Print_AS_Structured.hs revision 2eb84fc82d3ffa9116bc471fda3742bd9e5a24bb
-- needs ghc -fglasgow-exts
{- HetCATS/Syntax/Print_AS_Structured.hs
Author: Klaus L�ttich
Year: 2002
Printing the Structured part of hetrogenous specifications.
- LaTeX Pretty Printing
module Syntax.Print_AS_Structured where
import Common.Lib.Pretty
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.PPUtils
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Syntax.AS_Structured
import Common.Print_AS_Annotation
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Data.List
instance PrettyPrint SPEC where
--- This implementation don't uses the grouping information
--- it detects this information by precedence rules
printText0 ga (Basic_spec aa) =
nest 4 $ printText0 ga aa
printText0 ga (Translation aa ab) =
let aa' = condBracesTransReduct printText0 sp_braces ga aa
ab' = printText0 ga ab
in hang aa' 4 ab'
printText0 ga (Reduction aa ab) =
let aa' = condBracesTransReduct printText0 sp_braces ga aa
ab' = printText0 ga ab
in hang aa' 4 ab'
printText0 ga (Union aa _) =
fsep $ intersperse' aa
where intersperse' [] = []
intersperse' (x:xs) =
(printText0 ga x):
map (\y -> ptext "and" $$
condBracesAnd printText0 sp_braces ga y)
printText0 ga (Extension aa _) =
fsep $ printList aa
-- intersperse (ptext "then") $ map (printText0 ga) aa
where printList [] = []
printList (x:xs) =
(printText0 ga x):
map (spAnnotedPrint printText0 (<+>) ga (ptext "then")) xs
printText0 ga (Free_spec aa _) =
hang (ptext "free") 5 $
condBracesGroupSpec printText0 sp_braces ga aa
printText0 ga (Local_spec aa ab _) =
let aa' = condBracesWithin printText0 sp_braces ga aa
ab' = condBracesWithin printText0 sp_braces ga ab
in (hang (ptext "local") 4 aa') $$
(hang (ptext "within") 4 ab')
printText0 ga (Closed_spec aa _) =
hang (ptext "closed") 4 $
condBracesGroupSpec printText0 sp_braces ga aa
printText0 ga (Group aa _) =
printText0 ga aa
printText0 ga (Spec_inst aa ab _) =
let aa' = printText0 ga aa
ab' = print_fit_arg_list printText0 sp_brackets sep ga ab
in nest 4 (hang aa' 4 ab')
printText0 ga (Qualified_spec ln asp _) =
ptext "logic" <+> (printText0 ga ln) <> colon $$ (printText0 ga asp)
--- Another implementation of printText
--- This implementation uses simply the supplied grouping information
printText ga (Basic_spec aa) =
nest 4 $ printText ga aa
printText ga (Translation aa ab) =
let aa' = printText ga aa
ab' = printText ga ab
in hang aa' 4 ab'
printText ga (Reduction aa ab) =
let aa' = printText ga aa
ab' = printText ga ab
in hang aa' 4 ab'
printText ga (Union aa _) =
fsep $ intersperse' aa
where intersperse' [] = []
intersperse' (x:xs) =
(printText ga x):
map (\y -> ptext "and" $$ printText ga y) xs
printText ga (Extension aa _) =
fsep $ printList aa
-- intersperse (ptext "then") $ map (printText ga) aa
where printList [] = []
printList (x:xs) =
(printText ga x):
map (spAnnotedPrint printText (<+>) ga (ptext "then")) xs
printText ga (Free_spec aa _) =
hang (ptext "free") 5 $ printText ga aa
printText ga (Local_spec aa ab _) =
let aa' = printText ga aa
ab' = printText ga ab
in (hang (ptext "local") 4 aa') $$
(hang (ptext "within") 4 ab')
printText ga (Closed_spec aa _) =
hang (ptext "closed") 4 $ printText ga aa
printText ga (Group aa _) =
lbrace $+$ printText ga aa $$ rbrace
printText ga (Spec_inst aa ab _) =
let aa' = printText ga aa
ab' = print_fit_arg_list printText sp_brackets sep ga ab
in nest 4 (hang aa' 4 ab')
printText ga (Qualified_spec ln asp _) =
ptext "logic" <+> (printText ga ln) <> colon $$ (printText ga asp)
printLatex0 ga (Basic_spec aa) =
tabbed_nest_latex $ nest_latex 8 $ printLatex0 ga aa
printLatex0 ga (Translation aa ab) =
let aa' = condBracesTransReduct printLatex0 sp_braces_latex ga aa
ab' = printLatex0 ga ab
in tab_hang_latex aa' 8 ab'
printLatex0 ga (Reduction aa ab) =
let aa' = condBracesTransReduct printLatex0 sp_braces_latex ga aa
ab' = printLatex0 ga ab
in tab_hang_latex aa' 8 ab'
printLatex0 ga (Union aa _) = fsep_latex $ intersperse' aa
where intersperse' [] = []
intersperse' (x:xs) =
(printLatex0 ga x):
map (\y -> hc_sty_plain_keyword "and" $$
condBracesAnd printLatex0 sp_braces_latex ga y)
printLatex0 ga (Extension aa _) =
fsep_latex $ printList aa
where printList [] = []
printList (x:xs) =
(printLatex0 ga x):
map (spAnnotedPrint printLatex0 (<\+>) ga
(hc_sty_hetcasl_keyword "then")) xs
printLatex0 ga (Free_spec aa _) =
tabbed_nest_latex (setTabWithSpaces_latex 8 <>
tab_hang_latex (hc_sty_hetcasl_keyword "free") 8
(condBracesGroupSpec printLatex0
sp_braces_latex ga aa))
printLatex0 ga (Local_spec aa ab _) =
let aa' = condBracesWithin printLatex0 sp_braces_latex ga aa
ab' = condBracesWithin printLatex0 sp_braces_latex ga ab
in (hang_latex (hc_sty_plain_keyword "local") 8 aa') $$
(hang_latex (hc_sty_plain_keyword "within") 8 ab')
printLatex0 ga (Closed_spec aa _) =
tabbed_nest_latex (setTabWithSpaces_latex 8 <>
tab_hang_latex (hc_sty_plain_keyword "closed") 8
(condBracesGroupSpec printLatex0
sp_braces_latex ga aa))
printLatex0 ga (Group aa _) =
printLatex0 ga aa
printLatex0 ga (Spec_inst aa ab _) =
let aa' = simple_id_latex aa
ab' = sep_latex (map (sp_brackets_latex.
(\x -> casl_normal_latex "~" <>setTab_latex
<>printLatex0 ga x)) ab)
in tabbed_nest_latex $
if null ab
then aa'
else setTabWithSpaces_latex 8
<>tab_hang_latex (aa' <~> setTab_latex) 8 ab'
printLatex0 ga (Qualified_spec ln asp _) =
hc_sty_plain_keyword "logic" <\+>
(printLatex0 ga ln) <> colon_latex $$ (printLatex0 ga asp)
instance PrettyPrint RENAMING where
printText0 ga (Renaming aa _) =
hang (text "with") 4 $ cat $ map (printText0 ga) aa
printLatex0 ga (Renaming aa _) =
hang_latex (hc_sty_plain_keyword "with") 8 $
cat $ map (printLatex0 ga) aa
instance PrettyPrint RESTRICTION where
printText0 ga (Hidden aa _) =
hang (text "hide") 4 $ cat $ map (printText0 ga) aa
printText0 ga (Revealed aa _) =
hang (text "reveal") 4 $ printText0 ga aa
printLatex0 ga (Hidden aa _) =
hang_latex (hc_sty_plain_keyword "hide") 8 $
cat $ map (printLatex0 ga) aa
printLatex0 ga (Revealed aa _) =
hang_latex (hc_sty_plain_keyword "reveal") 8 $ printLatex0 ga aa
{- Is declared in Print_AS_Library
instance PrettyPrint SPEC_DEFN where
printText0 ga (Spec_defn aa ab ac _) =
let aa' = printText0 ga aa
ab' = printText0 ga ab
ac' = printText0 ga ac
in aa' <+> ab' <+> ac'
instance PrettyPrint G_mapping where
printText0 ga (G_symb_map gsmil) = printText0 ga gsmil
printText0 ga (G_logic_translation enc) =
ptext "logic" <+> printText0 ga enc
printLatex0 ga (G_symb_map gsmil) = printLatex0 ga gsmil
printLatex0 ga (G_logic_translation enc) =
hc_sty_plain_keyword "logic" <\+> printLatex0 ga enc
instance PrettyPrint G_hiding where
printText0 ga (G_symb_list gsil) = printText0 ga gsil
printText0 ga (G_logic_projection enc) =
ptext "logic" <+> printText0 ga enc
printLatex0 ga (G_symb_list gsil) = printLatex0 ga gsil
printLatex0 ga (G_logic_projection enc) =
hc_sty_plain_keyword "logic" <\+> printLatex0 ga enc
instance PrettyPrint GENERICITY where
printText0 ga (Genericity aa ab _) =
let aa' = printText0 ga aa
ab' = printText0 ga ab
in hang aa' 6 ab'
printLatex0 ga (Genericity aa ab _) =
let aa' = printLatex0 ga aa
ab' = printLatex0 ga ab
in if isEmpty aa' && isEmpty ab'
then empty
if isEmpty aa'
then ab'
else if isEmpty ab'
then aa'
else hang_latex aa' 10 ab'
instance PrettyPrint PARAMS where
printText0 ga (Params aa) =
if null aa then empty
else sep $ map (sp_brackets.(nest (-4)).(printText0 ga)) aa
printLatex0 ga (Params aa) =
if null aa then empty
else sep_latex $
map (sp_brackets_latex.
(\x -> casl_normal_latex "~" <>setTab_latex
<>printLatex0 ga x)) aa
instance PrettyPrint IMPORTED where
printText0 ga (Imported aa) =
if null aa then empty
else ptext "given" <+> (fsep $ punctuate comma $
map (condBracesGroupSpec printText0
sp_braces ga) aa)
printLatex0 ga (Imported aa) =
if null aa then empty
else hc_sty_plain_keyword "given" <~> setTab_latex <>
(fsep_latex $ punctuate comma_latex $
map (condBracesGroupSpec printLatex0
sp_braces_latex ga) aa)
instance PrettyPrint FIT_ARG where
printText0 ga (Fit_spec aa ab _) =
let aa' = printText0 ga aa
ab' = printText0 ga ab
null' = case ab of
G_symb_map_items_list _ sis -> null sis
in aa' <+> if null' then empty else hang (ptext "fit") 4 ab'
printText0 ga (Fit_view aa ab _ ad) =
let aa' = printText0 ga aa
ab' = print_fit_arg_list printText0 sp_brackets sep ga ab
ad' = printText0 ga ad
in ad' $$ hang (ptext "view" <+> aa') 4 ab'
printLatex0 ga (Fit_spec aa ab _) =
let aa' = printLatex0 ga aa
ab' = printLatex0 ga ab
null' = case ab of
G_symb_map_items_list _ sis -> null sis
in aa' <\+> if null' then empty
else hang_latex (hc_sty_plain_keyword "fit") 8 ab'
printLatex0 ga (Fit_view aa ab _ ad) =
let aa' = simple_id_latex aa
ab' = print_fit_arg_list printLatex0
ga ab
ad' = printLatex0 ga ad
in ad' $$ hang_latex (hc_sty_plain_keyword "view" <\+> aa') 8 ab'
{- This can be found in Print_AS_Library
instance PrettyPrint VIEW_DEFN where
printText0 ga (View_defn aa ab ac ad _) =
let aa' = printText0 ga aa
ab' = printText0 ga ab
ac' = printText0 ga ac
ad' = printText0 ga ad
in aa' <+> ab' <+> ac' <+> ad'
instance PrettyPrint Logic_code where
printText0 ga (Logic_code (Just enc) (Just src) (Just tar) _) =
printText0 ga enc <+> colon <+>
printText0 ga src <+> ptext "->" <+>
printText0 ga tar
printText0 ga (Logic_code (Just enc) (Just src) Nothing _) =
printText0 ga enc <+> colon <+>
printText0 ga src <+> ptext "->"
printText0 ga (Logic_code (Just enc) Nothing (Just tar) _) =
printText0 ga enc <+> colon <+>
ptext "->" <+> printText0 ga tar
printText0 ga (Logic_code Nothing (Just src) (Just tar) _) =
printText0 ga src <+> ptext "->" <+>
printText0 ga tar
printText0 ga (Logic_code (Just enc) Nothing Nothing _) =
printText0 ga enc
printText0 ga (Logic_code Nothing (Just src) Nothing _) =
printText0 ga src <+> ptext "->"
printText0 ga (Logic_code Nothing Nothing (Just tar) _) =
ptext "->" <+> printText0 ga tar
printText0 _ (Logic_code Nothing Nothing Nothing _) =
ptext ":ERROR" -- should not occur
printLatex0 ga (Logic_code (Just enc) (Just src) (Just tar) _) =
printLatex0 ga enc <\+> colon_latex <\+>
printLatex0 ga src <\+> hc_sty_axiom "\\rightarrow" <\+>
printLatex0 ga tar
printLatex0 ga (Logic_code (Just enc) (Just src) Nothing _) =
printLatex0 ga enc <\+> colon_latex <\+>
printLatex0 ga src <\+> hc_sty_axiom "\\rightarrow"
printLatex0 ga (Logic_code (Just enc) Nothing (Just tar) _) =
printLatex0 ga enc <\+> colon <\+>
hc_sty_axiom "\\rightarrow" <\+> printLatex0 ga tar
printLatex0 ga (Logic_code Nothing (Just src) (Just tar) _) =
printLatex0 ga src <\+> hc_sty_axiom "\\rightarrow" <\+>
printLatex0 ga tar
printLatex0 ga (Logic_code (Just enc) Nothing Nothing _) =
printLatex0 ga enc
printLatex0 ga (Logic_code Nothing (Just src) Nothing _) =
printLatex0 ga src <\+> hc_sty_axiom "\\rightarrow"
printLatex0 ga (Logic_code Nothing Nothing (Just tar) _) =
hc_sty_axiom "\\rightarrow" <\+> printLatex0 ga tar
printLatex0 _ (Logic_code Nothing Nothing Nothing _) =
ptext ":ERROR" -- should not occur
instance PrettyPrint Logic_name where
printText0 ga (Logic_name mlog slog) =
printText0 ga mlog <>
(case slog of
Nothing -> empty
Just sub -> ptext "." <> printText0 ga sub)
printLatex0 ga (Logic_name mlog slog) =
printLatex0 ga mlog <>
(case slog of
Nothing -> empty
Just sub -> casl_normal_latex "." <> printLatex0 ga sub)
print_fit_arg_list:: (GlobalAnnos -> (Annoted FIT_ARG) -> Doc) ->
(Doc -> Doc) -> -- ^ a function enclosing the Doc
-- in brackets
([Doc] -> Doc) -> -- ^ a function printing a list
-- of Doc seperated by space
GlobalAnnos -> [Annoted FIT_ARG] -> Doc
print_fit_arg_list _pf _b_fun _sep_fun _ga [] = empty
print_fit_arg_list pf b_fun _sep_fun ga [fa] = b_fun $ pf ga fa
print_fit_arg_list pf b_fun sep_fun ga fas =
sep_fun $ map (b_fun . (pf ga)) fas
condBracesGroupSpec :: (GlobalAnnos -> (Annoted SPEC) -> Doc) ->
(Doc -> Doc) -> -- ^ a function enclosing the Doc
-- in braces
GlobalAnnos -> (Annoted SPEC) -> Doc
condBracesGroupSpec pf b_fun ga as =
case skip_Group $ item as of
Spec_inst _ _ _ -> as'
_ -> b_fun as'
where as' = pf ga as
condBracesTransReduct :: (GlobalAnnos -> (Annoted SPEC) -> Doc) ->
(Doc -> Doc) -> -- ^ a function enclosing the Doc
-- in brackets
GlobalAnnos -> (Annoted SPEC) -> Doc
condBracesTransReduct pf b_fun ga as =
case skip_Group $ item as of
Extension _ _ -> b_fun as'
Union _ _ -> b_fun as'
Local_spec _ _ _ -> b_fun as'
_ -> as'
where as' = pf ga as
condBracesWithin :: (GlobalAnnos -> (Annoted SPEC) -> Doc) ->
(Doc -> Doc) -> -- ^ a function enclosing the Doc
-- in braces
GlobalAnnos -> (Annoted SPEC) -> Doc
condBracesWithin pf b_fun ga as =
case skip_Group $ item as of
Extension _ _ -> b_fun as'
Union _ _ -> b_fun as'
_ -> as'
where as' = pf ga as
condBracesAnd :: (GlobalAnnos -> (Annoted SPEC) -> Doc) ->
(Doc -> Doc) -> -- ^ a function enclosing the Doc
-- in braces
GlobalAnnos -> (Annoted SPEC) -> Doc
condBracesAnd pf b_fun ga as =
case skip_Group $ item as of
Extension _ _ -> b_fun as'
_ -> as'
where as' = pf ga as
skip_Group :: SPEC -> SPEC
skip_Group sp =
case sp of
Group as _ -> skip_Group $ item as
_ -> sp