Print_AS_Library.hs revision 70d01ccb07ab33f912bb912d285d4b675fcaa008
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : pretty printing of CASL specification libaries
Copyright : (c) Klaus L�ttich, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Grothendieck)
Pretty printing of CASL specification libaries
module Syntax.Print_AS_Library where
import Common.Id
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Keywords
import Syntax.AS_Structured
import Syntax.AS_Library
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Syntax.Print_AS_Architecture()
import Syntax.Print_AS_Structured
instance Pretty LIB_DEFN where
pretty (Lib_defn aa ab _ ad) =
let aa' = pretty aa -- lib name
ab' = vsep $ map pretty ab -- LIB_ITEMs
ad' = vcat $ map pretty ad -- global ANNOTATIONs
in keyword libraryS <+> aa' $++$ ad' $++$ ab'
instance Pretty LIB_ITEM where
pretty li = case li of
Spec_defn si (Genericity aa@(Params pl) ab@(Imported il) _) ac' _ ->
let las = l_annos ac'
(sa, ac) = if startsWithSemanticAnno las then
(equals <+> annoDoc (head las),
ac' { l_annos = tail las })
else (equals, ac')
x : r = case skipVoidGroup $ item ac of
Extension e@(_ : _) _ ->
printExtension $ moveAnnos ac e
Union u@(_ : _) _ ->
printUnion $ moveAnnos ac u
_ -> [pretty ac]
spid = indexed (tokStr si)
sphead = if null il then
if null pl then spid <+> sa
else cat [spid, printPARAMS aa <+> sa]
else sep [ cat [spid, printPARAMS aa]
, printIMPORTED ab <+> sa]
in vcat $ (topKey specS <+> vcat [sphead, x]) : r
++ [keyword endS]
View_defn si (Genericity aa@(Params pl) ab@(Imported il) _)
(View_type frm to _) ad _ ->
let spid = structSimpleId si
sphead = if null il then
if null pl then spid <+> colon
else cat [spid, printPARAMS aa <+> colon]
else sep [ cat [spid, printPARAMS aa]
, printIMPORTED ab <+> colon]
in topKey viewS <+>
sep ([sphead, sep [ printGroupSpec frm <+> keyword toS
, (if null ad then id else (<+> equals))
$ printGroupSpec to]]
++ [ppWithCommas ad])
$+$ keyword endS
Arch_spec_defn si ab _ ->
topKey archS <+>
fsep[keyword specS, structSimpleId si <+> equals, pretty ab]
$+$ keyword endS
Unit_spec_defn si ab _ ->
topKey unitS <+>
fsep[keyword specS, structSimpleId si <+> equals, pretty ab]
$+$ keyword endS
Ref_spec_defn si ab _ ->
keyword refinementS <+>
fsep[structSimpleId si <+> equals, pretty ab]
$+$ keyword endS
Download_items l ab _ ->
topKey fromS <+> fsep ([pretty l <+> keyword getS] ++
punctuate comma (map pretty ab))
Syntax.AS_Library.Logic_decl aa _ ->
keyword logicS <+> pretty aa
instance Pretty ITEM_NAME_OR_MAP where
pretty l = case l of
Item_name aa -> structSimpleId aa
Item_name_map aa ab _ ->
fsep [structSimpleId aa, mapsto, structSimpleId ab]
instance Pretty LIB_NAME where
pretty l = case l of
Lib_version i v ->
fsep [pretty i, keyword versionS, pretty v]
Lib_id i -> pretty i
instance Pretty LIB_ID where
pretty l = structId $ case l of
Direct_link u _ -> u
Indirect_link p _ _ _ -> p
instance Pretty VERSION_NUMBER where
pretty (Version_number aa _) =
hcat $ punctuate dot $ map codeToken aa