Parse_AS_Library.hs revision 697e63e30aa3c309a1ef1f9357745111f8dfc5a9
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : parser for CASL specification librariess
Copyright : (c) Maciek Makowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Grothendieck)
Parser for CASL specification librariess
Follows Sect. II:3.1.5 of the CASL Reference Manual.
module Syntax.Parse_AS_Library (library) where
import Logic.Grothendieck (LogicGraph(currentLogic))
import Syntax.AS_Structured
import Syntax.AS_Library
import Syntax.Parse_AS_Structured
(logicName, groupSpec, aSpec, parseMapping)
import Syntax.Parse_AS_Architecture
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.AnnoState
import Common.Keywords
import Common.Lexer
import Common.Token
import Common.Id
import Common.LibName
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Data.List(intersperse)
import Data.Maybe(maybeToList)
-- * Parsing functions
-- | Parse a library of specifications
library :: LogicGraph -> AParser st LIB_DEFN
library lG = do
(ps, ln) <- option
(nullRange, Lib_id $ Indirect_link libraryS nullRange "" noTime) $ do
s1 <- asKey libraryS
n <- libName
return (tokPos s1, n)
an <- annos
ls <- libItems lG
return (Lib_defn ln ls ps an)
-- | Parse library name
libName :: AParser st LIB_NAME
libName = do
libid <- libId
v <- option Nothing (fmap Just version)
return $ case v of
Nothing -> Lib_id libid
Just v1 -> Lib_version libid v1
-- | Parse the library version
version :: AParser st VERSION_NUMBER
version = do
s <- asKey versionS
pos <- getPos
n <- many1 digit `sepBy1` (string ".")
return (Version_number n (tokPos s `appRange` Range [pos]))
-- | Parse library ID
libId :: AParser st LIB_ID
libId = do
pos <- getPos
path <- scanAnyWords `sepBy1` (string "/")
return $ Indirect_link (concat (intersperse "/" path)) (Range [pos])
"" noTime
-- ??? URL need to be added
-- | Parse the library elements
libItems :: LogicGraph -> AParser st [Annoted LIB_ITEM]
libItems l =
(eof >> return [])
<|> do
r <- libItem l
la <- lineAnnos
an <- annos
is <- libItems $ case r of
Logic_decl (Logic_name logN _) _ ->
l { currentLogic = tokStr logN }
_ -> l
case is of
[] -> return [Annoted r nullRange [] $ la ++ an]
Annoted i p nl ra : rs ->
return $ Annoted r nullRange [] la : Annoted i p (an ++ nl) ra : rs
-- | Parse an element of the library
libItem :: LogicGraph -> AParser st LIB_ITEM
libItem l =
-- spec defn
do s <- asKey specS
n <- simpleId
g <- generics l
e <- equalT
a <- aSpec l
q <- optEnd
return (Syntax.AS_Library.Spec_defn n g a
(catRange ([s, e] ++ maybeToList q)))
<|> -- view defn
do s1 <- asKey viewS
vn <- simpleId
g <- generics l
s2 <- asKey ":"
vt <- viewType l
(symbMap,ps) <- option ([],[])
(do s <- equalT
(m, _) <- parseMapping l
return (m,[s]))
q <- optEnd
return (Syntax.AS_Library.View_defn vn g vt symbMap
(catRange ([s1, s2] ++ ps ++ maybeToList q)))
<|> -- unit spec
do kUnit <- asKey unitS
kSpec <- asKey specS
name <- simpleId
kEqu <- equalT
usp <- unitSpec l
kEnd <- optEnd
return (Syntax.AS_Library.Unit_spec_defn name usp
(catRange ([kUnit, kSpec, kEqu] ++ maybeToList kEnd)))
<|> -- ref spec
do kRef <- asKey refinementS
name <- simpleId
kEqu <- equalT
rsp <- refSpec l
kEnd <- optEnd
return (Syntax.AS_Library.Ref_spec_defn name rsp
(catRange ([kRef, kEqu] ++ maybeToList kEnd)))
<|> -- arch spec
do kArch <- asKey archS
kSpec <- asKey specS
name <- simpleId
kEqu <- equalT
asp <- annotedArchSpec l
kEnd <- optEnd
return (Syntax.AS_Library.Arch_spec_defn name asp
(catRange ([kArch, kSpec, kEqu] ++ maybeToList kEnd)))
<|> -- download
do s1 <- asKey fromS
iln <- libName
s2 <- asKey getS
(il,ps) <- itemNameOrMap `separatedBy` anComma
q <- optEnd
return (Download_items iln il
(catRange ([s1, s2] ++ ps ++ maybeToList q)))
<|> -- logic
do s1 <- asKey logicS
logN@(Logic_name t _) <- logicName
return (Logic_decl logN (catRange [s1, t]))
<|> -- just a spec (turned into "spec spec = sp")
do p1 <- getPos
a <- aSpec l
p2 <- getPos
if p1 == p2 then fail "cannot parse spec" else
return (Syntax.AS_Library.Spec_defn (mkSimpleId specS)
(Genericity (Params []) (Imported []) nullRange) a nullRange)
-- | Parse view type
viewType :: LogicGraph -> AParser st VIEW_TYPE
viewType l = do
sp1 <- annoParser (groupSpec l)
s <- asKey toS
sp2 <- annoParser (groupSpec l)
return (View_type sp1 sp2 $ tokPos s)
-- | Parse item name or name map
itemNameOrMap :: AParser st ITEM_NAME_OR_MAP
itemNameOrMap = do
i1 <- simpleId
i' <- option Nothing $ do
s <- asKey "|->"
i <- simpleId
return $ Just (i,s)
return $ case i' of
Nothing -> Item_name i1
Just (i2, s) -> Item_name_map i1 i2 $ tokPos s
optEnd :: AParser st (Maybe Token)
optEnd = try
(addAnnos >> option Nothing (fmap Just $ pToken $ keyWord $ string endS))
<< addLineAnnos
generics :: LogicGraph -> AParser st GENERICITY
generics l = do
(pa, ps1) <- params l
(imp, ps2) <- option ([], nullRange) (imports l)
return $ Genericity (Params pa) (Imported imp) $ appRange ps1 ps2
params :: LogicGraph -> AParser st ([Annoted SPEC],Range)
params l = do
pas <- many (param l)
let (pas1, ps) = unzip pas
return (pas1, concatMapRange id ps)
param :: LogicGraph -> AParser st (Annoted SPEC,Range)
param l = do
b <- oBracketT
pa <- aSpec l
c <- cBracketT
return (pa, toRange b [] c)
imports :: LogicGraph -> AParser st ([Annoted SPEC], Range)
imports l = do
s <- asKey givenS
(sps, ps) <- annoParser (groupSpec l) `separatedBy` anComma
return (sps, catRange (s:ps))