History.hs revision c208973c890b8f993297720fd0247bc7481d4304
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : history treatment for development graphs
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder, DFKI GmbH 2009
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
functions to keep the history entries in sync with the actual graph changes
module Static.History
( groupHistory
, changeDGH
, changesDGH
, updateDGOnly
, flatHistory
, negateChange
, getLastChange
, reverseHistory
, splitHistory
, applyProofHistory
, undoHistStep
, redoHistStep
, togglePending
) where
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.DgUtils
import qualified Common.Lib.SizedList as SizedList
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as Graph
import Data.List
-- | add a history item to current history.
addToProofHistoryDG :: HistElem -> DGraph -> DGraph
addToProofHistoryDG x dg =
dg { proofHistory = SizedList.cons x $ proofHistory dg }
-- | get the old history and the new offset
splitHistory :: DGraph -> DGraph -> (ProofHistory, ProofHistory)
splitHistory oldGraph newGraph = let
oldHist = proofHistory oldGraph
newHist = proofHistory newGraph
diff = SizedList.take (SizedList.size newHist - SizedList.size oldHist)
in (oldHist, diff)
-- | reverse the history list
reverseHistory :: SizedList.SizedList HistElem -> SizedList.SizedList HistElem
reverseHistory = SizedList.reverse . SizedList.map
(\ e -> case e of
HistElem _ -> e
HistGroup r l -> HistGroup r $ reverseHistory l)
-- | group pushd changes, leave history of old graph unchanged
groupHistory :: DGraph -> DGRule -> DGraph -> DGraph
groupHistory oldGraph rule newGraph = let
(oldHist, diff) = splitHistory oldGraph newGraph
in if SizedList.null diff then newGraph else
newGraph { proofHistory = SizedList.cons (HistGroup rule diff) oldHist }
-- | get most recent step
getLastHistElem :: DGraph -> HistElem
getLastHistElem dg = let hist = proofHistory dg in
if SizedList.null hist then error "Static.DevGraph.getHistElem"
else SizedList.head hist
-- | get most recent change
getLastChange :: DGraph -> DGChange
getLastChange dg = case getLastHistElem dg of
HistElem c -> c
HistGroup _ _ -> error "Static.DevGraph.getLastChange"
-- | negate change
negateChange :: DGChange -> DGChange
negateChange change = case change of
InsertNode x -> DeleteNode x
DeleteNode x -> InsertNode x
InsertEdge x -> DeleteEdge x
DeleteEdge x -> InsertEdge x
SetNodeLab old (node, new) -> SetNodeLab new (node, old)
flatHistory :: SizedList.SizedList HistElem -> [DGChange]
flatHistory h = if SizedList.null h then [] else
(case SizedList.head h of
HistElem c -> [c]
HistGroup _ l -> flatHistory l) ++ flatHistory (SizedList.tail h)
undoHistStep :: DGraph -> (DGraph, [DGChange])
undoHistStep dg = let h = proofHistory dg in
if SizedList.null h then (dg, []) else let
he = SizedList.head h
(ndg, cs) = case he of
HistElem c -> let (dg2, nc) = updateDGOnly dg $ negateChange c in
(dg2 { proofHistory = SizedList.tail h }, [nc])
HistGroup _ l -> let
(dg2, ncs) = mapAccumL (\ g _ -> undoHistStep g)
dg { proofHistory = SizedList.append l $ SizedList.tail h }
$ SizedList.toList l
in (dg2, concat ncs)
in (ndg { redoHistory = SizedList.cons he $ redoHistory dg }, cs)
redoHistStep :: DGraph -> (DGraph, [DGChange])
redoHistStep dg = let h = redoHistory dg in
if SizedList.null h then (dg, []) else
let he = SizedList.head h
cs = reverse $ flatHistory $ SizedList.singleton he
(ndg, ncs) = updateDGAndChanges dg cs
in (ndg { proofHistory = SizedList.cons he $ proofHistory dg
, redoHistory = SizedList.tail h }, ncs)
-- | apply the reversed changes to the graph and add them to the history
applyProofHistory :: SizedList.SizedList HistElem -> DGraph -> DGraph
applyProofHistory l = applyReverseHistory $ reverseHistory l
applyReverseHistory :: SizedList.SizedList HistElem -> DGraph -> DGraph
applyReverseHistory l dg = if SizedList.null l then dg else
applyReverseHistory (SizedList.tail l) $ case SizedList.head l of
HistElem c -> changeDGH dg c
HistGroup r h -> let dg2 = applyReverseHistory h dg in
groupHistory dg r dg2
-- | change the given DGraph with a list of changes
changesDGH :: DGraph -> [DGChange] -> DGraph
changesDGH = foldl' changeDGH
-- | toggle the pending flag of the input edges
togglePending :: DGraph -> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> DGraph
togglePending dg = changesDGH dg . concatMap
(\ e@(s, t, l) ->
[DeleteEdge e, InsertEdge
(s, t, l { dglPending = not (dglPending l)})])
-- | forget redo stack
clearRedo :: DGraph -> DGraph
clearRedo g = g { redoHistory = SizedList.empty }
-- | change the given DGraph and the history with the given DGChange.
changeDGH :: DGraph -> DGChange -> DGraph
changeDGH g c = let (ng, nc) = updateDGOnly g c in
addToProofHistoryDG (HistElem nc) $ clearRedo ng
-- | change the given DGraph with a list of DGChange
updateDGAndChanges :: DGraph -> [DGChange] -> (DGraph, [DGChange])
updateDGAndChanges = mapAccumL updateDGOnly
{- | change the given DGraph with given DGChange and return a new DGraph and
the processed DGChange as well. -}
updateDGOnly :: DGraph -> DGChange -> (DGraph, DGChange)
updateDGOnly g c =
case c of
InsertNode n -> (updRefInfo n $ insLNodeDG n g, InsertNode n)
DeleteNode n -> (delLNodeDG n g, DeleteNode n)
InsertEdge e -> let (newEdge, ng) = insLEdgeDG e g in
(ng, InsertEdge newEdge)
DeleteEdge e -> (delLEdgeDG e g, DeleteEdge e)
SetNodeLab _ n -> let (newG, o) = labelNodeDG n g in
(updRefInfo n newG, SetNodeLab o n)
updRefInfo :: LNode DGNodeLab -> DGraph -> DGraph
updRefInfo (n, lbl) = addToRefNodesDG n $ nodeInfo lbl