ToXml.hs revision 8a3ab31caff2bc2ad9355680186a7dd4da5f73b5
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : xml output of Hets specification libaries
Copyright : (c) Ewaryst Schulz, Uni Bremen 2009
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Grothendieck)
Xml printing of Hets specification libaries
module Syntax.ToXml (xmlLibDefn) where
import Syntax.AS_Structured
import Syntax.AS_Library
import Syntax.Print_AS_Library ()
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Id
import Common.Item
import Common.LibName
import Common.Result
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.ToXml
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Text.XML.Light
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
xmlLibDefn :: GlobalAnnos -> LIB_DEFN -> Element
xmlLibDefn ga (Lib_defn n il rg an) =
add_attrs (mkNameAttr (show $ getLibId n) : rgAttrs rg)
$ unode "Lib" $ annos "Global" ga an ++ map (annoted libItem ga) il
libItem :: GlobalAnnos -> LIB_ITEM -> Element
libItem ga li = case li of
Spec_defn n g as rg ->
add_attrs (mkNameAttr (tokStr n) : rgAttrs rg)
$ unode "SpecDefn" $ genericity ga g ++ [annoted spec ga as]
View_defn n g (View_type from to _) mapping rg ->
add_attrs (mkNameAttr (tokStr n) : rgAttrs rg)
$ unode "ViewDefn" $ genericity ga g
++ [ unode "Source" $ annoted spec ga from
, unode "Target" $ annoted spec ga to ]
++ concatMap (gmapping ga) mapping
Download_items n mapping rg ->
add_attrs (mkNameAttr (show $ getLibId n) : rgAttrs rg)
$ unode "Import" $ map itemNameOrMap mapping
Logic_decl n rg ->
add_attrs (mkNameAttr (showDoc n "") : rgAttrs rg)
$ unode "Logic" ()
_ -> prettyElem "Unsupported" ga li
spec :: GlobalAnnos -> SPEC -> Element
spec ga s = case s of
Basic_spec bs rg -> withRg rg $ gBasicSpec ga bs
EmptySpec rg -> withRg rg $ unode "Empty" ()
Translation as (Renaming m _) ->
unode "Translation" $ annoted spec ga as : concatMap (gmapping ga) m
Reduction as m ->
unode "Restriction" $ annoted spec ga as : restriction ga m
Union asl rg -> withRg rg $ unode "Union"
$ map (unode "Spec" . annoted spec ga) asl
Extension asl rg -> withRg rg $ unode "Extension"
$ map (unode "Spec" . annoted spec ga) asl
Free_spec as rg -> withRg rg $ unode "Free" $ annoted spec ga as
Cofree_spec as rg -> withRg rg $ unode "Cofree" $ annoted spec ga as
Local_spec as ins rg -> withRg rg $ unode "Local"
[unode "Spec" $ annoted spec ga as, unode "Within" $ annoted spec ga ins]
Closed_spec as rg -> withRg rg $ unode "Closed" $ annoted spec ga as
Group as rg -> withRg rg $ unode "Group" $ annoted spec ga as
Spec_inst n fa rg ->
add_attrs (mkNameAttr (tokStr n) : rgAttrs rg)
$ unode "Actuals" $ map (annoted fitArg ga) fa
Qualified_spec ln as rg -> withRg rg $ unode "Qualified"
[prettyElem "Logic" ga ln, annoted spec ga as]
Data l1 _ s1 s2 rg ->
add_attrs (mkAttr "data-logic" (show l1) : rgAttrs rg)
$ unode "Data" [annoted spec ga s1, annoted spec ga s2]
fitArg :: GlobalAnnos -> FIT_ARG -> Element
fitArg ga fa = case fa of
Fit_spec as m rg -> withRg rg $ unode "Spec"
$ annoted spec ga as : concatMap (gmapping ga) m
Fit_view n fargs rg ->
add_attrs (mkNameAttr (tokStr n) : rgAttrs rg)
$ unode "Spec" $ unode "Actuals" $ map (annoted fitArg ga) fargs
itemNameOrMap :: ITEM_NAME_OR_MAP -> Element
itemNameOrMap itm = (case itm of
Item_name name -> add_attr (mkNameAttr $ tokStr name)
Item_name_map name as _ ->
add_attrs [mkNameAttr $ tokStr name, mkAttr "as" $ tokStr as])
$ unode "Item" ()
gmapping :: GlobalAnnos -> G_mapping -> [Element]
gmapping ga gm = case gm of
G_symb_map l -> subnodes "Mapping" $ gSymbMapItemList ga l
G_logic_translation lc -> [ add_attrs (logicCode lc)
$ unode "Logictranslation" () ]
ghiding :: GlobalAnnos -> G_hiding -> Element
ghiding ga gm = case gm of
G_symb_list l -> unode "Hiding" $ gSymbItemList ga l
G_logic_projection lc -> add_attrs (logicCode lc)
$ unode "Logicprojection" ()
gBasicSpec :: GlobalAnnos -> G_basic_spec -> Element
gBasicSpec ga (G_basic_spec lid bs) = itemToXml ga $ toItem lid bs
genericity :: GlobalAnnos -> GENERICITY -> [Element]
genericity ga (Genericity (Params pl) (Imported il) rg) =
if null pl then [] else
unode "Parameters" (spec ga $ Union pl rg)
: if null il then [] else
[ unode "Imports" $ spec ga $ Union il rg ]
restriction :: GlobalAnnos -> RESTRICTION -> [Element]
restriction ga restr = case restr of
Hidden m _ -> map (ghiding ga) m
Revealed m _ -> gSymbMapItemList ga m
gSymbItemList :: GlobalAnnos -> G_symb_items_list -> [Element]
gSymbItemList ga (G_symb_items_list _ l) = map (prettyElem "SymbItems" ga) l
gSymbMapItemList :: GlobalAnnos -> G_symb_map_items_list -> [Element]
gSymbMapItemList ga (G_symb_map_items_list _ l) =
map (prettyElem "SymbMapItems" ga) l
logicCode :: Logic_code -> [Attr]
logicCode (Logic_code enc src trg _) =
(case enc of
Nothing -> []
Just t -> [mkAttr "encoding" $ tokStr t])
++ (case src of
Nothing -> []
Just l -> [mkAttr "source" $ show $ pretty l])
++ case trg of
Nothing -> []
Just l -> [mkAttr "target" $ show $ pretty l]
isEmptyItem :: Annoted Item -> Bool
isEmptyItem ai =
let i = item ai
IT _ attrs mdoc = itemType i
in null (rgAttrs $ range i) && null attrs && isNothing mdoc
&& null (l_annos ai) && null (r_annos ai)
&& all isEmptyItem (items i)
itemToXml :: GlobalAnnos -> Item -> Element
itemToXml ga i =
let IT name attrs mdoc = itemType i
in add_attrs (map (uncurry mkAttr) attrs ++ rgAttrs (range i))
$ unode name $ (case mdoc of
Nothing -> []
Just d -> [mkText $ show $ useGlobalAnnos ga d])
++ map (Elem . annoted itemToXml ga)
(filter (not . isEmptyItem) $ items i)
-- range attribute without file name
rgAttrs :: Range -> [Attr]
rgAttrs = rangeAttrsF $ show . prettyRange . map (\ p -> p { sourceName = "" })
annos :: String -> GlobalAnnos -> [Annotation] -> [Element]
annos str ga = subnodes str
. map (annotationF rgAttrs ga)
annoted :: (GlobalAnnos -> a -> Element) -> GlobalAnnos -> Annoted a -> Element
annoted f ga a = let
e = f ga $ item a
l = annos "Left" ga $ l_annos a
r = annos "Right" ga $ r_annos a
in e { elContent = map Elem l ++ elContent e ++ map Elem r }
withRg :: Range -> Element -> Element
withRg = add_attrs . rgAttrs