Print_AS_Structured.hs revision 39982c927a6052fe2ebd13d4c03b2fcbae0d2f0c
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Klaus L�ttich, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Grothendieck)
Printing the Structured part of hetrogenous specifications.
module Syntax.Print_AS_Structured where
--import Common.Lib.Pretty
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.PPUtils
import Common.Keywords
import Common.Doc hiding (toText,toLatex)
import CASL.Print_AS_Basic
import Logic.Grothendieck()
import Syntax.AS_Structured
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
instance Pretty SPEC where
pretty = printSPEC
printSPEC :: (G_basic_spec -> Doc)
-> (G_symb_map_items_list -> Doc)
-> (G_symb_items_list -> Doc)
-> SPEC -> Doc
printSPEC fGBS fGSMIL fGSIL spec = case spec of
Basic_spec aa -> fGBS aa
Translation aa ab ->
instance PrettyPrint SPEC where
--- This implementation doesn't use the grouping information
--- it detects this information by precedence rules
printText0 ga (Basic_spec aa) =
nest 4 $ printText0 ga aa
printText0 ga (Translation aa ab) =
let aa' = condBracesTransReduct printText0 sp_braces ga aa
ab' = printText0 ga ab
in hang aa' 4 ab'
printText0 ga (Reduction aa ab) =
let aa' = condBracesTransReduct printText0 sp_braces ga aa
ab' = printText0 ga ab
in hang aa' 4 ab'
printText0 ga (Union aa _) =
fsep $ pl aa
where pl [] = []
pl (x:xs) =
(condBracesAnd printText0 sp_braces ga x):
map (\y -> text andS $$
condBracesAnd printText0 sp_braces ga y)
printText0 ga (Extension aa _) =
fsep $ printList aa
where printList [] = []
printList (x:xs) =
(printText0 ga x):
map (spAnnotedPrint (printText0 ga)
(printText0 ga) (<+>) (text thenS)) xs
printText0 ga (Free_spec aa _) =
hang (text freeS) 5 $
printGroupSpec ga aa
printText0 ga (Cofree_spec aa _) =
hang (text cofreeS) 5 $
printGroupSpec ga aa
printText0 ga (Local_spec aa ab _) =
let aa' = printText0 ga aa
ab' = condBracesWithin printText0 sp_braces ga ab
in (hang (text localS) 4 aa') $$
(hang (text withinS) 4 ab')
printText0 ga (Closed_spec aa _) =
hang (text closedS) 4 $
printGroupSpec ga aa
printText0 ga (Group aa _) =
printText0 ga aa
printText0 ga (Spec_inst aa ab _) =
let aa' = printText0 ga aa
ab' = print_fit_arg_list printText0 sp_brackets sep ga ab
in nest 4 (hang aa' 4 ab')
printText0 ga (Qualified_spec ln asp _) =
printLogicEncoding ga ln <> colon $$ (printText0 ga asp)
printText0 ga (Data _ _ s1 s2 _) =
text dataS <+> (printText0 ga s1) $$ (printText0 ga s2)
printGroupSpec :: GlobalAnnos -> Annoted SPEC -> Doc
printGroupSpec = condBracesGroupSpec printText0 braces Nothing
instance PrettyPrint RENAMING where
printText0 ga (Renaming aa _) =
hang (text withS) 4 $ commaT_text ga aa
instance PrettyPrint RESTRICTION where
printText0 ga (Hidden aa _) =
hang (text hideS) 4 $ commaT_text ga aa
printText0 ga (Revealed aa _) =
hang (text revealS) 4 $ printText0 ga aa
condPunct :: Doc -> [G_hiding] -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
condPunct _ [] [] = []
condPunct _ _ [] =
error "something went wrong in printLatex0 of Hidden"
condPunct _ [] _ =
error "something went wrong in printLatex0 of Hidden"
condPunct _ [_c] [d] = [d]
condPunct com (c:cs) (d:ds) =
(case c of
G_symb_list _gsil -> d<>com
G_logic_projection _enc -> d)
: condPunct com cs ds
{- Is declared in Print_AS_Library
instance PrettyPrint SPEC_DEFN where
printLogicEncoding :: (PrettyPrint a) => GlobalAnnos -> a -> Doc
printLogicEncoding ga enc = text logicS <+> printText0 ga enc
instance PrettyPrint G_mapping where
printText0 ga (G_symb_map gsmil) = printText0 ga gsmil
printText0 ga (G_logic_translation enc) =
printLogicEncoding ga enc
instance PrettyPrint G_hiding where
printText0 ga (G_symb_list gsil) = printText0 ga gsil
printText0 ga (G_logic_projection enc) =
printLogicEncoding ga enc
instance PrettyPrint GENERICITY where
printText0 ga (Genericity aa ab _) =
let aa' = printText0 ga aa
ab' = printText0 ga ab
in hang aa' 6 ab'
instance PrettyPrint PARAMS where
printText0 ga (Params aa) =
if null aa then empty
else sep $ map (brackets.(nest (-4)).(printText0 ga)) aa
instance PrettyPrint IMPORTED where
printText0 ga (Imported aa) =
if null aa then empty
else text givenS <+> (fsep $ punctuate comma $
map (printGroupSpec ga) aa)
instance PrettyPrint FIT_ARG where
printText0 ga (Fit_spec aa ab _) =
let aa' = printText0 ga aa
ab' = fcat $ map (printText0 ga) ab
in aa' <> (if null ab then empty else space <> hang (text fitS) 4 ab')
printText0 ga (Fit_view aa ab _) =
let aa' = printText0 ga aa
ab' = print_fit_arg_list printText0 sp_brackets sep ga ab
in hang (text viewS <+> aa') 4 ab'
instance PrettyPrint Logic_code where
printText0 ga (Logic_code (Just enc) (Just src) (Just tar) _) =
printText0 ga enc <+> colon <+>
printText0 ga src <+> funD <+>
printText0 ga tar
printText0 ga (Logic_code (Just enc) (Just src) Nothing _) =
printText0 ga enc <+> colon <+>
printText0 ga src <+> funD
printText0 ga (Logic_code (Just enc) Nothing (Just tar) _) =
printText0 ga enc <+> colon <+>
funD <+> printText0 ga tar
printText0 ga (Logic_code Nothing (Just src) (Just tar) _) =
printText0 ga src <+> funD <+>
printText0 ga tar
printText0 ga (Logic_code (Just enc) Nothing Nothing _) =
printText0 ga enc
printText0 ga (Logic_code Nothing (Just src) Nothing _) =
printText0 ga src <+> funD
printText0 ga (Logic_code Nothing Nothing (Just tar) _) =
funD <+> printText0 ga tar
printText0 _ (Logic_code Nothing Nothing Nothing _) =
error "PrettyPrint Logic_code"
funD :: Doc
funD = text funS
instance PrettyPrint Logic_name where
printText0 ga (Logic_name mlog slog) =
printText0 ga mlog <>
(case slog of
Nothing -> empty
Just sub -> char '.' <> printText0 ga sub)
{- |
specealized printing of 'FIT_ARG's
print_fit_arg_list :: (GlobalAnnos -> (Annoted FIT_ARG) -> Doc)
-> (Doc -> Doc) -- ^ a function enclosing the Doc
-- in brackets
-> ([Doc] -> Doc) -- ^ a function printing a list
-- of Doc seperated by space
-> GlobalAnnos -> [Annoted FIT_ARG] -> Doc
print_fit_arg_list _pf _b_fun _sep_fun _ga [] = empty
print_fit_arg_list pf b_fun _sep_fun ga [fa] = b_fun $ pf ga fa
print_fit_arg_list pf b_fun sep_fun ga fas =
sep_fun $ map (b_fun . (pf ga)) fas
{- |
conditional generation of grouping braces for Union and Extension
condBracesGroupSpec :: (GlobalAnnos -> (Annoted SPEC) -> Doc)
-> (Doc -> Doc) -- ^ a function enclosing the Doc
-- in braces
-> Maybe (String,Doc) -- ^ something like a keyword
-- that should be right before
-- the braces
-> GlobalAnnos -> (Annoted SPEC) -> Doc
condBracesGroupSpec pf b_fun mkeyw ga as =
case skip_Group $ item as of
Spec_inst _ _ _ -> str_doc'<>as'
Union _ _ -> nested''
Extension _ _ -> nested''
_ ->
str_doc'<>b_fun as'
where as' = pf ga as
(_str,str_doc) = maybe ("",empty) id mkeyw
str_doc' = if isEmpty str_doc then empty
else str_doc
nested'' = str_doc' <>b_fun as'
{- |
generate grouping braces for Tanslations and Reductions
condBracesTransReduct :: (GlobalAnnos -> (Annoted SPEC) -> Doc)
-> (Doc -> Doc) -- ^ a function enclosing the Doc
-- in brackets
-> GlobalAnnos -> (Annoted SPEC) -> Doc
condBracesTransReduct pf b_fun ga as =
case skip_Group $ item as of
Extension _ _ -> nested''
Union _ _ -> nested''
Local_spec _ _ _ -> nested''
_ -> as'
where as' = pf ga as
nested'' = b_fun as'
{- |
generate grouping braces for Within
condBracesWithin :: (GlobalAnnos -> (Annoted SPEC) -> Doc)
-> (Doc -> Doc) -- ^ a function enclosing the Doc
-- in braces
-> GlobalAnnos -> (Annoted SPEC) -> Doc
condBracesWithin pf b_fun ga as =
case skip_Group $ item as of
Extension _ _ -> nested''
Union _ _ -> nested''
_ -> as'
where as' = pf ga as
nested'' = b_fun as'
{- |
only Extensions inside of Unions (and) need grouping braces
condBracesAnd :: (GlobalAnnos -> (Annoted SPEC) -> Doc)
-> (Doc -> Doc) -- ^ a function enclosing the Doc
-- in braces
-> GlobalAnnos -> (Annoted SPEC) -> Doc
condBracesAnd pf b_fun ga as =
case skip_Group $ item as of
Extension _ _ -> nested''
_ -> as'
where as' = pf ga as
nested'' = b_fun as'
skip_Group :: SPEC -> SPEC
skip_Group sp =
case sp of
Group as _ -> skip_Group $ item as
_ -> sp
-- ToDo: \\THENIMPLIES,... erzeugen
-- Dazu Hilfsfunktionen erzeugen
-- nachschauen wie implies zur Zeit gesetzt wird
-- |
-- prints the keyword or spec head with following semantic annotation
-- if any and the list of non sematic annotations if any and
-- then the following item from 'Annoted' a
spAnnotedPrint :: (a -> Doc) -- ^ print function for the item
-> (Annotation -> Doc) -- ^ print function for the annotation
-> (Doc -> Doc -> Doc) -- ^ a function like '<+>'
-> Doc -- ^ keyword or spec head (spec ... =)
-> Annoted a -- ^ item to print after keyword or spec head
-> Doc
spAnnotedPrint pf pAn beside_ keyw ai =
case ai of
Annoted i _ las _ ->
let i' = pf i
(msa,as) = case las of
[] -> (Nothing,[])
(x:xs) | isSemanticAnno x -> (Just x,xs)
xs -> (Nothing,xs)
(san,anno) = case msa of
Nothing -> (empty, empty)
Just a -> (pAn a, checkAnno a keyw beside_
$ pAn a)
as' = if null as then empty else vcat $ map pAn as
-- Todo: indent annos
in case (render keyw) of
"\\THEN" | not $ isEmpty anno -> anno $+$ as' $+$ i'
_keyw' -> keyw `beside_` san $+$ as'
$+$ i'
where checkAnno an _keyword _beside san' =
case an of
Semantic_anno anno _ ->
case anno of
SA_cons -> sp_text 0 "\\THENCONS"
SA_def -> sp_text 0 "\\THENDEF"
SA_implies -> sp_text 0 "\\THENIMPLIES"
SA_mono -> sp_text 0 "\\THENMONO"
_anno' -> keyw `beside_` san'
_an' -> keyw `beside_` san'