DevGraph.hs revision b87efd3db0d2dc41615ea28669faf80fc1b48d56
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Central datastructures for development graphs
Copyright : (c) Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : GPLv2 or higher
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
Central datastructures for development graphs
Follows Sect. IV:4.2 of the CASL Reference Manual.
We also provide functions for constructing and modifying development graphs.
However note that these changes need to be propagated to the GUI if they
also shall be visible in the displayed development graph.
T. Mossakowski, S. Autexier and D. Hutter:
Extending Development Graphs With Hiding.
H. Hussmann (ed.): Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering 2001,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2029, p. 269-283,
Springer-Verlag 2001.
T. Mossakowski, S. Autexier, D. Hutter, P. Hoffman:
CASL Proof calculus. In: CASL reference manual, part IV.
Available from
module Static.DevGraph where
import Syntax.AS_Structured
import Static.GTheory
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.ExtSign
import Logic.Comorphism
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Prover
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import qualified Common.Lib.Graph as Tree
import qualified Common.Lib.SizedList as SizedList
import qualified Common.OrderedMap as OMap
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.Id
import Common.Utils (numberSuffix, splitByList)
import Common.LibName
import Common.Consistency
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Exception (assert)
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Basic
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as Graph
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Common.Result
import Debug.Trace
-- * types for structured specification analysis
-- ** basic types
-- | Node with signature in a DG
data NodeSig = NodeSig { getNode :: Node, getSig :: G_sign }
deriving (Eq, Show)
{- | NodeSig or possibly the empty sig in a logic
(but since we want to avoid lots of vsacuous nodes with empty sig,
we do not assign a real node in the DG here) -}
data MaybeNode = JustNode NodeSig | EmptyNode AnyLogic deriving (Show, Eq)
data BasicConsProof = BasicConsProof deriving (Show, Eq) -- needs more details
-- ** node label types
data XPathPart = ElemName String | ChildIndex Int deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
{- | name of a node in a DG; auxiliary nodes may have extension string
and non-zero number (for these, names are usually hidden). -}
data NodeName = NodeName
{ getName :: SIMPLE_ID
, extString :: String
, extIndex :: Int
, xpath :: [XPathPart]
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
isInternal :: NodeName -> Bool
isInternal n = extIndex n /= 0 || not (null $ extString n)
-- | a wrapper for renamings with a trivial Ord instance
newtype Renamed = Renamed RENAMING deriving Show
instance Ord Renamed where
compare _ _ = EQ
instance Eq Renamed where
_ == _ = True
-- | a wrapper for restrictions with a trivial Ord instance
newtype Restricted = Restricted RESTRICTION deriving Show
instance Ord Restricted where
compare _ _ = EQ
instance Eq Restricted where
_ == _ = True
{- | Data type indicating the origin of nodes and edges in the input language
This is not used in the DG calculus, only may be used in the future
for reconstruction of input and management of change. -}
data DGOrigin =
| DGBasic
| DGBasicSpec G_basic_spec (Set.Set G_symbol)
| DGExtension
| DGLogicCoercion
| DGTranslation Renamed
| DGUnion
| DGRestriction Restricted
| DGRevealTranslation
| DGFreeOrCofree FreeOrCofree
| DGLocal
| DGClosed
| DGLogicQual
| DGData
| DGFormalParams
| DGImports
| DGFitSpec
| DGProof
| DGNormalForm Node
| DGintegratedSCC
| DGFlattening
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | node content or reference to another library's node
data DGNodeInfo = DGNode
{ node_origin :: DGOrigin -- origin in input language
, node_cons_status :: ConsStatus } -- like a link from the empty signature
| DGRef -- reference to node in a different DG
{ ref_libname :: LibName -- pointer to DG where ref'd node resides
, ref_node :: Node -- pointer to ref'd node
} deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | node inscriptions in development graphs.
-- Nothing entries indicate "not computed yet"
data DGNodeLab =
{ dgn_name :: NodeName -- name in the input language
, dgn_theory :: G_theory -- local theory
, globalTheory :: Maybe G_theory -- global theory
, labelHasHiding :: Bool -- has this node an ingoing hiding link
, labelHasFree :: Bool -- has incoming free definition link
, dgn_nf :: Maybe Node -- normal form, for Theorem-Hide-Shift
, dgn_sigma :: Maybe GMorphism -- inclusion of signature into nf signature
, dgn_freenf :: Maybe Node -- normal form for freeness
, dgn_phi :: Maybe GMorphism -- morphism from signature to nffree signature
, nodeInfo :: DGNodeInfo
, dgn_lock :: Maybe (MVar ())
, dgn_symbolpathlist :: G_symbolmap [SLinkPath]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Show (MVar a) where
show _ = ""
isDGRef :: DGNodeLab -> Bool
isDGRef l = case nodeInfo l of
DGNode {} -> False
DGRef {} -> True
hasSenKind :: (forall a . SenStatus a (AnyComorphism, BasicProof) -> Bool)
-> DGNodeLab -> Bool
hasSenKind f dgn = case dgn_theory dgn of
G_theory _lid _sigma _ sens _ -> not $ Map.null $ OMap.filter f sens
-- | test if a given node label has local open goals
hasOpenGoals :: DGNodeLab -> Bool
hasOpenGoals = hasSenKind (\ s -> not (isAxiom s) && not (isProvenSenStatus s))
-- | check if the node has an internal name
isInternalNode :: DGNodeLab -> Bool
isInternalNode DGNodeLab {dgn_name = n} = isInternal n
getNodeConsStatus :: DGNodeLab -> ConsStatus
getNodeConsStatus lbl = case nodeInfo lbl of
DGRef {} -> mkConsStatus None
DGNode { node_cons_status = c } -> c
getNodeCons :: DGNodeLab -> Conservativity
getNodeCons nl = case getNodeConsStatus nl of
ConsStatus cons _ _ -> cons
-- | returns the Conservativity if the given node has one, otherwise none
getNodeConservativity :: LNode DGNodeLab -> Conservativity
getNodeConservativity = getNodeCons . snd
-- | test if a node conservativity is open,
-- return input for refs or nodes with normal forms
hasOpenNodeConsStatus :: Bool -> DGNodeLab -> Bool
hasOpenNodeConsStatus b lbl = if isJust $ dgn_nf lbl then b else
hasOpenConsStatus b $ getNodeConsStatus lbl
markNodeConsistency :: Conservativity -> String -> DGNodeLab -> DGNodeLab
markNodeConsistency newc str dgnode = dgnode
{ nodeInfo = case nodeInfo dgnode of
ninfo@DGNode { node_cons_status = ConsStatus c pc thm } ->
if pc == newc && isProvenThmLinkStatus thm then ninfo else
ninfo { node_cons_status = ConsStatus c newc
$ Proven (DGRule $ showConsistency newc ++ str)
emptyProofBasis }
ninfo -> ninfo }
markNodeConsistent :: String -> DGNodeLab -> DGNodeLab
markNodeConsistent = markNodeConsistency Cons
markNodeInconsistent :: String -> DGNodeLab -> DGNodeLab
markNodeInconsistent = markNodeConsistency Inconsistent
-- | test if a conservativity is open, return input for None
hasOpenConsStatus :: Bool -> ConsStatus -> Bool
hasOpenConsStatus b (ConsStatus cons _ thm) = case cons of
None -> b
_ -> not $ isProvenThmLinkStatus thm
data DGNodeType = DGNodeType
{ isRefType :: Bool
, isProvenNode :: Bool
, isProvenCons :: Bool
, isInternalSpec :: Bool }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | creates a DGNodeType from a DGNodeLab
getRealDGNodeType :: DGNodeLab -> DGNodeType
getRealDGNodeType dgnlab = DGNodeType
{ isRefType = isDGRef dgnlab
, isProvenNode = not $ hasOpenGoals dgnlab
, isProvenCons = not $ hasOpenNodeConsStatus False dgnlab
, isInternalSpec = isInternalNode dgnlab }
-- | Creates a list with all DGNodeType types
listDGNodeTypes :: [DGNodeType]
listDGNodeTypes = let bs = [False, True] in
[ DGNodeType
{ isRefType = ref
, isProvenNode = isEmpty'
, isProvenCons = proven
, isInternalSpec = spec }
| ref <- bs
, isEmpty' <- bs
, proven <- bs
, spec <- bs ]
-- ** edge label types
{- an edge id used to be represented as a list of ints.
the reason of an edge can have multiple ids is, for example, there exists
an proven edge e1 with id 1 and an unproven edge e2 with id 2 between
two nodes. Now after applying some rules e2 is proven, but it's actually
the same as the proven edge e1, then the proven e2 should not be inserted
into the graph again, but e1 will take e2's id 2 because 2 is probably
saved in some other places. As a result, e1 would have 1 and 2 as its id.
This type can be extended to a more complicated struture, like a tree
suggested by Till.
-- | unique number for edges
newtype EdgeId = EdgeId Int deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum)
-- | the first edge in a graph
startEdgeId :: EdgeId
startEdgeId = EdgeId 0
showEdgeId :: EdgeId -> String
showEdgeId (EdgeId i) = show i
-- | a set of used edges
newtype ProofBasis = ProofBasis { proofBasis :: Set.Set EdgeId }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | a wrapper for fitting morphisms with a trivial Eq instance
newtype Fitted = Fitted [G_mapping] deriving Show
instance Eq Fitted where
_ == _ = True
data DGLinkOrigin =
| SeeSource
| DGImpliesLink
| DGLinkExtension
| DGLinkTranslation
| DGLinkClosedLenv
| DGLinkImports
| DGLinkInst SIMPLE_ID Fitted
| DGLinkView SIMPLE_ID Fitted
| DGLinkFitViewImp SIMPLE_ID
| DGLinkProof
| DGLinkFlatteningUnion
| DGLinkFlatteningRename
| DGLinkRefinement SIMPLE_ID
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | name of the LinkOrigin if existent
getLinkOriginName :: DGLinkOrigin -> Maybe SIMPLE_ID
getLinkOriginName lo = case lo of
DGLinkMorph sid -> Just sid
DGLinkInst sid _ -> Just sid
DGLinkInstArg sid -> Just sid
DGLinkView sid _ -> Just sid
DGLinkFitView sid -> Just sid
DGLinkFitViewImp sid -> Just sid
_ -> Nothing
{- | Rules in the development graph calculus,
Sect. IV:4.4 of the CASL Reference Manual explains them in depth
mutual recursive with 'DGLinkLab', 'DGLinkType', and 'ThmLinkStatus'
data DGRule =
DGRule String
| DGRuleWithEdge String (LEdge DGLinkLab)
| DGRuleLocalInference [(String, String)] -- renamed theorems
| Composition [LEdge DGLinkLab]
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | proof status of a link
data ThmLinkStatus = LeftOpen | Proven DGRule ProofBasis deriving (Show, Eq)
isProvenThmLinkStatus :: ThmLinkStatus -> Bool
isProvenThmLinkStatus tls = case tls of
LeftOpen -> False
_ -> True
data Scope = Local | Global deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data LinkKind = DefLink | ThmLink ThmLinkStatus deriving (Show, Eq)
data FreeOrCofree = Free | Cofree | NPFree deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data ConsStatus = ConsStatus Conservativity Conservativity ThmLinkStatus
deriving (Show, Eq)
isProvenConsStatusLink :: ConsStatus -> Bool
isProvenConsStatusLink = not . hasOpenConsStatus False
mkConsStatus :: Conservativity -> ConsStatus
mkConsStatus c = ConsStatus c None LeftOpen
{- | Link types of development graphs,
Sect. IV:4.2 of the CASL Reference Manual explains them in depth. -}
data DGLinkType =
ScopedLink Scope LinkKind ConsStatus
| HidingDefLink
| FreeOrCofreeDefLink FreeOrCofree MaybeNode -- the "parameter" node
| HidingFreeOrCofreeThm (Maybe FreeOrCofree) GMorphism ThmLinkStatus
-- DGLink S1 S2 m2 (DGLinkType m1 p) n
-- corresponds to a span of morphisms
-- S1 <--m1-- S --m2--> S2
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | extract theorem link status from link type
thmLinkStatus :: DGLinkType -> Maybe ThmLinkStatus
thmLinkStatus t = case t of
ScopedLink _ (ThmLink s) _ -> Just s
HidingFreeOrCofreeThm _ _ s -> Just s
_ -> Nothing
-- | link inscriptions in development graphs
data DGLinkLab = DGLink
{ dgl_morphism :: GMorphism -- signature morphism of link
, dgl_type :: DGLinkType -- type: local, global, def, thm?
, dgl_origin :: DGLinkOrigin -- origin in input language
, dglPending :: Bool -- open proofs of edges in proof basis
, dgl_id :: EdgeId -- id of the edge
, dglName :: NodeName -- name of the edge
} deriving (Show, Eq)
mkDGLink :: GMorphism -> DGLinkType -> DGLinkOrigin -> NodeName -> EdgeId
-> DGLinkLab
mkDGLink mor ty orig nn ei = DGLink
{ dgl_morphism = mor
, dgl_type = ty
, dgl_origin = orig
, dglPending = False
, dgl_id = ei
, dglName = nn }
-- | name a link
nameDGLink :: NodeName -> DGLinkLab -> DGLinkLab
nameDGLink nn l = l { dglName = nn }
defDGLink :: GMorphism -> DGLinkType -> DGLinkOrigin -> DGLinkLab
-- See svn-version 13804 for a naming concept which unfortunately introduced
-- same names for different links.
defDGLink m ty orig = mkDGLink m ty orig (makeName $ mkSimpleId "")
globDefLink :: GMorphism -> DGLinkOrigin -> DGLinkLab
globDefLink m = defDGLink m globalDef
-- | describe the link type of the label
getDGLinkType :: DGLinkLab -> String
getDGLinkType = getDGEdgeTypeName . getRealDGLinkType
-- | converts a DGEdgeType to a String
getDGEdgeTypeName :: DGEdgeType -> String
getDGEdgeTypeName e =
(if isInc e then (++ "Inc") else id)
$ getDGEdgeTypeModIncName $ edgeTypeModInc e
getDGEdgeTypeModIncName :: DGEdgeTypeModInc -> String
getDGEdgeTypeModIncName et = case et of
ThmType thm isPrvn _ _ ->
let prvn = (if isPrvn then "P" else "Unp") ++ "roven" in
case thm of
HidingThm -> prvn ++ "HidingThm"
FreeOrCofreeThm -> prvn ++ "Thm"
GlobalOrLocalThm scope isHom ->
let het = if isHom then id else ("Het" ++) in
het (case scope of
Local -> "Local"
Global -> if isHom then "Global" else "") ++ prvn ++ "Thm"
FreeOrCofreeDef -> "Def"
_ -> show et
data DGEdgeType = DGEdgeType
{ edgeTypeModInc :: DGEdgeTypeModInc
, isInc :: Bool }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data DGEdgeTypeModInc =
| HetDef
| HidingDef
| LocalDef
| FreeOrCofreeDef -- free or cofree
| ThmType { thmEdgeType :: ThmTypes
, isProvenEdge :: Bool
, isConservativ :: Bool
, isPending :: Bool }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data ThmTypes =
| FreeOrCofreeThm
| GlobalOrLocalThm { isLocalThmType :: Scope
, isHomThm :: Bool }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
getHomEdgeType :: Bool -> Bool -> DGLinkType -> DGEdgeTypeModInc
getHomEdgeType isPend isHom lt = case lt of
ScopedLink scope lk cons -> case lk of
DefLink -> case scope of
Local -> LocalDef
Global -> if isHom then GlobalDef else HetDef
ThmLink st -> ThmType
{ thmEdgeType = GlobalOrLocalThm scope isHom
, isProvenEdge = isProvenThmLinkStatus st
, isConservativ = isProvenConsStatusLink cons
, isPending = isPend } -- needs to be checked
HidingDefLink -> HidingDef
FreeOrCofreeDefLink _ _ -> FreeOrCofreeDef
HidingFreeOrCofreeThm mh _ st -> ThmType
{ thmEdgeType = case mh of
Nothing -> HidingThm
_ -> FreeOrCofreeThm
, isProvenEdge = isProvenThmLinkStatus st
, isConservativ = True
, isPending = isPend }
-- | creates a DGEdgeType from a DGLinkLab
getRealDGLinkType :: DGLinkLab -> DGEdgeType
getRealDGLinkType lnk = let
gmor = dgl_morphism lnk
in DGEdgeType
{ edgeTypeModInc = getHomEdgeType (dglPending lnk) (isHomogeneous gmor)
$ dgl_type lnk
, isInc = case gmor of
GMorphism cid _ _ mor _ -> isInclusionComorphism cid && isInclusion mor
-- | Creates a list with all DGEdgeType types
listDGEdgeTypes :: [DGEdgeType]
listDGEdgeTypes =
[ DGEdgeType { edgeTypeModInc = modinc
, isInc = isInclusion' }
| modinc <-
[ GlobalDef
, HetDef
, HidingDef
, LocalDef
, FreeOrCofreeDef ] ++
[ ThmType { thmEdgeType = thmType
, isProvenEdge = proven
, isConservativ = cons
, isPending = pending }
| thmType <-
[ HidingThm
, FreeOrCofreeThm] ++
[ GlobalOrLocalThm { isLocalThmType = local
, isHomThm = hom }
| local <- [Local, Global]
, hom <- [True, False]
, proven <- [True, False]
, cons <- [True, False]
, pending <- [True, False]
, isInclusion' <- [True, False]
-- ** types for global environments
-- | import, formal parameters and united signature of formal params
data GenSig = GenSig MaybeNode [NodeSig] MaybeNode deriving Show
-- | genericity and body
data ExtGenSig = ExtGenSig GenSig NodeSig deriving Show
-- | source, morphism, parameterized target
data ExtViewSig = ExtViewSig NodeSig GMorphism ExtGenSig deriving Show
{- ** types for architectural and unit specification analysis
(as defined for basic static semantics in Chap. III:5.1) -}
data UnitSig = UnitSig [NodeSig] NodeSig deriving (Show, Eq)
data ImpUnitSigOrSig = ImpUnitSig MaybeNode UnitSig | Sig NodeSig
deriving (Show, Eq)
type StUnitCtx = Map.Map SIMPLE_ID ImpUnitSigOrSig
emptyStUnitCtx :: StUnitCtx
emptyStUnitCtx = Map.empty
-- data ArchSig = ArchSig StUnitCtx UnitSig deriving Show
-- this type is superseeded by RefSig
type RefSigMap = Map.Map SIMPLE_ID RefSig
type BStContext = Map.Map SIMPLE_ID RefSig
-- there should be only BranchRefSigs
data RefSig = BranchRefSig RTPointer (UnitSig, Maybe BranchSig)
| ComponentRefSig RTPointer RefSigMap
deriving (Eq)
instance Show RefSig where
-- made this instance for debugging purposes
show (BranchRefSig _ (usig, mbsig)) =
let bStr = case mbsig of
Nothing -> "Bottom\n "
Just bsig -> case bsig of
UnitSigAsBranchSig u ->
if u == usig then "same"
else "UnitSigAsBranch:" ++ shows u "\n "
BranchStaticContext bst ->
foldl (++) "branching: "
$ map (\ (n, s) -> shows n " mapped to\n" ++ shows s "\n")
$ Map.toList bst
"Branch: \n before refinement:\n " ++ show usig ++
"\n after refinement: \n" ++ bStr ++ "\n"
show (ComponentRefSig _ rsm) =
foldl (++) "CompRefSig:" $ map (\ n -> show n ++ "\n ") $
Map.toList rsm
getPointerFromRef :: RefSig -> RTPointer
getPointerFromRef (BranchRefSig p _) = p
getPointerFromRef (ComponentRefSig p _) = p
setPointerInRef :: RefSig -> RTPointer -> RefSig
setPointerInRef (BranchRefSig _ x) y = BranchRefSig y x
setPointerInRef (ComponentRefSig _ x) y = ComponentRefSig y x
getUnitSigFromRef :: RefSig -> Result UnitSig
getUnitSigFromRef (BranchRefSig _ (usig, _)) = return usig
getUnitSigFromRef (ComponentRefSig _ rsm) =
error $ "getUnitSigFromRef:" ++ show (Map.keys rsm)
mkRefSigFromUnit :: UnitSig -> RefSig
mkRefSigFromUnit usig = BranchRefSig RTNone
(usig, Just $ UnitSigAsBranchSig usig)
mkBotSigFromUnit :: UnitSig -> RefSig
mkBotSigFromUnit usig = BranchRefSig RTNone (usig, Nothing)
data BranchSig = UnitSigAsBranchSig UnitSig
| BranchStaticContext BStContext
deriving (Show, Eq)
type RefStUnitCtx = Map.Map SIMPLE_ID RefSig
-- only BranchRefSigs allowed
emptyRefStUnitCtx :: RefStUnitCtx
emptyRefStUnitCtx = Map.empty
-- Auxiliaries for refinament signatures composition
matchesContext :: RefSigMap -> BStContext -> Bool
matchesContext rsmap bstc =
&& namesMatchCtx (Map.keys rsmap) bstc rsmap
equalSigs :: UnitSig -> UnitSig -> Bool
equalSigs (UnitSig ls1 ns1) (UnitSig ls2 ns2) =
length ls1 == length ls2 && getSig ns1 == getSig ns2
&& all (\ (x1, x2) -> getSig x1 == getSig x2) (zip ls1 ls2)
namesMatchCtx :: [SIMPLE_ID] -> BStContext -> RefSigMap -> Bool
namesMatchCtx [] _ _ = True
namesMatchCtx (un : unitNames) bstc rsmap =
case (Map.findWithDefault (error "namesMatchCtx")
un bstc) of
BranchRefSig _ (_usig, mbsig) -> case mbsig of
Nothing -> False -- should not be the case
Just bsig -> case bsig of
UnitSigAsBranchSig usig' ->
case Map.findWithDefault (error "USABS") un rsmap of
BranchRefSig _ (usig'', _mbsig') -> equalSigs usig' usig'' &&
namesMatchCtx unitNames bstc rsmap
_ -> False
BranchStaticContext bstc' ->
case rsmap Map.! un of
ComponentRefSig _ rsmap' -> -- check whether this is needed!
matchesContext rsmap' bstc' &&
namesMatchCtx unitNames bstc rsmap
-- This is where I introduce something new wrt to the refinement paper:
-- if bstc' has only one element
-- it suffices to have the signature of that element
-- matching the signature from rsmap'
_ -> Map.size bstc' == 1 &&
let un1 = head $ Map.keys bstc'
rsmap' = Map.mapKeys (\ x -> if x == un then un1 else x)
in namesMatchCtx [un1] bstc' rsmap' &&
namesMatchCtx unitNames bstc rsmap
_ -> False -- this should never be the case
modifyCtx :: [SIMPLE_ID] -> RefSigMap -> BStContext -> BStContext
-- this function needs to be checked!
modifyCtx [] _ bstc = bstc
modifyCtx (un : unitNames) rsmap bstc =
case bstc Map.! un of
BranchRefSig n1 (usig, mbsig) -> case mbsig of
Nothing -> modifyCtx unitNames rsmap bstc -- should not be the case
Just bsig -> case bsig of
UnitSigAsBranchSig usig' ->
case rsmap Map.! un of
BranchRefSig n2 (usig'', bsig'') -> if equalSigs usig' usig'' then
modifyCtx unitNames rsmap $
Map.insert un (BranchRefSig (trace "1" $ compPointer n1 n2)
(usig, bsig'')) bstc -- was usig'
else error "illegal composition"
_ -> modifyCtx unitNames rsmap bstc
BranchStaticContext bstc' ->
case rsmap Map.! un of
ComponentRefSig n2 rsmap' -> modifyCtx unitNames rsmap $
Map.insert un
(BranchRefSig (trace "2" $ compPointer n1 n2) (usig, Just $
BranchStaticContext $ modifyCtx (Map.keys rsmap') rsmap' bstc'))
_ -> let f = if Map.size bstc' == 1 then
let un1 = head $ Map.keys bstc'
rsmap' = Map.mapKeys
(\ x -> if x == un then un1 else x)
bstc'' = modifyCtx [un1] rsmap' bstc'
in Map.singleton un $
BranchRefSig RTNone (usig, Just
$ BranchStaticContext bstc'')
else Map.empty
in Map.union f $ modifyCtx unitNames rsmap bstc
_ -> modifyCtx unitNames rsmap bstc -- same as above
-- Signature composition
refSigComposition :: RefSig -> RefSig -> Result RefSig
refSigComposition (BranchRefSig n1 (usig1, Just (UnitSigAsBranchSig usig2)))
(BranchRefSig n2 (usig3, bsig)) =
if equalSigs usig2 usig3 then
return $ BranchRefSig (trace "3" $ compPointer n1 n2) (usig1, bsig)
else fail $ "Signatures: \n" ++ show usig2 ++ "\n and \n " ++ show usig3 ++
" do not compose"
refSigComposition _rsig1@(BranchRefSig n1
(usig1, Just (BranchStaticContext bstc)))
_rsig2@(ComponentRefSig n2 rsmap) =
if matchesContext rsmap bstc then
return $ BranchRefSig (trace "4" $ compPointer n1 n2)
(usig1, Just $ BranchStaticContext $
modifyCtx (Map.keys rsmap) rsmap bstc)
else fail ("Signatures do not match:" ++ show (Map.keys bstc) ++ " "
++ show (Map.keys rsmap))
refSigComposition (ComponentRefSig n1 rsmap1) (ComponentRefSig n2 rsmap2) = do
upd <- mapM (\ x -> do
s <- refSigComposition (rsmap1 Map.! x) (rsmap2 Map.! x)
return (x, s))
let unionMap = Map.union (Map.fromList upd) $
Map.union rsmap1 rsmap2
return $ ComponentRefSig (trace "5" $ compPointer n1 n2) unionMap
refSigComposition _rsig1 _rsig2 =
fail "composition of refinement signatures"
-- | an entry of the global environment
data GlobalEntry =
SpecEntry ExtGenSig
| StructEntry ExtViewSig
| ViewEntry ExtViewSig
| ArchEntry RefSig
| UnitEntry UnitSig
| RefEntry RefSig
deriving Show
type GlobalEnv = Map.Map SIMPLE_ID GlobalEntry
-- ** change and history types
-- | the edit operations of the DGraph
data DGChange =
InsertNode (LNode DGNodeLab)
| DeleteNode (LNode DGNodeLab)
| InsertEdge (LEdge DGLinkLab)
| DeleteEdge (LEdge DGLinkLab)
-- it contains the old label and new label with node
| SetNodeLab DGNodeLab (LNode DGNodeLab)
deriving (Show, Eq)
data HistElem =
HistElem DGChange
| HistGroup DGRule ProofHistory
deriving (Show, Eq)
type ProofHistory = SizedList.SizedList HistElem
-- datatypes for the refinement tree
data RTNodeType = RTPlain UnitSig | RTRef Node deriving (Show, Eq)
data RTNodeLab = RTNodeLab
{ rtn_type :: RTNodeType
, rtn_name :: String
} deriving Eq
instance Show RTNodeLab where
show r =
name = rtn_name r
t = rtn_type r
t1 = case t of
RTPlain _u -> "plain: " -- ++ show u
RTRef n -> show n
in name ++ " " ++ t1
data RTLinkType =
| RTComp
| RTTyping
| RTGiven
deriving (Show, Eq)
data RTLinkLab = RTLink
{ rtl_type :: RTLinkType
} deriving (Show, Eq)
-- utility functions for handling refinement tree
addNodeRT :: DGraph -> UnitSig -> String -> (Node, DGraph)
addNodeRT dg usig s =
g = refTree dg
n = Tree.getNewNode g
l = RTNodeLab {
rtn_type = RTPlain usig
, rtn_name = s
in (n, dg {refTree = insNode (n, l) g})
addSpecNodeRT :: DGraph -> UnitSig -> String -> (Node, DGraph)
addSpecNodeRT dg usig s =
(n, dg') = addNodeRT dg usig s
f = Map.insert s n $ specRoots dg'
in (n, dg' {specRoots = f})
addNodeRefRT :: DGraph -> Node -> String -> (Node, DGraph)
addNodeRefRT dg n s =
g = refTree dg
-- n = Map.findWithDefault (error "addNodeRefRT") s $ specRoots dg
n' = Tree.getNewNode g
l = RTNodeLab {
rtn_type = RTRef n,
rtn_name = s}
g0 = insNode (n', l) g
dg' = addTypingEdgeRT dg {refTree = g0} n' n
in (n', dg')
addTypingEdgeRT :: DGraph -> Node -> Node -> DGraph
addTypingEdgeRT dg n1 n2 = let
g0 = refTree dg
orderRT _ _ = GT
(g', _) = Tree.insLEdge True orderRT
(n1, n2, RTLink {rtl_type = RTTyping}) g0
in dg {refTree = g'}
updateNodeNameRT :: DGraph -> Node -> String -> DGraph
updateNodeNameRT dg n s = -- trace (s ++ ":" ++ show n)$
g = refTree dg
l = Graph.lab g n
in case l of
Nothing -> dg
Just oldL -> let
newL = oldL {rtn_name = s}
(g', _) = Tree.labelNode (n, newL) g
in dg {refTree = g'}
updateNodeNameSpecRT :: DGraph -> Node -> String -> DGraph
updateNodeNameSpecRT dg n s =
let dg' = updateNodeNameRT dg n s
in dg' {specRoots = Map.insert s n $ specRoots dg}
copySubTree :: DGraph -> Node -> Maybe Node -> (DGraph, Map.Map Node Node)
copySubTree dg n mN =
case mN of
Nothing -> let
rTree = refTree dg
n' = Tree.getNewNode rTree
nLab = fromMaybe (error "copyNode") $ lab rTree n
rTree' = insNode (n', nLab) rTree
in copySubTreeN dg {refTree = rTree'} [n] $ Map.fromList [(n, n')]
Just y -> -- trace (show y) $
copySubTreeN dg [n] $ Map.fromList [(n, y)]
copySubTreeN :: DGraph -> [Node] -> Map.Map Node Node
-> (DGraph, Map.Map Node Node)
copySubTreeN dg nList pairs =
case nList of
[] -> (dg, pairs)
n : nList' -> let
rTree = refTree dg
pairsN = Map.findWithDefault (error "copy") n pairs
descs = lsuc rTree n
(dg', pairs') = -- trace ("descs:" ++ show descs)$
foldl (copyNode pairsN) (dg, pairs) descs
in copySubTreeN dg' (nub $ nList' ++ map fst descs) pairs'
copyNode :: Node -> (DGraph, Map.Map Node Node) -> LNode RTLinkLab
-> (DGraph, Map.Map Node Node)
copyNode s (dg, nMap) (n, eLab) = let
rTree = refTree dg
nLab = fromMaybe (error "copyNode") $ lab rTree n
n' = Tree.getNewNode rTree
rTree' = insNode (n', nLab) rTree -- the node
orderRT _ _ = GT
(rTree'', _) = -- trace ("ins:" ++ show s ++ " " ++ show n')$
Tree.insLEdge True orderRT (s, n', eLab) rTree'
in (dg {refTree = rTree''}, Map.insert n n' nMap)
-- pt fiecare nod din nList
-- adauga descendentii si muchiile care intra in ei
-- apel recursiv pana nList e vida
addRefEdgeRT :: DGraph -> Node -> Node -> DGraph
addRefEdgeRT dg n1 n2 =
g = refTree dg
orderRT _ _ = GT
(g', b) = Tree.insLEdge True orderRT
(n1, n2, RTLink {rtl_type = RTRefine}) g
in if b then dg {refTree = g'}
else error "addRefEdgeRT"
addEdgesToNodeRT :: DGraph -> [Node] -> Node -> DGraph
addEdgesToNodeRT dg' rnodes n' =
g = refTree dg'
orderRT _ _ = GT
(g', b) = foldl (\ (g0, b0) n0 -> let
(g1, b1) = Tree.insLEdge True orderRT
(n', n0, RTLink {rtl_type = RTComp}) g0
in (g1, b1 && b0))
(g, True) rnodes
in if not b then error "addEdgesToNodeRT"
else dg' {refTree = g'}
-- datatypes for storing the nodes of the ref tree in the global env
data RTPointer =
| NPUnit Node
| NPBranch Node (Map.Map SIMPLE_ID RTPointer)
-- here the leaves can be either NPUnit or NPComp
| NPRef Node Node
| NPComp (Map.Map SIMPLE_ID RTPointer)
-- here the leaves can be NPUnit or NPComp
-- and roots are needed for inserting edges
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- map nodes
mapRTNodes :: Map.Map Node Node -> RTPointer -> RTPointer
mapRTNodes f rtp = let app = flip $ Map.findWithDefault (error "mapRTNodes")
in case rtp of
RTNone -> RTNone
NPUnit x -> NPUnit (app f x)
NPRef x y -> NPRef (app f x) (app f y)
NPBranch x g -> NPBranch (app f x) ( (mapRTNodes f) g)
NPComp g -> NPComp ( (mapRTNodes f) g)
-- compositions
compPointer :: RTPointer -> RTPointer -> RTPointer
compPointer (NPUnit n1) (NPUnit n2) = NPRef n1 n2
compPointer (NPUnit n1) (NPBranch _ f) = NPBranch n1 f
compPointer (NPUnit n1) (NPRef _ n2) = NPRef n1 n2
compPointer (NPRef n1 _) (NPRef _ n2) = NPRef n1 n2
compPointer (NPRef n1 _) (NPBranch _ f) = NPBranch n1 f
compPointer (NPBranch n1 f1) (NPComp f2) =
NPBranch n1 (Map.unionWith (\ _ y -> y) f1 f2 )
compPointer (NPComp f1) (NPComp f2) =
NPComp (Map.unionWith (\ _ y -> y) f1 f2)
compPointer x y = error $ "compPointer:" ++ show x ++ " " ++ show y
-- sources
refSource :: RTPointer -> Node
refSource (NPUnit n) = n
refSource (NPBranch n _) = n
refSource (NPRef n _) = n
refSource x = error ("refSource:" ++ show x)
data RTLeaves = RTLeaf Node | RTLeaves (Map.Map SIMPLE_ID RTLeaves)
deriving Show
refTarget :: RTPointer -> RTLeaves
refTarget (NPUnit n) = RTLeaf n
refTarget (NPRef _ n) = RTLeaf n
refTarget (NPComp f) = RTLeaves $ refTarget f
refTarget (NPBranch _ f) = RTLeaves $ refTarget f
refTarget x = error ("refTarget:" ++ show x)
-- join refinement subtrees
-- joinTrees :: DGraph -> RTPointer -> RTPointer -> DGraph
-- I copied these types from ArchDiagram
-- to store the diagrams of the arch specs in the dgraph
data DiagNodeLab = DiagNode { dn_sig :: NodeSig, dn_desc :: String }
deriving Show
data DiagLinkLab = DiagLink { dl_morphism :: GMorphism, dl_number :: Int }
instance Show DiagLinkLab where
show _ = ""
data Diag = Diagram {
diagGraph :: Tree.Gr DiagNodeLab DiagLinkLab,
numberOfEdges :: Int
deriving Show
{- | the actual development graph with auxiliary information. A
'G_sign' should be stored in 'sigMap' under its 'gSignSelfIdx'. The
same applies to 'G_morphism' with 'morMap' and 'gMorphismSelfIdx'
resp. 'G_theory' with 'thMap' and 'gTheorySelfIdx'. -}
data DGraph = DGraph
{ globalAnnos :: GlobalAnnos -- ^ global annos of library
, globalEnv :: GlobalEnv -- ^ name entities (specs, views) of a library
, dgBody :: Tree.Gr DGNodeLab DGLinkLab -- ^ actual 'DGraph` tree
, refTree :: Tree.Gr RTNodeLab RTLinkLab -- ^ the refinement tree
, specRoots :: Map.Map String Node -- ^ root nodes for named specs
, archSpecDiags :: Map.Map String Diag
-- ^ dependency diagrams between units
, getNewEdgeId :: EdgeId -- ^ edge counter
, refNodes :: Map.Map Node (LibName, Node) -- ^ unexpanded 'DGRef's
, allRefNodes :: Map.Map (LibName, Node) Node -- ^ all DGRef's
, sigMap :: Map.Map SigId G_sign -- ^ signature map
, thMap :: Map.Map ThId G_theory -- ^ morphism map
, morMap :: Map.Map MorId G_morphism -- ^ theory map
, proofHistory :: ProofHistory -- ^ applied proof steps
, redoHistory :: ProofHistory -- ^ undone proofs steps
, openlock :: Maybe (MVar ())
-- ^ control of graph display
} deriving Show
emptyDG :: DGraph
emptyDG = DGraph
{ globalAnnos = emptyGlobalAnnos
, globalEnv = Map.empty
, dgBody = Graph.empty
, refTree = Graph.empty
, specRoots = Map.empty
, archSpecDiags = Map.empty
, getNewEdgeId = startEdgeId
, refNodes = Map.empty
, allRefNodes = Map.empty
, sigMap = Map.empty
, thMap = Map.empty
, morMap = Map.empty
, proofHistory = SizedList.empty
, redoHistory = SizedList.empty
, openlock = Nothing }
type LibEnv = Map.Map LibName DGraph
-- | an empty environment
emptyLibEnv :: LibEnv
emptyLibEnv = Map.empty
emptyDGwithMVar :: IO DGraph
emptyDGwithMVar = do
ol <- newEmptyMVar
return $ emptyDG { openlock = Just ol }
-- * utility functions
-- ** for node signatures
emptyG_sign :: AnyLogic -> G_sign
emptyG_sign (Logic lid) = G_sign lid (ext_empty_signature lid) startSigId
getMaybeSig :: MaybeNode -> G_sign
getMaybeSig (JustNode ns) = getSig ns
getMaybeSig (EmptyNode l) = emptyG_sign l
getLogic :: MaybeNode -> AnyLogic
getLogic (JustNode ns) = getNodeLogic ns
getLogic (EmptyNode l) = l
getNodeLogic :: NodeSig -> AnyLogic
getNodeLogic (NodeSig _ (G_sign lid _ _)) = Logic lid
-- ** for node names
emptyNodeName :: NodeName
emptyNodeName = NodeName (mkSimpleId "") "" 0 []
showExt :: NodeName -> String
showExt n = let i = extIndex n in extString n ++ if i == 0 then "" else show i
showName :: NodeName -> String
showName n = let ext = showExt n in
tokStr (getName n) ++ if null ext then ext else "__" ++ ext
makeName :: SIMPLE_ID -> NodeName
makeName n = NodeName n "" 0 [ElemName $ tokStr n]
parseNodeName :: String -> NodeName
parseNodeName s = case splitByList "__" s of
[i] ->
makeName $ mkSimpleId i
[i, e] ->
let n = makeName $ mkSimpleId i
mSf = numberSuffix e
(es, sf) = fromMaybe (e, 0) mSf
in n { extString = es
, extIndex = sf }
_ ->
$ "parseNodeName: malformed NodeName, too many __: "
++ s
incBy :: Int -> NodeName -> NodeName
incBy i n = n
{ extIndex = extIndex n + i
, xpath = case xpath n of
ChildIndex j : r -> ChildIndex (j + i) : r
l -> ChildIndex i : l }
inc :: NodeName -> NodeName
inc = incBy 1
extName :: String -> NodeName -> NodeName
extName s n = n
{ extString = showExt n ++ take 1 s
, extIndex = 0
, xpath = ElemName s : xpath n }
-- ** accessing node label
-- | get the origin of a non-reference node (partial)
dgn_origin :: DGNodeLab -> DGOrigin
dgn_origin = node_origin . nodeInfo
-- | get the referenced library (partial)
dgn_libname :: DGNodeLab -> LibName
dgn_libname = ref_libname . nodeInfo
-- | get the referenced node (partial)
dgn_node :: DGNodeLab -> Node
dgn_node = ref_node . nodeInfo
-- | get the signature of a node's theory (total)
dgn_sign :: DGNodeLab -> G_sign
dgn_sign dn = case dgn_theory dn of
G_theory lid sig ind _ _ -> G_sign lid sig ind
-- | gets the name of a development graph node as a string (total)
getDGNodeName :: DGNodeLab -> String
getDGNodeName = showName . dgn_name
-- | gets the name of a development graph link as a string (total)
getDGLinkName :: DGLinkLab -> String
getDGLinkName = showName . dglName
-- ** creating node content and label
-- | create default content
newNodeInfo :: DGOrigin -> DGNodeInfo
newNodeInfo orig = DGNode
{ node_origin = orig
, node_cons_status = mkConsStatus None }
-- | create a reference node part
newRefInfo :: LibName -> Node -> DGNodeInfo
newRefInfo ln n = DGRef
{ ref_libname = ln
, ref_node = n }
-- | create a new node label
newInfoNodeLab :: NodeName -> DGNodeInfo -> G_theory -> DGNodeLab
newInfoNodeLab name info gTh@(G_theory lid _ _ _ _) = DGNodeLab
{ dgn_name = name
, dgn_theory = gTh
, globalTheory = Nothing
, labelHasHiding = False
, labelHasFree = False
, dgn_nf = Nothing
, dgn_sigma = Nothing
, dgn_freenf = Nothing
, dgn_phi = Nothing
, nodeInfo = info
, dgn_lock = Nothing
, dgn_symbolpathlist = G_symbolmap lid Map.empty }
-- | create a new node label using 'newNodeInfo' and 'newInfoNodeLab'
newNodeLab :: NodeName -> DGOrigin -> G_theory -> DGNodeLab
newNodeLab name = newInfoNodeLab name . newNodeInfo
-- ** handle the lock of a node
-- | wrapper to access the maybe lock
treatNodeLock :: (MVar () -> a) -> DGNodeLab -> a
treatNodeLock f = maybe (error "MVar not initialised") f . dgn_lock
{- | Acquire the local lock. If already locked it waits till it is unlocked
again. -}
lockLocal :: DGNodeLab -> IO ()
lockLocal = treatNodeLock $ flip putMVar ()
-- | Tries to acquire the local lock. Return False if already acquired.
tryLockLocal :: DGNodeLab -> IO Bool
tryLockLocal = treatNodeLock $ flip tryPutMVar ()
-- | Releases the local lock.
unlockLocal :: DGNodeLab -> IO ()
unlockLocal = treatNodeLock $ \ lock ->
tryTakeMVar lock >>= maybe (error "Local lock wasn't locked.") return
-- | checks if locking MVar is initialized
hasLock :: DGNodeLab -> Bool
hasLock = isJust . dgn_lock
-- ** handle edge numbers and proof bases
-- | create a default ID which has to be changed when inserting a certain edge.
defaultEdgeId :: EdgeId
defaultEdgeId = EdgeId (-1)
emptyProofBasis :: ProofBasis
emptyProofBasis = ProofBasis Set.empty
nullProofBasis :: ProofBasis -> Bool
nullProofBasis = Set.null . proofBasis
addEdgeId :: ProofBasis -> EdgeId -> ProofBasis
addEdgeId (ProofBasis s) e = ProofBasis $ Set.insert e s
-- | checks if the given edge is contained in the given proof basis..
roughElem :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> ProofBasis -> Bool
roughElem (_, _, label) = Set.member (dgl_id label) . proofBasis
-- ** edge label equalities
-- | equality without comparing the edge ids
eqDGLinkLabContent :: DGLinkLab -> DGLinkLab -> Bool
eqDGLinkLabContent l1 l2 = let
i1 = dgl_id l1
i2 = dgl_id l2
in if i1 <= defaultEdgeId || i2 <= defaultEdgeId then
dgl_morphism l1 == dgl_morphism l2
&& dgl_type l1 == dgl_type l2
&& dgl_origin l1 == dgl_origin l2
&& dglName l1 == dglName l2
else let r = eqDGLinkLabContent l1 l2 { dgl_id = defaultEdgeId}
s = i1 == i2
in assert (r == s) s
-- | equality comparing ids only
eqDGLinkLabById :: DGLinkLab -> DGLinkLab -> Bool
eqDGLinkLabById l1 l2 = let
i1 = dgl_id l1
i2 = dgl_id l2
in if i1 > defaultEdgeId && i2 > defaultEdgeId then i1 == i2 else
error "eqDGLinkLabById"
-- ** setting index maps
{- these index maps should be global for all libraries,
therefore their contents need to be copied -}
cpIndexMaps :: DGraph -> DGraph -> DGraph
cpIndexMaps from to =
to { sigMap = sigMap from
, thMap = thMap from
, morMap = morMap from }
setSigMapDG :: Map.Map SigId G_sign -> DGraph -> DGraph
setSigMapDG m dg = dg { sigMap = m }
setThMapDG :: Map.Map ThId G_theory -> DGraph -> DGraph
setThMapDG m dg = dg { thMap = m }
setMorMapDG :: Map.Map MorId G_morphism -> DGraph -> DGraph
setMorMapDG m dg = dg { morMap = m }
-- ** looking up in index maps
lookupSigMapDG :: SigId -> DGraph -> Maybe G_sign
lookupSigMapDG i = Map.lookup i . sigMap
lookupThMapDG :: ThId -> DGraph -> Maybe G_theory
lookupThMapDG i = Map.lookup i . thMap
lookupMorMapDG :: MorId -> DGraph -> Maybe G_morphism
lookupMorMapDG i = Map.lookup i . morMap
-- ** getting index maps and their maximal index
getMapAndMaxIndex c f gctx =
let m = f gctx in (m, if Map.null m then c else fst $ Map.findMax m)
sigMapI :: DGraph -> (Map.Map SigId G_sign, SigId)
sigMapI = getMapAndMaxIndex startSigId sigMap
thMapI :: DGraph -> (Map.Map ThId G_theory, ThId)
thMapI = getMapAndMaxIndex startThId thMap
morMapI :: DGraph -> (Map.Map MorId G_morphism, MorId)
morMapI = getMapAndMaxIndex startMorId morMap
-- ** lookup other graph parts
lookupGlobalEnvDG :: SIMPLE_ID -> DGraph -> Maybe GlobalEntry
lookupGlobalEnvDG sid = Map.lookup sid . globalEnv
-- | lookup a referenced library and node of a given reference node
lookupInRefNodesDG :: Node -> DGraph -> Maybe (LibName, Node)
lookupInRefNodesDG n = Map.lookup n . refNodes
-- | lookup a reference node for a given libname and node
lookupInAllRefNodesDG :: DGNodeInfo -> DGraph -> Maybe Node
lookupInAllRefNodesDG ref dg = case ref of
DGRef { ref_libname = libn, ref_node = refn } ->
Map.lookup (libn, refn) $ allRefNodes dg
_ -> Nothing
-- ** lookup nodes by their names or other properties
-- | lookup a node in the graph with a predicate.
lookupNodeWith :: (LNode DGNodeLab -> Bool) -> DGraph -> [LNode DGNodeLab]
lookupNodeWith f dg = filter f $ labNodesDG dg
-- | lookup a node in the graph by its name, using showName
-- to convert nodenames. See also 'getDGNodesByName'.
lookupNodeByName :: String -> DGraph -> [LNode DGNodeLab]
lookupNodeByName s dg = lookupNodeWith f dg where
f (_, lbl) = getDGNodeName lbl == s
-- | lookup a local node in the graph by its name, using showName
-- to convert nodenames. See also 'lookupNodeByName'.
lookupLocalNodeByName :: String -> DGraph -> [LNode DGNodeLab]
lookupLocalNodeByName s dg = lookupNodeWith f dg where
f (_, lbl) = not (isDGRef lbl) && getDGNodeName lbl == s
-- | lookup a local node in the graph by its name, using showName
-- to convert nodenames. See also 'lookupNodeByName'.
lookupRefNodeByName :: String -> LibName -> DGraph -> [LNode DGNodeLab]
lookupRefNodeByName s ln dg = lookupNodeWith f dg where
f (_, lbl) = case nodeInfo lbl of
DGRef { ref_libname = libn } ->
libn == ln && getDGNodeName lbl == s
_ -> False
-- ** treat reference nodes
-- | add a new referenced node into the refNodes map of the given DG
addToRefNodesDG :: Node -> DGNodeInfo -> DGraph -> DGraph
addToRefNodesDG n ref dg = case ref of
DGRef { ref_libname = libn, ref_node = refn } ->
dg { refNodes = Map.insert n (libn, refn) $ refNodes dg
, allRefNodes = Map.insert (libn, refn) n $ allRefNodes dg }
_ -> dg
-- | delete the given referenced node out of the refnodes map
deleteFromRefNodesDG :: Node -> DGraph -> DGraph
deleteFromRefNodesDG n dg = dg { refNodes = Map.delete n $ refNodes dg }
-- ** accessing the actual graph
-- | get the next available node id
getNewNodeDG :: DGraph -> Node
getNewNodeDG = Tree.getNewNode . dgBody
-- | get all the nodes
labNodesDG :: DGraph -> [LNode DGNodeLab]
labNodesDG = labNodes . dgBody
-- | get all the edges
labEdgesDG :: DGraph -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
labEdgesDG = labEdges . dgBody
-- | checks if a DG is empty or not.
isEmptyDG :: DGraph -> Bool
isEmptyDG = isEmpty . dgBody
-- | checks if a given node belongs to a given DG
gelemDG :: Node -> DGraph -> Bool
gelemDG n = gelem n . dgBody
-- | get all the incoming ledges of the given node in a given DG
innDG :: DGraph -> Node -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
innDG = inn . dgBody
-- | get all the outgoing ledges of the given node in a given DG
outDG :: DGraph -> Node -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
outDG = out . dgBody
-- | get all the nodes of the given DG
nodesDG :: DGraph -> [Node]
nodesDG = nodes . dgBody
-- | tries to get the label of the given node in a given DG
labDG :: DGraph -> Node -> DGNodeLab
labDG dg = fromMaybe (error "labDG") . lab (dgBody dg)
-- | get the name of a node from the number of node
getNameOfNode :: Node -> DGraph -> String
getNameOfNode index gc = getDGNodeName $ labDG gc index
-- | gets the given number of new node-ids in a given DG.
newNodesDG :: Int -> DGraph -> [Node]
newNodesDG n = newNodes n . dgBody
-- | get the context and throw input string as error message
safeContextDG :: String -> DGraph -> Node -> Context DGNodeLab DGLinkLab
safeContextDG s = safeContext s . dgBody where
safeContext err g v = -- same as context with extra message
fromMaybe (error $ err ++ ": Match Exception, Node: " ++ show v)
. fst $ match v g
-- ** manipulate graph
-- | sets the node with new label and returns the new graph and the old label
labelNodeDG :: LNode DGNodeLab -> DGraph -> (DGraph, DGNodeLab)
labelNodeDG p g =
let (b, l) = Tree.labelNode p $ dgBody g in (g { dgBody = b }, l)
-- | delete the node out of the given DG
delNodeDG :: Node -> DGraph -> DGraph
delNodeDG n dg = dg { dgBody = delNode n $ dgBody dg }
-- | delete the LNode out of the given DG
delLNodeDG :: LNode DGNodeLab -> DGraph -> DGraph
delLNodeDG n dg = dg { dgBody = Tree.delLNode (==) n $ dgBody dg }
-- | delete a list of nodes out of the given DG
delNodesDG :: [Node] -> DGraph -> DGraph
delNodesDG ns dg = dg { dgBody = delNodes ns $ dgBody dg }
-- | insert a new node into given DGraph
insNodeDG :: LNode DGNodeLab -> DGraph -> DGraph
insNodeDG n dg = dg { dgBody = insNode n $ dgBody dg }
-- | inserts a lnode into a given DG
insLNodeDG :: LNode DGNodeLab -> DGraph -> DGraph
insLNodeDG n@(v, _) g =
if gelemDG v g then error $ "insLNodeDG " ++ show v else insNodeDG n g
-- | insert a new node with the given node content into a given DGraph
insNodesDG :: [LNode DGNodeLab] -> DGraph -> DGraph
insNodesDG ns dg = dg { dgBody = insNodes ns $ dgBody dg }
-- | delete a labeled edge out of the given DG
delLEdgeDG :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> DGraph -> DGraph
delLEdgeDG e g = g
{ dgBody = Tree.delLEdge (\ l1 l2 -> compare (dgl_id l1) $ dgl_id l2) e
$ dgBody g }
-- | insert a labeled edge into a given DG, return possibly new id of edge
insLEdgeDG :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> DGraph -> (LEdge DGLinkLab, DGraph)
insLEdgeDG (s, t, l) g =
let eId = dgl_id l
nId = getNewEdgeId g
newId = eId == defaultEdgeId
e = (s, t, if newId then l { dgl_id = nId } else l)
in (e, g
{ getNewEdgeId = if newId then succ nId else max nId $ succ eId
, dgBody = fst $ Tree.insLEdge True (\ l1 l2 ->
if eqDGLinkLabContent l1 { dgl_id = defaultEdgeId } l2
then EQ else compare (dgl_id l1) $ dgl_id l2) e $ dgBody g })
{- | tries to insert a labeled edge into a given DG, but if this edge
already exists, then does nothing. -}
insLEdgeNubDG :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> DGraph -> DGraph
insLEdgeNubDG (v, w, l) g =
let oldEdgeId = getNewEdgeId g
(ng, change) = Tree.insLEdge False (\ l1 l2 ->
if eqDGLinkLabContent l1 { dgl_id = defaultEdgeId } l2
then EQ else compare (dgl_id l1) $ dgl_id l2)
(v, w, l { dgl_id = oldEdgeId }) $ dgBody g
g { getNewEdgeId = if change then succ oldEdgeId else oldEdgeId
, dgBody = ng }
{- | insert an edge into the given DGraph, which updates
the graph body and the edge counter as well. -}
insEdgeDG :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> DGraph -> DGraph
insEdgeDG l oldDG =
oldDG { dgBody = insEdge l $ dgBody oldDG
, getNewEdgeId = succ $ getNewEdgeId oldDG }
-- | insert a list of labeled edge into a given DG
insEdgesDG :: [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> DGraph -> DGraph
insEdgesDG = flip $ foldr insLEdgeNubDG
-- | merge a list of lnodes and ledges into a given DG
mkGraphDG :: [LNode DGNodeLab] -> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> DGraph -> DGraph
mkGraphDG ns ls = insEdgesDG ls . insNodesDG ns
-- | get nodes by name
getDGNodesByName :: (NodeName -> Bool) -> DGraph -> [LNode DGNodeLab]
getDGNodesByName p = filter (p . dgn_name . snd) . labNodesDG
-- | get links by name (inefficiently)
getDGLinksByName :: (NodeName -> Bool) -> DGraph -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
getDGLinksByName p = filter (\ (_, _, l) -> p $ dglName l) . labEdgesDG
-- ** top-level functions
-- | initializes the MVar for locking if nessesary
initLocking :: DGraph -> LNode DGNodeLab -> IO (DGraph, DGNodeLab)
initLocking dg (node, dgn) = do
lock <- newEmptyMVar
let dgn' = dgn { dgn_lock = Just lock }
return (fst $ labelNodeDG (node, dgn') dg, dgn')
-- | returns the DGraph that belongs to the given library name
lookupDGraph :: LibName -> LibEnv -> DGraph
lookupDGraph ln = Map.findWithDefault (error $ "lookupDGraph " ++ show ln) ln
{- | compute the theory of a given node.
If this node is a DGRef, the referenced node is looked up first. -}
computeLocalTheory :: Monad m => LibEnv -> LibName -> Node -> m G_theory
computeLocalTheory libEnv ln =
computeLocalNodeTheory libEnv $ lookupDGraph ln libEnv
computeLocalNodeTheory :: Monad m => LibEnv -> DGraph -> Node -> m G_theory
computeLocalNodeTheory libEnv dg = computeLocalLabelTheory libEnv . labDG dg
computeLocalLabelTheory :: Monad m => LibEnv -> DGNodeLab -> m G_theory
computeLocalLabelTheory libEnv nodeLab =
if isDGRef nodeLab
computeLocalTheory libEnv (dgn_libname nodeLab) $ dgn_node nodeLab
else return $ dgn_theory nodeLab
-- ** test link types
liftE :: (DGLinkType -> Bool) -> LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool
liftE f (_, _, edgeLab) = f $ dgl_type edgeLab
-- | or two predicates
liftOr :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> Bool) -> a -> Bool
liftOr f g x = f x || g x
isGlobalDef :: DGLinkType -> Bool
isGlobalDef lt = case lt of
ScopedLink Global DefLink _ -> True
_ -> False
isLocalDef :: DGLinkType -> Bool
isLocalDef lt = case lt of
ScopedLink Local DefLink _ -> True
_ -> False
isHidingDef :: DGLinkType -> Bool
isHidingDef lt = case lt of
HidingDefLink -> True
_ -> False
isDefEdge :: DGLinkType -> Bool
isDefEdge edge = case edge of
ScopedLink _ DefLink _ -> True
HidingDefLink -> True
FreeOrCofreeDefLink _ _ -> True
_ -> False
isLocalEdge :: DGLinkType -> Bool
isLocalEdge edge = case edge of
ScopedLink Local _ _ -> True
_ -> False
isHidingEdge :: DGLinkType -> Bool
isHidingEdge edge = case edge of
HidingDefLink -> True
HidingFreeOrCofreeThm Nothing _ _ -> True
_ -> False
-- ** create link types
hidingThm :: GMorphism -> DGLinkType
hidingThm m = HidingFreeOrCofreeThm Nothing m LeftOpen
globalThm :: DGLinkType
globalThm = localOrGlobalThm Global None
localThm :: DGLinkType
localThm = localOrGlobalThm Local None
globalConsThm :: Conservativity -> DGLinkType
globalConsThm = localOrGlobalThm Global
localConsThm :: Conservativity -> DGLinkType
localConsThm = localOrGlobalThm Local
localOrGlobalThm :: Scope -> Conservativity -> DGLinkType
localOrGlobalThm sc = ScopedLink sc (ThmLink LeftOpen) . mkConsStatus
localOrGlobalDef :: Scope -> Conservativity -> DGLinkType
localOrGlobalDef sc = ScopedLink sc DefLink . mkConsStatus
globalConsDef :: Conservativity -> DGLinkType
globalConsDef = localOrGlobalDef Global
globalDef :: DGLinkType
globalDef = localOrGlobalDef Global None
localDef :: DGLinkType
localDef = localOrGlobalDef Local None
-- ** link conservativity
getLinkConsStatus :: DGLinkType -> ConsStatus
getLinkConsStatus lt = case lt of
ScopedLink _ _ c -> c
_ -> mkConsStatus None
getCons :: DGLinkType -> Conservativity
getCons lt = case getLinkConsStatus lt of
ConsStatus cons _ _ -> cons
-- | returns the Conservativity if the given edge has one, otherwise none
getConservativity :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Conservativity
getConservativity (_, _, edgeLab) = getCons $ dgl_type edgeLab
-- | returns the conservativity of the given path
getConservativityOfPath :: [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> Conservativity
getConservativityOfPath path = minimum [getConservativity e | e <- path]
-- * bottom up traversal
-- | Creates a LibName relation wrt dependencies via reference nodes
getLibDepRel :: LibEnv -> Rel.Rel LibName
getLibDepRel = Rel.transClosure
. Rel.fromSet . Map.foldWithKey (\ ln dg s ->
foldr ((\ x -> if isDGRef x then Set.insert (ln, dgn_libname x) else id)
. snd) s $ labNodesDG dg) Set.empty
topsortedLibsWithImports :: Rel.Rel LibName -> [LibName]
topsortedLibsWithImports = concatMap Set.toList . Rel.topSort
getTopsortedLibs :: LibEnv -> [LibName]
getTopsortedLibs le = let
rel = getLibDepRel le
ls = reverse $ topsortedLibsWithImports rel
in ls ++ restLs
{- | Get imported libs in topological order, i.e. lib(s) without imports first.
The input lib-name will be last -}
dependentLibs :: LibName -> LibEnv -> [LibName]
dependentLibs ln le =
let rel = getLibDepRel le
ts = topsortedLibsWithImports rel
is = Set.toList (Rel.succs rel ln)
in reverse $ ln : intersect ts is
topsortedNodes :: DGraph -> [LNode DGNodeLab]
topsortedNodes dgraph = let dg = dgBody dgraph in
reverse $ postorderF $ dffWith (\ (_, n, nl, _) -> (n, nl)) (nodes dg)
$ efilter (\ (s, t, el) -> s /= t && isDefEdge (dgl_type el)) dg
changedPendingEdges :: DGraph -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
changedPendingEdges dg = let
ls = filter (liftE $ not . isDefEdge) $ labEdgesDG dg
(ms, ps) = foldr (\ (s, t, l) (m, es) ->
let b = dglPending l
e = dgl_id l
in (Map.insert e
(b, s, t,
maybe Set.empty (\ ts -> case ts of
LeftOpen -> Set.empty
Proven _ pb -> proofBasis pb) . thmLinkStatus $ dgl_type l) m
, if b && isLocalEdge (dgl_type l) then Set.insert e es else es))
close known =
let nxt = Map.keysSet $ Map.filter
(\ (_, _, _, s) -> not $ Set.null $ Set.intersection s known)
new = Set.union nxt known
in if new == known then new else close new
aPs = close ps
in filter (\ (_, _, l) -> dglPending l /= Set.member (dgl_id l) aPs) ls
changedLocalTheorems :: DGraph -> LNode DGNodeLab -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
changedLocalTheorems dg (v, lbl) =
case dgn_theory lbl of
G_theory _ _ _ sens _ ->
foldr (\ e@(_, _, el) l ->
let pend = dglPending el
psens = Map.keysSet $ OMap.filter isProvenSenStatus sens
in case thmLinkStatus $ dgl_type el of
Just (Proven (DGRuleLocalInference nms) _) | pend
== Set.isSubsetOf (Set.fromList $ map snd nms) psens -> e : l
_ -> l
) []
$ filter (liftE $ \ e -> isLocalEdge e && not (isLocalDef e))
$ innDG dg v
duplicateDefEdges :: DGraph -> [Edge]
duplicateDefEdges = concat .
filter (not . isSingle) . group . map (\ (s, t, _) -> (s, t))
. filter (liftE isDefEdge) . labEdgesDG