ToXml.hs revision 91b3147021cbeebb0590f4a577acba73142785c5
1f80c0ba14aa3bf4526d68767c26116eb30ecaa8Christian Maeder{- |
8d97ef4f234681b11bb5924bd4d03adef858d2d2Christian MaederModule : $Header$
d23b0cc79c0d204e6ec758dff8d0ba71c9f693f7Christian MaederDescription : xml output of Hets specification libaries
06a671f19b2f76097ca4997268954721a831c527Christian MaederCopyright : (c) Ewaryst Schulz, Uni Bremen 2009
383aa66e5142365fe9b1f88b18c1da5b27cc8c04Christian MaederLicense : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
98890889ffb2e8f6f722b00e265a211f13b5a861Corneliu-Claudiu ProdescuMaintainer :
d23b0cc79c0d204e6ec758dff8d0ba71c9f693f7Christian MaederStability : provisional
3f69b6948966979163bdfe8331c38833d5d90ecdChristian MaederPortability : non-portable(Grothendieck)
d23b0cc79c0d204e6ec758dff8d0ba71c9f693f7Christian Maeder
d23b0cc79c0d204e6ec758dff8d0ba71c9f693f7Christian MaederXml printing of Hets specification libaries
d23b0cc79c0d204e6ec758dff8d0ba71c9f693f7Christian Maeder-}
d23b0cc79c0d204e6ec758dff8d0ba71c9f693f7Christian Maeder
d23b0cc79c0d204e6ec758dff8d0ba71c9f693f7Christian Maedermodule Syntax.ToXml
d23b0cc79c0d204e6ec758dff8d0ba71c9f693f7Christian Maeder (
f1c6047a6f86f75e1effd7dfa833e0f5bbd16330Christian Maeder printLibDefnXml
d23b0cc79c0d204e6ec758dff8d0ba71c9f693f7Christian Maeder ) where
ef9e8535c168d3f774d9e74368a2317a9eda5826Christian Maeder
705d04a6d3b01afd249f53397e5cbfa76fc0e179Christian Maederimport Syntax.AS_Structured
d23b0cc79c0d204e6ec758dff8d0ba71c9f693f7Christian Maederimport Syntax.AS_Library
d23b0cc79c0d204e6ec758dff8d0ba71c9f693f7Christian Maederimport Syntax.Print_AS_Structured()
1f80c0ba14aa3bf4526d68767c26116eb30ecaa8Christian Maeder
8d97ef4f234681b11bb5924bd4d03adef858d2d2Christian Maederimport Common.Id
d23b0cc79c0d204e6ec758dff8d0ba71c9f693f7Christian Maederimport Common.Item
64f2afbaadbbc9ffc4d10eb413325777f7e7fef8Christian Maederimport Common.LibName
64f2afbaadbbc9ffc4d10eb413325777f7e7fef8Christian Maederimport Common.Result ()
64f2afbaadbbc9ffc4d10eb413325777f7e7fef8Christian Maederimport Common.AS_Annotation
64f2afbaadbbc9ffc4d10eb413325777f7e7fef8Christian Maederimport Common.DocUtils
64f2afbaadbbc9ffc4d10eb413325777f7e7fef8Christian Maederimport Common.GlobalAnnotations
64f2afbaadbbc9ffc4d10eb413325777f7e7fef8Christian Maeder
1f80c0ba14aa3bf4526d68767c26116eb30ecaa8Christian Maederimport Logic.Logic
64f2afbaadbbc9ffc4d10eb413325777f7e7fef8Christian Maederimport Logic.Grothendieck
1f80c0ba14aa3bf4526d68767c26116eb30ecaa8Christian Maeder
64f2afbaadbbc9ffc4d10eb413325777f7e7fef8Christian Maederimport Text.XML.Light
64f2afbaadbbc9ffc4d10eb413325777f7e7fef8Christian Maeder
64f2afbaadbbc9ffc4d10eb413325777f7e7fef8Christian Maederimport Data.Maybe
64f2afbaadbbc9ffc4d10eb413325777f7e7fef8Christian Maederimport Data.List
64f2afbaadbbc9ffc4d10eb413325777f7e7fef8Christian Maeder
64f2afbaadbbc9ffc4d10eb413325777f7e7fef8Christian Maeder-- one can add global annos if necessary
-- | Prints the Library to an xml string
printLibDefnXml :: LIB_DEFN -> String
printLibDefnXml ld = case toXml ld of
Elem e -> ppTopElement e
c -> ppContent c
-- if necessary replace Content by a custom data type
{- |
This class defines the interface for writing XML
class XmlPrintable a where
-- | render instance to an XML Element
toXml :: a -> Content
{- |
Use this class if you can render something as an xml element list
class XmlListPrintable a where
-- | render instance to an xml element list
toLst :: a -> [Content]
{- |
Use this class if you can render something as an xml attribute value
class PrintableAsXmlAttr a where
-- | render instance to an xml attribute value
toStr :: a -> String
class XmlAttrList a where
-- | Everything what can be output to an attribute list
mkAtts :: a -> [Attr]
-- for empty lists use this datatype
data Empty = Empty
instance XmlAttrList Empty where mkAtts _ = []
instance XmlListPrintable Empty where toLst _ = []
-- the trivial instances!
instance XmlPrintable Content where
toXml = id
instance XmlAttrList [Attr] where
mkAtts = id
instance XmlPrintable LIB_DEFN where
toXml (Lib_defn n il rg an) =
withRg rg $ mkEl "Lib" ["name", toStr n]
$ maybeToList (printAnnotations nullRange an [])
++ map (toXml . item) il
instance XmlPrintable LIB_ITEM where
toXml (Spec_defn n g as rg)
= withRg rg $ mkEl "Spec" ["name", toString n]
$ toLst g ++ [toXml as]
toXml (View_defn n g (View_type from to _) mapping rg)
= withRg rg $ mkEl "View" ["name", toString n]
$ toLst g ++ [mkPEl "From" [toXml from], mkPEl "To" [toXml to]] ++
toLst mapping
toXml (Download_items n mapping rg)
= withRg rg $ mkEl "Import" ["name", toString n] $ toLst mapping
toXml (Logic_decl n rg)
= withRg rg $ mkFEl "Logic" ["name", toStr n]
toXml x = mkComment $ take 15 (show x) ++ "- not Supported"
instance XmlPrintable (Annoted SPEC) where
toXml a@(Annoted s _ _ _) =
let mkAEl x y z = withAnno a $ mkEl x y z
mkAPEl x z = withAnno a $ mkPEl x z
in case s of
Basic_spec bs rg -> withRg rg $ mkAPEl "Basic" $ toLst bs
EmptySpec _ -> mkAPEl "Emptyspec" []
Translation as (Renaming m _) -> mkAPEl "Renaming"
$ toXml as : toLst m
Reduction as m -> mkAPEl "Restriction"
$ toXml as : toLst m
Union asl rg -> withRg rg $ mkAPEl "Union" $ toLst asl
Extension asl rg -> withRg rg $ mkAPEl "Extension"
$ toLst asl
Free_spec as rg -> withRg rg $ mkAPEl "Free" [toXml as]
Cofree_spec as rg -> withRg rg $ mkAPEl "Cofree" [toXml as]
Local_spec as ins rg -> withRg rg $ mkAPEl "Local"
[toXml as, toXml ins]
Closed_spec as rg -> withRg rg $ mkAPEl "Closed" [toXml as]
Group as rg -> withRg rg $ mkAPEl "Group" [toXml as]
Spec_inst n fa rg ->
withRg rg $ mkAEl "Inst" ["name", toString n] $ toLst fa
Qualified_spec ln as rg -> withRg rg $ mkAEl "Qualified"
["logic", toString ln] [toXml as]
Data _ _ _ _ _ -> mkComment "DATA not supported"
instance XmlPrintable (Annoted FIT_ARG) where
toXml a@(Annoted farg _ _ _) =
let mkAEl x y z = withAnno a $ mkEl x y z
mkAPEl x z = withAnno a $ mkPEl x z
in case farg of
Fit_spec as _ rg -> withRg rg $ mkAPEl "Fitspec" [toXml as]
Fit_view n fargs rg ->
withRg rg $ mkAEl "Fitview" ["name", toString n]
$ toLst fargs
instance XmlPrintable Annotation where
toXml x = withRg (getRange x) $ mkPEl "Annotation" [toText x]
instance XmlPrintable ITEM_NAME_OR_MAP where
toXml (Item_name name) = mkFEl "Item" ["name", toString name]
toXml (Item_name_map name as _)
= mkFEl "Item" ["name", toString name, "as", toString as]
instance XmlPrintable G_mapping where
toXml (G_symb_map l) = mkPEl "Mapping" $ toLst l
toXml (G_logic_translation lc) = mkFEl "Logictranslation" lc
instance XmlPrintable G_hiding where
toXml (G_symb_list l) = mkPEl "Hiding" $ toLst l
toXml (G_logic_projection lc) = mkFEl "Logicprojection" lc
instance PrintableAsXmlAttr LIB_NAME where
toStr l = case l of
Lib_version i _ -> toString i
Lib_id i -> toString i
instance PrintableAsXmlAttr Token where toStr = tokStr
instance PrintableAsXmlAttr Logic_name where toStr (Logic_name t _) = toStr t
instance XmlPrintable a => XmlListPrintable [a] where
toLst = map toXml
instance XmlListPrintable G_basic_spec where
toLst (G_basic_spec lid bs) =
let i = toItem lid emptyGlobalAnnos bs
in map (fromAnno . fmap itemToXml) $ items i
instance XmlListPrintable GENERICITY where
toLst (Genericity (Params pl) (Imported il) _)
= let f n l = map (mkPEl n . (: []) . toXml) l
in f "Param" pl ++ f "Given" il
instance XmlListPrintable RESTRICTION where
toLst (Hidden m _) = toLst m
toLst (Revealed m _) = toLst m
instance XmlListPrintable G_symb_items_list where
toLst (G_symb_items_list _ l) = map toText l
instance XmlListPrintable G_symb_map_items_list where
toLst (G_symb_map_items_list _ l) = map toText l
instance XmlAttrList [String] where
mkAtts (x:y:l) = (Attr (unqual x) y) : mkAtts l
mkAtts _ = []
instance XmlAttrList [(String, String)] where
mkAtts ((x,y):l) = (Attr (unqual x) y) : mkAtts l
mkAtts _ = []
instance XmlAttrList Logic_code where
mkAtts (Logic_code enc src trg _)
= let f n o = fmap ((,) n . toStr) o
in mkAtts $ catMaybes
[f "encoding" enc, f "source" src, f "target" trg]
printAnnotated :: Annoted a -> Maybe Content
printAnnotated (Annoted _ rg la ra) = printAnnotations rg la ra
printAnnotations :: Range -> [Annotation] -> [Annotation] -> Maybe Content
printAnnotations _ [] [] = Nothing
-- TOCHECK: Annoted-Items have empty range for the moment
printAnnotations rg lan ran
= Just $ withRg rg $ mkPEl "Annotations"
$ let f n l = (case l of [] -> []
_ -> [printPXmlList n l])
in f "Left" lan ++ f "Right" ran
-- check if one can remove this by generalizing mkEl such as for attribs
printXmlList :: XmlPrintable a => String -> [String] -> [a] -> Content
printXmlList n attrs l = mkEl n attrs $ toLst l
printPXmlList :: XmlPrintable a => String -> [a] -> Content
printPXmlList n l = printXmlList n [] l
fromAnno :: XmlPrintable a => Annoted a -> Content
fromAnno a = withAnno a $ toXml $ item a
withAnno :: Annoted a -> Content -> Content
withAnno a c@(Elem e) = case printAnnotated a of
Just ac -> Elem $ e { elContent = ac : elContent e }
_ -> c
withAnno _ _ = error "withAnno only applies to elements"
withText :: String -> Content -> Content
withText s (Elem e) = Elem $ e { elContent = mkText s : elContent e }
withText _ _ = error "withText only applies to elements"
withAttrs :: [Attr] -> Content -> Content
withAttrs as (Elem e) = Elem $ add_attrs as e
withAttrs _ _ = error "withAttrs only applies to elements"
withRg :: Range -> Content -> Content
withRg rg c@(Elem e) =
case rangeToAttribs rg of [] -> c
as -> Elem $ add_attrs as e
withRg _ _ = error "withRg only applies to elements"
posString :: Pos -> String
posString (SourcePos _ l c) = show l ++ ":" ++ show c
rangeToAttribs :: Range -> [Attr]
rangeToAttribs (Range []) = []
rangeToAttribs (Range l) = [Attr (unqual "range") $ intercalate ","
$ map posString $ sortRange [] l]
toString :: Pretty a => a -> String
toString = show . pretty
toText :: Pretty a => a -> Content
toText = mkText . toString
mkComment :: String -> Content
mkComment s = Text $ CData CDataRaw ("<!-- \n" ++ s ++ "\n -->") Nothing
mkText :: String -> Content
mkText s = Text $ CData CDataText s Nothing
-- make element
mkEl :: XmlAttrList a => String -> a -> [Content] -> Content
mkEl n a c = Elem $ unode n (mkAtts a, c)
-- make final element (no children)
mkFEl :: XmlAttrList a => String -> a -> Content
mkFEl n a = mkEl n a []
-- make pure element (no attributes)
mkPEl :: String -> [Content] -> Content
mkPEl n c = mkEl n Empty c
mkAttr :: String -> String -> Attr
mkAttr n = Attr (unqual n)
itemToXml :: Item -> Content
itemToXml i =
let it = itemType i
attrName = getValueName it
attrValue = getValue it
content = withRg (range i)
$ mkPEl (getName it)
$ map (fromAnno . fmap itemToXml) $ items i
in if hasValue it then
if attrName == "value" then
withText attrValue content
withAttrs [mkAttr attrName attrValue] content
else content