DevGraph.hs revision 47af295501ed5f407848f61b9943d58ccb43be29
{- HetCATS/ Static/DevGraph.hs
Till Mossakowski
Central data structure for development graphs.
T. Mossakowski, S. Autexier and D. Hutter:
Extending Development Graphs With Hiding.
H. Hussmann (ed.): Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering 2001,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2029, p. 269-283,
Springer-Verlag 2001.
T. Mossakowski, S. Autexier, D. Hutter, P. Hoffman:
CASL Proof calculus. In: CASL reference manual, part IV.
Available from
Integrate stuff from Saarbr�cken
Should AS be stored in GloblaContext as well?
module Static.DevGraph where
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Syntax.AS_Library
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.Lib.Graph as Graph
import Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Common.Lib.Set as Set
import Common.Id
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.Lib.Pretty
-- ??? Some info about the theorems already proved for a node
-- should be added
-- or should it be kept separately?
-- what about open theorems of a node???
data DGNodeLab = DGNode {
dgn_name :: Maybe SIMPLE_ID,
dgn_sign :: G_sign, -- only the delta
dgn_sens :: G_l_sentence_list,
-- or better [(String,G_sentence)] ???
dgn_origin :: DGOrigin
| DGRef {
dgn_renamed :: Maybe SIMPLE_ID,
dgn_libname :: LIB_NAME,
dgn_node :: Node
} deriving (Show,Eq)
isDGRef :: DGNodeLab -> Bool
isDGRef (DGNode _ _ _ _) = False
isDGRef (DGRef _ _ _) = True
locallyEmpty :: DGNodeLab -> Bool
locallyEmpty (DGNode _ (G_sign lid sigma) (G_l_sentence _ sens) _) =
sigma == empty_signature lid && null sens
locallyEmpty (DGRef _ _ _) = True
data DGLinkLab = DGLink {
-- dgl_name :: String,
-- dgl_src, dgl_tar :: DGNodeLab, -- already in graph structure
dgl_morphism :: GMorphism,
dgl_type :: DGLinkType,
dgl_origin :: DGOrigin }
deriving (Eq,Show)
data ThmLinkStatus = Open | Proven [DGLinkLab] deriving (Eq, Show)
data DGLinkType = LocalDef
| GlobalDef
| HidingDef
| FreeDef NodeSig -- the "parameter" node
| CofreeDef NodeSig -- the "parameter" node
| LocalThm ThmLinkStatus Conservativity ThmLinkStatus
-- ??? Some more proof information is needed here
-- (proof tree, ...)
| GlobalThm ThmLinkStatus Conservativity ThmLinkStatus
| HidingThm GMorphism ThmLinkStatus
| FreeThm GMorphism Bool
-- DGLink S1 S2 m2 (DGLinkType m1 p) n
-- corresponds to a span of morphisms
-- S1 <--m1-- S --m2--> S2
deriving (Eq,Show)
data Conservativity = None | Cons | Mono | Def
deriving (Eq,Show)
data DGOrigin = DGBasic | DGExtension | DGTranslation | DGUnion | DGHiding
| DGRevealing | DGRevealTranslation | DGFree | DGCofree
| DGLocal | DGClosed | DGClosedLenv
| DGFormalParams | DGImports | DGSpecInst SIMPLE_ID | DGFitSpec
deriving (Eq,Show)
type DGraph = Graph DGNodeLab DGLinkLab
data NodeSig = NodeSig (Node,G_sign) | EmptyNode AnyLogic
deriving (Eq,Show)
instance PrettyPrint NodeSig where
printText0 ga (EmptyNode _) = ptext "<empty NodeSig>"
printText0 ga (NodeSig(n,sig)) =
ptext "node" <+> printText0 ga n <> ptext ":" <> printText0 ga sig
getNode (NodeSig (n,sigma)) = Just n
getNode (EmptyNode _) = Nothing
getSig (NodeSig (n,sigma)) = sigma
getSig (EmptyNode (Logic lid)) = G_sign lid (empty_signature lid)
getNodeAndSig (NodeSig (n,sigma)) = Just (n,sigma)
getNodeAndSig (EmptyNode _) = Nothing
getLogic (NodeSig (n,G_sign lid _)) = Logic lid
getLogic (EmptyNode l) = l
data ExtNodeSig = ExtNodeSig (Node,G_ext_sign) | ExtEmptyNode AnyLogic
deriving (Eq,Show)
instance PrettyPrint ExtNodeSig where
printText0 ga (ExtEmptyNode _) = ptext "<empty NodeSig>"
printText0 ga (ExtNodeSig(n,sig)) =
ptext "node" <+> printText0 ga n <> ptext ":" <> printText0 ga sig
getExtNode (NodeSig (n,sigma)) = Just n
getExtNode (EmptyNode _) = Nothing
getExtSig (ExtNodeSig (n,sigma)) = sigma
getExtSig (ExtEmptyNode (Logic lid)) =
G_ext_sign lid (empty_signature lid) Set.empty
getExtNodeAndSig (ExtNodeSig (n,sigma)) = Just (n,sigma)
getExtNodeAndSig (ExtEmptyNode _) = Nothing
getExtLogic (ExtNodeSig (_,G_ext_sign lid _ _)) = Logic lid
getExtLogic (ExtEmptyNode l) = l
-- import, formal parameters, united signature of formal params, body
type ExtGenSig = (NodeSig,[NodeSig],G_sign,NodeSig)
-- source, morphism, parameterized target
type ExtViewSig = (NodeSig,GMorphism,ExtGenSig)
type ArchSig = () -- to be done
type UnitSig = () -- to be done
data GlobalEntry = SpecEntry ExtGenSig
| ViewEntry ExtViewSig
| ArchEntry ArchSig
| UnitEntry UnitSig deriving (Show,Eq)
type GlobalEnv = Map SIMPLE_ID GlobalEntry
type GlobalContext = (GlobalAnnos,GlobalEnv,DGraph)
type LibEnv = Map LIB_NAME GlobalContext
emptyLibEnv :: LibEnv
emptyLibEnv = Map.empty
get_dgn_name :: DGNodeLab -> Maybe SIMPLE_ID
get_dgn_name (DGNode (Just name) _ _ _) = Just name
get_dgn_name (DGRef (Just name) _ _) = Just name
get_dgn_name _ = Nothing
instance PrettyPrint DGOrigin where
printText0 _ origin = case origin of
DGBasic -> ptext "basic specification"
DGExtension -> ptext "extension"
DGTranslation -> ptext "translation"
DGUnion -> ptext "union"
DGHiding -> ptext "hiding"
DGRevealing -> ptext "revealing"
DGRevealTranslation -> ptext "translation part of a revealing"
DGFree -> ptext "free specification"
DGCofree -> ptext "cofree specification"
DGLocal -> ptext "local specification"
DGClosed -> ptext "closed specification"
DGClosedLenv -> ptext "closed specification (inclusion of local environment)"
DGFormalParams -> ptext "formal parameters of a generic specification"
DGImports -> ptext "imports of a generic specification"
DGSpecInst n -> ptext ("instantiation of"++showPretty n "")
DGFitSpec -> ptext "fittig specification"
DGView n -> ptext ("view "++showPretty n "")
DGFitView n -> ptext ("fitting view "++showPretty n "")
DGFitViewImp n -> ptext ("fitting view (imports) "++showPretty n "")
DGFitViewA n -> ptext ("fitting view (actual parameters) "++showPretty n "")
DGFitViewAImp n -> ptext ("fitting view (imports and actual parameters) "++showPretty n "")
DGProof -> ptext "constructed within a proof"