GTheory.hs revision d9d72d6055f5c9440ca08ff6f0d8b8fcd06406b1
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbach{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, DeriveDataTypeable
8267b99c0d7a187abe6f87ad50530dc08f5d1cdcAndy Gimblett , GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
e071fb22ea9923a2a4ff41184d80ca46b55ee932Till Mossakowski{- |
e85b224577b78d08ba5c39fe9dcc2e53995454a2Christian MaederModule : $Header$
97018cf5fa25b494adffd7e9b4e87320dae6bf47Christian MaederDescription : theory datastructure for development graphs
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus RoggenbachCopyright : (c) Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
b4fbc96e05117839ca409f5f20f97b3ac872d1edTill MossakowskiLicense : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus RoggenbachMaintainer :
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus RoggenbachStability : provisional
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus RoggenbachPortability : non-portable(Logic)
f3a94a197960e548ecd6520bb768cb0d547457bbChristian Maeder
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbachtheory datastructure for development graphs
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbach-}
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbach
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbachmodule Static.GTheory where
1df33829303cbf924aa018ac5ce9a28e69c17d22Till Mossakowski
1df33829303cbf924aa018ac5ce9a28e69c17d22Till Mossakowskiimport Logic.Prover
1df33829303cbf924aa018ac5ce9a28e69c17d22Till Mossakowskiimport Logic.Logic
1df33829303cbf924aa018ac5ce9a28e69c17d22Till Mossakowskiimport Logic.ExtSign
e85b224577b78d08ba5c39fe9dcc2e53995454a2Christian Maederimport Logic.Grothendieck
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbachimport Logic.Comorphism
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbachimport Logic.Coerce
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbach
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbachimport qualified Common.OrderedMap as OMap
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbach
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbachimport ATerm.Lib
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbachimport Common.Lib.Graph as Tree
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbachimport Common.Amalgamate -- for now
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbachimport Common.Keywords
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbachimport Common.AS_Annotation
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbachimport Common.Doc
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbachimport Common.DocUtils
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbachimport Common.ExtSign
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbachimport Common.Result
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbach
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbachimport Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as Graph
1538a6e8d77301d6de757616ffc69ee61f1482e4Andy Gimblett
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbachimport qualified Data.Map as Map
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbach
1538a6e8d77301d6de757616ffc69ee61f1482e4Andy Gimblettimport Data.Typeable
ad270004874ce1d0697fb30d7309f180553bb315Christian Maeder
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbachimport Control.Monad (foldM)
0ea916d1e6aea10fd7b84f802fb5148a79d8c20aAndy Gimblettimport Control.Exception
04ceed96d1528b939f2e592d0656290d81d1c045Andy Gimblett
567db7182e691cce5816365d8c912d09ffe92f86Andy Gimblett-- a theory index describing a set of sentences
0ea916d1e6aea10fd7b84f802fb5148a79d8c20aAndy Gimblettnewtype ThId = ThId Int
1538a6e8d77301d6de757616ffc69ee61f1482e4Andy Gimblett deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, ShATermConvertible)
0ea916d1e6aea10fd7b84f802fb5148a79d8c20aAndy Gimblett
1538a6e8d77301d6de757616ffc69ee61f1482e4Andy GimblettstartThId :: ThId
c4b2418421546a337f83332fe0db04742dcd735dAndy GimblettstartThId = ThId 0
9f6c50e7b48ca79fc104275f9b1ea091a1359f89Andy Gimblett
9f6c50e7b48ca79fc104275f9b1ea091a1359f89Andy Gimblett-- | Grothendieck theories with lookup indices
167414650dc57c11c13ba85253f0211b3de0ecc5Christian Maederdata G_theory = forall lid sublogics
167414650dc57c11c13ba85253f0211b3de0ecc5Christian Maeder basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
04ceed96d1528b939f2e592d0656290d81d1c045Andy Gimblett sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree .
167414650dc57c11c13ba85253f0211b3de0ecc5Christian Maeder Logic lid sublogics
167414650dc57c11c13ba85253f0211b3de0ecc5Christian Maeder basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
1df33829303cbf924aa018ac5ce9a28e69c17d22Till Mossakowski sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree => G_theory
1df33829303cbf924aa018ac5ce9a28e69c17d22Till Mossakowski { gTheoryLogic :: lid
04ceed96d1528b939f2e592d0656290d81d1c045Andy Gimblett , gTheorySign :: ExtSign sign symbol
04ceed96d1528b939f2e592d0656290d81d1c045Andy Gimblett , gTheorySignIdx :: SigId -- ^ index to lookup 'G_sign' (using 'signOf')
1538a6e8d77301d6de757616ffc69ee61f1482e4Andy Gimblett , gTheorySens :: ThSens sentence (AnyComorphism, BasicProof)
1df33829303cbf924aa018ac5ce9a28e69c17d22Till Mossakowski , gTheorySelfIdx :: ThId -- ^ index to lookup this 'G_theory' in theory map
567db7182e691cce5816365d8c912d09ffe92f86Andy Gimblett } deriving Typeable
567db7182e691cce5816365d8c912d09ffe92f86Andy Gimblett
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus RoggenbachcreateGThWith :: G_theory -> SigId -> ThId -> G_theory
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus RoggenbachcreateGThWith (G_theory gtl gts _ _ _) si = G_theory gtl gts si noSens
e85b224577b78d08ba5c39fe9dcc2e53995454a2Christian Maeder
e85b224577b78d08ba5c39fe9dcc2e53995454a2Christian MaedercoerceThSens ::
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbach ( Logic lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
e85b224577b78d08ba5c39fe9dcc2e53995454a2Christian Maeder sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1
e85b224577b78d08ba5c39fe9dcc2e53995454a2Christian Maeder , Logic lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbach sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbach , Monad m, Typeable b)
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbach => lid1 -> lid2 -> String -> ThSens sentence1 b -> m (ThSens sentence2 b)
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus RoggenbachcoerceThSens = primCoerce
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbach
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbachinstance Eq G_theory where
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbach G_theory l1 sig1 ind1 sens1 ind1' == G_theory l2 sig2 ind2 sens2 ind2' =
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbach G_sign l1 sig1 ind1 == G_sign l2 sig2 ind2
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbach && (ind1' > startThId && ind2' > startThId && ind1' == ind2'
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbach || coerceThSens l1 l2 "" sens1 == Just sens2)
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbach
e85b224577b78d08ba5c39fe9dcc2e53995454a2Christian Maederinstance Show G_theory where
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbach show (G_theory _ sign _ sens _) =
567db7182e691cce5816365d8c912d09ffe92f86Andy Gimblett shows sign $ '\n' : show sens
e85b224577b78d08ba5c39fe9dcc2e53995454a2Christian Maeder
af745a4a6cb26002e55b69f90d837fe9c6176d4bAndy Gimblettinstance Pretty G_theory where
af745a4a6cb26002e55b69f90d837fe9c6176d4bAndy Gimblett pretty g = prettyGTheorySL g $++$ prettyGTheory g
af745a4a6cb26002e55b69f90d837fe9c6176d4bAndy Gimblett
prettyGTheorySL :: G_theory -> Doc
prettyGTheorySL g = keyword logicS <+> structId (show $ sublogicOfTh g)
prettyGTheory :: G_theory -> Doc
prettyGTheory g = case simplifyTh g of
G_theory lid sign@(ExtSign s _) _ sens _ -> let l = toNamedList sens in
if null l && ext_is_subsig lid sign (ext_empty_signature lid) then
specBraces Common.Doc.empty else printTheory lid (s, l)
-- | compute sublogic of a theory
sublogicOfTh :: G_theory -> G_sublogics
sublogicOfTh (G_theory lid (ExtSign sigma _) _ sens _) =
let sub = foldl join
(minSublogic sigma)
(map snd $ OMap.toList $ (minSublogic . sentence)
in G_sublogics lid sub
-- | get theorem names with their best proof results
getThGoals :: G_theory -> [(String, Maybe BasicProof)]
getThGoals (G_theory _ _ _ sens _) = map toGoal . OMap.toList
$ OMap.filter (not . isAxiom) sens
where toGoal (n, st) = let ts = thmStatus st in
(n, if null ts then Nothing else Just $ maximum $ map snd ts)
-- | get axiom names plus True for former theorem
getThAxioms :: G_theory -> [(String, Bool)]
getThAxioms (G_theory _ _ _ sens _) = map
(\ (k, s) -> (k, wasTheorem s))
$ OMap.toList $ OMap.filter isAxiom sens
-- | simplify a theory (throw away qualifications)
simplifyTh :: G_theory -> G_theory
simplifyTh (G_theory lid sigma@(ExtSign s _) ind1 sens ind2) =
G_theory lid sigma ind1
( (mapValue $ simplify_sen lid s) sens) ind2
-- | apply a comorphism to a theory
mapG_theory :: AnyComorphism -> G_theory -> Result G_theory
mapG_theory (Comorphism cid) (G_theory lid (ExtSign sign _) ind1 sens ind2) =
bTh <- coerceBasicTheory lid (sourceLogic cid)
("unapplicable comorphism '" ++ language_name cid ++ "'\n")
(sign, toNamedList sens)
(sign', sens') <- wrapMapTheory cid bTh
return $ G_theory (targetLogic cid) (mkExtSign sign')
ind1 (toThSens sens') ind2
-- | Translation of a G_theory along a GMorphism
translateG_theory :: GMorphism -> G_theory -> Result G_theory
translateG_theory (GMorphism cid _ _ morphism2 _)
(G_theory lid (ExtSign sign _) _ sens _) = do
let tlid = targetLogic cid
bTh <- coerceBasicTheory lid (sourceLogic cid)
"translateG_theory" (sign, toNamedList sens)
(_, sens'') <- wrapMapTheory cid bTh
sens''' <- mapM (mapNamedM $ map_sen tlid morphism2) sens''
return $ G_theory tlid (mkExtSign $ cod morphism2)
startSigId (toThSens sens''') startThId
-- | Join the sentences of two G_theories
joinG_sentences :: Monad m => G_theory -> G_theory -> m G_theory
joinG_sentences (G_theory lid1 sig1 ind sens1 _)
(G_theory lid2 sig2 _ sens2 _) = do
sens2' <- coerceThSens lid2 lid1 "joinG_sentences" sens2
sig2' <- coerceSign lid2 lid1 "joinG_sentences" sig2
return $ assert (plainSign sig1 == plainSign sig2')
$ G_theory lid1 sig1 ind (joinSens sens1 sens2') startThId
-- | flattening the sentences form a list of G_theories
flatG_sentences :: Monad m => G_theory -> [G_theory] -> m G_theory
flatG_sentences = foldM joinG_sentences
-- | Get signature of a theory
signOf :: G_theory -> G_sign
signOf (G_theory lid sign ind _ _) = G_sign lid sign ind
-- | create theory without sentences
noSensGTheory :: Logic lid sublogics basic_spec sentence symb_items
symb_map_items sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree
=> lid -> ExtSign sign symbol -> SigId -> G_theory
noSensGTheory lid sig si = G_theory lid sig si noSens startThId
data BasicProof =
forall lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree .
Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree =>
BasicProof lid (ProofStatus proof_tree)
| Guessed
| Conjectured
| Handwritten
deriving Typeable
instance Eq BasicProof where
Guessed == Guessed = True
Conjectured == Conjectured = True
Handwritten == Handwritten = True
BasicProof lid1 p1 == BasicProof lid2 p2 =
coerceProofStatus lid1 lid2 "Eq BasicProof" p1 == Just p2
_ == _ = False
instance Ord BasicProof where
Guessed <= _ = True
Conjectured <= x = case x of
Guessed -> False
_ -> True
Handwritten <= x = case x of
Guessed -> False
Conjectured -> False
_ -> True
BasicProof lid1 pst1 <= x =
case x of
BasicProof lid2 pst2
| isProvedStat pst1 && not (isProvedStat pst2) -> False
| not (isProvedStat pst1) && isProvedStat pst2 -> True
| otherwise -> case primCoerce lid1 lid2 "" pst1 of
Nothing -> False
Just pst1' -> pst1' <= pst2
_ -> False
instance Show BasicProof where
show (BasicProof _ p1) = show p1
show Guessed = "Guessed"
show Conjectured = "Conjectured"
show Handwritten = "Handwritten"
-- | test a theory sentence
isProvenSenStatus :: SenStatus a (AnyComorphism, BasicProof) -> Bool
isProvenSenStatus = any (isProvedBasically . snd) . thmStatus
isProvedBasically :: BasicProof -> Bool
isProvedBasically b = case b of
BasicProof _ pst -> isProvedStat pst
_ -> False
:: G_theory -- ^ old global theory
-> G_theory -- ^ new global theory
-> [String] -- ^ unchanged axioms
(G_theory lid1 _ _ sens1 _)
(G_theory lid2 _ _ sens2 _) =
case coerceThSens lid1 lid2 "" sens1 of
Nothing -> []
Just sens -> OMap.keys $ OMap.filterWithKey (\ k s ->
case OMap.lookup k sens of
Just s2 -> isAxiom s && isAxiom s2 && sentence s == sentence s2
_ -> False) sens2
:: G_theory -- ^ old global theory
-> G_theory -- ^ new global theory
-> G_theory -- ^ local theory with proven goals
-> G_theory -- ^ new local theory with deleted proofs
invalidateProofs oTh nTh (G_theory lid sig si sens _) =
let vAxs = getValidAxioms oTh nTh
validProofs (_, bp) = case bp of
BasicProof _ pst -> all (`elem` vAxs) $ usedAxioms pst
_ -> True
newSens =
(\ s -> if isAxiom s then s else
s { senAttr = ThmStatus $ filter validProofs
$ thmStatus s }) sens
in G_theory lid sig si newSens startThId
{- | mark sentences as proven if an identical axiom or other proven sentence
is part of the same theory. -}
proveSens :: Logic lid sublogics basic_spec sentence symb_items
symb_map_items sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree
=> lid -> ThSens sentence (AnyComorphism, BasicProof)
-> ThSens sentence (AnyComorphism, BasicProof)
proveSens lid sens = let
(axs, ths) = OMap.partition (\ s -> isAxiom s || isProvenSenStatus s) sens
in Map.union axs $ proveSensAux lid axs ths
proveLocalSens :: G_theory -> G_theory -> G_theory
proveLocalSens (G_theory glid _ _ gsens _) lth@(G_theory lid sig ind sens _) =
case coerceThSens glid lid "proveLocalSens" gsens of
Just lsens -> G_theory lid sig ind
(proveSensAux lid (OMap.filter (\ s -> isAxiom s || isProvenSenStatus s)
lsens) sens) startThId
Nothing -> lth
{- | mark sentences as proven if an identical axiom or other proven sentence
is part of a given global theory. -}
proveSensAux :: Logic lid sublogics basic_spec sentence symb_items
symb_map_items sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree
=> lid -> ThSens sentence (AnyComorphism, BasicProof)
-> ThSens sentence (AnyComorphism, BasicProof)
-> ThSens sentence (AnyComorphism, BasicProof)
proveSensAux lid axs ths = let
axSet = Map.fromList $ map (\ (n, s) -> (sentence s, n)) $ OMap.toList axs
in Map.mapWithKey (\ i e -> let sen = OMap.ele e in
case Map.lookup (sentence sen) axSet of
Just ax ->
e { OMap.ele = sen { senAttr = ThmStatus $
( Comorphism $ mkIdComorphism lid $ top_sublogic lid
, BasicProof lid
(openProofStatus i "hets" $ empty_proof_tree lid)
{ usedAxioms = [ax]
, goalStatus = Proved True }) : thmStatus sen } }
_ -> e) ths
{- | mark all sentences of a local theory that have been proven via a prover
over a global theory (with the same signature) as proven. Also mark
duplicates of proven sentences as proven. Assume that the sentence names of
the local theory are identical to the global theory. -}
propagateProofs :: G_theory -> G_theory -> G_theory
propagateProofs locTh@(G_theory lid1 sig ind lsens _)
(G_theory lid2 _ _ gsens _) =
case coerceThSens lid2 lid1 "" gsens of
Just ps ->
if Map.null ps then locTh else
G_theory lid1 sig ind
(proveSens lid1 $ Map.union (Map.intersection ps lsens) lsens)
Nothing -> error "propagateProofs"
-- | Grothendieck diagrams
type GDiagram = Gr G_theory (Int, GMorphism)
-- | checks whether a connected GDiagram is homogeneous
isHomogeneousGDiagram :: GDiagram -> Bool
isHomogeneousGDiagram = all (\ (_, _, (_, phi)) -> isHomogeneous phi) . labEdges
-- | homogenise a GDiagram to a targeted logic
homogeniseGDiagram :: Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree
=> lid -- ^ the target logic to be coerced to
-> GDiagram -- ^ the GDiagram to be homogenised
-> Result (Gr sign (Int, morphism))
homogeniseGDiagram targetLid diag = do
let convertNode (n, gth) = do
G_sign srcLid extSig _ <- return $ signOf gth
extSig' <- coerceSign srcLid targetLid "" extSig
return (n, plainSign extSig')
convertEdge (n1, n2, (nr, GMorphism cid _ _ mor _ ))
= if isIdComorphism (Comorphism cid) then
do mor' <- coerceMorphism (targetLogic cid) targetLid "" mor
return (n1, n2, (nr, mor'))
else fail $
"Trying to coerce a morphism between different logics.\n" ++
"Heterogeneous specifications are not fully supported yet."
convertNodes cDiag [] = return cDiag
convertNodes cDiag (lNode : lNodes) = do
convNode <- convertNode lNode
let cDiag' = insNode convNode cDiag
convertNodes cDiag' lNodes
convertEdges cDiag [] = return cDiag
convertEdges cDiag (lEdge : lEdges) = do
convEdge <- convertEdge lEdge
let cDiag' = insEdge convEdge cDiag
convertEdges cDiag' lEdges
dNodes = labNodes diag
dEdges = labEdges diag
-- insert converted nodes to an empty diagram
cDiag <- convertNodes Graph.empty dNodes
-- insert converted edges to the diagram containing only nodes
convertEdges cDiag dEdges
{- | Coerce GMorphisms in the list of (diagram node, GMorphism) pairs
to morphisms in given logic -}
homogeniseSink :: Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree
=> lid -- ^ the target logic to which morphisms will be coerced
-> [(Node, GMorphism)] -- ^ the list of edges to be homogenised
-> Result [(Node, morphism)]
homogeniseSink targetLid dEdges =
-- See homogeniseDiagram for comments on implementation.
let convertMorphism (n, GMorphism cid _ _ mor _) =
if isIdComorphism (Comorphism cid) then
do mor' <- coerceMorphism (targetLogic cid) targetLid "" mor
return (n, mor')
else fail $
"Trying to coerce a morphism between different logics.\n" ++
"Heterogeneous specifications are not fully supported yet."
convEdges [] = return []
convEdges (e : es) = do
ce <- convertMorphism e
ces <- convEdges es
return (ce : ces)
in convEdges dEdges
{- amalgamabilty check for heterogeneous diagrams
currently only checks whether the diagram is
homogeneous and if so, calls amalgamability check
for the specific logic -}
gEnsuresAmalgamability :: [CASLAmalgOpt] -- the options
-> GDiagram -- the diagram
-> [(Int, GMorphism)] -- the sink
-> Result Amalgamates
gEnsuresAmalgamability options gd sink =
if isHomogeneousGDiagram gd && all (isHomogeneous . snd) sink then
case labNodes gd of
(_, G_theory lid _ _ _ _) : _ -> do
diag <- homogeniseGDiagram lid gd
sink' <- homogeniseSink lid sink
ensures_amalgamability lid (options, diag, sink', Graph.empty)
_ -> error "heterogeneous amalgability check: no nodes"
else error "heterogeneous amalgability check not yet implemented"