WACocone.hs revision 83e814d7ac048930de2fe34b5b23d883654a1777
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : heterogeneous signatures colimits approximations
Copyright : (c) Mihai Codescu, and Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : mcodescu@informatik.uni-bremen.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable
Heterogeneous version of weakly_amalgamable_cocones.
Needs some improvements (see TO DO).
module Static.WACocone(GDiagram,
) where
import Control.Monad
import Data.List(nub)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as Graph
import Common.Lib.Graph as Tree
-- import Common.Amalgamate for now
import Common.ExtSign
import Common.Result
import Common.LogicT
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Comorphism
import Logic.Modification
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Coerce
import Static.GTheory
import Comorphisms.LogicGraph
weakly_amalgamable_colimit :: StaticAnalysis lid
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol
=> lid -> Tree.Gr sign (Int, morphism)
-> Result (sign, Map.Map Int morphism)
weakly_amalgamable_colimit l diag = do
(sig, sink) <- signature_colimit l diag
return (sig, sink)
-- until amalgamability check is fixed, just return a colimit
-- amalgCheck <- ensures_amalgamability l
-- ([Cell, ColimitThinness], diag, Map.toList sink, Graph.empty)
-- case amalgCheck of
-- NoAmalgamation s -> fail $ "failed amalgamability test " ++ s
-- DontKnow s -> fail $ "amalgamability test returns DontKnow: "++ s
-- _ -> return (sig, sink)
-- | Grothendieck diagrams
type GDiagram = Gr G_theory (Int, GMorphism)
-- | checks whether a connected GDiagram is homogeneous
isHomogeneousGDiagram :: GDiagram -> Bool
isHomogeneousGDiagram diag = foldl (&&) True $ map isHomogeneous $
map (\(_,_,(_,phi)) -> phi) $ labEdges diag
-- | homogenise a GDiagram to a targeted logic
homogeniseGDiagram :: Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree
=> lid -- ^ the target logic to be coerced to
-> GDiagram -- ^ the GDiagram to be homogenised
-> Result (Gr sign (Int,morphism))
homogeniseGDiagram targetLid diag = do
let convertNode (n, gth) = do
G_sign srcLid extSig _ <- return $ signOf gth
extSig' <- coerceSign srcLid targetLid "" extSig
return (n, plainSign extSig')
convertEdge (n1, n2, (nr,GMorphism cid _ _ mor _ ))
= if isIdComorphism (Comorphism cid) then
do mor' <- coerceMorphism (targetLogic cid) targetLid "" mor
return (n1, n2, (nr,mor'))
else fail $
"Trying to coerce a morphism between different logics.\n" ++
"Heterogeneous specifications are not fully supported yet."
convertNodes cDiag [] = do return cDiag
convertNodes cDiag (lNode : lNodes) =
do convNode <- convertNode lNode
let cDiag' = insNode convNode cDiag
convertNodes cDiag' lNodes
convertEdges cDiag [] = do return cDiag
convertEdges cDiag (lEdge : lEdges) =
do convEdge <- convertEdge lEdge
let cDiag' = insEdge convEdge cDiag
convertEdges cDiag' lEdges
dNodes = labNodes diag
dEdges = labEdges diag
-- insert converted nodes to an empty diagram
cDiag <- convertNodes Graph.empty dNodes
-- insert converted edges to the diagram containing only nodes
cDiag' <- convertEdges cDiag dEdges
return cDiag'
-- | checks whether a graph is connected
isConnected :: Gr a b -> Bool
isConnected graph = let
nodeList = nodes graph
root = head nodeList
availNodes = Map.fromList $ zip nodeList (repeat True)
bfs queue avail = case queue of
[] -> avail
n:ns -> let
avail1 = Map.insert n False avail
nbs = filter ((Map.!) avail) $ neighbors graph n
in bfs (ns++nbs) avail1
in filter ((Map.!) (bfs [root] availNodes)) nodeList == []
-- | checks whether the graph is thin
isThin :: Gr a b -> Bool
isThin graph = checkThinness (Map.empty) $ edges graph
checkThinness :: Map.Map Edge Int -> [Edge] -> Bool
checkThinness paths eList =
case eList of
[] -> True
(sn,tn):eList' ->
if (sn,tn) `elem` (Map.keys paths) then
False -- multiple paths between (sn, tn)
let pathsToS = filter (\(_,y) -> y == sn) $ Map.keys paths
updatePaths pathF dest pList =
case pList of
[] -> Just pathF
(x,_):pList' ->
if (x,dest) `elem` (Map.keys pathF) then Nothing
else updatePaths (Map.insert (x,dest) 1 pathF) dest pList'
in case updatePaths paths tn pathsToS of
Nothing -> False
Just paths' -> checkThinness (Map.insert (sn,tn) 1 paths') eList'
-- | checks whether a graph is acyclic
isAcyclic :: (Eq b) => Gr a b -> Bool
isAcyclic graph = let
filterIns gr = filter (\ x -> indeg gr x == 0)
queue = filterIns graph $ nodes graph
topologicalSort q gr = case q of
[] -> null $ edges gr
n : ns -> let
oEdges = lsuc gr n
graph1 = foldl (flip Graph.delLEdge) gr
$ map (\ (y, label) -> (n, y, label)) oEdges
succs = filterIns graph1 $ suc gr n
in topologicalSort (ns ++ succs) graph1
in topologicalSort queue graph
-- | auxiliary for removing the identity edges from a graph
removeIdentities :: Gr a b -> Gr a b
removeIdentities graph = let
addEdges gr eList = case eList of
[] -> gr
(sn, tn, label):eList1 -> if sn == tn then addEdges gr eList1
else addEdges (insEdge (sn, tn, label) gr) eList1
in (addEdges $ insNodes (labNodes graph) Graph.empty)
$ labEdges graph
-- assigns to a node all proper descendents
initDescList :: (Eq a, Eq b) => Gr a b -> Map.Map Node [(Node, a)]
initDescList graph = let
descsOf n = let
nodeList = filter (\x -> x /= n) $ pre graph n
f = Map.fromList $ zip nodeList (repeat False)
precs nList nList' avail =
case nList of
[] -> nList'
_ -> let
nList'' = concat $
map (\y -> filter (\x -> if x `elem` Map.keys avail
then avail Map.! x
else True ) $
filter (\x -> x /= y) $
pre graph y) nList
avail' = Map.union avail $
Map.fromList $ zip nList'' (repeat False)
in precs (nub nList'') (nub $ nList' ++ nList'') avail'
in precs nodeList nodeList f
in Map.fromList$ map (\node -> (node, filter (\x->(fst x) `elem`
descsOf node)
$ labNodes graph )) $ nodes graph
commonBounds :: (Eq a) => Map.Map Node [(Node, a)] -> Node -> Node -> [(Node,a)]
commonBounds funDesc n1 n2 = filter
(\x -> x `elem` ((Map.!) funDesc n1) && x `elem` ((Map.!) funDesc n2) )
$ nub $ (Map.!) funDesc n1 ++ (Map.!) funDesc n2
-- returns the greatest lower bound of two maximal nodes,if it exists
glb :: (Eq a) => Map.Map Node [(Node, a)] -> Node -> Node -> Maybe (Node,a)
glb funDesc n1 n2 = let
cDescs = commonBounds funDesc n1 n2
subList [] _ = True
subList (x:xs) l2 = x `elem` l2 && subList xs l2
glbList = filter (\(n, x) -> subList
(filter (\(n0,x0) -> (n,x)/= (n0,x0)) cDescs) (funDesc Map.! n)
) cDescs
-- a node n is glb of n1 and n2 iff
-- all common bounds of n1 and n2 are also descendants of n
in case glbList of
[] -> Nothing
x:_ -> Just x -- because if it exists, there can be only one
-- if no greatest lower bound exists, compute all maximal bounds of the nodes
maxBounds :: (Eq a) => Map.Map Node [(Node, a)] -> Node -> Node -> [(Node, a)]
maxBounds funDesc n1 n2 = let
cDescs = commonBounds funDesc n1 n2
isDesc n0 (n,y) = (n,y) `elem` funDesc Map.! n0
noDescs (n,y) = filter (\(n0, _) -> isDesc n0 (n,y)) cDescs == []
in filter noDescs cDescs
-- dijsktra algorithm for finding the the shortest path between two nodes
dijkstra :: GDiagram -> Node -> Node -> Result GMorphism
dijkstra graph source target = let
dist = Map.insert source 0 $ Map.fromList $
zip (nodes graph) $ repeat $ 2 * (length $ edges graph)
prev = if source == target then Map.insert source source Map.empty
else Map.empty --Map.empty
q = nodes graph
com = case lab graph source of
Nothing -> Map.empty --shouldnt be the case
Just gt -> Map.insert source (ide $ signOf gt) Map.empty
(nodeList, com1) = mainloop graph source target q dist prev com
extractMin queue dMap = let
u = head $
filter (\x -> (Map.!) dMap x == (minimum $ map ((Map.!)dMap) queue)) queue
in ( Set.toList $ Set.difference (Set.fromList queue) (Set.fromList [u]) , u)
updateNeighbors d p c u gr = let
outEdges = out gr u
upNeighbor dMap pMap cMap uNode edgeList = case edgeList of
[] -> (dMap, pMap, cMap)
(_, v, (_, gmor)):edgeL -> let
alt = (Map.!) dMap uNode + 1
if (alt >= (Map.!) dMap v) then
upNeighbor dMap pMap cMap uNode edgeL
else let
d1 = Map.insert v alt dMap
p1 = Map.insert v uNode pMap
c1 = Map.insert v gmor cMap
in upNeighbor d1 p1 c1 uNode edgeL
in upNeighbor d p c u outEdges
-- for each neighbor of u, if d(u)+1 < d(v), modify p(v) = u, d(v) = d(u)+1
mainloop gr sn tn qL d p c = let
(q1, u) = extractMin qL d
(d1, p1, c1) = updateNeighbors d p c u gr
in if (u == tn) then shortPath gr sn p1 c1 [] tn
else mainloop gr sn tn q1 d1 p1 c1
shortPath gr sn p1 c s u = if (Map.!) p1 u == sn then (u:s, c)
else shortPath gr sn p1 c (u:s) $ (Map.!) p1 u
in foldM comp ((Map.!) com1 source) . map ((Map.!) com1) $ nodeList
-- builds the arrows from the nodes of the original graph
-- to the unique maximal node of the obtained graph
buildStrMorphisms :: GDiagram -> GDiagram
->Result (G_theory, Map.Map Node GMorphism)
buildStrMorphisms initGraph newGraph = do
let (maxNode, sigma) = head $ filter (\(node,_) -> outdeg newGraph node == 0) $
labNodes newGraph
buildMor pairList solList = do
case pairList of
(n, _):pairs -> do nMor <- dijkstra newGraph n maxNode
buildMor pairs (solList ++ [(n,nMor)])
[] -> return solList
morList <- buildMor (labNodes initGraph) []
return $ (sigma, Map.fromList morList)
-- computes the colimit and inserts it into the graph
addNodeToGraph :: GDiagram -> G_theory -> G_theory -> G_theory -> Int -> Int
-> Int -> GMorphism -> GMorphism
-> Map.Map Node [(Node, G_theory)] -> [(Int, G_theory)]
-> Result (GDiagram, Map.Map Node [(Node, G_theory)])
addNodeToGraph oldGraph
(G_theory lid extSign _ _ _)
gt1@(G_theory lid1 extSign1 idx1 _ _)
gt2@(G_theory lid2 extSign2 idx2 _ _)
(GMorphism cid1 ss1 _ mor1 _)
(GMorphism cid2 ss2 _ mor2 _)
funDesc maxNodes = do
let newNode = 1 + (maximum $ nodes oldGraph) --get a new node
s1 <- coerceSign lid1 lid "addToNodeGraph" extSign1
s2 <- coerceSign lid2 lid "addToNodeGraph" extSign2
m1 <- coerceMorphism (targetLogic cid1) lid "addToNodeGraph" mor1
m2 <- coerceMorphism (targetLogic cid2) lid "addToNodeGraph" mor2
let spanGr = Graph.mkGraph
[(n, plainSign extSign), (n1, plainSign s1), (n2, plainSign s2)]
[(n, n1, (1, m1)), (n, n2, (1, m2))]
(sig,morMap) <- weakly_amalgamable_colimit lid spanGr
-- must coerce here
m11 <- coerceMorphism lid (targetLogic cid1) "addToNodeGraph" $
morMap Map.! n1
m22 <- coerceMorphism lid (targetLogic cid2) "addToNodeGraph" $
morMap Map.! n2
let gth = noSensGTheory lid (mkExtSign sig) startSigId
gmor1 = GMorphism cid1 ss1 idx1 m11 startMorId
gmor2 = GMorphism cid2 ss2 idx2 m22 startMorId
--tth1 <- translateG_theory gmor1 gt1
--tth2 <- translateG_theory gmor2 gt2
--joinedTh <- joinG_sentences tth1 tth2
-- let gtheorySens = gtheory{gTheorySens = gTheorySens joinedTh}
case maxNodes of
[] -> do
let newGraph = insEdges [(n1, newNode,(1, gmor1)),(n2, newNode,(1,gmor2))] $
insNode (newNode, gth) oldGraph
funDesc1 = Map.insert newNode
(nub $ (Map.!)funDesc n1 ++ (Map.!) funDesc n2 ) funDesc
return (newGraph, funDesc1)
_ -> computeCoeqs oldGraph funDesc (n1, gt1) (n2, gt2)
(newNode, gth) gmor1 gmor2 maxNodes
-- for each node in the list, check whether the coequalizer can be computed
-- if so, modify the maximal node of graph and the edges to it from n1 and n2
computeCoeqs :: GDiagram -> Map.Map Node [(Node, G_theory)]
-> (Node,G_theory) -> (Node,G_theory) -> (Node, G_theory)
-> GMorphism -> GMorphism -> [(Node, G_theory)]->
Result (GDiagram, Map.Map Node [(Node, G_theory)])
computeCoeqs oldGraph funDesc (n1,_) (n2,_) (newN, newGt) gmor1 gmor2 [] = do
let newGraph = insEdges [(n1, newN, (1, gmor1)),(n2, newN, (1, gmor2))] $
insNode (newN, newGt) oldGraph
descFun1 = Map.insert newN
(nub $ (Map.!)funDesc n1 ++ (Map.!) funDesc n2 ) funDesc
return $ (newGraph, descFun1)
computeCoeqs graph funDesc (n1,gt1) (n2,gt2)
(newN, _newGt@(G_theory tlid tsign _ _ _))
_gmor1@(GMorphism cid1 sig1 idx1 mor1 _ )
_gmor2@(GMorphism cid2 sig2 idx2 mor2 _ ) ((n,gt):descs)= do
_rho1@(GMorphism cid3 _ _ mor3 _)<- dijkstra graph n n1
_rho2@(GMorphism cid4 _ _ mor4 _)<- dijkstra graph n n2
com1 <- compComorphism (Comorphism cid1) (Comorphism cid3)
com2 <- compComorphism (Comorphism cid1) (Comorphism cid3)
if com1 /= com2 then fail "Unable to compute coequalizer" else do
_gtM@(G_theory lidM signM _idxM _ _)<- mapG_theory com1 gt
s1 <- coerceSign lidM tlid "coequalizers" signM
mor3' <- coerceMorphism (targetLogic cid3) (sourceLogic cid1) "coeqs" mor3
mor4' <- coerceMorphism (targetLogic cid4) (sourceLogic cid2) "coeqs" mor4
m1 <- map_morphism cid1 mor3'
m2 <- map_morphism cid2 mor4'
phi1' <- comp m1 mor1
phi2' <- comp m2 mor2
phi1 <- coerceMorphism (targetLogic cid1) tlid "coeqs" phi1'
phi2 <- coerceMorphism (targetLogic cid2) tlid "coeqs" phi2'
-- build the double arrow for computing the coequalizers
let doubleArrow = Graph.mkGraph
[(n, plainSign s1), (newN, plainSign tsign)]
[(n, newN, (1, phi1)), (n, newN, (1, phi2))]
(colS, colM) <- weakly_amalgamable_colimit tlid doubleArrow
let newGt1 = noSensGTheory tlid (mkExtSign colS) startSigId
mor11' <- coerceMorphism tlid (targetLogic cid1) "coeqs" $ (Map.!) colM newN
mor11 <- comp mor1 mor11'
mor22' <- coerceMorphism tlid (targetLogic cid2) "coeqs" $ (Map.!) colM newN
mor22 <- comp mor2 mor22'
let gMor11 = GMorphism cid1 sig1 idx1 mor11 startMorId
let gMor22 = GMorphism cid2 sig2 idx2 mor22 startMorId
computeCoeqs graph funDesc (n1, gt1) (n2,gt2) (newN, newGt1)
gMor11 gMor22 descs
-- returns a maximal node available
pickMaxNode :: (MonadPlus t) => Gr a b -> t (Node,a)
pickMaxNode graph = msum $ map return $
filter (\(node,_) -> outdeg graph node == 0) $
labNodes graph
-- returns a list of common descendants of two maximal nodes:
-- one node if a glb exists, or all maximal descendants otherwise
commonDesc :: Map.Map Node [(Node,G_theory)] -> Node -> Node
-> [(Node, G_theory)]
commonDesc funDesc n1 n2 = case glb funDesc n1 n2 of
Just x -> [x]
Nothing -> maxBounds funDesc n1 n2
-- returns a weakly amalgamable square of lax triangles
pickSquare :: (MonadPlus t) => Result GMorphism -> Result GMorphism -> t Square
pickSquare (Result _ (Just phi1@(GMorphism cid1 _ _ _ _)))
(Result _ (Just phi2@(GMorphism cid2 _ _ _ _))) =
if (isHomogeneous phi1 && isHomogeneous phi2) then
return $ mkIdSquare $ Logic $ sourceLogic cid1
--since they have the same target, both homogeneous implies same logic
else do
-- if one of them is homogeneous, build the square
-- with identity modification of the other comorphism
let defaultSquare = if isHomogeneous phi1 then
[mkDefSquare $ Comorphism cid2]
else if isHomogeneous phi2 then
[mirrorSquare $ mkDefSquare $ Comorphism cid1]
else []
case maybeResult $ lookupSquare_in_LG (Comorphism cid1)(Comorphism cid2) of
Nothing -> msum $ map return $ defaultSquare
Just sqList -> msum $ map return $ sqList ++ defaultSquare
pickSquare (Result _ Nothing) _ = fail "Error computing comorphisms"
pickSquare _ (Result _ Nothing) = fail "Error computing comorphisms"
-- builds the span for which the colimit is computed
buildSpan :: GDiagram ->
Map.Map Node [(Node, G_theory)] ->
AnyComorphism ->
AnyComorphism ->
AnyComorphism ->
AnyComorphism ->
AnyComorphism ->
AnyModification ->
AnyModification ->
G_theory ->
G_theory ->
G_theory ->
GMorphism ->
GMorphism ->
Int -> Int -> Int ->
[(Int, G_theory)]->
Result (GDiagram, Map.Map Node [(Node,G_theory)])
buildSpan graph
d@(Comorphism _cidD)
e1@(Comorphism cidE1)
e2@(Comorphism cidE2)
_d1@(Comorphism _cidD1)
_d2@(Comorphism _cidD2)
_m1@(Modification cidM1)
_m2@(Modification cidM2)
gt@(G_theory lid sign _ _ _)
gt1@(G_theory lid1 sign1 _ _ _)
gt2@(G_theory lid2 sign2 _ _ _)
_phi1@(GMorphism cid1 _ _ mor1 _)
_phi2@(GMorphism cid2 _ _ mor2 _)
n n1 n2
= do
sig@(G_theory _lid0 _sign0 _ _ _) <- mapG_theory d gt -- phi^d(Sigma)
sig1 <- mapG_theory e1 gt1 -- phi^e1(Sigma1)
sig2 <- mapG_theory e2 gt2 -- phi^e2(Sigma2)
mor1' <- coerceMorphism (targetLogic cid1) (sourceLogic cidE1) "buildSpan" mor1
eps1 <- map_morphism cidE1 mor1' -- phi^e1(sigma1)
sign' <- coerceSign lid (sourceLogic$ sourceComorphism cidM1) "buildSpan" sign
tau1 <- tauSigma cidM1 (plainSign sign') -- I^u1_Sigma
tau1' <- coerceMorphism (targetLogic$ sourceComorphism cidM1)
(targetLogic cidE1) "buildSpan" tau1
rho1 <- comp tau1' eps1
mor2' <- coerceMorphism (targetLogic cid2) (sourceLogic cidE2) "buildSpan" mor2
eps2 <- map_morphism cidE2 mor2' --phi^e2(sigma2)
sign'' <- coerceSign lid (sourceLogic$ sourceComorphism cidM2) "buildSpan" sign
tau2 <- tauSigma cidM2 (plainSign sign'') -- I^u2_Sigma
tau2' <- coerceMorphism (targetLogic$ sourceComorphism cidM2)
(targetLogic cidE2) "buildSpan" tau2
rho2 <- comp tau2' eps2
signE1 <- coerceSign lid1 (sourceLogic cidE1) " " sign1
signE2 <- coerceSign lid2 (sourceLogic cidE2) " " sign2
(graph1, funDesc1) <- addNodeToGraph graph sig sig1 sig2 n n1 n2
(GMorphism cidE1 signE1 startSigId rho1 startMorId)
(GMorphism cidE2 signE2 startSigId rho2 startMorId)
funDesc maxNodes
return (graph1, funDesc1)
pickMaximalDesc :: (MonadPlus t) => [(Node, G_theory)] -> t (Node, G_theory)
pickMaximalDesc descList = msum$ map return descList
nrMaxNodes :: Gr a b -> Int
nrMaxNodes graph = length $ filter (\n -> outdeg graph n == 0) $ nodes graph
-- | backtracking function for heterogeneous weak amalgamable cocones
hetWeakAmalgCocone :: (Monad m, LogicT t, MonadPlus (t m)) =>
GDiagram -> Map.Map Int [(Int, G_theory)] -> t m GDiagram
hetWeakAmalgCocone graph funDesc =
if nrMaxNodes graph == 1 then return graph
else once $ do
(n1,gt1) <- pickMaxNode graph
(n2,gt2) <- pickMaxNode graph
guard (n1 < n2) -- to consider each pair of maximal nodes only once
let descList = commonDesc funDesc n1 n2
case length descList of
0 -> mzero -- no common descendants for n1 and n2
_ -> do -- just one common descendant implies greatest lower bound
-- for several, the tail is not empty and we compute coequalizers
(n,gt) <- pickMaximalDesc descList
let phi1 = dijkstra graph n n1
phi2 = dijkstra graph n n2
square <- pickSquare phi1 phi2
let d = laxTarget $ leftTriangle square
e1 = laxFst $ leftTriangle square
d1 = laxSnd $ leftTriangle square
e2 = laxFst $ rightTriangle square
d2 = laxSnd $ rightTriangle square
m1 = laxModif $ leftTriangle square
m2 = laxModif $ rightTriangle square
case maybeResult phi1 of
Nothing -> mzero
Just phi1' -> case maybeResult phi2 of
Nothing -> mzero
Just phi2' -> do
let mGraph = buildSpan graph funDesc d e1 e2 d1 d2 m1 m2 gt gt1 gt2
phi1' phi2' n n1 n2 $ filter (\(nx,_) -> nx /=n) descList
case maybeResult mGraph of
Nothing -> mzero
Just (graph1, funDesc1) -> hetWeakAmalgCocone graph1 funDesc1