DGTranslation.hs revision 1842453990fed8a1bd7a5ac792d7982c1d2bfcd5
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Translation of development graphs along comorphisms
Copyright : Heng Jiang, Uni Bremen 2004-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : jiang@tzi.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
Translation of development graphs along comorphisms
Follows Sect. IV:4.3 of the CASL Reference Manual.
module Static.DGTranslation
( libEnv_translation
, dg_translation
, showFromTo )
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Coerce
import Logic.Comorphism
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Prover
import Syntax.AS_Library
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified List as List (nub)
import Common.Result
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Control.Exception
-- | translation of a LibEnv (a map of globalcontext)
libEnv_translation :: LibEnv -> AnyComorphism -> Result LibEnv
libEnv_translation libEnv comorphism =
updateGc (Map.keys libEnv) libEnv []
where updateGc :: [LIB_NAME] -> LibEnv -> [Diagnosis] -> Result LibEnv
updateGc [] le diag = Result diag (Just le)
updateGc (k1:kr) le diagnosis =
let gc = lookupDGraph k1 le
Result diagTran gc' = dg_translation gc comorphism
in updateGc kr (Map.update (\_ -> gc') k1 le)
(diagnosis ++ diagTran)
dg_translation :: DGraph -> AnyComorphism -> Result DGraph
dg_translation gc acm@(Comorphism cidMor) =
let labNodesList = labNodesDG gc
labEdgesList = labEdgesDG gc
in do
resOfEdges <- mapR updateEdges labEdgesList
resOfNodes <- mapR updateNodes labNodesList
return $ mkGraphDG resOfNodes resOfEdges emptyDG
slid = sourceLogic cidMor
tlid = targetLogic cidMor
updateEdges :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Result (LEdge DGLinkLab)
(from,to,(links@(DGLink { dgl_morphism=
gm@(GMorphism cid' lsign ind1 lmorphism ind2)}))) =
if isHomogeneous gm
let sourceLid = sourceLogic cid'
targetLid = targetLogic cid'
minTargetSublogic = G_sublogics targetLid $ minSublogic lmorphism
in if lessSublogicComor (G_sublogics sourceLid $ minSublogic lsign) acm
&& lessSublogicComor minTargetSublogic acm
do -- translate sign of GMorphism
(lsign', _) <- fSign sourceLid lsign
-- translate morphism of GMorphism
lmorphism' <- fMor targetLid lmorphism
-- build a new GMorphism of an edge
case idComorphism (Logic tlid) of
Comorphism cid2 ->
let newSign = fromJust $ coerceSign tlid
(sourceLogic cid2) "DGTranslation.updateEdges"
newMor = fromJust $ coerceMorphism tlid
(targetLogic cid2) "DGTranslation.updateEdges"
slNewSign = G_sublogics (sourceLogic cid2)
$ minSublogic newSign
targetLogic2 = targetLogic cid2
domMor = G_sublogics targetLogic2
$ minSublogic $ dom targetLogic2 newMor
-- ("old:\n" ++ showDoc lsign "\nnew:\n" ++ showDoc newSign "\n\n")
return $ assert (slNewSign == domMor) $
(from, to,
links{dgl_morphism= GMorphism cid2
newSign ind1 newMor ind2
else Result [mkDiag Error ("the sublogic of GMorphism :\"" ++
show minTargetSublogic
++ " of edge " ++ showFromTo from to gc
++ " is not less than " ++ show acm) ()] Nothing
else Result [mkDiag Error ("Link "++ showFromTo from to gc ++
" is not homogeneous.") ()] Nothing
updateNodes :: LNode DGNodeLab -> Result (LNode DGNodeLab)
updateNodes (node, dgNodeLab) =
case fTh node $ dgn_theory dgNodeLab of
Result diagsT maybeTh ->
maybe (Result diagsT (Nothing))
(\th' -> Result diagsT
(Just (node, dgNodeLab {dgn_theory = th'
,dgn_nf = Nothing
,dgn_sigma = Nothing
}))) maybeTh
-- !! the sign from fSign and from fTh maybe different.
-- to translate sign
fSign sourceID sign =
coerceSign sourceID slid "DGTranslation.fSign" sign >>=
map_sign cidMor
fTh _ (G_theory lid sign _ thSens _) = do
-- (sign', _) <- fSign lid sign
sign' <- coerceSign lid slid "DGTranslation.fTh.sign" sign
thSens' <- coerceThSens lid slid "DGTranslation.fTh.sen" thSens
(sign'', namedS) <- wrapMapTheory cidMor (sign', toNamedList thSens')
return $ G_theory tlid sign'' 0 (toThSens $ List.nub namedS) 0
fMor sourceID mor =
coerceMorphism sourceID slid "DGTranslation.fMor" mor >>=
map_morphism cidMor
-- | get the name of a node from the number of node
getNameOfNode :: Node -> DGraph -> String
getNameOfNode index gc =
let (_, _, node, _) = fromJust $ fst $ matchDG index gc
in getDGNodeName node
showFromTo :: Node -> Node -> DGraph -> String
showFromTo from to gc =
"from " ++ getNameOfNode from gc ++ " to " ++ getNameOfNode to gc