AS_Library.der.hs revision 80875f917d741946a39d0ec0b5721e46ba609823
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{- |
Module : ./Syntax/AS_Library.der.hs
Description : abstract syntax of DOL documents and CASL specification libraries
Copyright : (c) Klaus Luettich, Uni Bremen 2002-2016
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Grothendieck)
Abstract syntax of HetCASL specification libraries
Follows Sect. II:2.2.5 of the CASL Reference Manual.
Abstract syntax of DOL documents
Follows the DOL OMG standard, clauses 9.3 and M.1
module Syntax.AS_Library where
-- DrIFT command:
{-! global: GetRange !-}
import Common.Id
import Common.IRI
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.LibName
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Typeable
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Logic
import Syntax.AS_Architecture
import Syntax.AS_Structured
import Framework.AS
import Framework.ATC_Framework ()
data LIB_DEFN = Lib_defn LibName [Annoted LIB_ITEM] Range [Annotation]
{- pos: "library"
list of annotations is parsed preceding the first LIB_ITEM
the last LIB_ITEM may be annotated with a following comment
the first LIB_ITEM cannot be annotated -}
deriving (Show, Typeable)
{- for information on the list of Pos see the documentation in
AS_Structured.hs and AS_Architecture.hs -}
data LIB_ITEM = Spec_defn SPEC_NAME GENERICITY (Annoted SPEC) Range
-- pos: "spec", "=", opt "end"
| View_defn IRI GENERICITY VIEW_TYPE [G_mapping] Range
-- pos: "view", ":", opt "=", opt "end"
| Entail_defn IRI ENTAIL_TYPE Range
-- pos: "entailment", "=", opt "end"
| Equiv_defn IRI EQUIV_TYPE OmsOrNetwork Range
-- pos: "equivalence", ":", "=", opt "end"
| Module_defn IRI MODULE_TYPE G_symb_items_list Range
{- G_symb_items_list is RESTRICTION-SIGNATURE
| Query_defn IRI G_symb_items_list G_basic_spec (Annoted SPEC)
(Maybe IRI) Range
-- pos: "query", "=", "select", "where", "in", "along"
| Subst_defn IRI VIEW_TYPE G_symb_map_items_list Range
-- pos: "substitution", ":", "=", opt "end"
| Result_defn IRI [IRI] IRI Bool Range
-- pos: "result", commas, "for", "%complete", opt "end"
| Arch_spec_defn ARCH_SPEC_NAME (Annoted ARCH_SPEC) Range
-- pos: "arch", "spec", "=", opt "end"
| Unit_spec_defn SPEC_NAME UNIT_SPEC Range
-- pos: "unit", "spec", "=", opt "end"
| Ref_spec_defn SPEC_NAME REF_SPEC Range
-- pos: "refinement", "=", opt "end"
| Network_defn IRI Network Range
-- pos: "network", "=", opt "end"
| Download_items LibName DownloadItems Range
-- pos: "from", "get", "|->", commas, opt "end"
| Logic_decl LogicDescr Range
-- pos: "logic", Logic_name
| Newlogic_defn LogicDef Range
-- pos: "newlogic", Logic_name, "=", opt "end"
| Newcomorphism_defn ComorphismDef Range
-- pos: "newcomorphism", Comorphism_name, "=", opt "end"
deriving (Show, Typeable)
data AlignSem = SingleDomain | GlobalDomain | ContextualizedDomain
deriving (Show, Typeable, Bounded, Enum)
{- Item maps are the documented CASL renamed entities whereas a unique item
contains the new target name of the single arbitrarily named item from the
downloaded library. -}
data DownloadItems =
ItemMaps [ItemNameMap]
| UniqueItem IRI
deriving (Show, Typeable)
addDownload :: Bool -> SPEC_NAME -> Annoted LIB_ITEM
addDownload unique = emptyAnno . addDownloadAux unique
addDownloadAux :: Bool -> SPEC_NAME -> LIB_ITEM
addDownloadAux unique j =
let libPath = deleteQuery j
query = iriQuery j -- this used to be the fragment
i = case query of
"" -> j
"?" -> libPath
_ : r -> fromMaybe libPath $ parseIRICurie r
in Download_items (iriLibName i)
(if unique then UniqueItem i else ItemMaps [ItemNameMap i Nothing])
$ iriPos i
data GENERICITY = Genericity PARAMS IMPORTED Range deriving (Show, Typeable)
-- pos: many of "[","]" opt ("given", commas)
emptyGenericity :: GENERICITY
emptyGenericity = Genericity (Params []) (Imported []) nullRange
data PARAMS = Params [Annoted SPEC] deriving (Show, Typeable)
data IMPORTED = Imported [Annoted SPEC] deriving (Show, Typeable)
data VIEW_TYPE = View_type (Annoted SPEC) (Annoted SPEC) Range
deriving (Show, Typeable)
-- pos: "to"
data EQUIV_TYPE = Equiv_type OmsOrNetwork OmsOrNetwork Range
deriving (Show, Typeable)
-- pos: "<->"
data MODULE_TYPE = Module_type (Annoted SPEC) (Annoted SPEC) Range
deriving (Show, Typeable)
deriving (Show, Typeable)
data ALIGN_ARITY = AA_InjectiveAndTotal | AA_Injective | AA_Total
| AA_NeitherInjectiveNorTotal
deriving (Show, Enum, Bounded, Typeable)
data OmsOrNetwork = MkOms (Annoted SPEC)
| MkNetwork Network
deriving (Show, Typeable)
data ENTAIL_TYPE = Entail_type OmsOrNetwork OmsOrNetwork Range
| OMSInNetwork IRI Network SPEC Range
deriving (Show, Typeable)
-- pos "entails"
showAlignArity :: ALIGN_ARITY -> String
showAlignArity ar = case ar of
AA_InjectiveAndTotal -> "1"
AA_Injective -> "?"
AA_Total -> "+"
AA_NeitherInjectiveNorTotal -> "*"
data ItemNameMap =
ItemNameMap IRI (Maybe IRI)
deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)
makeLogicItem :: Language lid => lid -> Annoted LIB_ITEM
makeLogicItem lid = emptyAnno $ Logic_decl
(nameToLogicDescr $ Logic_name
(language_name lid) Nothing Nothing) nullRange
makeSpecItem :: SPEC_NAME -> Annoted SPEC -> Annoted LIB_ITEM
makeSpecItem sn as =
emptyAnno $ Spec_defn sn emptyGenericity as nullRange
fromBasicSpec :: LibName -> SPEC_NAME -> G_basic_spec -> LIB_DEFN
fromBasicSpec ln sn gbs =
Lib_defn ln [makeSpecItem sn $ makeSpec gbs] nullRange []
getDeclSpecNames :: LIB_ITEM -> [IRI]
getDeclSpecNames li = case li of
Spec_defn sn _ _ _ -> [sn]
Download_items _ di _ -> getImportNames di
_ -> []
getImportNames :: DownloadItems -> [IRI]
getImportNames di = case di of
ItemMaps im -> map (\ (ItemNameMap i mi) -> fromMaybe i mi) im
UniqueItem i -> [i]
getOms :: OmsOrNetwork -> [SPEC]
getOms o = case o of
MkOms s -> [item s]
MkNetwork _ -> []
getSpecDef :: LIB_ITEM -> [SPEC]
getSpecDef li = case li of
Spec_defn _ _ as _ -> [item as]
View_defn _ _ (View_type s1 s2 _) _ _ -> [item s1, item s2]
Entail_defn _ (Entail_type s1 s2 _) _ -> getOms s1 ++ getOms s2
Equiv_defn _ (Equiv_type s1 s2 _) as _ ->
getOms s1 ++ getOms s2 ++ getOms as
Align_defn _ _ (View_type s1 s2 _) _ _ _ -> [item s1, item s2]
Module_defn _ (Module_type s1 s2 _) _ _ -> [item s1, item s2]
_ -> []