DotGraph.hs revision ba904a15082557e939db689fcfba0c68c9a4f740
{- HetCATS/Static/DotGraph.hs
Till Mossakowski
Display of development graphs using dot
module Static.DotGraph where
import Common.Lib.Graph
import Static.DevGraph
import Syntax.Print_HetCASL
edgeAttribute LocalDef = " [style=bold]"
edgeAttribute GlobalDef = " [style=bold]"
edgeAttribute HidingDef = " [style=bold]"
edgeAttribute (FreeDef _) = " [style=bold]"
edgeAttribute (CofreeDef _) = " [style=bold]"
edgeAttribute (LocalThm _) = " [style=dotted]"
edgeAttribute (GlobalThm _) = " [style=dotted]"
edgeAttribute (HidingThm _ _) = " [style=dotted]"
edgeAttribute (FreeThm _ _) = " [style=dotted]"
showNode :: DGraph -> Node -> String
showNode dg n =
case get_dgn_name (lab' $ context n dg) of
Nothing -> "N"++show n
Just x -> show (printText0_eGA x)
dotEdge dg (n1,n2,link) =
showNode dg n1 ++ " -> " ++ showNode dg n2++ edgeAttribute (dgl_type link) ++ ";"
nodeAttribute (DGNode _ _ _ _) = ""
nodeAttribute (DGRef _ _ _) = " [shape=box]"
dotNode dg (n,ncontents) =
showNode dg n ++ nodeAttribute ncontents ++ ";"
dot :: DGraph -> [String]
dot dg =
["digraph G {"," size = \"8,6\""," "] ++
map (dotNode dg) (labNodes dg) ++ map (dotEdge dg) (labEdges dg)++["}"]