Print_AS_Structured.hs revision f869060479ea7f862beb97bb8a676c07ed3498f4
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Klaus L�ttich, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Grothendieck)
Printing the Structured part of hetrogenous specifications.
module Syntax.Print_AS_Structured where
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.Id
import Common.Keywords
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Logic.Grothendieck()
import Syntax.AS_Structured
structSimpleId :: SIMPLE_ID -> Doc
structSimpleId = structId . tokStr
instance Pretty SPEC where
pretty = printSPEC
printUnion :: [Annoted SPEC] -> [Doc]
printUnion = prepPunctuate (topKey andS <> space) . map condBracesAnd
moveAnnos :: Annoted SPEC -> [Annoted SPEC] -> [Annoted SPEC]
moveAnnos x l = appAnno $ case l of
[] -> error "moveAnnos"
h : r -> h { l_annos = l_annos x ++ l_annos h } : r
where appAnno a = case a of
[] -> []
[h] -> [appendAnno h (r_annos x)]
h : r -> h : appAnno r
printOptUnion :: Annoted SPEC -> [Doc]
printOptUnion x = case skip_Group $ item x of
Union e@(_ : _) _ -> printUnion $ moveAnnos x e
Extension e@(_ : _) _ -> printExtension $ moveAnnos x e
_ -> [pretty x]
printExtension :: [Annoted SPEC] -> [Doc]
printExtension l = case l of
[] -> []
x : r -> printOptUnion x ++
concatMap ((\ (d : s) -> (topKey thenS <+> d) : s) .
printOptUnion) r
printSPEC :: SPEC -> Doc
printSPEC spec = case spec of
Basic_spec aa -> pretty aa
Translation aa ab -> sep [condBracesTransReduct aa, printRENAMING ab]
Reduction aa ab -> sep [condBracesTransReduct aa, printRESTRICTION ab]
Union aa _ ->
sep $ printUnion aa
Extension aa _ ->
sep $ printExtension aa
Free_spec aa _ -> sep [keyword freeS, printGroupSpec aa]
Cofree_spec aa _ -> sep [keyword cofreeS, printGroupSpec aa]
Local_spec aa ab _ ->
fsep [keyword localS, pretty aa,
keyword withinS, condBracesWithin ab]
Closed_spec aa _ -> sep [keyword closedS, printGroupSpec aa]
Group aa _ -> pretty aa
Spec_inst aa ab _ ->
fcat $ structSimpleId aa : print_fit_arg_list ab
Qualified_spec ln asp _ ->
printLogicEncoding ln <> colon $+$ (pretty asp)
Data _ _ s1 s2 _ -> keyword dataS <+> pretty s1 $+$ pretty s2
instance PrettyPrint SPEC where
printText0 = toOldText
instance PrettyPrint RENAMING where
printText0 = toOldText
instance Pretty RENAMING where
pretty = printRENAMING
printRENAMING (Renaming aa _) =
keyword withS <+> fsep
(punctuate comma $ map printG_mapping aa)
instance Pretty RESTRICTION where
pretty = printRESTRICTION
printRESTRICTION rest = case rest of
Hidden aa _ -> keyword hideS <+>
fsep (punctuate comma $ map printG_hiding aa)
Revealed aa _ -> keyword revealS <+> pretty aa
instance PrettyPrint RESTRICTION where
printText0 = toOldText
{- Is declared in Print_AS_Library
instance PrettyPrint SPEC_DEFN where
printLogicEncoding :: (Pretty a) => a -> Doc
printLogicEncoding enc = keyword logicS <+> pretty enc
instance PrettyPrint G_mapping where
printText0 = toOldText
instance Pretty G_mapping where
pretty = printG_mapping
printG_mapping :: G_mapping -> Doc
printG_mapping gma = case gma of
G_symb_map gsmil -> pretty gsmil
G_logic_translation enc -> printLogicEncoding enc
instance Pretty G_hiding where
pretty = printG_hiding
printG_hiding :: G_hiding -> Doc
printG_hiding ghid = case ghid of
G_symb_list gsil -> pretty gsil
G_logic_projection enc -> printLogicEncoding enc
instance PrettyPrint G_hiding where
printText0 = toOldText
instance Pretty GENERICITY where
pretty = printGENERICITY
printGENERICITY (Genericity aa ab _) =
fcat $ printPARAMS aa ++ printIMPORTED ab
instance PrettyPrint GENERICITY where
printText0 = toOldText
instance Pretty PARAMS where
pretty = fcat . printPARAMS
printPARAMS :: PARAMS -> [Doc]
printPARAMS (Params aa) = map (brackets . rmTopKey . pretty ) aa
instance PrettyPrint PARAMS where
printText0 = toOldText
instance PrettyPrint IMPORTED where
printText0 = toOldText
instance Pretty IMPORTED where
pretty = fcat . printIMPORTED
printIMPORTED :: IMPORTED -> [Doc]
printIMPORTED (Imported aa) = case aa of
[] -> []
_ -> (space <> keyword givenS <> space)
: punctuate (comma <> space) (map printGroupSpec aa)
instance Pretty FIT_ARG where
pretty = printFIT_ARG
printFIT_ARG :: FIT_ARG -> Doc
printFIT_ARG fit = case fit of
Fit_spec aa ab _ ->
let aa' = rmTopKey $ pretty aa
in if null ab then aa' else
fsep $ aa' : keyword fitS
: punctuate comma (map printG_mapping ab)
Fit_view si ab _ ->
keyword viewS <+> fcat (structSimpleId si : print_fit_arg_list ab)
instance PrettyPrint FIT_ARG where
printText0 = toOldText
instance PrettyPrint Logic_code where
printText0 = toOldText
instance Pretty Logic_code where
pretty = printLogic_code
printLogic_code :: Logic_code -> Doc
printLogic_code (Logic_code menc msrc mtar _) =
let pm = maybe [] ((: []) . printLogic_name) in
fsep $ maybe [] ((: [colon]) . pretty) menc
++ pm msrc ++ funArrow : pm mtar
instance Pretty Logic_name where
pretty = printLogic_name
printLogic_name :: Logic_name -> Doc
printLogic_name (Logic_name mlog slog) = let d = pretty mlog in
case slog of
Nothing -> d
Just sub -> d <> dot <> pretty sub
instance PrettyPrint Logic_name where
printText0 = toOldText
{- |
specealized printing of 'FIT_ARG's
print_fit_arg_list :: [Annoted FIT_ARG] -> [Doc]
print_fit_arg_list = map (brackets . pretty)
{- |
conditional generation of grouping braces for Union and Extension
printGroupSpec :: Annoted SPEC -> Doc
printGroupSpec s = let d = pretty s in
case skip_Group $ item s of
Spec_inst _ _ _ -> d
_ -> specBraces d
{- |
generate grouping braces for Tanslations and Reductions
condBracesTransReduct :: Annoted SPEC -> Doc
condBracesTransReduct s = let d = pretty s in
case skip_Group $ item s of
Extension _ _ -> specBraces d
Union _ _ -> specBraces d
Local_spec _ _ _ -> specBraces d
_ -> d
{- |
generate grouping braces for Within
condBracesWithin :: Annoted SPEC -> Doc
condBracesWithin s = let d = pretty s in
case skip_Group $ item s of
Extension _ _ -> specBraces d
Union _ _ -> specBraces d
_ -> d
{- |
only Extensions inside of Unions (and) need grouping braces
condBracesAnd :: Annoted SPEC -> Doc
condBracesAnd s = let d = pretty s in
case skip_Group $ item s of
Extension _ _ -> specBraces d
_ -> d
-- | only skip groups without annotations
skip_Group :: SPEC -> SPEC
skip_Group sp =
case sp of
Group g _ | null (l_annos g) && null (r_annos g)
-> skip_Group $ item g
_ -> sp