Print_AS_Library.hs revision 4646d2a52641d50df02fc5c68c275607cf79c398
1a38107941725211e7c3f051f7a8f5e12199f03acmaeder{- |
ecd98975b8a8ab5a7bc075562bdab51cf47d2a90Christian MaederModule : $Header$
ecd98975b8a8ab5a7bc075562bdab51cf47d2a90Christian MaederDescription : pretty printing of CASL specification libaries
54ea981a0503c396c2923a1c06421c6235baf27fChristian MaederCopyright : (c) Klaus Luettich, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
ecd98975b8a8ab5a7bc075562bdab51cf47d2a90Christian MaederLicense : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
98890889ffb2e8f6f722b00e265a211f13b5a861Corneliu-Claudiu ProdescuMaintainer :
ecd98975b8a8ab5a7bc075562bdab51cf47d2a90Christian MaederStability : provisional
ecd98975b8a8ab5a7bc075562bdab51cf47d2a90Christian MaederPortability : non-portable(Grothendieck)
ecd98975b8a8ab5a7bc075562bdab51cf47d2a90Christian Maeder
ecd98975b8a8ab5a7bc075562bdab51cf47d2a90Christian MaederPretty printing of CASL specification libaries
ecd98975b8a8ab5a7bc075562bdab51cf47d2a90Christian Maeder-}
54ea981a0503c396c2923a1c06421c6235baf27fChristian Maeder
ecd98975b8a8ab5a7bc075562bdab51cf47d2a90Christian Maedermodule Syntax.Print_AS_Library () where
ecd98975b8a8ab5a7bc075562bdab51cf47d2a90Christian Maeder
ecd98975b8a8ab5a7bc075562bdab51cf47d2a90Christian Maederimport Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
ecd98975b8a8ab5a7bc075562bdab51cf47d2a90Christian Maeder
ecd98975b8a8ab5a7bc075562bdab51cf47d2a90Christian Maederimport Common.AS_Annotation
ecd98975b8a8ab5a7bc075562bdab51cf47d2a90Christian Maederimport Common.IRI
f456529a89bfb620d39e5fd5b0a53b24643db96dDominik Lueckeimport Common.Doc
f456529a89bfb620d39e5fd5b0a53b24643db96dDominik Lueckeimport Common.DocUtils
ecd98975b8a8ab5a7bc075562bdab51cf47d2a90Christian Maederimport Common.Keywords
1a38107941725211e7c3f051f7a8f5e12199f03acmaederimport Common.LibName
54ea981a0503c396c2923a1c06421c6235baf27fChristian Maederimport Logic.Grothendieck
54ea981a0503c396c2923a1c06421c6235baf27fChristian Maeder
54ea981a0503c396c2923a1c06421c6235baf27fChristian Maederimport Syntax.AS_Structured
54ea981a0503c396c2923a1c06421c6235baf27fChristian Maederimport Syntax.AS_Library
54ea981a0503c396c2923a1c06421c6235baf27fChristian Maeder
54ea981a0503c396c2923a1c06421c6235baf27fChristian Maederimport Syntax.Print_AS_Architecture ()
54ea981a0503c396c2923a1c06421c6235baf27fChristian Maederimport Syntax.Print_AS_Structured
54ea981a0503c396c2923a1c06421c6235baf27fChristian Maeder
54ea981a0503c396c2923a1c06421c6235baf27fChristian Maederinstance PrettyLG LIB_DEFN where
54ea981a0503c396c2923a1c06421c6235baf27fChristian Maeder prettyLG lg (Lib_defn aa ab _ ad) =
54ea981a0503c396c2923a1c06421c6235baf27fChristian Maeder let aa' = pretty aa -- lib name
1a38107941725211e7c3f051f7a8f5e12199f03acmaeder ab' = vsep $ printLibItems lg ab -- LIB_ITEMs
54ea981a0503c396c2923a1c06421c6235baf27fChristian Maeder ad' = vcat $ map pretty ad -- global ANNOTATIONs
54ea981a0503c396c2923a1c06421c6235baf27fChristian Maeder in (if getLibId aa == nullIRI then empty else
ecd98975b8a8ab5a7bc075562bdab51cf47d2a90Christian Maeder keyword libraryS <+> aa') $++$ ad' $++$ ab'
ecd98975b8a8ab5a7bc075562bdab51cf47d2a90Christian Maeder
6f08518fe3561930fef290b8e01384a6f1c90598Till MossakowskiprintLibItems :: LogicGraph -> [Annoted LIB_ITEM] -> [Doc]
6f08518fe3561930fef290b8e01384a6f1c90598Till MossakowskiprintLibItems lg is = case is of
6f08518fe3561930fef290b8e01384a6f1c90598Till Mossakowski [] -> []
6f08518fe3561930fef290b8e01384a6f1c90598Till Mossakowski i : rs -> prettyLG lg i : printLibItems (case item i of
6f08518fe3561930fef290b8e01384a6f1c90598Till Mossakowski Logic_decl aa _ -> setLogicName aa lg
6f08518fe3561930fef290b8e01384a6f1c90598Till Mossakowski _ -> lg) rs
ecd98975b8a8ab5a7bc075562bdab51cf47d2a90Christian Maeder
54ea981a0503c396c2923a1c06421c6235baf27fChristian Maederinstance PrettyLG VIEW_TYPE where
ecd98975b8a8ab5a7bc075562bdab51cf47d2a90Christian Maeder prettyLG = prettyViewType []
f456529a89bfb620d39e5fd5b0a53b24643db96dDominik Luecke
1e39a4ee4e97d16c48003d49e4af3d181f25ad71Christian MaederprettyViewType :: [a] -> LogicGraph -> VIEW_TYPE -> Doc
1e39a4ee4e97d16c48003d49e4af3d181f25ad71Christian MaederprettyViewType ad lg (View_type frm to _) =
1e39a4ee4e97d16c48003d49e4af3d181f25ad71Christian Maeder sep [ printGroupSpec lg frm <+> keyword toS
f456529a89bfb620d39e5fd5b0a53b24643db96dDominik Luecke , (if null ad then id else (<+> equals))
7ab2df3001654dd1b7a2cfc3da1ccef11c39a503Christian Maeder $ printGroupSpec lg to]
54ea981a0503c396c2923a1c06421c6235baf27fChristian Maederinstance PrettyLG LIB_ITEM where
54ea981a0503c396c2923a1c06421c6235baf27fChristian Maeder prettyLG lg li = case li of
54ea981a0503c396c2923a1c06421c6235baf27fChristian Maeder Spec_defn si (Genericity aa@(Params pl) ab@(Imported il) _) ac' _ ->
54ea981a0503c396c2923a1c06421c6235baf27fChristian Maeder let las = l_annos ac'
d0642e0d269791a923f2bf86ea249f971f14addbChristian Maeder (sa, ac) = if startsWithSemanticAnno las then
(equals <+> annoDoc (head las),
ac' { l_annos = tail las })
else (equals, ac')
x : r = case skipVoidGroup $ item ac of
Extension e@(_ : _) _ ->
printExtension lg $ moveAnnos ac e
Union u@(_ : _) _ ->
printUnion lg $ moveAnnos ac u
_ -> [prettyLG lg ac]
spid = indexed (iriToStringShortUnsecure si)
sphead = if null il then
if null pl then spid <+> sa
else cat [spid, printPARAMS lg aa <+> sa]
else sep [ cat [spid, printPARAMS lg aa]
, printIMPORTED lg ab <+> sa]
in if null (iriToStringShortUnsecure si) && null pl
then prettyLG lg ac' else
vcat $ (topKey specS <+> vcat [sphead, x]) : r
++ [keyword endS]
View_defn si (Genericity aa@(Params pl) ab@(Imported il) _)
vt ad _ ->
let spid = structIRI si
sphead = if null il then
if null pl then spid <+> colon
else cat [spid, printPARAMS lg aa <+> colon]
else sep [ cat [spid, printPARAMS lg aa]
, printIMPORTED lg ab <+> colon]
in topKey viewS <+>
sep [sphead, prettyViewType ad lg vt, ppWithCommas ad]
$+$ keyword endS
Entail_defn si (Entail_type s1 s2 _) _ -> topKey entailmentS <+>
sep [structIRI si <+> equals
, prettyLG lg s1
, keyword entailsS
, prettyLG lg s2 ]
$+$ keyword endS
Equiv_defn si (Equiv_type as1 as2 _) sp _ -> topKey equivalenceS <+>
sep [structIRI si <+> colon, sep
[ prettyLG lg as1
, text equiS
, prettyLG lg as2]
<+> equals, prettyLG lg sp]
$+$ keyword endS
Align_defn si ar vt corresps _ ->
let spid = indexed (iriToStringShortUnsecure si)
sphead = case ar of
Nothing -> spid <+> colon
Just alignArities -> sep
[spid, printAlignArities alignArities <+> colon ]
in topKey alignmentS <+>
sep ([sphead, prettyViewType [] lg vt]
++ if null corresps then []
else [equals,
printCorrespondences corresps])
$+$ keyword endS
Module_defn mn mt rs _ ->
let spid = indexed (iriToStringShortUnsecure mn)
sphead = spid <+> colon
spmt = case mt of
Module_type sp1 sp2 _ -> sep
[prettyLG lg sp1, text ofS, prettyLG lg sp2]
in topKey moduleS <+>
sep [sphead, spmt, text forS, sep $ map structIRI rs]
Arch_spec_defn si ab _ -> topKey archS <+>
fsep [keyword specS, structIRI si <+> equals, prettyLG lg ab]
$+$ keyword endS
Unit_spec_defn si ab _ -> topKey unitS <+>
fsep [keyword specS, structIRI si <+> equals, prettyLG lg ab]
$+$ keyword endS
Ref_spec_defn si ab _ -> keyword refinementS <+>
fsep [structIRI si <+> equals, prettyLG lg ab]
$+$ keyword endS
Graph_defn si n _ -> keyword networkS <+>
fsep [structIRI si <+> equals, pretty n]
$+$ keyword endS
Download_items l ab _ -> topKey fromS <+>
fsep ((pretty l <+> keyword getS) : prettyDownloadItems ab)
Logic_decl aa _ -> pretty aa
Newlogic_defn nl _ -> pretty nl
Newcomorphism_defn nc _ -> pretty nc
instance PrettyLG OmsOrNetwork where
prettyLG lg s = case s of
MkOms o -> printGroupSpec lg o
MkNetwork n -> pretty n
prettyDownloadItems :: DownloadItems -> [Doc]
prettyDownloadItems d = case d of
ItemMaps l -> punctuate comma $ map pretty l
UniqueItem i -> [mapsto, structIRI i]
instance PrettyLG GENERICITY where
prettyLG lg (Genericity aa ab _) =
sep [printPARAMS lg aa, printIMPORTED lg ab]
printPARAMS :: LogicGraph -> PARAMS -> Doc
printPARAMS lg (Params aa) = cat $ map (brackets . rmTopKey . prettyLG lg ) aa
printIMPORTED :: LogicGraph -> IMPORTED -> Doc
printIMPORTED lg (Imported aa) = case aa of
[] -> empty
_ -> sep [keyword givenS, sepByCommas $ map (printGroupSpec lg) aa]
instance Pretty ALIGN_ARITIES where
pretty = printAlignArities
printAlignArities :: ALIGN_ARITIES -> Doc
printAlignArities (Align_arities f b) =
sep [text alignArityForwardS, printAlignArity f,
text alignArityBackwardS, printAlignArity b]
printAlignArity :: ALIGN_ARITY -> Doc
printAlignArity = text . showAlignArity
printCorrespondences :: [CORRESPONDENCE] -> Doc
printCorrespondences = vsep . punctuate comma . map printCorrespondence
printCorrespondence :: CORRESPONDENCE -> Doc
printCorrespondence Default_correspondence = text "*"
printCorrespondence (Correspondence_block mrref mconf cs) =
sep $ concat
[[text relationS],
map printRelationRef $ maybeToList mrref,
map printConfidence $ maybeToList mconf,
[text "{"],
[printCorrespondences cs],
[text "}"]]
printCorrespondence (Single_correspondence mcid eRef toer mrRef mconf) =
sep $ concat
[[indexed $ show eRef],
map printRelationRef $ maybeToList mrRef,
map printConfidence $ maybeToList mconf,
[pretty toer],
map pretty $ maybeToList mcid]
instance Pretty CORRESPONDENCE where
pretty = printCorrespondence
printConfidence :: CONFIDENCE -> Doc
-- "show" should work in [0,1]
printConfidence = text . ('(' :) . (++ ")") . show
printRelationRef :: RELATION_REF -> Doc
printRelationRef rref = case rref of
Subsumes -> text ">"
IsSubsumed -> text "<"
Equivalent -> text "="
Incompatible -> text "%"
HasInstance -> text "$\\ni$"
InstanceOf -> text "$\\in$"
DefaultRelation -> text "$\\mapsto$"
Iri i -> structIRI i
instance Pretty ItemNameMap where
pretty (ItemNameMap a m) = fsep
$ structIRI a : case m of
Nothing -> []
Just b -> [mapsto, structIRI b]