DotGraph.hs revision c208973c890b8f993297720fd0247bc7481d4304
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Display of development graphs using Graphviz\/dot
Copyright : (c) Till Mossakowski, Klaus Luettich Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
Display of development graphs using Graphviz\/dot
module Static.DotGraph (dotGraph) where
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Static.DgUtils
import Static.DevGraph
edgeAttributes :: DGEdgeType -> String
edgeAttributes ety = concatMap (", " ++)
$ (if isInc ety then ["arrowsize=0.5"] else ["style=bold"])
++ case edgeTypeModInc ety of
GlobalDef -> []
HetDef -> ["color=" ++ doubleColor "black"]
HidingDef -> ["color=blue"]
LocalDef -> ["style=dashed"]
FreeOrCofreeDef _ -> ["color=blue"]
{ thmEdgeType = thTy
, isProvenEdge = isProv
, isConservativ = isCons
, isPending = isPend }
-> let
hc = ["color=" ++ if isPend then "cyan" else
if isProv then "green" else "blue"]
in case thTy of
HidingThm -> "style=dashed" : hc
FreeOrCofreeThm _ -> "style=dotted" : hc
th -> let
cl c = if isHomThm th then c else doubleColor c
rc = if isProv then
if isCons then
if isPend then "yellow" else show "/green"
else "orange"
else "red"
in ("color=" ++ cl rc) : case isLocalThmType th of
Global -> []
Local -> ["style=dashed"]
doubleColor :: String -> String
doubleColor s = show $ s ++ ':' : s
dotEdge :: String -> LEdge DGLinkLab -> String
dotEdge url (n1, n2, link) = let
cs = showConsStatus (getEdgeConsStatus link)
es = showEdgeId (dgl_id link)
in show n1 ++ " -> " ++ show n2
++ " [id=" ++ es
++ (if null url then "" else ", URL=" ++ show (url ++ "?edge=" ++ es))
++ (if null cs then "" else
", fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=10, label=" ++ show cs)
++ edgeAttributes (getRealDGLinkType link)
++ "];"
nodeAttribute :: Bool -> DGNodeLab -> String
nodeAttribute showInternal la = concatMap (", " ++)
(inter la : ["shape=box" | isDGRef la]
++ [ "style=filled"
, "fontsize=12"
, "fontname=Helvetica"
, "fillcolor=" ++ if hasOpenGoals la then "red" else
if hasOpenNodeConsStatus False la then "yellow" else show "/green" ])
where inter l = if isInternalNode l && not showInternal
then "label=\"\", height=0.1, width=0.2"
else "label=\"" ++ getDGNodeName la ++ "\""
dotNode :: Bool -> String -> LNode DGNodeLab -> String
dotNode showInternal url (n, ncontents) = let ns = show n in
ns ++ " [id=" ++ ns
++ (if null url then "" else ", URL=" ++ show (url ++ "?node=" ++ ns))
++ nodeAttribute showInternal ncontents ++ "];"
-- | Generate a dot term representation out of a development graph
dotGraph :: FilePath
-> Bool -- ^ True means show internal node labels
-> String -- ^ URL for node and edge links
-> DGraph -> String
dotGraph f showInternalNodeLabels url dg = unlines $
["digraph " ++ show f ++ " {" ]
++ map (dotNode showInternalNodeLabels url) (labNodesDG dg)
++ map (dotEdge url) (labEdgesDG dg)
++ ["}"]