ComputeTheory.hs revision 8d60e45ae6ee598d910c5c85eba70c5500d7f519
{- |
Module : ./Static/ComputeTheory.hs
Description : compute the theory of a node
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and DFKI GmbH 2009
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
compute the theory of a node
module Static.ComputeTheory
( computeTheory
, globalNodeTheory
, getGlobalTheory
, theoremsToAxioms
, computeDGraphTheories
, computeLibEnvTheories
, computeLabelTheory
, updateLabelTheory
, markHiding
, markFree
, renumberDGLinks
, getImportNames
) where
import Logic.Prover
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.DgUtils
import Static.History
import Common.LibName
import Common.Result
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as Graph
import Data.List (sortBy)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set (fromList, toList)
import Data.Ord
-- * nodes with incoming hiding definition links
nodeHasHiding :: DGraph -> Node -> Bool
nodeHasHiding dg = labelHasHiding . labDG dg
nodeHasFree :: DGraph -> Node -> Bool
nodeHasFree dg = labelHasFree . labDG dg
{- | mark all nodes if they have incoming hiding edges.
Assume reference nodes to other libraries being properly marked already.
markFree :: LibEnv -> DGraph -> DGraph
markFree le dgraph =
foldl (\ dg (n, lbl) -> let
ingoingEdges = innDG dg n
defEdges = filter (liftE isDefEdge) ingoingEdges
freeDefEdges = filter (liftE isFreeEdge ) defEdges
in fst $ labelNodeDG (n, lbl { labelHasFree =
if isDGRef lbl
then nodeHasFree (lookupDGraph (dgn_libname lbl) le)
$ dgn_node lbl
else not (null freeDefEdges) }) dg)
dgraph $ topsortedNodes dgraph
markHiding :: LibEnv -> DGraph -> DGraph
markHiding le dgraph =
foldl (\ dg (n, lbl) -> let
ingoingEdges = innDG dg n
defEdges = filter (liftE isDefEdge) ingoingEdges
hidingDefEdges = filter (liftE isHidingDef ) defEdges
next = map (\ (s, _, _) -> s) defEdges
in fst $ labelNodeDG (n, lbl { labelHasHiding =
if isDGRef lbl
then nodeHasHiding (lookupDGraph (dgn_libname lbl) le)
$ dgn_node lbl
else not (null hidingDefEdges) || any (nodeHasHiding dg) next }) dg)
dgraph $ topsortedNodes dgraph
computeTheory :: LibEnv -> LibName -> Node -> Maybe G_theory
computeTheory libEnv ln = globalNodeTheory $ lookupDGraph ln libEnv
theoremsToAxioms :: G_theory -> G_theory
theoremsToAxioms (G_theory lid syn sign ind1 sens ind2) =
G_theory lid syn sign ind1 (markAsAxiom True sens) ind2
getGlobalTheory :: DGNodeLab -> Result G_theory
getGlobalTheory = maybe (fail "no global theory") return . globalTheory
globalNodeTheory :: DGraph -> Node -> Maybe G_theory
globalNodeTheory dg = globalTheory . labDG dg
computeLibEnvTheories :: LibEnv -> LibEnv
computeLibEnvTheories le =
let lns = getTopsortedLibs le
upd le' ln = let dg0 = lookupDGraph ln le
dg = computeDGraphTheories le' dg0
in Map.insert ln dg le'
in foldl upd Map.empty lns
computeDGraphTheories :: LibEnv -> DGraph -> DGraph
computeDGraphTheories le dgraph =
let newDg = computeDGraphTheoriesAux le dgraph
in groupHistory dgraph (DGRule "Compute theory") newDg
computeDGraphTheoriesAux :: LibEnv -> DGraph -> DGraph
computeDGraphTheoriesAux le dgraph = let
tnodes = topsortedNodes dgraph
foldl (\ dg l@(n, lbl) -> updatePending dg lbl
(n, recomputeNodeLabel le dg l))
dgraph tnodes
recomputeNodeLabel :: LibEnv -> DGraph -> LNode DGNodeLab -> DGNodeLab
recomputeNodeLabel le dg l@(n, lbl) =
case computeLabelTheory le dg l of
gTh@(Just th) ->
let (chg, lbl1) = case globalTheory lbl of
Nothing -> (False, lbl)
Just oTh -> let
(same, nLocTh) = invalidateProofs oTh th $ dgn_theory lbl
in (not same, lbl { dgn_theory = nLocTh })
ngTh = if chg then computeLabelTheory le dg (n, lbl1) else gTh
in case ngTh of
Just nth@(G_theory _ _ _ _ sens _) ->
(if Map.null sens then markNodeConsistent "ByNoSentences" lbl1
else lbl1 { dgn_theory = proveLocalSens nth (dgn_theory lbl1) })
{ globalTheory = ngTh }
Nothing -> lbl1
Nothing -> lbl
computeLabelTheory :: LibEnv -> DGraph -> LNode DGNodeLab -> Maybe G_theory
computeLabelTheory le dg (n, lbl) = let localTh = dgn_theory lbl in
fmap reduceTheory . maybeResult $ if isDGRef lbl then
case Map.lookup (dgn_libname lbl) le of
Nothing -> return localTh -- do not crash here
Just dg' -> do
refTh <- getGlobalTheory $ labDG dg' $ dgn_node lbl
joinG_sentences refTh localTh
else do
ths <- mapM (\ (s, _, l) -> do
th <- let sl = labDG dg s in if isLocalDef $ dgl_type l then
return $ dgn_theory sl
else getGlobalTheory sl
-- translate theory and turn all imported theorems into axioms
translateG_theory (dgl_morphism l) $ theoremsToAxioms th)
$ sortBy
(flip $ comparing (\ (_, _, l) -> dgl_id l))
$ getImports dg n
flatG_sentences localTh ths
getImports :: DGraph -> Node -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
getImports dg = filter (liftE $ liftOr isGlobalDef isLocalDef) . innDG dg
getImportNames :: DGraph -> Node -> [String]
getImportNames dg = map (\ (s, _, _) -> getDGNodeName $ labDG dg s)
. getImports dg
reduceTheory :: G_theory -> G_theory
reduceTheory (G_theory lid syn sig ind sens _) =
G_theory lid syn sig ind (reduceSens sens) startThId
updateLabelTheory :: LibEnv -> DGraph -> LNode DGNodeLab -> G_theory -> DGraph
updateLabelTheory le dg (i, l) gth = let
l' = l { dgn_theory = gth }
n = (i, l' { globalTheory = computeLabelTheory le dg (i, l') })
in updatePending dg l n
updatePending :: DGraph
-> DGNodeLab -- ^ old label
-> LNode DGNodeLab -- ^ node with new label
-> DGraph
updatePending dg l n = let
dg0 = changeDGH dg $ SetNodeLab l n
dg1 = togglePending dg0 $ changedLocalTheorems dg0 n
dg2 = togglePending dg1 $ changedPendingEdges dg1
in groupHistory dg (DGRule "Node proof") dg2
{- | iterate all edgeId entries of the dg and increase all that are equal or
above the old lId (1st param) so they will be above the desired nextLId
(2nd param) -}
renumberDGLinks :: EdgeId -> EdgeId -> DGraph -> DGraph
renumberDGLinks (EdgeId i1) (EdgeId i2) dg = if i1 >= i2 then dg else
changesDGH dg $ concatMap mkRenumberChange $ labEdgesDG dg where
needUpd (EdgeId x) = x >= i1
offset = i2 - i1
add (EdgeId x) = EdgeId $ x + offset
mkRenumberChange e@(s, t, l) = let
ei = dgl_id l
-- update links own id if required
(upd, newId) = let b = needUpd ei in (b, if b then add ei else ei)
-- make updates to links proof basis if required
(upd', newTp) = let
pB = getProofBasis l
(b, pBids) = foldl (\ (bR, eiR) ei' -> let bi = needUpd ei' in
(bR || bi, if bi then add ei' : eiR else ei' : eiR))
(False, []) $ Set.toList $ proofBasis pB
in (b, (if b then flip updThmProofBasis
. ProofBasis $ Set.fromList pBids else id) $ dgl_type l)
-- update in dg unless no updates conducted
in if upd || upd' then [DeleteEdge e, InsertEdge (s, t, l
{ dgl_id = newId, dgl_type = newTp })] else []