XGraph.hs revision c208973c890b8f993297720fd0247bc7481d4304
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : xml input for Hets development graphs
Copyright : (c) Simon Ulbricht, DFKI GmbH 2011
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : tekknix@informatik.uni-bremen.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (DevGraph)
convert an Xml-Graph into an XGraph-Structure.
module Static.XGraph
( XGraph (..)
, XTree (..)
, XNode (..)
, XLink (..)
, xGraph
) where
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.DgUtils
import Common.AnalyseAnnos (getGlobalAnnos)
import Common.Consistency (Conservativity (..))
import Common.GlobalAnnotations (GlobalAnnos, emptyGlobalAnnos)
import Common.LibName
import Common.Result (Result (..))
import Common.Utils (readMaybe)
import Common.XUpdate (getAttrVal)
import Data.List (partition, intercalate)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Set as Set (empty, insert)
import Text.XML.Light
{- -------------
Data Types -}
{- the XGraph data structure contains the elements in exactly the opposite
order that they can be reconstructed later.
- Top element holds all Theorem Links and the remaining Graph.
- Branch holds a list of Definition Links and their Target-Node
- Root contains all independent Nodes -}
data XGraph = XGraph { libName :: LibName
, thmLinks :: [XLink]
, xg_body :: XTree}
data XTree = Root [XNode] DGraph -- ^ DGraph stores GlobalAnnos and nextLinkId
| Branch XNode [XLink] XTree
data XNode = XNode { nodeName :: NodeName
, logicName :: String
, symbs :: (Bool, String) -- ^ hidden?
, specs :: String } -- ^ Sentences
| XRef { nodeName :: NodeName
, refNode :: String
, refLib :: String
, specs :: String }
data XLink = XLink { source :: String
, target :: String
, edgeId :: EdgeId
, lType :: DGEdgeType
, rule :: DGRule
, cons :: Conservativity
, prBasis :: ProofBasis
, mr_name :: String
, mr_source :: Maybe String
, mapping :: String }
{- ------------
Functions -}
name :: XNode -> String
name = showName . nodeName
xGraph :: Element -> Result XGraph
xGraph xml = do
allNodes <- extractXNodes xml
allLinks <- extractXLinks xml
let (thmLk, defLk) = partition (\ l -> case edgeTypeModInc $ lType l of
ThmType _ _ _ _ -> True
_ -> False ) allLinks
(initN, restN) <- case partition
(\ n -> not $ elem (name n) $ map target defLk) allNodes of
([], _) -> fail "found no independent nodes to start DGraph with"
l -> return l
nm <- getAttrVal "libname" xml
fl <- getAttrVal "filename" xml
let ln = setFilePath fl noTime $ emptyLibName nm
ga <- extractGlobalAnnos xml
i' <- fmap readEdgeId $ getAttrVal "nextlinkid" xml
let dg = emptyDG { globalAnnos = ga, getNewEdgeId = i' }
xg <- builtXGraph defLk restN $ Root initN dg
return $ XGraph ln thmLk xg
builtXGraph :: Monad m => [XLink] -> [XNode] -> XTree -> m XTree
builtXGraph = builtXGraphAux 0
builtXGraphAux :: Monad m => Int -> [XLink] -> [XNode] -> XTree -> m XTree
builtXGraphAux _ [] [] xg = return xg
builtXGraphAux _ [] _ _ = fail "builtXGraph: unexpected error (1)"
builtXGraphAux _ _ [] _ = fail "builtXGraph: unexpected error (2)"
builtXGraphAux safeguard ls (nd : nR) xg = if safeguard > length nR
then fail "builtXGraph: DEADLOCK!"
else let (lCur, lRest) = partition ((== name nd) . target) ls in
if any (`elem` (map name nR)) $ map source lCur
then builtXGraphAux (safeguard + 1) ls (nR ++ [nd]) xg
else builtXGraphAux 0 lRest nR $ Branch nd lCur xg
extractXNodes :: Monad m => Element -> m [XNode]
extractXNodes = mapM mkXNode . findChildren (unqual "DGNode")
extractXLinks :: Monad m => Element -> m [XLink]
extractXLinks = mapM mkXLink . findChildren (unqual "DGLink")
mkXNode :: Monad m => Element -> m XNode
mkXNode el = let get f s = f . map strContent . deepSearch [s]
get' s = get unlines s in do
nm' <- getAttrVal "name" el
case findChild (unqual "Reference") el of
Just rf -> do
rfNm <- getAttrVal "node" rf
rfLib <- getAttrVal "library" rf
let nm = parseNodeName nm'
return $ XRef nm rfNm rfLib $ get' "Axiom" el ++ get' "Theorem" el
Nothing -> let
hdSyms = case findChild (unqual "Hidden") el of
Nothing -> case findChild (unqual "Declarations") el of
-- Case #1: No declared or hidden symbols
Nothing -> (False, "")
-- Case #2: Node has declared symbols (DGBasicSpec)
Just ch -> (False, get' "Symbol" ch)
-- Case #3: Node has hidden symbols (DGRestricted)
Just ch -> (True, get (intercalate ", ") "Symbol" ch)
spcs = get' "Axiom" el ++ get' "Theorem" el
in do
lgN <- getAttrVal "logic" el
xp0 <- getAttrVal "relxpath" el
nm0 <- getAttrVal "refname" el
xp1 <- readXPath (nm0 ++ xp0)
let nm = parseNodeName nm'
return $ XNode nm { xpath = reverse xp1 } lgN hdSyms spcs
mkXLink :: Monad m => Element -> m XLink
mkXLink el = do
sr <- getAttrVal "source" el
tr <- getAttrVal "target" el
ei <- getAttrVal "linkid" el
tp <- case findChild (unqual "Type") el of
Just tp' -> return $ revertDGEdgeTypeName $ strContent tp'
Nothing -> fail "links type description is missing"
let rl = case findChild (unqual "Rule") el of
Nothing -> "no rule"
Just r' -> strContent r'
cc = case findChild (unqual "ConsStatus") el of
Nothing -> None
Just c' -> fromMaybe None $ readMaybe $ strContent c'
prB <- mapM (getAttrVal "linkref") $ findChildren (unqual "ProofBasis") el
(mrNm, mrSrc) <- case findChild (unqual "GMorphism") el of
Nothing -> fail "Links morphism description is missing!"
Just mor -> do
nm <- getAttrVal "name" mor
return (nm, findAttr (unqual "morphismsource") mor)
let parseSymbMap = intercalate ", " . map ( intercalate " |-> "
. map strContent . elChildren ) . deepSearch ["map"]
ei' = readEdgeId ei
prBs = ProofBasis $ foldr Set.insert Set.empty $ map readEdgeId prB
return $ XLink sr tr ei' tp (DGRule rl) cc prBs mrNm mrSrc $ parseSymbMap el
-- | custom xml-search for not only immediate children
deepSearch :: [String] -> Element -> [Element]
deepSearch tags' ele = rekSearch ele where
tags = map unqual tags'
rekSearch e = filtr e ++ concatMap filtr (elChildren e)
filtr = filterChildrenName (`elem` tags)
readEdgeId :: String -> EdgeId
readEdgeId = EdgeId . fromMaybe (-1) . readMaybe
-- | extracts the global annotations from the xml-graph
extractGlobalAnnos :: Element -> Result GlobalAnnos
extractGlobalAnnos dgEle = case findChild (unqual "Global") dgEle of
Nothing -> return emptyGlobalAnnos
Just gl -> getGlobalAnnos $ unlines $ map strContent
$ findChildren (unqual "Annotation") gl