DGToSpec.hs revision ba904a15082557e939db689fcfba0c68c9a4f740
{- HetCATS/Static/DGToSpec.hs
Till Mossakowski
Convert development graph back to structured specification
module Static.DGToSpec
import Data.Maybe
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.LogicRepr
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Common.Lib.Graph
import Static.DevGraph
import Syntax.AS_Structured
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.GlobalAnnotationsFunctions
import Common.Result
import Common.Id
import Common.Lib.Set
import FiniteMap
import Data.List
import Common.PrettyPrint
emptyAnno x = Annoted x [] [] []
dgToSpec :: DGraph -> Node -> Result SPEC
dgToSpec dg node = do
let (_,_,n,preds) = context node dg
predSps <- sequence (map (dgToSpec dg . snd) preds)
let apredSps = map emptyAnno predSps
pos = map (\_ -> nullPos) predSps
case n of
(DGNode _ (G_sign lid1 sigma) (G_l_sentence lid2 sen) DGBasic) ->
do sen' <- rcoerce lid1 lid2 nullPos sen
let b = Basic_spec (G_basic_spec lid1 (sign_to_basic_spec lid1 sigma sen'))
if null apredSps
then return b
else return (Extension (apredSps++[emptyAnno b]) pos)
(DGNode _ _ _ DGExtension) ->
return (Extension apredSps pos)
(DGNode _ _ _ DGUnion) ->
return (Union apredSps pos)
(DGNode _ _ _ DGTranslation) ->
return (Translation (head apredSps) (Renaming [] []))
(DGNode _ _ _ DGHiding) ->
return (Reduction (head apredSps) (Hidden [] []))
(DGNode _ _ _ DGRevealing) ->
return (Reduction (head apredSps) (Hidden [] []))
(DGNode _ _ _ DGFree) ->
return (Free_spec (head apredSps) pos)
(DGNode _ _ _ DGCofree) ->
return (Cofree_spec (head apredSps) pos)
(DGNode _ _ _ (DGSpecInst name)) ->
return (Spec_inst name [] pos)
(DGRef (Just name) _ _) -> return (Spec_inst name [] pos)
otherwise -> return (Extension apredSps pos)