DGTranslation.hs revision d11391a2447a2005329a95b5d770f24e62bf5b63
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Translation of development graphs along comorphisms
Copyright : Heng Jiang, Uni Bremen 2004-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : jiang@informatik.uni-bremen.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
Translation of development graphs along comorphisms
Follows Sect. IV:4.3 of the CASL Reference Manual.
module Static.DGTranslation
( libEnv_translation
, dg_translation
, getDGLogic
) where
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.PrintDevGraph
import Static.ComputeTheory
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Coerce
import Logic.Comorphism
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Prover
import Common.ExtSign
import Common.LibName
import Common.Result
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.List as List (nub)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
-- | translation of a LibEnv (a map of globalcontext)
libEnv_translation :: LibEnv -> AnyComorphism -> Result LibEnv
libEnv_translation libEnv com =
foldM (\ le ln -> do
dgTr <- dg_translation le (lookupDGraph ln libEnv) com
return $ Map.insert ln dgTr le) Map.empty $ getTopsortedLibs libEnv
dg_translation :: LibEnv -> DGraph -> AnyComorphism -> Result DGraph
dg_translation le gc acm@(Comorphism cidMor) =
let labNodesList = labNodesDG gc
labEdgesList = labEdgesDG gc
in addErrorDiag ("translation failed via: " ++ language_name cidMor) ()
$ do
resOfEdges <- mapR updateEdges labEdgesList
resOfNodes <- mapR updateNodes labNodesList
return $ computeDGraphTheories le
$ mkGraphDG resOfNodes resOfEdges emptyDG
slid = sourceLogic cidMor
tlid = targetLogic cidMor
updateEdges :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Result (LEdge DGLinkLab)
(from,to,(links@(DGLink { dgl_morphism=
gm@(GMorphism cid' (ExtSign lsign _) ind1 lmorphism ind2)}))) =
if isHomogeneous gm
let sourceLid = sourceLogic cid'
targetLid = targetLogic cid'
minTargetSublogic = G_sublogics targetLid $ minSublogic lmorphism
in if lessSublogicComor (G_sublogics sourceLid $ minSublogic lsign) acm
&& lessSublogicComor minTargetSublogic acm
do -- translate sign of GMorphism
(lsign', _) <- fSign sourceLid lsign
-- translate morphism of GMorphism
lmorphism' <- fMor targetLid lmorphism
-- build a new GMorphism of an edge
case idComorphism (Logic tlid) of
Comorphism cid2 ->
let newSign = fromJust $ coercePlainSign tlid
(sourceLogic cid2) "DGTranslation.updateEdges"
newMor = fromJust $ coerceMorphism tlid
(targetLogic cid2) "DGTranslation.updateEdges"
slNewSign = G_sublogics (sourceLogic cid2)
$ minSublogic newSign
targetLogic2 = targetLogic cid2
domMor = G_sublogics targetLogic2
$ minSublogic $ dom newMor
-- ("old:\n" ++ showDoc lsign "\nnew:\n" ++ showDoc newSign "\n\n")
return $ assert (slNewSign == domMor)
(from, to,
links{dgl_morphism= GMorphism cid2
(mkExtSign newSign)
ind1 newMor ind2
else Result [mkDiag Error ("the sublogic of GMorphism :\"" ++
show minTargetSublogic
++ " of edge " ++ showFromTo from to gc
++ " is not less than " ++ show acm) ()] Nothing
else Result [mkDiag Error ("Link "++ showFromTo from to gc ++
" is not homogeneous.") ()] Nothing
updateNodes :: LNode DGNodeLab -> Result (LNode DGNodeLab)
updateNodes (node, dgNodeLab) =
case fTh node $ dgn_theory dgNodeLab of
Result diagsT maybeTh ->
maybe (Result diagsT Nothing)
(\th' -> Result diagsT
(Just (node, dgNodeLab {dgn_theory = th'
,dgn_nf = Nothing
,dgn_sigma = Nothing
}))) maybeTh
-- !! the sign from fSign and from fTh maybe different.
-- to translate sign
fSign sourceID sign =
coercePlainSign sourceID slid "DGTranslation.fSign" sign >>=
map_sign cidMor
fTh _ (G_theory lid sign _ thSens _) = do
-- (sign', _) <- fSign lid sign
(ExtSign sign' _) <-
coerceSign lid slid "DGTranslation.fTh.sign" sign
thSens' <- coerceThSens lid slid "DGTranslation.fTh.sen" thSens
(sign'', namedS) <- wrapMapTheory cidMor (sign', toNamedList thSens')
return $ G_theory tlid (mkExtSign sign'') startSigId
(toThSens $ List.nub namedS) startThId
fMor sourceID mor =
coerceMorphism sourceID slid "DGTranslation.fMor" mor >>=
map_morphism cidMor
showFromTo :: Node -> Node -> DGraph -> String
showFromTo from to gc =
"from " ++ getNameOfNode from gc ++ " to " ++ getNameOfNode to gc
-- | get the maximal sublogic of a graph.
-- | each DGraph and each node will be tested, in order to find
-- | the maximal sublogic of th Graph.
-- | All edges and nodes will be searched also in the meantime, so as to test,
-- | whether the GMorphism of edges is homogeneous, and the logics of nodes are
-- | equal.
getDGLogic :: LibEnv -> Result G_sublogics
getDGLogic libEnv =
let sublogicsMap = map (getSublogicFromDGraph libEnv)
(Map.keys libEnv)
in foldr comResSublogics (Result [] Nothing) sublogicsMap
getSublogicFromDGraph :: LibEnv -> LibName -> Result G_sublogics
getSublogicFromDGraph le ln =
let edgesList = labEdgesDG gc
nodesList = labNodesDG gc
slList1 = map testAndGetSublogicFromEdge edgesList
slList2 = map (getSubLogicsFromNodes $ getFirstLogic nodesList)
in foldr comResSublogics (Result [] Nothing) (slList1 ++ slList2)
gc = lookupDGraph ln le
testAndGetSublogicFromEdge :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Result G_sublogics
testAndGetSublogicFromEdge l@(_, _, DGLink
{ dgl_morphism = gm@(GMorphism cid' (ExtSign lsign _) _ lmorphism _) })
if isHomogeneous gm then
Result [] (joinSublogics g_mor g_sign)
else Result [mkDiag Error
("the " ++ showLEdge l ++
" is not homogeneous.") () ] Nothing
where g_mor = G_sublogics (targetLogic cid') $ minSublogic lmorphism
g_sign = G_sublogics (sourceLogic cid') $ minSublogic lsign
getSubLogicsFromNodes :: AnyLogic -> LNode DGNodeLab
-> Result G_sublogics
getSubLogicsFromNodes logic (_, lnode) =
case dgn_theory lnode of
th@(G_theory lid _ _ _ _) ->
if Logic lid == logic then
Result [] (Just $ sublogicOfTh th)
else Result [mkDiag Error
("the node " ++ getDGNodeName lnode ++
" has a different logic \"" ++ show lid ++
"\" as the logic of Graph \"" ++ show logic ++
" is not homogeneous.") () ] Nothing
getFirstLogic :: [LNode DGNodeLab] -> AnyLogic
getFirstLogic list =
case dgn_theory $ snd $ head list of
G_theory lid _ _ _ _ ->
Logic lid
comResSublogics :: Result G_sublogics
-> Result G_sublogics
-> Result G_sublogics
comResSublogics (Result diags1 msubl1@(Just subl1))
(Result diags2 msubl2) =
case msubl2 of
Nothing -> Result (diags1 ++ diags2) msubl1
Just subl2 ->
Result (diags1 ++ diags2) $ joinSublogics subl1 subl2
comResSublogics (Result diags1 Nothing) (Result diags2 _) =
Result (diags1 ++ diags2) Nothing