_unitary_type> <arrow> <thf_mapping_type>
-- <arrow> ::- >
data THFMappingType =
TMT_THF_Mapping_Type THFUnitaryType THFUnitaryType
| TMT_THF_Mapping_Type_Il THFUnitaryType THFMappingType
deriving Show
-- <thf_xprod_type> ::= <thf_unitary_type> <star> <thf_unitary_type> |
-- <thf_xprod_type> <star> <thf_unitary_type>
-- <star> ::- *
data THFXprodType =
TXT_THF_Xprod_Type THFUnitaryType THFUnitaryType
| TXT_THF_Xprod_Type_Il THFXprodType THFUnitaryType
deriving Show
-- <thf_union_type> ::= <thf_unitary_type> <plus> <thf_unitary_type> |
-- <thf_union_type> <plus> <thf_unitary_type>
-- <plus> ::- +
data THFUnionType =
TUT_THF_Union_Type THFUnitaryType THFUnitaryType
| TUT_THF_Union_Type_Il THFUnionType THFUnitaryType
deriving Show
-- <thf_atom> ::= <term> | <thf_conn_term>
-- %----<thf_atom> can also be <defined_type> | <defined_plain_formula> |
-- %----<system_type> | <system_atomic_formula>, but they are syntactically
-- %----captured by <term>.
-- <system_type> :== <atomic_system_word>
-- <system_atomic_formula> ::= <system_term>
data THFAtom =
TA_Term Term
| TA_THF_Conn_Term THFConnTerm
| TA_Defined_Type DefinedType
| TA_Defined_Plain_Formula DefinedPlainFormula
| TA_System_Type AtomicSystemWord
| TA_System_Atomic_Formula SystemTerm
deriving Show
-- <thf_tuple> ::= [] | [<thf_tuple_list>]
-- <thf_tuple_list> ::= <thf_unitary_formula> |
-- <thf_unitary_formula>,<thf_tuple_list>
-- THFTupleList must not be empty
type THFTuple = [THFUnitaryFormula]
-- <thf_let> ::= := [<thf_let_list>] : <thf_unitary_formula>
data THFLet =
TL_THf_Let {tl_thf_let_list :: THFLetList,
tl_thf_unitary_formula :: THFUnitaryFormula}
deriving Show
-- <thf_let_list> ::= <thf_defined_var> |
-- <thf_defined_var>,<thf_let_list>
-- THFLetList must not be empty
type THFLetList = [THFDefinedVar]
-- <thf_defined_var> ::= <thf_variable> := <thf_logic_formula> |
-- (<thf_defined_var>)
data THFDefinedVar =
TDV_THF_Defined_Var {tdv_thf_variable :: THFVariable,
tdv_thf_logic_formula :: THFLogicFormula}
| TDV_THF_Defined_Var_Bracketed THFDefinedVar
deriving Show
-- <thf_conditional> ::= $itef(<thf_logic_formula>,<thf_logic_formula>,
-- <thf_logic_formula>)
data THFConditional =
TC_THF_Conditional {tc_thf_logic_formula_1 :: THFLogicFormula,
tc_thf_logic_formula_2 :: THFLogicFormula,
tc_thf_logic_formula_3 :: THFLogicFormula}
deriving Show
-- <thf_sequent> ::= <thf_tuple> <gentzen_arrow> <thf_tuple> |
-- (<thf_sequent>)
-- <gentzen_arrow> ::= -->
data THFSequent =
TS_THF_Sequent {ts_thf_tuple_front :: THFTuple,
ts_thf_tuple_back :: THFTuple}
| TS_THF_Sequent_Bracketed THFSequent
deriving Show
-- <thf_conn_term> ::= <thf_pair_connective> | <assoc_connective> |
-- <thf_unary_connective>
data THFConnTerm =
TCT_THF_Pair_Connective THFPairConnective
| TCT_Assoc_Connective AssocConnective
| TCT_THF_Unary_Connective THFUnaryConnective
deriving Show
-- <thf_quantifier> ::= <fol_quantifier> | ^ | !> | ?* | @+ | @-
-- <fol_quantifier> ::= ! | ?
data THFQuantifier =
ForAll -- !
| Exists -- ?
| Lambda_Binder -- ^
| Dependent_Product -- !>
| Dependent_Sum -- ?*
| Indefinite_Description -- @+
| Definite_Description -- @-
deriving Show
-- <thf_pair_connective> ::= <infix_equality> | <infix_inequality> |
-- <binary_connective>
-- <binary_connective> ::= <=> | => | <= | <~> | ~<vline> | ~&
data THFPairConnective =
Infix_Equality -- =
| Infix_Inequality -- !=
| Equivalent -- <=>
| Implication -- =>
| IF -- <=
| XOR -- <~>
| NOR -- ~|
| NAND -- ~&
deriving Show
-- <thf_unary_connective> ::= <unary_connective> | !! | ??
-- <unary_connective> ::= ~
data THFUnaryConnective =
Negation -- ~
| PiForAll -- !!
| SigmaExists -- ??
deriving Show
-- <assoc_connective> ::= <vline> | &
data AssocConnective =
OR -- |
| AND -- &
deriving Show
-- <defined_type> ::= <atomic_defined_word>
-- <defined_type> :== $oType | $o | $iType | $i | $tType |
-- $real | $rat | $int
data DefinedType =
DT_oType | DT_o | DT_iType | DT_i
| DT_tType | DT_real | DT_rat | DT_int
deriving Show
-- <defined_plain_formula> ::= <defined_plain_term>
-- <defined_plain_formula> :== <defined_prop> | <defined_pred>(<arguments>)
data DefinedPlainFormula =
DPF_Defined_Prop DefinedProp
| DPF_Defined_Formula {dpf_defined_pred :: DefinedPred,
dpf_arguments :: Arguments}
deriving Show
-- <defined_prop> :== <atomic_defined_word>
-- <defined_prop> :== $true | $false
data DefinedProp =
DP_True | DP_False
deriving Show
-- <defined_pred> :== <atomic_defined_word>
-- <defined_pred> :== $equal | $distinct | $itef | $less |
-- $lesseq | $greater | $greatereq | $evaleq |
-- $is_int | $is_rat
data DefinedPred =
DP_equal | DP_disrinct | DP_itef | DP_less
| DP_lesseq | DP_greater | DP_greatereq | DP_evaleq
| DP_is_int | DP_is_rat
deriving Show
-- <term> ::= <function_term> | <variable> | <conditional_term>
-- %----Conditional terms should not be used by THF
data Term =
T_Function_Term FunctionTerm
| T_Variable Variable
deriving Show
-- <function_term> ::= <plain_term> | <defined_term> | <system_term>
data FunctionTerm =
FT_Plain_Term PlainTerm
| FT_Defined_Term DefinedTerm
| FT_System_Term SystemTerm
deriving Show
-- <plain_term> ::= <constant> | <functor>(<arguments>)
data PlainTerm =
PT_Constant Constant
| PT_Plain_Term {pt_functor :: TPTPFunctor,
pt_arguments :: Arguments}
deriving Show
-- Constanten besteheb aus einem kleinen Buchstabeun gefolgt von
-- alpfanumerischen Zeichen
-- <constant> ::= <functor>
type Constant = TPTPFunctor
-- <functor> ::= <atomic_word>
type TPTPFunctor = AtomicWord
-- <defined_term> ::= <defined_atom> | <defined_atomic_term>
data DefinedTerm =
DT_Defined_Atom DefinedAtom
| DT_Defined_Atomic_Term DefinedAtomicTerm
deriving Show
-- <defined_atom> ::= <number> | <distinct_object>
data DefinedAtom =
DA_Number Number
| DA_Distinct_Object DistinctObject
deriving Show
-- <defined_atomic_term> ::= <defined_plain_term>
type DefinedAtomicTerm = DefinedPlainTerm
-- <defined_plain_term> ::= <defined_constant> | <defined_functor>(<arguments>)
data DefinedPlainTerm =
DPT_Defined_Constant DefinedConstant
| DPT_Defined_Function {dpt_defined_functor :: DefinedFunctor,
dpt_arguments :: Arguments}
deriving Show
-- <defined_constant> ::= <defined_functor>
type DefinedConstant = DefinedFunctor
-- <defined_functor> ::= <atomic_defined_word>
-- <defined_functor> :== $itett | $uminus | $sum | $difference |
-- $product | $to_int | $to_rat | $to_real
data DefinedFunctor =
Itett | Uminus | Sum | Difference
| Product | To_int | To_rat | To_real
deriving Show
-- <system_term> ::= <system_constant> | <system_functor>(<arguments>)
data SystemTerm =
ST_System_Constant SystemConstant
| ST_System_Term {st_system_functor :: SystemFunctor,
st_arguments :: Arguments}
deriving Show
-- <system_constant> ::= <system_functor>
type SystemConstant = SystemFunctor
-- <system_functor> ::= <atomic_system_word>
type SystemFunctor = AtomicSystemWord
-- variablen bestehen aus einen großen buchstaben gefolgt von
-- alpfanumerischen zeichen
-- <variable> ::= <upper_word>
type Variable = String
-- <arguments> ::= <term> | <term>,<arguments>
data Arguments =
A_Term Term
| A_Arguments_Rec {a_term :: Term,
a_arguments :: Arguments}
deriving Show
-- <principal_symbol> :== <functor> | <variable>
data PrincipalSymbol =
PS_Functor TPTPFunctor
| PS_Variable Variable
deriving Show
-- <source> ::= <general_term>
-- <source> :== <dag_source> | <internal_source> | <external_source> |
-- unknown | [<sources>]
-- <internal_source> :== introduced(<intro_type><optional_info>)
data Source =
S_Dag_Source DagSource
| S_Internal_Source {is_intro_type :: IntroType,
is_optional_info :: OptionalInfo}
| S_External_Source ExternalSource
| S_Sources Sources
| S_Unknown
deriving Show
-- <sources> :== <source> | <source>,<sources>
-- Sources must not be empty
type Sources = [Source]
-- <dag_source> :== <name> | <inference_record>
-- <inference_record> :== inference(<inference_rule>,<useful_info>,
-- [<parent_list>])
-- <inference_rule> :== <atomic_word>
data DagSource =
DS_Name Name
| DS_Inference_Record {inference_rule :: AtomicWord,
useful_info :: UsefulInfo,
parent_list :: ParentList}
deriving Show
-- <parent_list> :== <parent_info> | <parent_info>,<parent_list>
-- ParentList must not be empty
type ParentList = [ParentInfo]
-- <parent_info> :== <source><parent_details>
-- <parent_details> :== :<general_list> | <null>
data ParentInfo =
PI_Parent_Info {pi_source :: Source,
piparent_detail :: (Maybe GeneralList)}
deriving Show
-- <intro_type> :== definition | axiom_of_choice | tautology | assumption
data IntroType =
IT_definition | IT_axiom_of_choice | IT_tautology | IT_assumption
deriving Show
-- <external_source> :== <file_source> | <theory> | <creator_source>
-- <theory> :== theory(<theory_name><optional_info>)
-- <creator_source> :== creator(<creator_name><optional_info>)
-- <creator_name> :== <atomic_word>
data ExternalSource =
ES_File_Source FileSource
| ES_Theory {theory_name :: TheoryName,
es_t_optional_info :: OptionalInfo}
| ES_Creator_Source {creator_name :: AtomicWord,
es_cs_optional_info :: OptionalInfo}
deriving Show
-- <file_source> :== file(<file_name><file_info>)
-- <file_info> :== ,<name> | <null>
data FileSource =
FS_File {fs_file_name :: FileName,
fs_file_info :: (Maybe Name)}
deriving Show
-- <theory_name> :== equality | ac
data TheoryName =
Equality | Ac
deriving Show
-- <optional_info> ::= ,<useful_info> | <null>
data OptionalInfo =
OI_Useful_Info UsefulInfo
| OI_Null
deriving Show
-- <useful_info> ::= <general_list>
-- <useful_info> :== [] | [<info_items>]
-- <info_items> :== <info_item> | <info_item>,<info_items>
type UsefulInfo = [InfoItem]
-- <info_item> :== <formula_item> | <inference_item> |
-- <general_function>
data InfoItem =
II_Formula_Item FormulaItem
| II_Inference_Item InferenceItem
| II_General_Function GeneralFunction
deriving Show
-- <formula_item> :== <description_item> | <iquote_item>
-- <description_item> :== description(<atomic_word>)
-- <iquote_item> :== iquote(<atomic_word>)
data FormulaItem =
FI_Description_Item AtomicWord
| FI_Iquote_Item AtomicWord
deriving Show
-- <inference_item> :== <inference_status> | <assumptions_record> |
-- <new_symbol_record> | <refutation>
data InferenceItem =
II_Inference_Status InferenceStatus
| II_Assumptions_Record AssumptionRecord
| II_New_Symbol_Record NewSymbolRecord
| II_Refutation Refutation
deriving Show
-- <inference_status> :== status(<status_value>) | <inference_info>
-- <inference_info> :== <inference_rule>(<atomic_word>,<general_list>)
-- <inference_rule> :== <atomic_word>
data InferenceStatus =
IS_Status StatusValue
| IS_Inference_Info {ii_inference_rule :: AtomicWord,
ii_atomic_word :: AtomicWord,
ii_general_List :: GeneralList}
deriving Show
-- <status_value> :== suc | unp | sap | esa | sat | fsa | thm | eqv | tac |
-- wec | eth | tau | wtc | wth | cax | sca | tca | wca |
-- cup | csp | ecs | csa | cth | ceq | unc | wcc | ect |
-- fun | uns | wuc | wct | scc | uca | noc
data StatusValue =
Suc | Unp | Sap | Esa | Sat | Fsa | Thm | Eqv | Tac
| Wec | Eth | Tau | Wtc | Wth | Cax | Sca | Tca | Wca
| Cup | Csp | Ecs | Csa | Cth | Ceq | Unc | Wcc | Ect
| Fun | Uns | Wuc | Wct | Scc | Uca | Noc
deriving Show
-- <assumptions_record> :== assumptions([<name_list>])
-- the list must not be empty
type AssumptionRecord = NameList
-- <refutation> :== refutation(<file_source>)
type Refutation = FileSource
-- <new_symbol_record> :== new_symbols(<atomic_word>,[<new_symbol_list>])
-- <new_symbol_list> :== <principal_symbol> |
-- <principal_symbol>,<new_symbol_list>
data NewSymbolRecord =
NSR_New_Symbols {atomic_word :: AtomicWord,
new_symbol_list :: [PrincipalSymbol]}
deriving Show
-- <formula_selection> ::= ,[<name_list>] | <null>
-- FS_Name_List must not be empty! For empty FormulaSelections
-- use FS_Null
data FormulaSelection =
| FS_Name_List NameList
deriving Show
-- <name_list> ::= <name> | <name>,<name_list>
-- the list must mot be empty
type NameList = [Name]
-- <general_term> ::= <general_data> | <general_data>:<general_term> |
-- <general_list>
data GeneralTerm =
GT_General_Data GeneralData
| GT_General_Data_Term {general_data :: GeneralData,
general_term :: GeneralTerm}
| GT_General_List GeneralList
deriving Show
-- <general_data> ::= <atomic_word> | <general_function> |
-- <variable> | <number> | <distinct_object> |
-- <formula_data>
-- <general_data> :== bind(<variable>,<formula_data>)
-- das zweite fehlt noch
data GeneralData =
GD_Atomic_Word AtomicWord
| GD_General_Function GeneralFunction
| GD_Variable Variable
| GD_Number Number
| GD_Distinct_Object DistinctObject
| GD_Formula_Data FormulaData
| GD_Bind {gd_variable :: Variable,
gd_formula_data :: FormulaData}
deriving Show
-- <general_function> ::= <atomic_word>(<general_terms>)
-- general_terms must not be empty
data GeneralFunction =
GF_General_Function {atpmic_word :: AtomicWord,
general_terms :: [GeneralTerm]}
deriving Show
-- <formula_data> ::= $thf(<thf_formula>) | $tff(<tff_formula>) |
-- $fof(<fof_formula>) | $cnf(<cnf_formula>) |
-- $fot(<term>)
-- only thf is used here
data FormulaData =
THF_Formula THFFormula
deriving Show
-- <general_list> ::= [] | [<general_terms>]
-- <general_terms> ::= <general_term> | <general_term>,<general_terms>
type GeneralList = [GeneralTerm]
-- <name> ::= <atomic_word> | <integer>
data Name =
N_Atomic_Word AtomicWord
| N_Integer String
deriving Show
-- <atomic_word> ::= <lower_word> | <single_quoted>
-- <lower_word> ::- <lower_alpha><alpha_numeric>*
-- <single_quoted> ::- <single_quote><sq_char><sq_char>*<single_quote>
-- <alpha_numeric> ::: (<lower_alpha>|<upper_alpha>|<numeric>|[_])
-- <single_quote> ::: [']
-- <sq_char> ::: ([\40-\46\50-\133\135-\176]|[\\]['\\])
-- <lower_alpha> ::: [a-z]
-- <upper_alpha> ::: [A-Z]
-- <numeric> ::: [0-9]
type AtomicWord = String
-- <atomic_system_word> ::= <dollar_dollar_word>
-- <dollar_dollar_word> ::- <dollar><dollar><lower_word>
-- <dollar> ::: [$]
-- <lower_word> ::- <lower_alpha><alpha_numeric>*
-- <lower_alpha> ::: [a-z]
-- <upper_alpha> ::: [A-Z]
-- <alpha_numeric> ::: (<lower_alpha>|<upper_alpha>|<numeric>|[_])
type AtomicSystemWord = String
-- <number> ::= <integer> | <rational> | <real>
data Number =
Num_Integer String
| Num_Rational String
| Num_Real String
deriving Show
-- <file_name> ::= <single_quoted>
type FileName = SingleQuoted
-- <single_quoted> ::- <single_quote><sq_char><sq_char>*<single_quote>
-- <single_quote> ::: [']
-- <sq_char> ::: ([\40-\46\50-\133\135-\176]|[\\]['\\])
type SingleQuoted = String
-- <distinct_object> ::- <double_quote><do_char>*<double_quote>
-- <do_char> ::: ([\40-\41\43-\133\135-\176]|[\\]["\\])
-- <double_quote> ::: ["]
type DistinctObject = String