AS_Structured.der.hs revision e9458b1a7a19a63aa4c179f9ab20f4d50681c168
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{- |
Module : ./Syntax/AS_Structured.der.hs
Description : abstract syntax of DOL OMS and CASL structured specifications
Copyright : (c) Klaus Luettich, Uni Bremen 2002-2016
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Grothendieck)
Abstract syntax of HetCASL (heterogeneous) structured specifications
Follows Sect. II:2.2.3 of the CASL Reference Manual.
Abstract syntax of DOL OMS and networks
Follows the DOL OMG standard, clauses 9.4, 9.5, M.2 and M.3
module Syntax.AS_Structured where
-- DrIFT command:
{-! global: GetRange !-}
import Common.Id
import Common.IRI
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Data.Typeable
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Grothendieck
( G_basic_spec
, G_symb_items_list
, G_symb_map_items_list
, LogicGraph
, setCurLogic
, setSyntax )
-- for spec-defn and view-defn see AS_Library
data SPEC = Basic_spec G_basic_spec Range
| EmptySpec Range
| Extraction (Annoted SPEC) EXTRACTION
| Translation (Annoted SPEC) RENAMING
| Reduction (Annoted SPEC) RESTRICTION
| Approximation (Annoted SPEC) APPROXIMATION
| Minimization (Annoted SPEC) MINIMIZATION
| Filtering (Annoted SPEC) FILTERING
| Bridge (Annoted SPEC) [RENAMING] (Annoted SPEC) Range
| Union [Annoted SPEC] Range
-- pos: "and"s
| Intersection [Annoted SPEC] Range
-- pos: "intersect"s
| Extension [Annoted SPEC] Range
-- pos: "then"s
| Free_spec (Annoted SPEC) Range
-- pos: "free"
| Cofree_spec (Annoted SPEC) Range
-- pos: "cofree"
| Minimize_spec (Annoted SPEC) Range
-- pos: "minimize", "closed-world"
| Local_spec (Annoted SPEC) (Annoted SPEC) Range
-- pos: "local", "within"
| Closed_spec (Annoted SPEC) Range
-- pos: "closed"
| Group (Annoted SPEC) Range
-- pos: "{","}"
| Spec_inst SPEC_NAME [Annoted FIT_ARG] (Maybe IRI) Range
{- pos: many of "[","]"; one balanced pair per FIT_ARG
an optional ImpName for DOL -}
| Qualified_spec LogicDescr (Annoted SPEC) Range
-- pos: "logic", Logic_name,":"
| Data AnyLogic AnyLogic (Annoted SPEC) (Annoted SPEC) Range
-- pos: "data"
| Combination Network Range
-- pos: "combine"
| Apply IRI G_basic_spec Range
-- pos: "apply", use a basic spec parser to parse a sentence
deriving (Show, Typeable)
data Network = Network [LABELED_ONTO_OR_INTPR_REF] [IRI] Range
deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)
data FILTERING = FilterBasicSpec Bool G_basic_spec Range
| FilterSymbolList Bool G_symb_items_list Range
deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)
data EXTRACTION = ExtractOrRemove Bool [IRI] Range
deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)
data APPROXIMATION = ForgetOrKeep Bool [G_hiding] (Maybe IRI) Range
deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)
data MINIMIZATION = Mini Token [IRI] [IRI] Range
deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)
data RENAMING = Renaming [G_mapping] Range
-- pos: "with", list of comma pos
deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)
data RESTRICTION = Hidden [G_hiding] Range
-- pos: "hide", list of comma pos
| Revealed G_symb_map_items_list Range
-- pos: "reveal", list of comma pos
deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)
{- Renaming and Hiding can be performend with intermediate Logic
mappings / Logic projections.
data G_mapping = G_symb_map G_symb_map_items_list
| G_logic_translation Logic_code
deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)
data G_hiding = G_symb_list G_symb_items_list
| G_logic_projection Logic_code
deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)
data FIT_ARG = Fit_spec (Annoted SPEC) [G_mapping] Range
-- pos: opt "fit"
| Fit_view IRI [Annoted FIT_ARG] Range
-- annotations before the view keyword are stored in Spec_inst
deriving (Show, Typeable)
-- | a logic with serialization or a DOL qualification
data LogicDescr = LogicDescr Logic_name (Maybe IRI) Range
-- pos: "serialization"
| SyntaxQual IRI
| LanguageQual IRI
deriving (Show, Typeable)
data Logic_code = Logic_code (Maybe String)
(Maybe Logic_name)
(Maybe Logic_name) Range
{- pos: "logic",<encoding>,":",<src-logic>,"->",<targ-logic>
one of <encoding>, <src-logic> or <targ-logic>
must be given (by Just)
"logic bla" => <encoding> only
"logic bla ->" => <src-logic> only
"logic -> bla" => <targ-logic> only
"logic bla1 -> bla2" => <src-logic> and <targ-logic>
-- "logic bla1:bla2" => <encoding> and <src-logic>
this notation is not very useful and is not maintained
"logic bla1:bla2 ->" => <encoding> and <src-logic> (!)
"logic bla1: ->bla2" => <encoding> and <targ-logic> -}
deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)
data Logic_name = Logic_name
String -- looked-up logic name
(Maybe Token) -- sublogic part
(Maybe SPEC_NAME) -- for a sublogic based on the given theory
deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)
data LABELED_ONTO_OR_INTPR_REF = Labeled (Maybe Token) IRI
deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)
nameToLogicDescr :: Logic_name -> LogicDescr
nameToLogicDescr n = LogicDescr n Nothing nullRange
setLogicName :: LogicDescr -> LogicGraph -> LogicGraph
setLogicName ld = case ld of
LogicDescr (Logic_name lid _ _) s _ -> setSyntax s . setCurLogic lid
_ -> id
makeSpec :: G_basic_spec -> Annoted SPEC
makeSpec gbs = emptyAnno $ Basic_spec gbs nullRange
makeSpecInst :: SPEC_NAME -> Annoted SPEC
makeSpecInst n = emptyAnno $ Spec_inst n [] Nothing nullRange
addImports :: [SPEC_NAME] -> Annoted SPEC -> Annoted SPEC
addImports is bs = case map makeSpecInst is of
[] -> bs
js@(i : rs) -> emptyAnno $ Extension
[ if null rs then i else
emptyAnno $ Union js nullRange, bs] nullRange
data CORRESPONDENCE = Correspondence_block
| Single_correspondence
(Maybe Annotation)
G_symb_items_list -- was ENTITY_REF
G_symb_items_list -- was TERM_OR_ENTITY_REF
| Default_correspondence
deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)
data RELATION_REF = Subsumes | IsSubsumed | Equivalent | Incompatible
| HasInstance | InstanceOf | DefaultRelation
| Iri IRI
deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)
refToRel Subsumes = Subs
refToRel IsSubsumed = IsSubs
refToRel Equivalent = Equiv
refToRel Incompatible = Incomp
refToRel HasInstance = HasInst
refToRel InstanceOf = InstOf
refToRel DefaultRelation = DefRel
refToRel (Iri i) = RelName i
type CONFIDENCE = Double -- NOTE: will be revised
instance GetRange Double where
getRange = const nullRange
getSpecNames :: SPEC -> Set.Set SPEC_NAME
getSpecNames sp = let f = getSpecNames . item in case sp of
Translation as _ -> f as
Reduction as _ -> f as
Approximation as _ -> f as
Minimization as _ -> f as
Filtering as _ -> f as
Union as _ -> Set.unions $ map f as
Intersection as _ -> Set.unions $ map f as
Extraction as _ -> f as
Extension as _ -> Set.unions $ map f as
Free_spec as _ -> f as
Cofree_spec as _ -> f as
Minimize_spec as _ -> f as
Local_spec s1 s2 _ -> Set.union (f s1) $ f s2
Closed_spec as _ -> f as
Group as _ -> f as
Spec_inst sn fas _ _ -> Set.insert sn
. Set.unions . map f $ concatMap (getSpecs . item) fas
Qualified_spec _ as _ -> f as
Data _ _ s1 s2 _ -> Set.union (f s1) $ f s2
_ -> Set.empty
getSpecs :: FIT_ARG -> [Annoted SPEC]
getSpecs fa = case fa of
Fit_spec as _ _ -> [as]
Fit_view _ fas _ -> concatMap (getSpecs . item) fas