DGToSpec.hs revision 0799b5dc3f06d2640e66e9ab54b8b217348fd719
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2004
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : hets@tzi.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
Convert development graph back to structured specification
and compute theory
module Static.DGToSpec
import Debug.Trace
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Static.DevGraph
import Syntax.AS_Structured
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Result
import Common.Id
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Tree as Tree
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
emptyAnno :: SPEC -> Annoted SPEC
emptyAnno x = Annoted x [] [] []
dgToSpec :: DGraph -> Node -> Result SPEC
dgToSpec dg node = do
let (_,_,n,preds) = context dg node
predSps <- sequence (map (dgToSpec dg . snd) preds)
let apredSps = map emptyAnno predSps
pos = []
case n of
(DGNode _ (G_sign lid1 sigma) (G_l_sentence_list lid2 sen) _ _ DGBasic) ->
do sen' <- rcoerce lid1 lid2 nullPos sen
let b = Basic_spec (G_basic_spec lid1 (sign_to_basic_spec lid1 sigma sen'))
if null apredSps
then return b
else return (Extension (apredSps++[emptyAnno b]) pos)
(DGNode _ _ _ _ _ DGExtension) ->
return (Extension apredSps pos)
(DGNode _ _ _ _ _ DGUnion) ->
return (Union apredSps pos)
(DGNode _ _ _ _ _ DGTranslation) ->
return (Translation (head apredSps) (Renaming [] []))
(DGNode _ _ _ _ _ DGHiding) ->
return (Reduction (head apredSps) (Hidden [] []))
(DGNode _ _ _ _ _ DGRevealing) ->
return (Reduction (head apredSps) (Hidden [] []))
(DGNode _ _ _ _ _ DGFree) ->
return (Free_spec (head apredSps) pos)
(DGNode _ _ _ _ _ DGCofree) ->
return (Cofree_spec (head apredSps) pos)
(DGNode _ _ _ _ _ (DGSpecInst name)) ->
return (Spec_inst name [] pos)
(DGRef name _ _ _ _) -> return (Spec_inst (getName name) [] pos)
_ -> return (Extension apredSps pos)
{- compute the theory of a given node.
If this node is a DGRef, the referenced node is looked up first. -}
computeLocalTheory :: LibEnv -> DGraph -> Node -> Maybe G_theory
computeLocalTheory libEnv dgraph node =
if isDGRef nodeLab
then case Map.lookup (dgn_libname nodeLab) libEnv of
Just (_,_,refDgraph) ->
computeLocalTheory libEnv refDgraph (dgn_node nodeLab)
Nothing -> Nothing
else toG_theory (dgn_sign nodeLab) (dgn_sens nodeLab)
where nodeLab = lab' $ context dgraph node
{- if the given node is a DGRef, the referenced node is returned (as a
labeled node). Otherwise the node itself is returned (as a labeled
getDGNode :: LibEnv -> DGraph -> Node -> Maybe (LNode DGNodeLab)
getDGNode libEnv dgraph node =
if isDGRef nodeLab then case Map.lookup (dgn_libname nodeLab) libEnv of
Just (_,_,refDgraph) ->
getDGNode libEnv refDgraph (dgn_node nodeLab)
Nothing -> Nothing
else Just (labNode' contextOfNode)
where contextOfNode = context dgraph node
nodeLab = lab' contextOfNode
getAllGlobDefPathsBeginningWithTypesTo :: [LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool] -> DGraph
-> Node -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
-> [(Node, [LEdge DGLinkLab])]
getAllGlobDefPathsBeginningWithTypesTo types dgraph node path =
(node,path):(typeGlobPaths ++
(concat ( [getAllGlobDefPathsBeginningWithTypesTo
types dgraph (getSourceNode edge) p |
(_, p@(edge:_)) <- globalPaths])
inEdges = inn dgraph node
globalEdges = [edge| edge <- filter isGlobalDef inEdges, notElem edge path]
= [edge| edge <- filterByTypes types inEdges, notElem edge path]
globalPaths = [(getSourceNode edge, (edge:path))| edge <- globalEdges]
typeGlobPaths = [(getSourceNode edge, (edge:path))| edge <- edgesOfTypes]
-- removes all edges that are not of the given types
filterByTypes :: [LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool] -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
-> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
filterByTypes [] _edges = []
filterByTypes (isType:typeChecks) edgs =
(filter isType edgs)++(filterByTypes typeChecks edgs)
-- --------------------------------------
-- methods to determine or get morphisms
-- --------------------------------------
-- determines the morphism of a given path
calculateMorphismOfPath :: [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> Maybe GMorphism
calculateMorphismOfPath [] = Nothing
calculateMorphismOfPath ((_src,_tgt,edgeLab):furtherPath) =
case maybeMorphismOfFurtherPath of
Nothing -> if null furtherPath then Just morphism else Nothing
Just morphismOfFurtherPath ->
resultToMaybe $ compHomInclusion morphism morphismOfFurtherPath
morphism = dgl_morphism edgeLab
maybeMorphismOfFurtherPath = calculateMorphismOfPath furtherPath
-- ------------------------------------
-- methods to get the nodes of an edge
-- ------------------------------------
getSourceNode :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Node
getSourceNode (source,_,_) = source
getTargetNode :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Node
getTargetNode (_,target,_) = target
isGlobalDef :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool
isGlobalDef (_,_,edgeLab) =
case dgl_type edgeLab of
GlobalDef -> True
_ -> False
isLocalDef :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool
isLocalDef (_,_,edgeLab) =
case dgl_type edgeLab of
LocalDef -> True
_ -> False
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- further methods
-- -------------------------------------------------------
-- | Calculate the morphism of a path with given start node
calculateMorphismOfPathWithStart :: DGraph -> LibEnv
-> (Node,[LEdge DGLinkLab])
-> Maybe GMorphism
calculateMorphismOfPathWithStart dg libEnv (n,[]) = do
ctx <- fst $ match n dg
case getDGNode libEnv dg (fst (labNode' ctx)) of
Just dgNode_ctx -> return $ ide Grothendieck (dgn_sign (snd (dgNode_ctx))) -- ??? to simplistic
Nothing -> Nothing
calculateMorphismOfPathWithStart _ _ (_,p) = calculateMorphismOfPath p
{- returns a list of all paths to the given node
that consist of globalDef edges only
that consist of a localDef edge followed by any number of globalDef edges -}
getAllLocGlobDefPathsTo :: DGraph -> Node -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
-> [(Node, [LEdge DGLinkLab])]
getAllLocGlobDefPathsTo = getAllGlobDefPathsBeginningWithTypesTo
([isLocalDef]::[LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool])
-- | Compute the theory of a node (CASL Reference Manual, p. 294, Def. 4.9)
computeTheory :: LibEnv -> DGraph -> Node -> Result G_theory
computeTheory libEnv dg n = do
let paths = reverse $ getAllLocGlobDefPathsTo dg n []
-- reverse needed to have a "bottom up" ordering
mors <- maybeToMonad "Could not calculate morphism of path"
$ mapM (calculateMorphismOfPathWithStart dg libEnv) paths
ths <- maybeToMonad "Could not calculate sentence list of node"
$ mapM (computeLocalTheory libEnv dg . fst) paths
ths' <- mapM (uncurry translateG_theory) $ zip mors ths
th'' <- flatG_theories ths'
return (nubG_theory th'')