DGNavigation.hs revision ff2f6cd95824982d1a521e460f0beddb408eb479
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Navigation through the Development Graph
Copyright : (c) Ewaryst Schulz, DFKI Bremen 2011
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : ewaryst.schulz@dfki.de
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable (via imports)
Navigation through the Development Graph based on Node and Link predicates
using Depth First Search.
module Static.DGNavigation where
import Static.DevGraph
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as Graph
import Logic.Grothendieck
-- * Navigator Class
class DevGraphNavigator a where
-- | get all the incoming ledges of the given node
incoming :: a -> Node -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
-- | get all the incoming ledges of the given node and eventually
-- cross the border to an other 'DGraph'. The new 'DevGraphNavigator'
-- is returned with 'DGraph' set to the new graph and current node to
-- the given node.
incomingCrossBorder :: a -> Node -> (a, [LEdge DGLinkLab])
-- | get the label of the given node
getLabel :: a -> Node -> DGNodeLab
-- | get the local (not referenced) environment of the given node
getLocalNode :: a -> Node -> (DGraph, LNode DGNodeLab)
getInLibEnv :: a -> (LibEnv -> DGraph -> b) -> b
getCurrent :: a -> [LNode DGNodeLab]
relocate :: a -> DGraph -> [LNode DGNodeLab] -> a
-- | get the local (not referenced) label of the given node
getLocalLabel :: DevGraphNavigator a => a -> Node -> DGNodeLab
getLocalLabel dgnav = snd . snd . getLocalNode dgnav
followNode :: DevGraphNavigator a => a -> Node -> (a, LNode DGNodeLab)
followNode dgnav n = (relocate dgnav dg [lbln], lbln)
where (dg, lbln) = getLocalNode dgnav n
-- | get all the incoming ledges of the current node
directInn :: DevGraphNavigator a => a -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
directInn dgnav = concatMap (incoming dgnav . fst) $ getCurrent dgnav
-- * Navigator Instance
-- | The navigator instance consists of a 'LibEnv' a current 'DGraph' and
-- a current 'Node' which is the starting point for navigation through the DG.
data DGNav = DGNav { dgnLibEnv :: LibEnv
, dgnDG :: DGraph
, dgnCurrent :: [LNode DGNodeLab] }
makeDGNav :: LibEnv -> DGraph -> [LNode DGNodeLab] -> DGNav
makeDGNav le dg cnl = DGNav le dg cnl' where
cnl' | null cnl = filter f $ labNodesDG dg
| otherwise = cnl
where f (n, _) = null $ filter isDefLink $ outDG dg n
isDefLink :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool
isDefLink = isDefEdge . dgl_type . linkLabel
instance DevGraphNavigator DGNav where
-- we consider only the definition links in a DGraph
incoming dgn = filter isDefLink . innDG (dgnDG dgn)
incomingCrossBorder dgn n = (dgn', incoming dgn' n')
where (dgn', (n', _)) = followNode dgn n
getLabel = labDG . dgnDG
getLocalNode (DGNav{dgnLibEnv = le, dgnDG = dg}) n = lookupLocalNode le dg n
getInLibEnv (DGNav{dgnLibEnv = le, dgnDG = dg}) f = f le dg
getCurrent (DGNav{dgnCurrent = lblnl}) = lblnl
relocate dgn dg lblnl = dgn { dgnDG = dg, dgnCurrent = lblnl }
-- * Basic search functionality
-- | DFS based search
firstMaybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> Maybe b
firstMaybe _ [] = Nothing
firstMaybe f (x:l) =
case f x of
Nothing -> firstMaybe f l
y -> y
-- | Searches all ancestor nodes of the current node and also the current node
-- for a node matching the given predicate
searchNode :: DevGraphNavigator a =>
(LNode DGNodeLab -> Bool) -> a -> Maybe (LNode DGNodeLab)
searchNode p dgnav =
firstMaybe (searchNodeFrom False p dgnav . fst) $ getCurrent dgnav
-- searchNodeFrom False p dgnav $ fst $ getCurrent dgnav
searchNodeFrom :: DevGraphNavigator a => Bool -- ^ Follow the node into an
-- other Lib
-> (LNode DGNodeLab -> Bool) -> a
-> Node -> Maybe (LNode DGNodeLab)
searchNodeFrom fn p dgnav n =
let ledgs = incoming dgnav n
lbl = (n, getLabel dgnav n)
in if p lbl then Just lbl
else firstMaybe (searchNodeFrom fn p dgnav) $ map linkSource ledgs
searchLink :: DevGraphNavigator a =>
(LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool) -> a -> Maybe (LEdge DGLinkLab)
searchLink p dgnav =
firstMaybe (searchLinkFrom p dgnav . fst) $ getCurrent dgnav
--searchLinkFrom p dgnav $ fst $ getCurrent dgnav
-- firstMaybe (searchLinkFrom p dgnav) $ map linkSource $ directInn dgnav
searchLinkFrom :: DevGraphNavigator a => (LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool) -> a
-> Node -> Maybe (LEdge DGLinkLab)
searchLinkFrom p dgnav n =
let ledgs = incoming dgnav n
in case find p ledgs of
Nothing -> firstMaybe (searchLinkFrom p dgnav) $ map linkSource ledgs
x -> x
-- * Predicates to be used with 'searchNode'
-- | This predicate is true for nodes with a nodename equal to the given string
dgnPredName :: String -> LNode DGNodeLab -> Maybe (LNode DGNodeLab)
dgnPredName n nd@(_, lbl) = if getDGNodeName lbl == n then Just nd else Nothing
-- | This predicate is true for nodes which are instantiations of a
-- specification with the given name
dgnPredParameterized :: String -> LNode DGNodeLab -> Maybe (LNode DGNodeLab)
dgnPredParameterized n nd@(_, DGNodeLab
{ nodeInfo = DGNode { node_origin = DGInst sid }
| show sid == n = Just nd
| otherwise = Nothing
dgnPredParameterized _ _ = Nothing
-- * Predicates to be used with 'searchLink'
-- | This predicate is true for links which are argument instantiations of a
-- parameterized specification with the given name
dglPredActualParam :: String -> LEdge DGLinkLab -> Maybe (LEdge DGLinkLab)
dglPredActualParam n edg@(_, _, DGLink { dgl_origin = DGLinkInstArg sid })
| show sid == n = Just edg
| otherwise = Nothing
dglPredActualParam _ _ = Nothing
-- | This predicate is true for links which are instantiation morphisms
dglPredInstance :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Maybe (LEdge DGLinkLab)
dglPredInstance edg@(_, _, DGLink { dgl_origin = DGLinkMorph _ }) = Just edg
dglPredInstance _ = Nothing
-- * Combined Node Queries
-- | Search for the given name in an actual parameter link
getActualParameterSpec :: DevGraphNavigator a => String -> a
-> Maybe (LNode DGNodeLab)
getActualParameterSpec n dgnav =
-- search first actual param
case searchLink (isJust . dglPredActualParam n) dgnav of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (sn, _, _) ->
-- get the spec for the param
fmap f $ firstMaybe dglPredInstance $ incoming dgnav sn
where f edg =
let sn' = linkSource edg in (sn', getLabel dgnav sn')
-- | Search for the given name in an instantiation node
getParameterizedSpec :: DevGraphNavigator a => String -> a
-> Maybe (LNode DGNodeLab)
getParameterizedSpec n dgnav =
-- search first actual param
case searchNode (isJust . dgnPredParameterized n) dgnav of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (sn, _) ->
-- get the spec for the param
fmap f $ firstMaybe dglPredInstance $ incoming dgnav sn
where f edg =
let sn' = linkSource edg in (sn', getLabel dgnav sn')
-- | Search for the given name in any node
getNamedSpec :: DevGraphNavigator a => String -> a -> Maybe (LNode DGNodeLab)
getNamedSpec n dgnav = searchNode (isJust . dgnPredName n) dgnav
-- | Combining a search function with an operation on nodes
fromSearchResult :: (DevGraphNavigator a) =>
(a -> Maybe (LNode DGNodeLab))
-> (a -> Node -> b) -> a -> Maybe b
fromSearchResult sf f dgnav = fmap (f dgnav . fst) $ sf dgnav
-- * Other utils
getLocalSyms :: DevGraphNavigator a => a -> Node -> Set.Set G_symbol
getLocalSyms dgnav n =
case dgn_origin $ getLocalLabel dgnav n of
DGBasicSpec _ s -> s
_ -> Set.empty
linkSource :: LEdge a -> Node
linkLabel :: LEdge a -> a
linkSource (x,_,_) = x
linkLabel (_,_,x) = x