ToXml.hs revision 96c4acc5e2c2e283ca1f61ffcd1df86fe7d3f933
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : xml output of Hets specification libaries
Copyright : (c) Ewaryst Schulz, Uni Bremen 2009
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Grothendieck)
Xml printing of Hets specification libaries
module Syntax.ToXml
) where
import Syntax.AS_Structured
import Syntax.AS_Library
import Syntax.Print_AS_Structured()
import Common.Id
import Common.Item
import Common.LibName
import Common.Result ()
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Text.XML.Light
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
-- one can add global annos if necessary
-- | Prints the Library to an xml string
printLibDefnXml :: GlobalAnnos -> LIB_DEFN -> String
printLibDefnXml ga ld = case toXml ga ld of
Elem e -> ppTopElement e
c -> ppContent c
-- if necessary replace Content by a custom data type
{- |
This class defines the interface for writing XML
class XmlPrintable a where
-- | render instance to an XML Element
toXml :: GlobalAnnos -> a -> Content
{- |
Use this class if you can render something as an xml element list
class XmlListPrintable a where
-- | render instance to an xml element list
toLst :: GlobalAnnos -> a -> [Content]
{- |
Use this class if you can render something as an xml attribute value
class PrintableAsXmlAttr a where
-- | render instance to an xml attribute value
toStr :: a -> String
class XmlAttrList a where
-- | Everything what can be output to an attribute list
mkAtts :: a -> [Attr]
-- for empty lists use this datatype
data Empty = Empty
instance XmlAttrList Empty where mkAtts _ = []
instance XmlListPrintable Empty where toLst _ _ = []
-- the trivial instances!
instance XmlPrintable Content where
toXml _ = id
instance XmlAttrList [Attr] where
mkAtts = id
instance XmlPrintable LIB_DEFN where
toXml ga (Lib_defn n il rg an) =
withRg rg $ mkEl "Lib" ["name", toStr n]
$ maybeToList (printAnnotations ga nullRange an [])
++ map (toXml ga . item) il
instance XmlPrintable LIB_ITEM where
toXml ga (Spec_defn n g as rg)
= withRg rg $ mkEl "Spec" ["name", toString n]
$ toLst ga g ++ [toXml ga as]
toXml ga (View_defn n g (View_type from to _) mapping rg)
= withRg rg $ mkEl "View" ["name", toString n]
$ toLst ga g ++ [mkPEl "From" [toXml ga from], mkPEl "To" [toXml ga to]]
++ toLst ga mapping
toXml ga (Download_items n mapping rg)
= withRg rg $ mkEl "Import" ["name", toString n] $ toLst ga mapping
toXml _ (Logic_decl n rg)
= withRg rg $ mkFEl "Logic" ["name", toStr n]
toXml _ x = mkComment $ take 15 (show x) ++ "- not Supported"
instance XmlPrintable (Annoted SPEC) where
toXml ga a@(Annoted s _ _ _) =
let mkAEl x y z = withAnno ga a $ mkEl x y z
mkAPEl x z = withAnno ga a $ mkPEl x z
in case s of
Basic_spec bs rg -> withRg rg $ mkAPEl "Basic" $ toLst ga bs
EmptySpec _ -> mkAPEl "Emptyspec" []
Translation as (Renaming m _) -> mkAPEl "Renaming"
$ toXml ga as : toLst ga m
Reduction as m -> mkAPEl "Restriction"
$ toXml ga as : toLst ga m
Union asl rg -> withRg rg $ mkAPEl "Union" $ toLst ga asl
Extension asl rg -> withRg rg $ mkAPEl "Extension"
$ toLst ga asl
Free_spec as rg -> withRg rg $ mkAPEl "Free" [toXml ga as]
Cofree_spec as rg -> withRg rg $ mkAPEl "Cofree" [toXml ga as]
Local_spec as ins rg -> withRg rg $ mkAPEl "Local"
[toXml ga as, toXml ga ins]
Closed_spec as rg -> withRg rg $ mkAPEl "Closed" [toXml ga as]
Group as rg -> withRg rg $ mkAPEl "Group" [toXml ga as]
Spec_inst n fa rg ->
withRg rg $ mkAEl "Inst" ["name", toString n] $ toLst ga fa
Qualified_spec ln as rg -> withRg rg $ mkAEl "Qualified"
["logic", toString ln] [toXml ga as]
Data _ _ _ _ _ -> mkComment "DATA not supported"
instance XmlPrintable (Annoted FIT_ARG) where
toXml ga a@(Annoted farg _ _ _) =
let mkAEl x y z = withAnno ga a $ mkEl x y z
mkAPEl x z = withAnno ga a $ mkPEl x z
in case farg of
Fit_spec as _ rg -> withRg rg $ mkAPEl "Fitspec" [toXml ga as]
Fit_view n fargs rg ->
withRg rg $ mkAEl "Fitview" ["name", toString n]
$ toLst ga fargs
instance XmlPrintable Annotation where
toXml _ x = withRg (getRange x) $ mkPEl "Annotation" [toText x]
instance XmlPrintable ITEM_NAME_OR_MAP where
toXml _ (Item_name name) = mkFEl "Item" ["name", toString name]
toXml _ (Item_name_map name as _)
= mkFEl "Item" ["name", toString name, "as", toString as]
instance XmlPrintable G_mapping where
toXml ga (G_symb_map l) = mkPEl "Mapping" $ toLst ga l
toXml _ (G_logic_translation lc) = mkFEl "Logictranslation" lc
instance XmlPrintable G_hiding where
toXml ga (G_symb_list l) = mkPEl "Hiding" $ toLst ga l
toXml _ (G_logic_projection lc) = mkFEl "Logicprojection" lc
instance PrintableAsXmlAttr LIB_NAME where
toStr l = case l of
Lib_version i _ -> toString i
Lib_id i -> toString i
instance PrintableAsXmlAttr Token where toStr = tokStr
instance PrintableAsXmlAttr Logic_name where toStr (Logic_name t _) = toStr t
instance XmlPrintable a => XmlListPrintable [a] where
toLst ga = map $ toXml ga
instance XmlListPrintable G_basic_spec where
toLst ga (G_basic_spec lid bs) =
let i = toItem lid bs
in map (fromAnno ga . fmap (itemToXml ga)) $ items i
instance XmlListPrintable GENERICITY where
toLst ga (Genericity (Params pl) (Imported il) _)
= let f n l = map (mkPEl n . (: []) . toXml ga) l
in f "Param" pl ++ f "Given" il
instance XmlListPrintable RESTRICTION where
toLst ga (Hidden m _) = toLst ga m
toLst ga (Revealed m _) = toLst ga m
instance XmlListPrintable G_symb_items_list where
toLst _ (G_symb_items_list _ l) = map toText l
instance XmlListPrintable G_symb_map_items_list where
toLst _ (G_symb_map_items_list _ l) = map toText l
instance XmlAttrList [String] where
mkAtts (x:y:l) = (Attr (unqual x) y) : mkAtts l
mkAtts _ = []
instance XmlAttrList [(String, String)] where
mkAtts ((x,y):l) = (Attr (unqual x) y) : mkAtts l
mkAtts _ = []
instance XmlAttrList Logic_code where
mkAtts (Logic_code enc src trg _)
= let f n o = fmap ((,) n . toStr) o
in mkAtts $ catMaybes
[f "encoding" enc, f "source" src, f "target" trg]
printAnnotated :: GlobalAnnos -> Annoted a -> Maybe Content
printAnnotated ga (Annoted _ rg la ra) = printAnnotations ga rg la ra
:: GlobalAnnos -> Range -> [Annotation] -> [Annotation] -> Maybe Content
printAnnotations _ _ [] [] = Nothing
-- TOCHECK: Annoted-Items have empty range for the moment
printAnnotations ga rg lan ran
= Just $ withRg rg $ mkPEl "Annotations"
$ let f n l = (case l of [] -> []
_ -> [printPXmlList ga n l])
in f "Left" lan ++ f "Right" ran
-- check if one can remove this by generalizing mkEl such as for attribs
printXmlList :: XmlPrintable a
=> GlobalAnnos -> String -> [String] -> [a] -> Content
printXmlList ga n attrs l = mkEl n attrs $ toLst ga l
printPXmlList :: XmlPrintable a => GlobalAnnos -> String -> [a] -> Content
printPXmlList ga n l = printXmlList ga n [] l
fromAnno :: XmlPrintable a => GlobalAnnos -> Annoted a -> Content
fromAnno ga a = withAnno ga a $ toXml ga $ item a
withAnno :: GlobalAnnos -> Annoted a -> Content -> Content
withAnno ga a c@(Elem e) = case printAnnotated ga a of
Just ac -> Elem $ e { elContent = ac : elContent e }
_ -> c
withAnno _ _ _ = error "withAnno only applies to elements"
withText :: String -> Content -> Content
withText s (Elem e) = Elem $ e { elContent = mkText s : elContent e }
withText _ _ = error "withText only applies to elements"
withAttrs :: [Attr] -> Content -> Content
withAttrs as (Elem e) = Elem $ add_attrs as e
withAttrs _ _ = error "withAttrs only applies to elements"
withRg :: Range -> Content -> Content
withRg rg c@(Elem e) =
case rangeToAttribs rg of [] -> c
as -> Elem $ add_attrs as e
withRg _ _ = error "withRg only applies to elements"
posString :: Pos -> String
posString (SourcePos _ l c) = show l ++ ":" ++ show c
rangeToAttribs :: Range -> [Attr]
rangeToAttribs (Range []) = []
rangeToAttribs (Range l) = [Attr (unqual "range") $ intercalate ","
$ map posString $ sortRange [] l]
toString :: Pretty a => a -> String
toString = show . pretty
toText :: Pretty a => a -> Content
toText = mkText . toString
mkComment :: String -> Content
mkComment s = Text $ CData CDataRaw ("<!-- \n" ++ s ++ "\n -->") Nothing
mkText :: String -> Content
mkText s = Text $ CData CDataText s Nothing
-- make element
mkEl :: XmlAttrList a => String -> a -> [Content] -> Content
mkEl n a c = Elem $ unode n (mkAtts a, c)
-- make final element (no children)
mkFEl :: XmlAttrList a => String -> a -> Content
mkFEl n a = mkEl n a []
-- make pure element (no attributes)
mkPEl :: String -> [Content] -> Content
mkPEl n c = mkEl n Empty c
mkAttr :: String -> String -> Attr
mkAttr n = Attr (unqual n)
itemToXml :: GlobalAnnos -> Item -> Content
itemToXml ga i =
let IT name attrs mdoc = itemType i
content = withRg (range i)
$ mkPEl name
$ map (fromAnno ga . fmap (itemToXml ga)) $ items i
in withAttrs (map (uncurry mkAttr) attrs) $ case mdoc of
Nothing -> content
Just d -> withText (show $ useGlobalAnnos ga d) content