LaTeX_AS_Library.hs revision f3a94a197960e548ecd6520bb768cb0d547457bb
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Klaus L�ttich, Uni Bremen 2002-2004
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Grothendieck)
LaTeX Pretty Printing heterogenous
libraries in HetCASL.
module Syntax.LaTeX_AS_Library where
import Common.Lib.Pretty
import Common.PrintLaTeX
import Common.LaTeX_utils
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.Keywords
import Common.Id
import qualified Syntax.AS_Structured as AS_Struct
import Syntax.AS_Library
import Syntax.LaTeX_AS_Architecture
import Syntax.LaTeX_AS_Structured
import Syntax.Print_AS_Structured
import Syntax.Print_AS_Library
instance PrintLaTeX LIB_DEFN where
printLatex0 ga (Lib_defn aa ab _ ad) =
let aa' = printLatex0 ga' aa -- lib name
ab' = vcat $ map (printLatex0 ga') ab -- LIB_ITEMs
ad' = vcat $ map (printLatex0 ga') ad -- global ANNOTATIONs
ga' = set_latex_print True ga
in hc_sty_plain_keyword libraryS <\+> aa'
<> lnl $$ ad'
$$ lnl $$ ab'
instance PrintLaTeX LIB_ITEM where
printLatex0 ga (Spec_defn aa ab ac _) =
let aa' = simple_id_indexed_latex aa
ab' = printLatex0 ga ab -- only PARAMS are nested/hang after
-- the spec name
spec_head = hc_sty_hetcasl_keyword specS
<\+> setTab_latex <> aa' <\+> ab' <\+> equals_latex
ac' = spAnnotedPrint (printLatex0 ga)
(printLatex0 ga) (<\+>) (spec_head) ac
in ac' $$ latexEnd
printLatex0 ga (View_defn aa ab ac ad _) =
let aa' = simple_id_latex aa
ab' = case printLatex0 ga ab of
| isEmpty ab_d -> empty
| otherwise -> ab_d
condGrpSp = condBracesGroupSpec4View_defn
sp_braces_latex2 ga
(frm,to) = case ac of
AS_Struct.View_type vaa vab _ ->
(condGrpSp vaa,
condGrpSp vab)
ad' = fcat $ punctuate (comma_latex<>space_latex) $
map (printLatex0 ga) ad
eq' = if null ad then empty else equals_latex
vhead = hc_sty_hetcasl_keyword viewS <\+>
setTab_latex <> aa' <\+> ab'
to' = if isEmpty eq' then to else to <\+> eq'
head_with_type =
fsep [vhead <\+> colon_latex,
fsep [frm <\+> hc_sty_plain_keyword toS,
in (if isEmpty eq'
then head_with_type
else head_with_type $$ tabbed_nest_latex ad'
$$ latexEnd
{- (hang_latex
(hc_sty_hetcasl_keyword "view"
<\+> aa' <\+> ab')
<\+> frm
<\+> hc_sty_plain_keyword "to"))
printLatex0 ga (Arch_spec_defn aa ab _) =
let aa' = simple_id_latex aa
ab' = printLatex0 ga ab
in (hang_latex
(hc_sty_plain_keyword archS <\+>
hc_sty_plain_keyword specS <\+> aa'
<\+> equals_latex)
4 ab')
$$ latexEnd
printLatex0 ga (Unit_spec_defn aa ab _) =
let aa' = hc_sty_id $ tokStr aa
ab' = printLatex0 ga ab
in (hang_latex (hc_sty_plain_keyword unitS <\+>
hc_sty_plain_keyword specS <\+> aa'
<\+> equals_latex)
4 ab')
$$ latexEnd
printLatex0 ga (Ref_spec_defn aa ab _) =
let aa' = hc_sty_id $ tokStr aa
ab' = printLatex0 ga ab
in (hang_latex (hc_sty_plain_keyword refinementS <\+> aa'
<\+> equals_latex)
4 ab')
$$ latexEnd
printLatex0 ga (Download_items aa ab _) =
let aa' = printLatex0 ga aa
ab' = fsep_latex $ punctuate comma_latex $
map (printLatex0 ga) ab
in (hang_latex (hc_sty_hetcasl_keyword fromS <\+> setTab_latex <>aa'
<\+> hc_sty_plain_keyword getS)
(tabbed_nest_latex ab')) <> lnl
printLatex0 ga (Syntax.AS_Library.Logic_decl aa _) =
let aa' = printLatex0 ga aa
in hc_sty_plain_keyword logicS <\+> aa'
instance PrintLaTeX ITEM_NAME_OR_MAP where
printLatex0 _ga (Item_name aa) =
simple_id_latex aa
printLatex0 _ga (Item_name_map aa ab _) =
simple_id_latex aa <\+> hc_sty_axiom "\\mapsto" <\+> simple_id_latex ab
instance PrintLaTeX LIB_NAME where
printLatex0 ga (Lib_version aa ab) =
let aa' = printLatex0 ga aa
ab' = printLatex0 ga ab
in aa' <\+> hc_sty_plain_keyword versionS <\+> ab'
printLatex0 ga (Lib_id aa) = printLatex0 ga aa
instance PrintLaTeX LIB_ID where
printLatex0 _ (Direct_link aa _) =
hc_sty_structid aa
printLatex0 _ (Indirect_link aa _) =
hc_sty_structid aa
instance PrintLaTeX VERSION_NUMBER where
printLatex0 _ (Version_number aa _) =
hcat $ punctuate (casl_normal_latex ".") $ map casl_normal_latex aa
lnl :: Doc
lnl = latex_macro "\n"
latexEnd :: Doc
latexEnd = hc_sty_plain_keyword endS <> lnl