PrintDevGraph.hs revision 835f9a86e8897278895e503f6eaf9f65cafe799a
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : pretty printing (parts of) a LibEnv
Copyright : (c) C. Maeder, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(DevGraph)
pretty printing (parts of) a LibEnv
module Static.PrintDevGraph
( printLibrary
, prettyLibEnv
, printTh
, prettyHistElem
, prettyHistory
, showLEdge
) where
import Logic.Logic
import Comorphisms.LogicList (defaultLogic)
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.DGToSpec
import Syntax.AS_Library (LIB_NAME, getLIB_ID)
import Syntax.Print_AS_Library ()
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.Id
import Common.Doc as Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Result
import Common.Keywords
import Common.ConvertGlobalAnnos
import Common.AnalyseAnnos
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import qualified Common.Lib.Graph as Tree
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as Graph
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.List
import Data.Char (isAlpha)
printLibrary :: LibEnv -> (LIB_NAME, DGraph) -> Doc
printLibrary le (ln, DGraph { globalAnnos = ga, globalEnv = ge }) =
keyword libraryS <+> pretty ln $+$
foldr ($++$) Doc.empty
(map (uncurry $ printTheory le ln ga) $ Map.toList ge)
printTheory :: LibEnv -> LIB_NAME -> GlobalAnnos
-> SIMPLE_ID -> GlobalEntry -> Doc
printTheory le ln ga sn ge = case ge of
SpecEntry (ExtGenSig _ _ _ (NodeSig n _)) ->
case maybeResult $ computeTheory le ln n of
Nothing -> Doc.empty
Just g -> printTh ga sn g
_ -> Doc.empty
printTh :: GlobalAnnos -> SIMPLE_ID -> G_theory -> Doc
printTh oga sn g@(G_theory lid _ _ _ _) =
let ga = removeProblematicListAnnos oga in
useGlobalAnnos ga $ pretty ga $+$
(let l = language_name lid in if l == show defaultLogic then Doc.empty else
keyword logicS <+> structId l) $+$
sep [keyword specS <+> sidDoc sn <+> equals, pretty g]
removeProblematicListAnnos :: GlobalAnnos -> GlobalAnnos
removeProblematicListAnnos ga = let
is = Map.keysSet $ Rel.toMap $ prec_annos ga
la = literal_annos ga
nla = la { list_lit = Map.filterWithKey ( \ li _ ->
let (op, cl, cs) = getListBrackets li in
Set.null $ Set.filter ( \ (Id ts ics _) ->
cs == ics && isPrefixOf op ts && isSuffixOf cl ts) is)
$ list_lit la }
Result _ (Just lm) = store_literal_map Map.empty $ c_lit_an nla
in ga { literal_annos = nla
, literal_map = lm }
-- * pretty instances
showNodeId :: Node -> String
showNodeId i = "node " ++ show i
instance Pretty NodeSig where
pretty (NodeSig n sig) = fsep [ text (showNodeId n) <> colon, pretty sig ]
dgOriginSpec :: DGOrigin -> Maybe SIMPLE_ID
dgOriginSpec o = case o of
DGSpecInst n -> Just n
DGFitView n -> Just n
DGFitViewA n -> Just n
_ -> Nothing
dgOriginHeder :: DGOrigin -> String
dgOriginHeder o = case o of
DGEmpty -> "empty-spec"
DGBasic -> "basic-spec"
DGExtension -> "extension"
DGTranslation -> "translation"
DGUnion -> "union"
DGHiding -> "hiding"
DGRevealing -> "revealing"
DGRevealTranslation -> "translation part of a revealing"
DGFree -> "free-spec"
DGCofree -> "cofree-spec"
DGLocal -> "local-spec"
DGClosed -> "closed-spec"
DGLogicQual -> "spec with logic qualifier"
DGData -> "data-spec"
DGFormalParams -> "formal parameters"
DGImports -> "arch import"
DGSpecInst _ -> "instantiation"
DGFitSpec -> "fitting-spec"
DGFitView _ -> "fitting-view"
DGFitViewA _ -> "fitting view (actual parameters)"
DGProof -> "proof-construct"
DGintegratedSCC -> "OWL spec with integrated strongly connected components"
instance Pretty DGOrigin where
pretty o = text (dgOriginHeder o) <+> pretty (dgOriginSpec o)
instance Pretty DGNodeInfo where
pretty c = case c of
DGNode {} -> pretty $ node_origin c
DGRef {} ->
pretty (getLIB_ID $ ref_libname c) <+> text (showNodeId $ ref_node c)
prettyDGNodeLab :: DGNodeLab -> Doc
prettyDGNodeLab l = sep [ text $ showName $ dgn_name l, pretty $ nodeInfo l]
instance Pretty DGNodeLab where
pretty l = vcat
[ prettyDGNodeLab l
, case dgn_nf l of
Nothing -> Doc.empty
Just n -> text "normal form:" <+> text (showNodeId n)
, case dgn_sigma l of
Nothing -> Doc.empty
Just gm -> text "normal form inclusion:" $+$ pretty gm
, case dgn_lock l of
Nothing -> Doc.empty
Just _ -> text "currently locked." ]
showEdgeId :: EdgeId -> String
showEdgeId (EdgeId i) = "edge " ++ show i
instance Pretty EdgeId where
pretty (EdgeId i) = text $ show i
dgLinkOriginSpec :: DGLinkOrigin -> Maybe SIMPLE_ID
dgLinkOriginSpec o = case o of
DGLinkSpecInst n -> Just n
DGLinkView n -> Just n
DGLinkFitView n -> Just n
DGLinkFitViewImp n -> Just n
DGLinkFitViewAImp n -> Just n
_ -> Nothing
dgLinkOriginHeder :: DGLinkOrigin -> String
dgLinkOriginHeder o = case o of
SeeTarget -> "see target"
SeeSource -> "see source"
DGLinkExtension -> "extension"
DGLinkTranslation -> "OMDoc translation"
DGLinkClosedLenv -> "closed spec (inclusion of local environment)"
DGLinkImports -> "OWL import"
DGLinkSpecInst _ -> "instantiation-link"
DGLinkFitSpec -> "fitting-spec-link"
DGLinkView _ -> "view"
DGLinkFitView _ -> "fitting view to"
DGLinkFitViewImp _ -> "fitting view (imports)"
DGLinkFitViewAImp _ -> "fitting view (imports and actual parameters)"
DGLinkProof -> "proof-link"
instance Pretty DGLinkOrigin where
pretty o = text (dgLinkOriginHeder o) <+> pretty (dgLinkOriginSpec o)
-- | only shows the edge and node ids
showLEdge :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> String
showLEdge (s, t, l) = showEdgeId (dgl_id l)
++ " (" ++ showNodeId s ++ " --> " ++ show t ++ ")"
-- | only print the origin and some notion of the tye of the label
prettyDGLinkLab :: (DGLinkLab -> Doc) -> DGLinkLab -> Doc
prettyDGLinkLab f l = fsep
[ case dgl_origin l of
SeeTarget -> Doc.empty
o -> pretty o
, f l ]
-- | print short edge information
prettyLEdge :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Doc
prettyLEdge e@(_, _, l) = fsep
[ text $ showLEdge e
, prettyDGLinkLab (text . getDGLinkType) l
, prettyThmLinkStatus $ dgl_type l ]
dgRuleEdges :: DGRule -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
dgRuleEdges r = case r of
HideTheoremShift l -> [l]
GlobDecomp l -> [l]
LocDecomp l -> [l]
LocInference l -> [l]
GlobSubsumption l -> [l]
Composition ls -> ls
_ -> []
dgRuleHeader :: DGRule -> String
dgRuleHeader r = case r of
GlobDecomp _ -> "Global-Decomposition"
LocDecomp _ -> "Local-Decomposition"
LocInference _ -> "Local-Inference"
GlobSubsumption _ -> "Global-Subsumption"
BasicInference _ _ -> "Basic-Inference"
BasicConsInference _ _ -> "Basic-Cons-Inference"
_ -> takeWhile isAlpha $ show r
instance Pretty DGRule where
pretty r = let es = dgRuleEdges r in fsep
[ text (dgRuleHeader r) <> if null es then Doc.empty else colon, case r of
BasicInference c bp -> fsep
[ text $ "using comorphism '" ++ show c ++ "' with proof tree:"
, text $ show bp]
BasicConsInference c bp -> fsep
[ text $ "using comorphism '" ++ show c ++ "' with proof tree:"
, text $ show bp]
_ -> case es of
[] -> Doc.empty
[(_, _, l)] -> prettyDGLinkLab (const Doc.empty) l
_ -> pretty $ Set.fromList $ map (\ (_, _, l) -> dgl_id l) es]
instance Pretty ThmLinkStatus where
pretty tls = case tls of
LeftOpen -> Doc.empty
Proven r ls -> let s = proofBasis ls in
fcat [parens (pretty r), if Set.null s then Doc.empty else pretty s]
dgLinkTypeHeader :: DGLinkType -> String
dgLinkTypeHeader = takeWhile isAlpha . show
prettyThmLinkStatus :: DGLinkType -> Doc
prettyThmLinkStatus = maybe Doc.empty pretty . thmLinkStatus
instance Pretty DGLinkType where
pretty t = text (dgLinkTypeHeader t) <> prettyThmLinkStatus t
instance Pretty DGLinkLab where
pretty l = fsep
[ text $ showEdgeId $ dgl_id l
, prettyDGLinkLab (\ t -> fsep [text "Type:", pretty $ dgl_type t]) l
, text "Morphism:"
, pretty $ dgl_morphism l ]
-- | pretty print a labelled node
prettyGenLNode :: (a -> Doc) -> LNode a -> Doc
prettyGenLNode f (n, l) = fsep [text (showNodeId n) <> colon, f l]
prettyLNode :: LNode DGNodeLab -> Doc
prettyLNode = prettyGenLNode prettyDGNodeLab
dgChangeType :: DGChange -> String
dgChangeType c = case c of
InsertNode _ -> "insert"
DeleteNode _ -> "delete"
InsertEdge _ -> "insert"
DeleteEdge _ -> "delete"
SetNodeLab _ _ -> "change"
instance Pretty DGChange where
pretty c = text (dgChangeType c) <+> case c of
InsertNode n -> prettyLNode n
DeleteNode n -> prettyLNode n
InsertEdge e -> prettyLEdge e
DeleteEdge e -> prettyLEdge e
SetNodeLab _ n -> prettyLNode n
prettyGr :: Tree.Gr DGNodeLab DGLinkLab -> Doc
prettyGr g = vcat (map (prettyLNode) $ labNodes g)
$+$ vcat (map prettyLEdge $ labEdges g)
instance Pretty DGraph where
pretty dg = vcat
[ prettyGr $ dgBody dg
, text "History"
, prettyHistory $ proofHistory dg
, text "Redoable History"
, prettyHistory $ redoHistory dg
, text "next edge:" <+> pretty (getNewEdgeId dg) ]
prettyHistElem :: ([DGRule], [DGChange]) -> Doc
prettyHistElem (rs, cs) =
vcat $ (text "rules: " <+> ppWithCommas rs) : map pretty cs
prettyHistory :: ProofHistory -> Doc
prettyHistory = vcat . map prettyHistElem
prettyLibEnv :: LibEnv -> Doc
prettyLibEnv = printMap id vsep ($+$)