LogicStructured.hs revision b4fbc96e05117839ca409f5f20f97b3ac872d1ed
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Till Mossakowski, Pascal Schmidt, Uni Bremen 2002-2004
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : till@tzi.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
This module provides routines to calculate the sublogic of a structured
item - a structured specification, a view, an architectural
specification, or a library. The calculation succeeds for homogenous
items (only one language occuring inside) and returns Nothing otherwise.
sl_logic_code could be extended to do some extra checking for encodings
and logic projections/translations that only change the encoding if,
maybe only in some languages, the encoding implies a specific
sublanguage (i.e. in CASL one could encode partial functions by
introducing supersorts with bottom element so that functions are
then total with the supersort as the result sort, in that case, the
encoding implies a CASL_sublogics with has_part = False. Similar
for encoding out subsorts with normal sorts and projection functions,
that kind of encoding would imply a CASL_sublogics with has_sub
set to False).
evaluate logic_code/name should functions that can turn a language and/or
encoding name into an id or even sublogics be implemented
arch_spec_name/spec_name G_sublogics could perhaps be computed if
the named spec is also in the given lib_defn or spec_defn
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
-- Export declarations
module Static.LogicStructured ( -- SPEC_DEFN -> Maybe G_Sublogics
-- VIEW_DEFN -> Maybe G_Sublogics
-- LIB_DEFN -> Maybe G_Sublogics
-- ARCH_SPEC_DEFN -> Maybe G_Sublogics
-- UNIT_SPEC_DEFN -> Maybe G_Sublogics
) where
-- Imports from other modules
import Maybe ( isJust )
import Utils ( IgnoreMaybe(..), dropIgnore, toIgnore, toMaybe )
import AS_Structured
import AS_Architecture
import qualified AS_Library
import AS_Annotation ( Annoted(..) )
import Logic ( coerce, join, language_name, min_sublogic_symb_items,
min_sublogic_symb_map_items, min_sublogic_basic_spec,
top )
import Grothendieck( G_basic_spec(..), G_sublogics(..),
G_symb_items_list(..), G_symb_map_items_list(..) )
-- Module implementation
-- Computations on Maybe/IgnoreMaybe G_sublogics datatype
-- extension of meet from Logic.hs to Maybe G_sublogics
-- coerce stuff done by Till
top_logics :: Maybe G_sublogics -> Maybe G_sublogics -> Maybe G_sublogics
top_logics Nothing _ = Nothing
top_logics _ Nothing = Nothing
top_logics (Just (G_sublogics a (al::sublogics))) (Just (G_sublogics b bl)) =
if ((language_name a)==(language_name b)) then
case (coerce a b bl)::Maybe sublogics of
Just bl1 -> Just (G_sublogics a (join al bl1))
Nothing -> Nothing
-- version of top_logics that ignores IgnoreNothing argument(s)
top_logics_ign :: IgnoreMaybe G_sublogics -> IgnoreMaybe G_sublogics
-> IgnoreMaybe G_sublogics
top_logics_ign IgnoreNothing _ = IgnoreNothing
top_logics_ign _ IgnoreNothing = IgnoreNothing
top_logics_ign a b = toIgnore $ top_logics (toMaybe a) (toMaybe b)
-- compute Maybe G_sublogics from a list by folding top_logics
map_logics :: [Maybe G_sublogics] -> Maybe G_sublogics
map_logics [] = Nothing
map_logics (h:t) = foldr top_logics h t
-- version of map_logics handling IgnoreNothing inputs
-- list with only IgnoreNothing elements turns to single IgnoreNothing
map_logics_ign :: [IgnoreMaybe G_sublogics] -> IgnoreMaybe G_sublogics
map_logics_ign l = let
tryDrop = dropIgnore l
if ((length tryDrop)==0) then
toIgnore $ map_logics tryDrop
-- Computations functions simply recurse down into all datatype members.
-- All functions ignore Pos lists and names since they have no impact on
-- the sublogic needed. Other elements are ignored if they also have no
-- impact on the sublogic.
-- Functions to compute minimally needed sublogics for datatypes from
-- AS_Structured module
-- calls function from Logic.hs to calculate sublogic of Basic_spec
sl_spec :: SPEC -> Maybe G_sublogics
sl_spec (Basic_spec (G_basic_spec i b)) =
Just (G_sublogics i (min_sublogic_basic_spec i b))
sl_spec (Translation s r) =
toMaybe $ top_logics_ign (toIgnore $ sl_spec $ item s) (sl_renaming r)
sl_spec (Reduction s r) =
toMaybe $ top_logics_ign (toIgnore $ sl_spec $ item s) (sl_restriction r)
sl_spec (Union l _) = map_logics $ map sl_spec $ map item l
sl_spec (Extension l _) = map_logics $ map sl_spec $ map item l
sl_spec (Free_spec s _) = sl_spec $ item s
sl_spec (Local_spec a b _) = top_logics (sl_spec $ item a)
(sl_spec $ item b)
sl_spec (Group s _) = sl_spec $ item s
sl_spec (Spec_inst _ l) = map_logics $ map sl_fit_arg $ map item l
sl_spec (Qualified_spec _ s _) = sl_spec $ item s
sl_renaming :: RENAMING -> IgnoreMaybe G_sublogics
sl_renaming (Renaming l _) = map_logics_ign $ map sl_g_mapping l
sl_restriction :: RESTRICTION -> IgnoreMaybe G_sublogics
sl_restriction (Hidden l _) = map_logics_ign $ map sl_g_hiding l
sl_restriction (Revealed l _) = toIgnore $ sl_g_symb_map_items_list l
sl_g_mapping :: G_mapping -> IgnoreMaybe G_sublogics
sl_g_mapping (G_symb_map l) = toIgnore $ sl_g_symb_map_items_list l
sl_g_mapping (G_logic_translation c) = sl_logic_code c
sl_g_hiding :: G_hiding -> IgnoreMaybe G_sublogics
sl_g_hiding (G_symb_list l) = toIgnore $ sl_g_symb_items_list l
sl_g_hiding (G_logic_projection c) = sl_logic_code c
-- find out whether a Logic_code really changes the language
-- see TODO section for possible extensions for (isJust enc) and
-- (try!=src) cases
sl_logic_code :: Logic_code -> IgnoreMaybe G_sublogics
sl_logic_code (Logic_code enc src trg _) =
if (isJust enc) then
RealNothing -- encoding given, could change sublogic
if (isJust src) then
if (isJust trg) then
if (trg==src) then
IgnoreNothing -- projection/translation that does nothing
RealNothing -- projection/translation that changes things
IgnoreNothing -- just source logic given,
IgnoreNothing -- empty projection/translation, shouldn't happen
-- calls function from Logic.hs to compute sublogics
sl_g_symb_items_list :: G_symb_items_list -> Maybe G_sublogics
sl_g_symb_items_list (G_symb_items_list i l) =
Just (G_sublogics i (foldr join top ((map (min_sublogic_symb_items i)) l)))
-- calls function from Logic.hs to compute sublogics
sl_g_symb_map_items_list :: G_symb_map_items_list -> Maybe G_sublogics
sl_g_symb_map_items_list (G_symb_map_items_list i l) =
(G_sublogics i (foldr join top ((map (min_sublogic_symb_map_items i)) l)))
sl_spec_defn :: SPEC_DEFN -> Maybe G_sublogics
sl_spec_defn (Spec_defn _ g s _) = top_logics (sl_genericity g)
(sl_spec $ item s)
sl_genericity :: GENERICITY -> Maybe G_sublogics
sl_genericity (Genericity p i _) = top_logics (sl_params p) (sl_imported i)
sl_params :: PARAMS -> Maybe G_sublogics
sl_params (Params l) = map_logics $ map sl_spec $ map item l
sl_imported :: IMPORTED -> Maybe G_sublogics
sl_imported (Imported l) = map_logics $ map sl_spec $ map item l
sl_fit_arg :: FIT_ARG -> Maybe G_sublogics
sl_fit_arg (Fit_spec s l _) = top_logics (sl_spec $ item s)
(sl_g_symb_map_items_list l)
sl_fit_arg (Fit_view _ l _ _) = map_logics $ map sl_fit_arg $ map item l
sl_view_defn :: VIEW_DEFN -> Maybe G_sublogics
sl_view_defn (View_defn _ g t l _) = toMaybe $ map_logics_ign
((toIgnore $ sl_genericity g):(toIgnore $ sl_view_type t):
(map sl_g_mapping l))
sl_view_type :: VIEW_TYPE -> Maybe G_sublogics
sl_view_type (View_type a b _) = top_logics (sl_spec $ item a)
(sl_spec $ item b)
-- Functions to compute minimally needed sublogics for datatypes from
-- AS_Library module
sl_lib_defn :: AS_Library.LIB_DEFN -> Maybe G_sublogics
sl_lib_defn (AS_Library.Lib_defn _ l _ _) =
map_logics $ map sl_lib_item $ map item l
-- sl_lib_item returns Nothing on Download_items because it is only
-- a list of names with insufficient information to calculate G_sublogics
-- sl_lib_item returns Nothing on Logic because the target logic of
-- logic projection/translation is not convertible to G_sublogics yet
sl_lib_item :: AS_Library.LIB_ITEM -> Maybe G_sublogics
sl_lib_item (AS_Library.Spec_defn _ g s _) =
top_logics (sl_genericity g) (sl_spec $ item s)
sl_lib_item (AS_Library.View_defn _ g t l _) = toMaybe $ map_logics_ign
((toIgnore $ sl_genericity g):(toIgnore $ sl_view_type t):
(map sl_g_mapping l))
sl_lib_item (AS_Library.Arch_spec_defn _ s _) = sl_arch_spec $ item s
sl_lib_item (AS_Library.Unit_spec_defn _ s _) = sl_unit_spec s
sl_lib_item (AS_Library.Download_items _ l _) = Nothing
sl_lib_item (AS_Library.Logic n _) = Nothing
-- Functions to compute minimally needed sublogics for datatypes from
-- AS_Architecture module
sl_arch_spec_defn :: ARCH_SPEC_DEFN -> Maybe G_sublogics
sl_arch_spec_defn (Arch_spec_defn _ s _) = sl_arch_spec $ item s
-- sl_arch_spec returns Nothing on Arch_spec_name because the name
-- does not carry enough information needed to calculate G_sublogics
sl_arch_spec :: ARCH_SPEC -> Maybe G_sublogics
sl_arch_spec (Basic_arch_spec l e _) = map_logics
((sl_unit_expression $ item e):(map sl_unit_decl_defn $ map item l))
sl_arch_spec (Arch_spec_name _) = Nothing
sl_arch_spec (Group_arch_spec s _) = sl_arch_spec $ item s
sl_unit_decl_defn :: UNIT_DECL_DEFN -> Maybe G_sublogics
sl_unit_decl_defn (Unit_decl _ s l _) =
map_logics ((sl_unit_spec s):(map sl_unit_term $ map item l))
sl_unit_decl_defn (Unit_defn _ e _) = sl_unit_expression e
sl_unit_spec_defn :: UNIT_SPEC_DEFN -> Maybe G_sublogics
sl_unit_spec_defn (Unit_spec_defn _ s _) = sl_unit_spec s
-- sl_unit_spec returns Nothing on Spec_name because the name does
-- not carry enough information needed to calculate G_sublogics
sl_unit_spec :: UNIT_SPEC -> Maybe G_sublogics
sl_unit_spec (Unit_type l s _) =
map_logics ((sl_spec $ item s):(map sl_spec $ map item l))
sl_unit_spec (Spec_name _) = Nothing
sl_unit_spec (Arch_unit_spec s _) = sl_arch_spec $ item s
sl_unit_spec (Closed_unit_spec s _) = sl_unit_spec s
sl_unit_expression :: UNIT_EXPRESSION -> Maybe G_sublogics
sl_unit_expression (Unit_expression l t _) =
map_logics ((sl_unit_term $ item t):(map sl_unit_binding l))
sl_unit_binding :: UNIT_BINDING -> Maybe G_sublogics
sl_unit_binding (Unit_binding _ s _) = sl_unit_spec s
sl_unit_term :: UNIT_TERM -> Maybe G_sublogics
sl_unit_term (Unit_reduction t r) = toMaybe $
top_logics_ign (toIgnore $ sl_unit_term $ item t) (sl_restriction r)
sl_unit_term (Unit_translation t r) = toMaybe $
top_logics_ign (toIgnore $ sl_unit_term $ item t) (sl_renaming r)
sl_unit_term (Amalgamation l _) = map_logics $ map sl_unit_term $ map item l
sl_unit_term (Local_unit l t _) =
map_logics ((sl_unit_term $ item t):(map sl_unit_decl_defn $ map item l))
sl_unit_term (Unit_appl _ l _) = map_logics $ map sl_fit_arg_unit l
sl_unit_term (Group_unit_term t _) = sl_unit_term $ item t
sl_fit_arg_unit :: FIT_ARG_UNIT -> Maybe G_sublogics
sl_fit_arg_unit (Fit_arg_unit t l _) =
top_logics (sl_unit_term $ item t) (sl_g_symb_map_items_list l)
-- Alias exported function to names similar to the calculation functions
-- from Logic.hs, different naming convention in this module since
-- internal functions don't need to have overly verbose names that would
-- make the code hard to read
min_sublogic_spec_defn = sl_spec_defn
min_sublogic_view_defn = sl_view_defn
min_sublogic_lib_defn = sl_lib_defn
min_sublogic_arch_spec_defn = sl_arch_spec_defn
min_sublogic_unit_spec_defn = sl_unit_spec_defn