PrintDevGraph.hs revision c35969f341eb137848e9c0874503bed8c419cbd2
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova{- |
14650c9e129d8dc51ed55b2edc6ec27d9f0f6d00Kristina SojakovaModule : $Header$
14650c9e129d8dc51ed55b2edc6ec27d9f0f6d00Kristina SojakovaDescription : pretty printing (parts of) a LibEnv
b43458b4d81f7451112cecbd757f3a05216e7088Kristina SojakovaCopyright : (c) C. Maeder, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
14650c9e129d8dc51ed55b2edc6ec27d9f0f6d00Kristina SojakovaLicense : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
14650c9e129d8dc51ed55b2edc6ec27d9f0f6d00Kristina Sojakova
98890889ffb2e8f6f722b00e265a211f13b5a861Corneliu-Claudiu ProdescuMaintainer :
14650c9e129d8dc51ed55b2edc6ec27d9f0f6d00Kristina SojakovaStability : provisional
14650c9e129d8dc51ed55b2edc6ec27d9f0f6d00Kristina SojakovaPortability : non-portable(DevGraph)
14650c9e129d8dc51ed55b2edc6ec27d9f0f6d00Kristina Sojakova
14650c9e129d8dc51ed55b2edc6ec27d9f0f6d00Kristina Sojakovapretty printing (parts of) a LibEnv
14650c9e129d8dc51ed55b2edc6ec27d9f0f6d00Kristina Sojakova-}
14650c9e129d8dc51ed55b2edc6ec27d9f0f6d00Kristina Sojakova
14650c9e129d8dc51ed55b2edc6ec27d9f0f6d00Kristina Sojakovamodule Static.PrintDevGraph
14650c9e129d8dc51ed55b2edc6ec27d9f0f6d00Kristina Sojakova ( prettyLibEnv
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova , printTh
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova , prettyHistElem
14650c9e129d8dc51ed55b2edc6ec27d9f0f6d00Kristina Sojakova , prettyHistory
14650c9e129d8dc51ed55b2edc6ec27d9f0f6d00Kristina Sojakova , prettyGr
9f85afecbd79b3df5a0bb17bd28cd0b288dc3213Kristina Sojakova , prettyLEdge
e8dd447a2aa5fbac10668749dfe4142c05ec3d7dKristina Sojakova , showLEdge
e8dd447a2aa5fbac10668749dfe4142c05ec3d7dKristina Sojakova , dgOriginHeader
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova , dgOriginSpec
14650c9e129d8dc51ed55b2edc6ec27d9f0f6d00Kristina Sojakova , showXPath
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova , dgLinkOriginHeader
d2786879b4733fd4886a5b654f7c6de1d234f638Kristina Sojakova , dgLinkOriginSpec
d71bb9deea089887b4fd829c5b766e7e4de9f204Kristina Sojakova , dgRuleHeader
d2786879b4733fd4886a5b654f7c6de1d234f638Kristina Sojakova , dgRuleEdges
14650c9e129d8dc51ed55b2edc6ec27d9f0f6d00Kristina Sojakova ) where
14650c9e129d8dc51ed55b2edc6ec27d9f0f6d00Kristina Sojakova
14650c9e129d8dc51ed55b2edc6ec27d9f0f6d00Kristina Sojakovaimport Syntax.Print_AS_Structured ()
14650c9e129d8dc51ed55b2edc6ec27d9f0f6d00Kristina Sojakovaimport Syntax.AS_Structured
14650c9e129d8dc51ed55b2edc6ec27d9f0f6d00Kristina Sojakova
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakovaimport Static.GTheory
b43458b4d81f7451112cecbd757f3a05216e7088Kristina Sojakovaimport Static.DevGraph
14650c9e129d8dc51ed55b2edc6ec27d9f0f6d00Kristina Sojakovaimport Static.History
14650c9e129d8dc51ed55b2edc6ec27d9f0f6d00Kristina Sojakova
14650c9e129d8dc51ed55b2edc6ec27d9f0f6d00Kristina Sojakovaimport Common.GlobalAnnotations
14650c9e129d8dc51ed55b2edc6ec27d9f0f6d00Kristina Sojakovaimport Common.LibName
14650c9e129d8dc51ed55b2edc6ec27d9f0f6d00Kristina Sojakovaimport Common.Id
14650c9e129d8dc51ed55b2edc6ec27d9f0f6d00Kristina Sojakovaimport Common.Consistency
14650c9e129d8dc51ed55b2edc6ec27d9f0f6d00Kristina Sojakovaimport Common.Doc as Doc
14650c9e129d8dc51ed55b2edc6ec27d9f0f6d00Kristina Sojakovaimport Common.DocUtils
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakovaimport Common.Result
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakovaimport Common.Keywords
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakovaimport Common.ConvertGlobalAnnos
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakovaimport Common.AnalyseAnnos
14650c9e129d8dc51ed55b2edc6ec27d9f0f6d00Kristina Sojakovaimport qualified Common.Lib.SizedList as SizedList
d2786879b4733fd4886a5b654f7c6de1d234f638Kristina Sojakovaimport qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
d2786879b4733fd4886a5b654f7c6de1d234f638Kristina Sojakovaimport qualified Common.Lib.Graph as Tree
d2786879b4733fd4886a5b654f7c6de1d234f638Kristina Sojakova
d2786879b4733fd4886a5b654f7c6de1d234f638Kristina Sojakovaimport Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as Graph
d2786879b4733fd4886a5b654f7c6de1d234f638Kristina Sojakovaimport qualified Data.Map as Map
d2786879b4733fd4886a5b654f7c6de1d234f638Kristina Sojakovaimport qualified Data.Set as Set
a669e4685b32ff5ca1bca785eacc5e30a545b010Christian Maederimport Data.List
d2786879b4733fd4886a5b654f7c6de1d234f638Kristina Sojakovaimport Data.Char
b43458b4d81f7451112cecbd757f3a05216e7088Kristina Sojakova
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina SojakovaprintTh :: GlobalAnnos -> SIMPLE_ID -> G_theory -> Doc
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina SojakovaprintTh oga sn g =
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova let ga = removeProblematicListAnnos oga in
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova useGlobalAnnos ga $ pretty ga $+$ prettyGTheorySL g $+$
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova sep [if null (tokStr sn) then Doc.empty else
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova keyword specS <+> sidDoc sn <+> equals, prettyGTheory g]
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina SojakovaremoveProblematicListAnnos :: GlobalAnnos -> GlobalAnnos
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina SojakovaremoveProblematicListAnnos ga = let
abd5fc85dc7e19b1614890182436940e922963a4Kristina Sojakova is = Map.keysSet $ Rel.toMap $ prec_annos ga
e8dd447a2aa5fbac10668749dfe4142c05ec3d7dKristina Sojakova la = literal_annos ga
14650c9e129d8dc51ed55b2edc6ec27d9f0f6d00Kristina Sojakova nla = la { list_lit = Map.filterWithKey ( \ li _ ->
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova let (op, cl, cs) = getListBrackets li in
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova Set.null $ Set.filter ( \ (Id ts ics _) ->
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova cs == ics && isPrefixOf op ts && isSuffixOf cl ts) is)
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova $ list_lit la }
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova Result _ (Just lm) = store_literal_map Map.empty $ convertLiteralAnnos nla
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova in ga { literal_annos = nla
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova , literal_map = lm }
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova
abd5fc85dc7e19b1614890182436940e922963a4Kristina Sojakova-- * pretty instances
ccaa75089b23c0f043cdbd4001cba4e076ca4fd3Kristina Sojakova
a669e4685b32ff5ca1bca785eacc5e30a545b010Christian MaedershowXPathComp :: XPathPart -> String
80d2ec8f37d5ddec13c14b17b1bab01e9c94630aChristian MaedershowXPathComp c = case c of
a669e4685b32ff5ca1bca785eacc5e30a545b010Christian Maeder ElemName s -> s
d71bb9deea089887b4fd829c5b766e7e4de9f204Kristina Sojakova ChildIndex i -> "Spec[" ++ show i ++ "]"
168d206b4e5fd436c98239a1b6629c651f54c8eeKristina Sojakova
a669e4685b32ff5ca1bca785eacc5e30a545b010Christian MaedershowXPath :: [XPathPart] -> String
a669e4685b32ff5ca1bca785eacc5e30a545b010Christian MaedershowXPath l = case l of
d2786879b4733fd4886a5b654f7c6de1d234f638Kristina Sojakova [] -> "/"
d2786879b4733fd4886a5b654f7c6de1d234f638Kristina Sojakova _ -> concatMap (('/' :) . showXPathComp) l
d2786879b4733fd4886a5b654f7c6de1d234f638Kristina Sojakova
abd5fc85dc7e19b1614890182436940e922963a4Kristina SojakovashowNodeId :: Node -> String
b3bacd257ffcdd346b70ab690f03b28ad5f33fdcKristina SojakovashowNodeId i = "node " ++ show i
b3bacd257ffcdd346b70ab690f03b28ad5f33fdcKristina Sojakova
a669e4685b32ff5ca1bca785eacc5e30a545b010Christian Maederinstance Pretty NodeSig where
b3bacd257ffcdd346b70ab690f03b28ad5f33fdcKristina Sojakova pretty (NodeSig n sig) = fsep [ text (showNodeId n) <> colon, pretty sig ]
b3bacd257ffcdd346b70ab690f03b28ad5f33fdcKristina Sojakova
a669e4685b32ff5ca1bca785eacc5e30a545b010Christian MaederdgOriginSpec :: DGOrigin -> Maybe SIMPLE_ID
b3bacd257ffcdd346b70ab690f03b28ad5f33fdcKristina SojakovadgOriginSpec o = case o of
d71bb9deea089887b4fd829c5b766e7e4de9f204Kristina Sojakova DGInst n -> Just n
abd5fc85dc7e19b1614890182436940e922963a4Kristina Sojakova DGFitView n -> Just n
168d206b4e5fd436c98239a1b6629c651f54c8eeKristina Sojakova _ -> Nothing
80d2ec8f37d5ddec13c14b17b1bab01e9c94630aChristian Maeder
e8dd447a2aa5fbac10668749dfe4142c05ec3d7dKristina SojakovadgOriginHeader :: DGOrigin -> String
e8dd447a2aa5fbac10668749dfe4142c05ec3d7dKristina SojakovadgOriginHeader o = case o of
e8dd447a2aa5fbac10668749dfe4142c05ec3d7dKristina Sojakova DGEmpty -> "empty-spec"
e8dd447a2aa5fbac10668749dfe4142c05ec3d7dKristina Sojakova DGBasic -> "foreign-basic-spec"
e8dd447a2aa5fbac10668749dfe4142c05ec3d7dKristina Sojakova DGBasicSpec _ _ -> "basic-spec"
e8dd447a2aa5fbac10668749dfe4142c05ec3d7dKristina Sojakova DGExtension -> "extension"
e8dd447a2aa5fbac10668749dfe4142c05ec3d7dKristina Sojakova DGLogicCoercion -> "logic-translation"
e8dd447a2aa5fbac10668749dfe4142c05ec3d7dKristina Sojakova DGTranslation _ -> "translation"
e8dd447a2aa5fbac10668749dfe4142c05ec3d7dKristina Sojakova DGUnion -> "union"
e8dd447a2aa5fbac10668749dfe4142c05ec3d7dKristina Sojakova DGRestriction _ -> "restriction"
abd5fc85dc7e19b1614890182436940e922963a4Kristina Sojakova DGRevealTranslation -> "translation part of a revealing"
e8dd447a2aa5fbac10668749dfe4142c05ec3d7dKristina Sojakova DGFreeOrCofree v -> map toLower (show v) ++ "-spec"
e8dd447a2aa5fbac10668749dfe4142c05ec3d7dKristina Sojakova DGLocal -> "local-spec"
5e35940c3516ccea02caa0450d2b075de0106fa5Kristina Sojakova DGClosed -> "closed-spec"
5e35940c3516ccea02caa0450d2b075de0106fa5Kristina Sojakova DGLogicQual -> "spec with logic qualifier"
5e35940c3516ccea02caa0450d2b075de0106fa5Kristina Sojakova DGData -> "data-spec"
DGFormalParams -> "formal parameters"
DGImports -> "arch import"
DGInst _ -> "instantiation"
DGFitSpec -> "fitting-spec"
DGFitView _ -> "fitting-view"
DGProof -> "proof-construct"
DGNormalForm n -> "normal-form(" ++ shows n ")"
DGintegratedSCC -> "OWL spec with integrated strongly connected components"
DGFlattening -> "flattening"
instance Pretty DGOrigin where
pretty o = text (dgOriginHeader o) <+> pretty (dgOriginSpec o)
$+$ case o of
DGBasicSpec gbs syms -> specBraces (pretty gbs) $+$
if Set.null syms then Doc.empty else
text "new symbols:" $+$ pretty syms
DGTranslation (Renamed r) -> pretty r
DGRestriction (Restricted r) -> pretty r
_ -> Doc.empty
instance Pretty DGNodeInfo where
pretty c = case c of
DGNode {} -> pretty $ node_origin c
DGRef {} ->
pretty (getLibId $ ref_libname c) <+> text (showNodeId $ ref_node c)
prettyDGNodeLab :: DGNodeLab -> Doc
prettyDGNodeLab l = sep [ text $ getDGNodeName l, pretty $ nodeInfo l]
instance Pretty DGNodeLab where
pretty l = vcat
[ text $ "xpath: " ++ showXPath (reverse $ xpath $ dgn_name l)
, pretty $ getNodeConsStatus l
, if hasOpenGoals l then text "has open goals" else
if hasSenKind (const True) l then Doc.empty else text "locally empty"
, if labelHasHiding l then text "has ingoing hiding link" else Doc.empty
, case dgn_nf l of
Nothing -> Doc.empty
Just n -> text "normal form:" <+> text (showNodeId n)
, text "origin:" $+$ pretty (nodeInfo l)
, case dgn_sigma l of
Nothing -> Doc.empty
Just gm -> text "normal form inclusion:" $+$ pretty gm
, text "local theory:"
, pretty $ dgn_theory l]
instance Pretty EdgeId where
pretty (EdgeId i) = text $ show i
dgLinkOriginSpec :: DGLinkOrigin -> Maybe SIMPLE_ID
dgLinkOriginSpec o = case o of
DGLinkMorph n -> Just n
DGLinkInst n _ -> Just n
DGLinkInstArg n -> Just n
DGLinkView n _ -> Just n
DGLinkFitView n -> Just n
DGLinkFitViewImp n -> Just n
_ -> Nothing
dgLinkMapping :: DGLinkOrigin -> [G_mapping]
dgLinkMapping o = case o of
DGLinkInst _ (Fitted l) -> l
DGLinkView _ (Fitted l) -> l
_ -> []
dgLinkOriginHeader :: DGLinkOrigin -> String
dgLinkOriginHeader o = case o of
SeeTarget -> "see target"
TEST -> "test"
SeeSource -> "see source"
DGImpliesLink -> "reversed implies link of extension"
DGLinkExtension -> "extension"
DGLinkTranslation -> "OMDoc translation"
DGLinkClosedLenv -> "closed spec and local environment"
DGLinkImports -> "OWL import"
DGLinkMorph _ -> "instantiation morphism of"
DGLinkInst _ _ -> "instantiation of"
DGLinkInstArg _ -> "actual parameter of"
DGLinkView _ _ -> "view"
DGLinkFitView _ -> "fit source of"
DGLinkFitViewImp _ -> "add import to source of"
DGLinkProof -> "proof-link"
DGLinkFlatteningUnion -> "flattening non-disjoint union"
DGLinkFlatteningRename -> "flattening renaming"
instance Pretty DGLinkOrigin where
pretty o = text (dgLinkOriginHeader o) <+> pretty (dgLinkOriginSpec o)
$+$ ppWithCommas (dgLinkMapping o)
-- | only shows the edge and node ids
showLEdge :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> String
showLEdge (s, t, l) = "edge " ++ showEdgeId (dgl_id l)
++ " " ++ (showName $ dglName l)
++ "(" ++ showNodeId s ++ " --> " ++ show t ++ ")"
-- | only print the origin and parts of the type
prettyDGLinkLab :: (DGLinkLab -> Doc) -> DGLinkLab -> Doc
prettyDGLinkLab f l = fsep
[ case dgl_origin l of
SeeTarget -> Doc.empty
o -> pretty o
, f l ]
-- | print short edge information
prettyLEdge :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Doc
prettyLEdge e@(_, _, l) = fsep
[ text $ showLEdge e
, prettyDGLinkLab (text . getDGLinkType) l
, prettyThmLinkStatus $ dgl_type l ]
dgRuleEdges :: DGRule -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
dgRuleEdges r = case r of
DGRuleWithEdge _ l -> [l]
Composition ls -> ls
_ -> []
dgRuleHeader :: DGRule -> String
dgRuleHeader r = case r of
DGRule str -> str
DGRuleWithEdge str _ -> str
DGRuleLocalInference _ -> "local-inference"
Composition _ -> "composition"
BasicInference _ _ -> "basic-inference"
BasicConsInference _ _ -> "basic-cons-inference"
instance Pretty DGRule where
pretty r = let es = dgRuleEdges r in fsep
[ text (dgRuleHeader r) <> if null es then Doc.empty else colon, case r of
DGRuleLocalInference m ->
braces $ sepByCommas $ map (\ (s, t) ->
let d = text s in if s == t then d else pairElems d $ text t) m
BasicInference c bp -> fsep
[ text $ "using comorphism '" ++ show c ++ "' with proof tree:"
, text $ show bp]
BasicConsInference c bp -> fsep
[ text $ "using comorphism '" ++ show c ++ "' with proof tree:"
, text $ show bp]
_ -> case es of
[] -> Doc.empty
[(_, _, l)] -> prettyDGLinkLab (const Doc.empty) l
_ -> pretty $ Set.fromList $ map (\ (_, _, l) -> dgl_id l) es]
instance Pretty ThmLinkStatus where
pretty tls = case tls of
LeftOpen -> Doc.empty
Proven r ls -> let s = proofBasis ls in
fcat [parens (pretty r), if Set.null s then Doc.empty else pretty s]
prettyThmLinkStatus :: DGLinkType -> Doc
prettyThmLinkStatus = maybe Doc.empty pretty . thmLinkStatus
instance Pretty ConsStatus where
pretty (ConsStatus cons pc thm) = case max cons pc of
None -> Doc.empty
c -> text (show c) <> pretty thm
instance Pretty DGLinkType where
pretty t = (case t of
FreeOrCofreeDefLink v _ -> text $ show v
_ -> Doc.empty)
<> text (getDGEdgeTypeModIncName $ getHomEdgeType False True t)
<> prettyThmLinkStatus t
$+$ pretty (getLinkConsStatus t)
instance Pretty DGLinkLab where
pretty l = vcat
[ text "Origin:" <+> pretty (dgl_origin l)
, text "Type:" <+> pretty (dgl_type l)
, text "Signature Morphism:"
, if dglPending l then text "proof chain incomplete" else Doc.empty
, pretty $ dgl_morphism l
, case dgl_type l of
HidingFreeOrCofreeThm k gm _ -> text ("with " ++ (case k of
Nothing -> "hiding"
Just v -> map toLower (show v))
++ " morphism:") $+$ pretty gm
_ -> Doc.empty ]
-- | pretty print a labelled node
prettyGenLNode :: (a -> Doc) -> LNode a -> Doc
prettyGenLNode f (n, l) = fsep [text (showNodeId n) <> colon, f l]
prettyLNode :: LNode DGNodeLab -> Doc
prettyLNode = prettyGenLNode prettyDGNodeLab
dgChangeType :: DGChange -> String
dgChangeType c = case c of
InsertNode _ -> "insert"
DeleteNode _ -> "delete"
InsertEdge _ -> "insert"
DeleteEdge _ -> "delete"
SetNodeLab _ _ -> "change"
instance Pretty DGChange where
pretty c = text (dgChangeType c) <+> case c of
InsertNode n -> prettyLNode n
DeleteNode n -> prettyLNode n
InsertEdge e -> prettyLEdge e
DeleteEdge e -> prettyLEdge e
SetNodeLab _ n -> prettyLNode n
prettyGr :: Tree.Gr DGNodeLab DGLinkLab -> Doc
prettyGr g = vcat (map prettyLNode $ labNodes g)
$+$ vcat (map prettyLEdge $ labEdges g)
prettyImport :: MaybeNode -> Doc
prettyImport imp = case imp of
EmptyNode _ -> Doc.empty
JustNode n -> keyword givenS <+> pretty (getNode n)
prettyAllParams :: MaybeNode -> Doc
prettyAllParams ps = case ps of
EmptyNode _ -> Doc.empty
JustNode n -> pretty (getNode n)
instance Pretty ExtGenSig where
pretty (ExtGenSig (GenSig imp params allParamSig) body) = fsep $
pretty (getNode body) :
(if null params then [] else
[ pretty $ map getNode params
, prettyAllParams allParamSig ]) ++
[ prettyImport imp ]
instance Pretty ExtViewSig where
pretty (ExtViewSig src gmor ptar) = fsep
[ pretty (getNode src) <+> text toS
, pretty ptar
, pretty gmor ]
instance Pretty UnitSig where
pretty (UnitSig params usig) =
(if null params then Doc.empty else pretty $ map getNode params)
<+> pretty (getNode usig)
instance Pretty ImpUnitSigOrSig where
pretty iu = case iu of
ImpUnitSig imp usig -> fsep
[ pretty usig, prettyImport imp ]
Sig n -> keyword specS <+> pretty (getNode n)
-- instance Pretty ArchSig where
-- pretty (ArchSig m usig) = fsep
-- [ printMap id vcat (\ k v -> fsep [keyword unitS <+> k <+> mapsto, v]) m
-- , pretty usig ]
instance Pretty RefSig where
pretty _ = keyword refinementS
instance Pretty GlobalEntry where
pretty ge = case ge of
SpecEntry se -> topKey specS <+> pretty se
StructEntry ve -> topKey structS <+> pretty ve
ViewEntry ve -> topKey viewS <+> pretty ve
UnitEntry ue -> topKey unitS <+> pretty ue
ArchEntry ae -> topKey archS <+> pretty ae
RefEntry re -> keyword refinementS
instance Pretty DGraph where
pretty dg = vcat
[ prettyGr $ dgBody dg
, text "global environment:"
, printMap id vcat (\ k v -> fsep [k <+> mapsto, v]) $ globalEnv dg
, text "history:"
, prettyHistory $ reverseHistory $ proofHistory dg
, text "redoable history:"
, prettyHistory $ SizedList.reverse $ reverseHistory $ redoHistory dg
, text "next edge:" <+> pretty (getNewEdgeId dg) ]
prettyHistElem :: HistElem -> Doc
prettyHistElem he = case he of
HistElem c -> pretty c
HistGroup r l -> text "rule:" <+> pretty r $+$ space <+> prettyHistory l
prettyHistory :: ProofHistory -> Doc
prettyHistory = vcat . map prettyHistElem . SizedList.toList
prettyLibEnv :: LibEnv -> Doc
prettyLibEnv = printMap id vsep ($+$)