DotGraph.hs revision e6d40133bc9f858308654afb1262b8b483ec5922
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Display of development graphs using Graphviz\/dot
Copyright : (c) Till Mossakowski, Klaus L�ttich Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
Display of development graphs using Graphviz\/dot
module Static.DotGraph(dotGraph) where
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Static.DevGraph
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Logic.Grothendieck (isHomogeneous)
edgeAttribute :: DGLinkType -> String
edgeAttribute LocalDef = " [style=bold"
edgeAttribute GlobalDef = " [style=bold"
edgeAttribute HidingDef = " [style=bold,arrowhead=vee"
edgeAttribute (FreeDef _) = " [style=bold"
edgeAttribute (CofreeDef _) = " [style=bold"
edgeAttribute (LocalThm _ _con _) = " [arrowhead=onormal"
edgeAttribute (GlobalThm _ _con _) = " [arrowhead=onormal"
edgeAttribute (HidingThm _ _) = " [arrowhead=vee"
edgeAttribute (FreeThm _ _) = " [arrowhead=onormal"
showNode :: DGraph -> Node -> String
showNode dg n = case getDGNodeName $ lab' $ context dg n of
xs | null xs -> "n__" ++ show n
| otherwise -> xs
dotEdge :: DGraph -> (Node, Node, DGLinkLab) -> String
dotEdge dg (n1, n2, link) =
showNode dg n1 ++ " -> " ++ showNode dg n2
++ edgeAttribute (dgl_type link) ++ het ++ "];"
where het = if isHomogeneous $ dgl_morphism link
then ""
else ",color=\"black:white:black\",arrowsize=1.6"
nodeAttribute :: Bool -> DGNodeLab -> String
nodeAttribute showInternal la =
case concat $ intersperse "," (inter la ++
(if isDGRef la
then ["shape=box"]
else []) ++
(if hasOpenGoals la
then ["style=filled","fillcolor=grey"]
else [])) of
xs | null xs -> ""
| otherwise -> '[' : xs ++ "]"
where inter l = if isInternalNode l && not showInternal
then ["label=\"\",height=0.2,width=0.35"]
else []
dotNode :: Bool -> DGraph -> (Node, DGNodeLab) -> String
dotNode showInternal dg (n, ncontents) =
showNode dg n ++ nodeAttribute showInternal ncontents ++ ";"
-- | Generate a dot term representation out of a development graph
dotGraph :: Bool -- ^ True means show internal node labels
-> DGraph -> String
dotGraph showInternalNodeLabels dg = unlines $
["digraph G {"," size = \"8,6\""," "] ++
map (dotNode showInternalNodeLabels dg) (labNodes dg) ++
map (dotEdge dg) (labEdges dg)++["}"]