DevGraph.hs revision 64325303fc09fc4d88ced49be11ff2d29966422a
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Central datastructures for development graphs
Copyright : (c) Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
Central datastructures for development graphs
Follows Sect. IV:4.2 of the CASL Reference Manual.
T. Mossakowski, S. Autexier and D. Hutter:
Extending Development Graphs With Hiding.
H. Hussmann (ed.): Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering 2001,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2029, p. 269-283,
Springer-Verlag 2001.
T. Mossakowski, S. Autexier, D. Hutter, P. Hoffman:
CASL Proof calculus. In: CASL reference manual, part IV.
Available from
module Static.DevGraph where
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Prover
import Static.GTheory
import Syntax.AS_Library
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as Graph
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Query.DFS as DFS
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Query.BFS as BFS
import qualified Common.Lib.Graph as Tree
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Common.OrderedMap as OMap
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.Id
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Result
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.List(find, intersect, partition)
{- | returns one new node id for the given graph
getNewNode :: Tree.Gr a b -> Node
getNewNode g = case newNodes 1 g of
[n] -> n
_ -> error "Static.DevGraph.getNewNode"
{- | returns a list of edge ids with the given number of edge ids
and a specified graph.
getNewEdgeIDs :: Int -> DGraph -> EdgeID
getNewEdgeIDs count g = take count [(getNewEdgeID g)..]
{- | tries to find the label of a link whose id is given in
a specified graph
getDGLinkLabWithIDs :: EdgeID -> DGraph -> Maybe DGLinkLab
getDGLinkLabWithIDs ids dgraph =
case getDGLEdgeWithIDs ids dgraph of
Just (_, _, label) -> Just label
Nothing -> Nothing
{- | tries to find a link, which includes the src, tgt node
and its label according to a given id in a specified graph.
getDGLEdgeWithIDs :: EdgeID -> DGraph -> Maybe (LEdge DGLinkLab)
getDGLEdgeWithIDs ids dgraph =
find (\ (_, _, label) -> isIdenticalEdgeID ids $ dgl_id label)
$ labEdges $ dgBody dgraph
{- | returns whether two edge ids are identical to each other or not.
two edge ids are identical, only if their intersect
is not empty.
isIdenticalEdgeID :: EdgeID -> EdgeID -> Bool
isIdenticalEdgeID id1 id2 = not $ null $ intersect id1 id2
{- | similar to getDGLEdgeWithIDs, but an error will be thrown if
the specified edge is not found.
getDGLEdgeWithIDsForSure :: EdgeID -> DGraph -> (LEdge DGLinkLab)
getDGLEdgeWithIDsForSure ids dgraph =
case getDGLEdgeWithIDs ids dgraph of
Just e -> e
Nothing -> error ("ID: "++show ids ++
"not found. Static.DevGraph.getDGLEdgeWithIDsForSure")
-- * Types for structured specification analysis
-- ??? Some info about the theorems already proved for a node
-- should be added
-- or should it be kept separately?
-- what about open theorems of a node???
-- | name of a node in a DG; auxiliary nodes may have extension string
-- and non-zero number (for these, names are usually hidden)
type NODE_NAME = (SIMPLE_ID, String, Int)
-- | node inscriptions in development graphs
data DGNodeLab =
{ dgn_name :: NODE_NAME -- name in the input language
, dgn_theory :: G_theory -- local theory
, dgn_nf :: Maybe Node -- normal form, for Theorem-Hide-Shift
, dgn_sigma :: Maybe GMorphism -- inclusion of signature into nf signature
, dgn_origin :: DGOrigin -- origin in input language
, dgn_cons :: Conservativity
, dgn_cons_status :: ThmLinkStatus
, dgn_lock :: MVar ()
| DGRef -- reference to node in a different DG
{ dgn_name :: NODE_NAME -- new name of node (in current DG)
, dgn_libname :: LIB_NAME -- pointer to DG where ref'd node resides
, dgn_node :: Node -- pointer to ref'd node
, dgn_theory :: G_theory -- local proof goals
, dgn_nf :: Maybe Node -- normal form, for Theorem-Hide-Shift
, dgn_sigma :: Maybe GMorphism -- inclusion of signature into nf signature
, dgn_lock :: MVar ()
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Show (MVar ()) where
show _ = ""
dgn_sign :: DGNodeLab -> G_sign
dgn_sign dn = case dgn_theory dn of
G_theory lid sig ind _ _-> G_sign lid sig ind
isInternalNode :: DGNodeLab -> Bool
isInternalNode (DGNode {dgn_name = n}) = isInternal n
isInternalNode (DGRef {dgn_name = n}) = null $ show $ getName n
-- | test for 'LeftOpen', return input for refs or no conservativity
hasOpenConsStatus :: Bool -> DGNodeLab -> Bool
hasOpenConsStatus b dgn = case dgn of
DGRef {} -> b
_ -> case dgn_cons dgn of
None -> b
_ -> case dgn_cons_status dgn of
LeftOpen -> True
_ -> False
-- | gets the type of a development graph edge as a string
getDGNodeType :: DGNodeLab -> String
getDGNodeType dgnodelab =
(if hasOpenGoals dgnodelab then id else ("locallyEmpty__" ++))
$ case isDGRef dgnodelab of
True -> "dg_ref"
False -> (if hasOpenConsStatus False dgnodelab
then "open_cons__"
else "proven_cons__")
++ if isInternalNode dgnodelab
then "internal"
else "spec"
-- gets the name of a development graph node as a string
getDGNodeName :: DGNodeLab -> String
getDGNodeName dgn = showName $ dgn_name dgn
emptyNodeName :: NODE_NAME
emptyNodeName = (mkSimpleId "", "", 0)
showInt :: Int -> String
showInt i = if i == 0 then "" else show i
showName :: NODE_NAME -> String
showName (n, s, i) = show n ++ if ext == "" then "" else "_" ++ ext
where ext = s ++ showInt i
makeName :: SIMPLE_ID -> NODE_NAME
makeName n = (n, "", 0)
getName (n, _, _) = n
makeMaybeName :: Maybe SIMPLE_ID -> NODE_NAME
makeMaybeName Nothing = emptyNodeName
makeMaybeName (Just n) = makeName n
inc (n, s, i) = (n, s, i+1)
isInternal :: NODE_NAME -> Bool
isInternal (_, s, i) = i /= 0 || s /= ""
extName :: String -> NODE_NAME -> NODE_NAME
extName s (n, s1, i) = (n, s1 ++ showInt i ++ s, 0)
isDGRef :: DGNodeLab -> Bool
isDGRef (DGNode {}) = False
isDGRef (DGRef {}) = True
-- | test if a given node label has local open goals
hasOpenGoals :: DGNodeLab -> Bool
hasOpenGoals dgn =
case dgn_theory dgn of
G_theory _lid _sigma _ sens _->
not $ OMap.null $ OMap.filter
(\s -> not (isAxiom s) && not (isProvenSenStatus s) ) sens
{- | an edge id is represented as a list of ints.
the reason of an edge can have multiple ids is, for example, there exists
an proven edge e1 with id 1 and an unproven edge e2 with id 2 between
two nodes. Now after applying some rules e2 is proven, but it's actually
the same as the proven edge e1, then the proven e2 should not be inserted
into the graph again, but e1 will take e2's id 2 because 2 is probably
saved in some other places. As a result, e1 would have 1 and 2 as its id.
This type can be extended to a more complicated struture, like a tree
suggested by Till.
type EdgeID = [Int]
-- | link inscriptions in development graphs
data DGLinkLab = DGLink {
dgl_morphism :: GMorphism, -- signature morphism of link
dgl_type :: DGLinkType, -- type: local, global, def, thm?
-- dgl_depends :: [Int],
dgl_origin :: DGOrigin, -- origin in input language
dgl_id :: EdgeID -- id of the edge
}deriving (Show)
-- | create a default ID which has to be changed when inserting a certain edge.
defaultEdgeID :: EdgeID
defaultEdgeID = []
{- | Eq instance definition of DGLinkLab.
Notice that the dgl_id is not compared here, because
by comparing of two label the edge id should not
play any role.
instance Eq DGLinkLab where
l1 == l2 = (dgl_morphism l1 == dgl_morphism l2)
&& (dgl_type l1 == dgl_type l2)
&& (dgl_origin l1 == dgl_origin l2)
instance Pretty DGLinkLab where
pretty l = fsep [ pretty (dgl_morphism l)
, pretty (dgl_type l)
, pretty (dgl_origin l)]
{- | checks if the given edge is contained in the given
list of EdgeIDs.
roughElem :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> [EdgeID] -> Bool
roughElem (_, _, label) =
any (\edgeID -> isIdenticalEdgeID edgeID $ dgl_id label)
{- | the edit operations of the DGraph
data DGChange = InsertNode (LNode DGNodeLab)
| DeleteNode (LNode DGNodeLab)
| InsertEdge (LEdge DGLinkLab)
| DeleteEdge (LEdge DGLinkLab)
-- it contains the old label and new label with node
| SetNodeLab DGNodeLab (LNode DGNodeLab)
deriving Eq
instance Show DGChange where
show (InsertNode (n, _)) = "InsertNode "++show n -- ++show l
show (DeleteNode (n, _)) = "DeleteNode "++show n -- ++show l
show (InsertEdge (n,m, _)) = "InsertEdge "++show n++"->"++show m -- ++show l
show (DeleteEdge (n,m, _)) = "DeleteEdge "++show n++"->"++show m -- ++show l
show (SetNodeLab _ (n, _)) = "SetNodeLab of " ++ show n
-- | Link types of development graphs
-- Sect. IV:4.2 of the CASL Reference Manual explains them in depth
data DGLinkType = LocalDef
| GlobalDef
| HidingDef
| FreeDef MaybeNode -- the "parameter" node
| CofreeDef MaybeNode -- the "parameter" node
| LocalThm ThmLinkStatus Conservativity ThmLinkStatus
-- ??? Some more proof information is needed here
-- (proof tree, ...)
| GlobalThm ThmLinkStatus Conservativity ThmLinkStatus
| HidingThm GMorphism ThmLinkStatus
| FreeThm GMorphism ThmLinkStatus
-- DGLink S1 S2 m2 (DGLinkType m1 p) n
-- corresponds to a span of morphisms
-- S1 <--m1-- S --m2--> S2
deriving (Eq,Show)
thmLinkStatus :: DGLinkType -> Maybe ThmLinkStatus
thmLinkStatus (LocalThm s _ _) = Just s
thmLinkStatus (GlobalThm s _ _) = Just s
thmLinkStatus (HidingThm _ s) = Just s
thmLinkStatus (FreeThm _ s) = Just s
thmLinkStatus _ = Nothing
instance Pretty DGLinkType where
pretty t = text $ case t of
LocalDef -> "LocalDef"
GlobalDef -> "GlobalDef"
HidingDef -> "HidingDef"
FreeDef _ -> "FreeDef"
CofreeDef _ -> "CofreeDef"
LocalThm s _ _ -> "LocalThm" ++ getThmTypeAux s
GlobalThm s _ _ -> "GlobalThm" ++ getThmTypeAux s
HidingThm _ s -> "HidingThm" ++ getThmTypeAux s
FreeThm _ s -> "FreeThm" ++ getThmTypeAux s
-- | describe the link type of the label
getDGLinkType :: DGLinkLab -> String
getDGLinkType lnk = let
isHom = isHomogeneous $ dgl_morphism lnk
het = if isHom then id else ("het" ++)
in case dgl_morphism lnk of
GMorphism _ _ _ _ _ ->
case dgl_type lnk of
GlobalDef -> if isHom then "globaldef"
else "hetdef"
HidingDef -> "hidingdef"
LocalThm s _ _ -> het "local" ++ getThmType s ++ "thm"
GlobalThm s _ _ -> het $ getThmType s ++ "thm"
HidingThm _ s -> getThmType s ++ "hidingthm"
FreeThm _ s -> getThmType s ++ "thm"
_ -> "def" -- LocalDef, FreeDef, CofreeDef
-- | Conservativity annotations. For compactness, only the greatest
-- applicable value is used in a DG
data Conservativity = None | Cons | Mono | Def
deriving (Eq,Ord)
instance Show Conservativity where
show None = ""
show Cons = "Cons"
show Mono = "Mono"
show Def = "Def"
-- | Rules in the development graph calculus,
-- Sect. IV:4.4 of the CASL Reference Manual explains them in depth
data DGRule =
| HideTheoremShift (LEdge DGLinkLab)
| Borrowing
| ConsShift
| DefShift
| MonoShift
| DefToMono
| MonoToCons
| FreeIsMono
| MonoIsFree
| GlobDecomp (LEdge DGLinkLab) -- edge in the conclusion
| LocDecomp (LEdge DGLinkLab)
| LocInference (LEdge DGLinkLab)
| GlobSubsumption (LEdge DGLinkLab)
| Composition [LEdge DGLinkLab]
| LocalInference
| BasicInference AnyComorphism BasicProof -- coding and proof tree. obsolete?
| BasicConsInference Edge BasicConsProof
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Pretty DGRule where
pretty r = case r of
TheoremHideShift -> text "Theorem-Hide-Shift"
HideTheoremShift l -> text "Hide-Theorem-Shift; resulting link:"
<+> printLEdgeInProof l
Borrowing -> text "Borrowing"
ConsShift -> text "Cons-Shift"
DefShift -> text "Def-Shift"
MonoShift -> text "Mono-Shift"
DefToMono -> text "DefToMono"
MonoToCons -> text "MonoToCons"
FreeIsMono -> text "FreeIsMono"
MonoIsFree -> text "MonoIsFree"
GlobDecomp l -> text "Global Decomposition; resulting link:"
<+> printLEdgeInProof l
LocDecomp l -> text "Local Decomposition; resulting link:"
<+> printLEdgeInProof l
LocInference l -> text "Local Inference; resulting link:"
<+> printLEdgeInProof l
GlobSubsumption l -> text "Global Subsumption; resulting link:"
<+> printLEdgeInProof l
Composition ls ->
text "Composition" <+> vcat (map printLEdgeInProof ls)
LocalInference -> text "Local Inference"
BasicInference c bp -> text "Basic Inference using:"
<+> text ("Comorphism: "++show c ++ "Proof tree: "++show bp)
BasicConsInference _ bp -> text "Basic Cons-Inference using:"
<+> text (show bp)
printLEdgeInProof :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Doc
printLEdgeInProof (s,t,l) =
pretty s <> text "-->" <> pretty t <> text ":"
<+> printLabInProof l
printLabInProof :: DGLinkLab -> Doc
printLabInProof l =
fsep [ pretty (dgl_type l)
, text "with origin:"
, pretty (dgl_origin l) <> comma
, text "and morphism:"
, pretty (dgl_morphism l)
data BasicConsProof = BasicConsProof -- more detail to be added ...
deriving (Show, Eq)
data ThmLinkStatus = LeftOpen
| Proven DGRule [EdgeID]
--[LEdge DGLinkLab] -- Proven DGRule Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Pretty ThmLinkStatus where
pretty tls = case tls of
LeftOpen -> text "Open"
Proven r ls -> fsep [ text "Proven with rule"
, pretty r
, text "Proof based on links:"
] $+$ vcat(map printOneProofBasis ls)
--] $+$ vcat(map printLEdgeInProof ls)
printOneProofBasis :: EdgeID -> Doc
printOneProofBasis pb = pretty pb
-- | shows short theorem link status
getThmType :: ThmLinkStatus -> String
getThmType = map toLower . getThmTypeAux
getThmTypeAux :: ThmLinkStatus -> String
getThmTypeAux s = case s of
LeftOpen -> "Unproven"
_ -> "Proven"
{- | Data type indicating the origin of nodes and edges in the input language
This is not used in the DG calculus, only may be used in the future
for reconstruction of input and management of change. -}
data DGOrigin = DGBasic | DGExtension | DGTranslation | DGUnion | DGHiding
| DGRevealing | DGRevealTranslation | DGFree | DGCofree
| DGLocal | DGClosed | DGClosedLenv | DGLogicQual
| DGLogicQualLenv | DGData
| DGFormalParams | DGImports | DGSpecInst SIMPLE_ID | DGFitSpec
| DGintegratedSCC
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | Node with signature in a DG
data NodeSig = NodeSig Node G_sign deriving (Show, Eq)
{- | NodeSig or possibly the empty sig in a logic
(but since we want to avoid lots of vacuous nodes with empty sig,
we do not assign a real node in the DG here) -}
data MaybeNode = JustNode NodeSig | EmptyNode AnyLogic deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Pretty NodeSig where
pretty (NodeSig n sig) =
text "node" <+> pretty n <> colon <> pretty sig
emptyG_sign :: AnyLogic -> G_sign
emptyG_sign (Logic lid) = G_sign lid (empty_signature lid) 0
getSig :: NodeSig -> G_sign
getSig (NodeSig _ sigma) = sigma
getNode :: NodeSig -> Node
getNode (NodeSig n _) = n
getMaybeSig :: MaybeNode -> G_sign
getMaybeSig (JustNode ns) = getSig ns
getMaybeSig (EmptyNode l) = emptyG_sign l
getLogic :: MaybeNode -> AnyLogic
getLogic (JustNode ns) = getNodeLogic ns
getLogic (EmptyNode l) = l
getNodeLogic :: NodeSig -> AnyLogic
getNodeLogic (NodeSig _ (G_sign lid _ _)) = Logic lid
-- | Create a node that represents a union of signatures
nodeSigUnion :: LogicGraph -> DGraph -> [MaybeNode] -> DGOrigin
-> Result (NodeSig, DGraph)
nodeSigUnion lgraph dg nodeSigs orig =
do sigUnion@(G_sign lid sigU ind) <- gsigManyUnion lgraph
$ map getMaybeSig nodeSigs
let nodeContents = DGNode
{ dgn_name = emptyNodeName
, dgn_theory = G_theory lid sigU ind noSens 0
, dgn_nf = Nothing
, dgn_sigma = Nothing
, dgn_origin = orig
, dgn_cons = None
, dgn_cons_status = LeftOpen
, dgn_lock = error "uninitialized MVar of DGNode"
node = getNewNodeDG dg
--dg' = insNode (node, nodeContents) graphBody
dg' = insNodeDG (node, nodeContents) dg
inslink dgres nsig = do
dgv <- dgres
case nsig of
EmptyNode _ -> dgres
JustNode (NodeSig n sig) -> do
incl <- ginclusion lgraph sig sigUnion
return $ insEdgeDG (n, node, DGLink
{ dgl_morphism = incl
, dgl_type = GlobalDef
, dgl_origin = orig
, dgl_id = [getNewEdgeID dgv]
}) dgv
dg'' <- foldl inslink (return dg') nodeSigs
return (NodeSig node sigUnion, dg'')
-- | Extend the development graph with given morphism originating
-- from given NodeSig
extendDGraph :: DGraph -- ^ the development graph to be extended
-> NodeSig -- ^ the NodeSig from which the morphism originates
-> GMorphism -- ^ the morphism to be inserted
-> DGOrigin
-> Result (NodeSig, DGraph)
-- ^ returns the target signature of the morphism and the resulting DGraph
extendDGraph dg (NodeSig n _) morph orig = case cod Grothendieck morph of
targetSig@(G_sign lid tar ind) -> let
nodeContents = DGNode { dgn_name = emptyNodeName
, dgn_theory = G_theory lid tar ind noSens 0
, dgn_nf = Nothing
, dgn_sigma = Nothing
, dgn_origin = orig
, dgn_cons = None
, dgn_cons_status = LeftOpen
, dgn_lock = error "uninitialized MVar of DGNode"
linkContents = DGLink { dgl_morphism = morph
, dgl_type = GlobalDef
, dgl_origin = orig
, dgl_id = [getNewEdgeID dg']
node = getNewNodeDG dg
dg' = insNodeDG (node, nodeContents) dg
dg'' = insEdgeDG (n, node, linkContents) dg'
in return (NodeSig node targetSig, dg'')
-- | Extend the development graph with given morphism pointing to
-- given NodeSig
extendDGraphRev :: DGraph -- ^ the development graph to be extended
-> NodeSig -- ^ the NodeSig to which the morphism points
-> GMorphism -- ^ the morphism to be inserted
-> DGOrigin
-> Result (NodeSig, DGraph)
-- ^ returns the source signature of the morphism and the resulting DGraph
extendDGraphRev dg (NodeSig n _) morph orig = case dom Grothendieck morph of
sourceSig@(G_sign lid src ind) -> let
nodeContents = DGNode { dgn_name = emptyNodeName
, dgn_theory = G_theory lid src ind OMap.empty 0
, dgn_nf = Nothing
, dgn_sigma = Nothing
, dgn_origin = orig
, dgn_cons = None
, dgn_cons_status = LeftOpen
, dgn_lock = error "uninitialized MVar of DGNode"
linkContents = DGLink { dgl_morphism = morph
, dgl_type = GlobalDef
, dgl_origin = orig
, dgl_id = [getNewEdgeID dg']
node = getNewNodeDG dg
dg' = insNodeDG (node, nodeContents) dg
dg'' = insEdgeDG (node, n, linkContents) dg'
in return (NodeSig node sourceSig, dg'')
-- import, formal parameters and united signature of formal params
type GenericitySig = (MaybeNode, [NodeSig], MaybeNode)
-- import, formal parameters, united signature of formal params, body
type ExtGenSig = (MaybeNode, [NodeSig], G_sign, NodeSig)
-- source, morphism, parameterized target
type ExtViewSig = (NodeSig,GMorphism,ExtGenSig)
-- * Types for architectural and unit specification analysis
-- (as defined for basic static semantics in Chap. III:5.1)
data UnitSig = Unit_sig NodeSig
| Par_unit_sig [NodeSig] NodeSig
deriving Show
data ImpUnitSigOrSig = Imp_unit_sig MaybeNode UnitSig
| Sig NodeSig
deriving Show
type StUnitCtx = Map.Map SIMPLE_ID ImpUnitSigOrSig
emptyStUnitCtx :: StUnitCtx
emptyStUnitCtx = Map.empty
data ArchSig = ArchSig StUnitCtx UnitSig deriving Show
-- * Types for global and library environments
data GlobalEntry =
SpecEntry ExtGenSig
| ViewEntry ExtViewSig
| ArchEntry ArchSig
| UnitEntry UnitSig
| RefEntry
deriving Show
type GlobalEnv = Map.Map SIMPLE_ID GlobalEntry
emptyHistory :: ([DGRule], [DGChange])
emptyHistory = ([], [])
type ProofHistory = [([DGRule], [DGChange])]
{- | the actual development graph with auxiliary information. A
'G_sign' should be stored in 'sigMap' under its 'gSignSelfIdx'. The
same applies to 'G_morphism' with 'morMap' and 'gMorphismSelfIdx'
resp. 'G_theory' with 'thMap' and 'gTheorySelfIdx'. -}
data DGraph = DGraph
{ globalAnnos :: GlobalAnnos -- ^ global annos of library
, globalEnv :: GlobalEnv -- ^ name entities (specs, views) of a library
, dgBody :: Tree.Gr DGNodeLab DGLinkLab -- ^ actual 'DGraph` tree
, getNewEdgeID :: Int -- ^ edge counter
, refNodes :: Map.Map Node (LIB_NAME, Node) -- ^ unexpanded 'DGRef's
, allRefNodes :: Map.Map (LIB_NAME, Node) Node -- ^ all DGRef's
, sigMap :: Map.Map Int G_sign -- ^ signature map
, thMap :: Map.Map Int G_theory -- ^ morphism map
, morMap :: Map.Map Int G_morphism -- ^ theory map
, proofHistory :: ProofHistory -- ^ applied proof steps
, redoHistory :: ProofHistory -- ^ undone proofs steps
, openlock :: MVar (IO ()) -- ^ control of graph display
-- some set functions
setSigMapDG :: Map.Map Int G_sign -> DGraph -> DGraph
setSigMapDG m dg = dg{sigMap = m}
setThMapDG :: Map.Map Int G_theory -> DGraph -> DGraph
setThMapDG m dg = dg{thMap = m}
setMorMapDG :: Map.Map Int G_morphism -> DGraph -> DGraph
setMorMapDG m dg = dg{morMap = m}
-- some lookup functions
lookupSigMapDG :: Int -> DGraph -> Maybe G_sign
lookupSigMapDG i = Map.lookup i . sigMap
lookupThMapDG :: Int -> DGraph -> Maybe G_theory
lookupThMapDG i = Map.lookup i . thMap
lookupMorMapDG :: Int -> DGraph -> Maybe G_morphism
lookupMorMapDG i = Map.lookup i . morMap
lookupGlobalEnvDG :: SIMPLE_ID -> DGraph -> Maybe GlobalEntry
lookupGlobalEnvDG sid = Map.lookup sid . globalEnv
emptyDG :: DGraph
emptyDG = DGraph
{ globalAnnos = emptyGlobalAnnos
, globalEnv = Map.empty
, dgBody = Graph.empty
, getNewEdgeID = 0
, refNodes = Map.empty
, allRefNodes = Map.empty
, sigMap = Map.empty
, thMap = Map.empty
, morMap = Map.empty
, proofHistory = [emptyHistory]
, redoHistory = [emptyHistory]
, openlock = error "uninitialized MVar of DGraph"
emptyDGwithMVar :: IO DGraph
emptyDGwithMVar = do
ol <- newEmptyMVar
return $ emptyDG {openlock = ol}
getMapAndMaxIndex :: (b -> Map.Map Int a) -> b -> (Map.Map Int a, Int)
getMapAndMaxIndex f gctx =
let m = f gctx in (m, if Map.null m then 0 else fst $ Map.findMax m)
sigMapI :: DGraph -> (Map.Map Int G_sign, Int)
sigMapI = getMapAndMaxIndex sigMap
morMapI :: DGraph -> (Map.Map Int G_morphism, Int)
morMapI = getMapAndMaxIndex morMap
thMapI :: DGraph -> (Map.Map Int G_theory, Int)
thMapI = getMapAndMaxIndex thMap
type LibEnv = Map.Map LIB_NAME DGraph
-- | an empty environment
emptyLibEnv :: LibEnv
emptyLibEnv = Map.empty
-- | returns the DGraph that belongs to the given library name
lookupDGraph :: LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> DGraph
lookupDGraph ln =
Map.findWithDefault (error "lookupDGraph") ln
instance Pretty DGOrigin where
pretty origin = text $ case origin of
DGBasic -> "basic specification"
DGExtension -> "extension"
DGTranslation -> "translation"
DGUnion -> "union"
DGHiding -> "hiding"
DGRevealing -> "revealing"
DGRevealTranslation -> "translation part of a revealing"
DGFree -> "free specification"
DGCofree -> "cofree specification"
DGLocal -> "local specification"
DGClosed -> "closed specification"
DGClosedLenv -> "closed specification (inclusion of local environment)"
DGFormalParams -> "formal parameters of a generic specification"
DGImports -> "imports of a generic specification"
DGSpecInst n -> "instantiation of " ++ tokStr n
DGFitSpec -> "fittig specification"
DGView n -> "view " ++ tokStr n
DGFitView n -> "fitting view " ++ tokStr n
DGFitViewImp n -> "fitting view (imports) " ++ tokStr n
DGFitViewA n -> "fitting view (actual parameters) " ++ tokStr n
DGFitViewAImp n ->
"fitting view (imports and actual parameters) " ++ tokStr n
DGProof -> "constructed within a proof"
_ -> show origin
-- | Heterogenous sentences
type HetSenStatus a = SenStatus a (AnyComorphism,BasicProof)
isProvenSenStatus :: HetSenStatus a -> Bool
isProvenSenStatus = any isProvenSenStatusAux . thmStatus
where isProvenSenStatusAux (_,BasicProof _ pst) = isProvedStat pst
isProvenSenStatusAux _ = False
-- * Grothendieck theory with prover
-- | a pair of prover and theory which are in the same logic
data G_theory_with_prover =
forall lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree .
Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree =>
G_theory_with_prover lid
(Theory sign sentence proof_tree)
(Prover sign sentence sublogics proof_tree)
-- | Grothendieck diagrams
type GDiagram = Tree.Gr G_theory GMorphism
-- | weakly amalgamable cocones
:: GDiagram -> Result (G_theory, Map.Map Graph.Node GMorphism)
gWeaklyAmalgamableCocone _ = return
( error "Static.DevGraph.gWeaklyAmalgamableCocone not yet implemented"
, Map.empty) -- dummy implementation
-- | get the available node id
getNewNodeDG :: DGraph -> Node
getNewNodeDG = getNewNode . dgBody
-- | delete the node out of the given DG
delNodeDG :: Node -> DGraph -> DGraph
delNodeDG n dg =
dg{dgBody = delNode n $ dgBody dg}
-- | delete the LNode out of the given DG
delLNodeDG :: LNode DGNodeLab -> DGraph -> DGraph
delLNodeDG n@(v, l) g = case matchDG v g of
(Just(p, _, l', s), g') ->
if l' == l then
if null p && null s then g'
else error $ "delLNodeDG remaining edges: " ++ show (p ++ s)
else error $ "delLNodeDG wrong label: " ++ show n
_ -> error $ "delLNodeDG no such node: " ++ show n
-- | delete a list of nodes out of the given DG
delNodesDG :: [Node] -> DGraph -> DGraph
delNodesDG ns dg =
dg{dgBody = delNodes ns $ dgBody dg}
-- | insert a new node into given DGraph
insNodeDG :: LNode DGNodeLab -> DGraph -> DGraph
insNodeDG n dg =
dg{dgBody = insNode n $ dgBody dg}
-- | add a new referenced node into the refNodes map of the given DG
addToRefNodesDG :: (Node, LIB_NAME, Node) -> DGraph -> DGraph
addToRefNodesDG (n, libn, refn) dg =
dg{refNodes = Map.insert n (libn, refn) $ refNodes dg,
allRefNodes = Map.insert (libn, refn) n $ allRefNodes dg}
-- | delete the given referenced node out of the refnodes map
deleteFromRefNodesDG :: Node -> DGraph -> DGraph
deleteFromRefNodesDG n dg = dg{refNodes = Map.delete n $ refNodes dg}
-- | lookup a referenced node with a node id
lookupInRefNodesDG :: Node -> DGraph -> Maybe (LIB_NAME, Node)
lookupInRefNodesDG n dg =
Map.lookup n $ refNodes dg
-- | look up a refernced node with its parent infor.
lookupInAllRefNodesDG :: (LIB_NAME, Node) -> DGraph -> Maybe Node
lookupInAllRefNodesDG refK dg =
Map.lookup refK $ allRefNodes dg
-- | inserts a lnode into a given DG
insLNodeDG :: LNode DGNodeLab -> DGraph -> DGraph
insLNodeDG n@(v, _) g =
if gelemDG v g then error $ "insLNodeDG " ++ show v else insNodeDG n g
-- | insert a new node with the given node content into a given DGraph
insNodesDG :: [LNode DGNodeLab] -> DGraph -> DGraph
insNodesDG ns dg =
dg{dgBody = insNodes ns $ dgBody dg}
-- | delete an edge out of a given DG
delEdgeDG :: Edge -> DGraph -> DGraph
delEdgeDG e dg =
dg {dgBody = delEdge e $ dgBody dg}
-- | delete a list of edges
delEdgesDG :: [Edge] -> DGraph -> DGraph
delEdgesDG es dg =
dg {dgBody = delEdges es $ dgBody dg}
-- | delete a labeled edge out of the given DG
delLEdgeDG :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> DGraph -> DGraph
delLEdgeDG e@(v, w, l) g = case matchDG v g of
(Just(p, v', l', s), g') ->
let (ls, rs) = partition ((l, w) ==) s in
case ls of
[] -> error $ "delLEdgeDG no edge: " ++ show e
[_] -> g'{dgBody = (p, v', l', rs) & (dgBody g')}
_ -> error $ "delLEdgeDG multiple edges: " ++ show e
_ -> error $ "delLEdgeDG no node for edge: " ++ show e
-- | insert a labeled edge into a given DG
insLEdgeDG :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> DGraph -> DGraph
insLEdgeDG e@(v, w, l) g = case matchDG v g of
(Just(p, v', l', s), g') ->
let ls = filter ((l, w) ==) s in
case ls of
[] -> g'{getNewEdgeID = getNewEdgeID g' + 1,
dgBody = (p, v', l', (l, w) : s) & (dgBody g')}
_ -> error $ "insLEdgeDG multiple edge: " ++ show e
_ -> error $ "insLEdgeDG no node for edge: " ++ show e
{- | tries to insert a labeled edge into a given DG, but if this edge
already exists, then does nothing
insLEdgeNubDG :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> DGraph -> DGraph
insLEdgeNubDG (v, w, l) g =
if (l, w) `elem` s then g
else g'{getNewEdgeID = getNewEdgeID g'+1,
dgBody =
(p, v, l', (l{dgl_id=[getNewEdgeID g]}, w) : s) & (dgBody g')}
where (Just (p, _, l', s), g') = matchDG v g
-- | insert an edge into the given DGraph, which updates
-- the graph body and the edge counter as well.
insEdgeDG :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> DGraph -> DGraph
insEdgeDG l oldDG =
oldDG { dgBody = insEdge l $ dgBody oldDG
, getNewEdgeID = getNewEdgeID oldDG + 1 }
-- | insert a list of labeled edge into a given DG
insEdgesDG :: [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> DGraph -> DGraph
insEdgesDG = flip $ foldr insEdgeDG
-- | get all the edges
labEdgesDG :: DGraph -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
labEdgesDG = labEdges . dgBody
-- | get all the nodes
labNodesDG :: DGraph -> [LNode DGNodeLab]
labNodesDG = labNodes . dgBody
-- | get the context of the given DG
contextDG :: DGraph -> Node -> Context DGNodeLab DGLinkLab
contextDG = context . dgBody
-- | merge a list of lnodes and ledges into a given DG
mkGraphDG :: [LNode DGNodeLab] -> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> DGraph -> DGraph
mkGraphDG ns ls dg = insEdgesDG ls $ insNodesDG ns dg
-- | tear the given DGraph appart.
matchDG :: Node -> DGraph -> (MContext DGNodeLab DGLinkLab, DGraph)
matchDG n dg =
(mc, newBody) = match n $ dgBody dg
(mc, dg{dgBody = newBody})
-- | get all nodes of a given DG with scc algorithm
sccDG :: DGraph -> [[Node]]
sccDG = DFS.scc . dgBody
-- | get the list of nodes in top sorted order
topsortDG :: DGraph -> [Node]
topsortDG = DFS.topsort . dgBody
-- | checks if a DG is empty or not.
isEmptyDG :: DGraph -> Bool
isEmptyDG = isEmpty . dgBody
-- | checks if a given node belongs to a given DG
gelemDG :: Node -> DGraph -> Bool
gelemDG n = (gelem n) . dgBody
-- | get the number of nodes of a given DG
noNodesDG :: DGraph -> Int
noNodesDG = noNodes . dgBody
-- | get all nodes which links to the given node in a given DG
preDG :: DGraph -> Node -> [Node]
preDG = pre . dgBody
-- | get all the incoming ledges of the given node in a given DG
innDG :: DGraph -> Node -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
innDG = inn . dgBody
-- | get all the outgoing ledges of the given node in a given DG
outDG :: DGraph -> Node -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
outDG = out . dgBody
-- | get all the nodes of the given DG
nodesDG :: DGraph -> [Node]
nodesDG = nodes . dgBody
-- | get all the edges of the given DG
edgesDG :: DGraph -> [Edge]
edgesDG = edges . dgBody
-- | tries to get the label of the given node in a given DG
labDG :: DGraph -> Node -> Maybe DGNodeLab
labDG = lab . dgBody
-- | gets the given number of new node-ids in a given DG.
newNodesDG :: Int -> DGraph -> [Node]
newNodesDG n = newNodes n . dgBody
-- | gets all nodes in a breadth-first sorted order.
bfsDG :: Node -> DGraph -> [Node]
bfsDG n = BFS.bfs n . dgBody
-- | safe context for graphs
safeContext :: (Show a, Show b, Graph gr) => String -> gr a b -> Node
-> Context a b
safeContext err g v =
case match v g of
(Nothing,_) -> error (err++": Match Exception, Node: "++show v++
" not present in graph with nodes:\n"++
show (nodes g)++"\nand edges:\n"++show (edges g))
(Just c,_) -> c
-- | make it not so general ;)
safeContextDG :: String -> DGraph -> Node -> Context DGNodeLab DGLinkLab
safeContextDG s dg n = safeContext s (dgBody dg) n
-- | sets the node with new label and returns the new graph and the old label
labelNodeDG :: LNode DGNodeLab -> DGraph -> (DGraph, DGNodeLab)
labelNodeDG (v, l) g = case matchDG v g of
(Just(p, _, o, s), g') -> (g'{dgBody = (p, v, l, s) & (dgBody g')}, o)
_ -> error $ "labelNodeDG no such node: " ++ show v
-- | add a proof history into current one of the given DG
setProofHistoryDG :: ProofHistory -> DGraph -> DGraph
setProofHistoryDG h c = c{proofHistory = proofHistory c ++ h}
-- | add a history item into current history.
addToProofHistoryDG :: ([DGRule], [DGChange]) -> DGraph -> DGraph
addToProofHistoryDG x dg = dg{proofHistory = x:proofHistory dg}
-- | update the proof history with a function
setProofHistoryWithDG :: (ProofHistory -> ProofHistory)
-> DGraph -> DGraph
setProofHistoryWithDG f dg = dg{proofHistory = f $ proofHistory dg}
{- | Acquire the local lock. If already locked it waits till it is unlocked
lockLocal :: DGNodeLab -> IO ()
lockLocal dgn = putMVar (dgn_lock dgn) ()
-- | Tries to acquire the local lock. Return False if already acquired.
tryLockLocal :: DGNodeLab -> IO Bool
tryLockLocal dgn = tryPutMVar (dgn_lock dgn) ()
-- | Releases the local lock.
unlockLocal :: DGNodeLab -> IO ()
unlockLocal dgn = do
unlocked <- tryTakeMVar $ dgn_lock dgn
case unlocked of
Just () -> return ()
Nothing -> error "Local lock wasn't locked."