{- |
Module : ./Static/ComputeTheory.hs
Description : compute the theory of a node
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and DFKI GmbH 2009
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
compute the theory of a node
module Static.ComputeTheory
( computeTheory
, globalNodeTheory
, getGlobalTheory
, theoremsToAxioms
, computeDGraphTheories
, computeLibEnvTheories
, computeLabelTheory
, updateLabelTheory
, markHiding
, markFree
, renumberDGLinks
, getImportNames
) where
import Logic.Prover
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.DgUtils
import Static.History
import Common.LibName
import Common.Result
import Common.AS_Annotation
import qualified Common.OrderedMap as OMap
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as Graph
import Data.List (sortBy)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set (fromList, toList)
import Data.Ord
-- * nodes with incoming hiding definition links
nodeHasHiding :: DGraph -> Node -> Bool
nodeHasHiding dg = labelHasHiding . labDG dg
nodeHasFree :: DGraph -> Node -> Bool
nodeHasFree dg = labelHasFree . labDG dg
{- | mark all nodes if they have incoming hiding edges.
Assume reference nodes to other libraries being properly marked already.
markFree :: LibEnv -> DGraph -> DGraph
markFree le dgraph =
foldl (\ dg (n, lbl) -> let
ingoingEdges = innDG dg n
defEdges = filter (liftE isDefEdge) ingoingEdges
freeDefEdges = filter (liftE isFreeEdge ) defEdges
in fst $ labelNodeDG (n, lbl { labelHasFree =
if isDGRef lbl
then nodeHasFree (lookupDGraph (dgn_libname lbl) le)
$ dgn_node lbl
else not (null freeDefEdges) }) dg)
dgraph $ topsortedNodes dgraph
markHiding :: LibEnv -> DGraph -> DGraph
markHiding le dgraph =
foldl (\ dg (n, lbl) -> let
ingoingEdges = innDG dg n
defEdges = filter (liftE isDefEdge) ingoingEdges
hidingDefEdges = filter (liftE isHidingDef ) defEdges
next = map (\ (s, _, _) -> s) defEdges
in fst $ labelNodeDG (n, lbl { labelHasHiding =
if isDGRef lbl
then nodeHasHiding (lookupDGraph (dgn_libname lbl) le)
$ dgn_node lbl
else not (null hidingDefEdges) || any (nodeHasHiding dg) next }) dg)
dgraph $ topsortedNodes dgraph
computeTheory :: LibEnv -> LibName -> Node -> Maybe G_theory
computeTheory libEnv ln = globalNodeTheory $ lookupDGraph ln libEnv
theoremsToAxioms :: G_theory -> G_theory
theoremsToAxioms (G_theory lid syn sign ind1 sens ind2) =
G_theory lid syn sign ind1 (markAsAxiom True sens) ind2
getGlobalTheory :: DGNodeLab -> Result G_theory
getGlobalTheory = maybe (fail "no global theory") return . globalTheory
globalNodeTheory :: DGraph -> Node -> Maybe G_theory
globalNodeTheory dg = globalTheory . labDG dg
computeLibEnvTheories :: LibEnv -> LibEnv
computeLibEnvTheories le =
let lns = getTopsortedLibs le
upd le' ln = let dg0 = lookupDGraph ln le
dg = computeDGraphTheories le' ln dg0
in Map.insert ln dg le'
in foldl upd Map.empty lns
computeDGraphTheories :: LibEnv -> LibName -> DGraph -> DGraph
computeDGraphTheories le ln dgraph =
let newDg = computeDGraphTheoriesAux le ln dgraph
in groupHistory dgraph (DGRule "Compute theory") newDg
computeDGraphTheoriesAux :: LibEnv -> LibName -> DGraph -> DGraph
computeDGraphTheoriesAux le ln dgraph =
foldl (\ dg l@(n, lbl) -> updatePending dg lbl
(n, recomputeNodeLabel le ln dg l))
dgraph $ topsortedNodes dgraph
recomputeNodeLabel :: LibEnv -> LibName -> DGraph -> LNode DGNodeLab -> DGNodeLab
recomputeNodeLabel le ln dg l@(n, lbl) =
case computeLabelTheory le ln dg l of
gTh@(Just th) ->
let (chg, lbl1) = case globalTheory lbl of
Nothing -> (False, lbl)
Just oTh -> let
(same, nLocTh) = invalidateProofs oTh th $ dgn_theory lbl
in (not same, lbl { dgn_theory = nLocTh })
ngTh = if chg then computeLabelTheory le ln dg (n, lbl1) else gTh
in case ngTh of
Just nth@(G_theory _ _ _ _ sens _) ->
(if Map.null sens then markNodeConsistent "ByNoSentences" lbl1
else lbl1 { dgn_theory = proveLocalSens nth (dgn_theory lbl1) })
{ globalTheory = ngTh }
Nothing -> lbl1
Nothing -> lbl
computeLabelTheory :: LibEnv -> LibName -> DGraph -> LNode DGNodeLab -> Maybe G_theory
computeLabelTheory le ln dg (n, lbl) = let
localTh = dgn_theory lbl
lblName = dgn_libname lbl
lblNode = dgn_node lbl
fmap reduceTheory . maybeResult $ if isDGRef lbl then
case Map.lookup lblName le of
Nothing -> return localTh -- do not crash here
Just dg' -> do
_refTh@(G_theory gtl gsub gts gind1 sens gind2) <- getGlobalTheory $ labDG dg' lblNode
let refTh' = G_theory gtl gsub gts gind1
(OMap.mapWithKey (\k a -> setOriginIfLocal (filePathToLibId $ libToFileName lblName) lblNode k a) sens)
joinG_sentences refTh' localTh
else do
ths <- mapM (\ (s, _, l) -> do
_th@(G_theory gtl gsub gts gind1 sens gind2) <- let sl = labDG dg s in if isLocalDef $ dgl_type l then
return $ dgn_theory sl
else getGlobalTheory sl
let th = G_theory gtl gsub gts gind1
(OMap.mapWithKey (\k a -> setOriginIfLocal (filePathToLibId $ libToFileName ln) s k a) sens)
-- translate theory and turn all imported theorems into axioms
translateG_theory (dgl_morphism l) $ theoremsToAxioms th)
$ sortBy
(flip $ comparing (\ (_, _, l) -> dgl_id l))
$ getImports dg n
flatG_sentences localTh ths
getImports :: DGraph -> Node -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
getImports dg = filter (liftE $ liftOr isGlobalDef isLocalDef) . innDG dg
getImportNames :: DGraph -> Node -> [String]
getImportNames dg = map (\ (s, _, _) -> getDGNodeName $ labDG dg s)
. getImports dg
reduceTheory :: G_theory -> G_theory
reduceTheory (G_theory lid syn sig ind sens _) =
G_theory lid syn sig ind (reduceSens sens) startThId
updateLabelTheory :: LibEnv -> LibName -> DGraph -> LNode DGNodeLab -> G_theory -> DGraph
updateLabelTheory le ln dg (i, l) gth = let
l' = l { dgn_theory = gth }
n = (i, l' { globalTheory = computeLabelTheory le ln dg (i, l') })
in updatePending dg l n
updatePending :: DGraph
-> DGNodeLab -- ^ old label
-> LNode DGNodeLab -- ^ node with new label
-> DGraph
updatePending dg l n = let
dg0 = changeDGH dg $ SetNodeLab l n
dg1 = togglePending dg0 $ changedLocalTheorems dg0 n
dg2 = togglePending dg1 $ changedPendingEdges dg1
in groupHistory dg (DGRule "Node proof") dg2
{- | iterate all edgeId entries of the dg and increase all that are equal or
above the old lId (1st param) so they will be above the desired nextLId
(2nd param) -}
renumberDGLinks :: EdgeId -> EdgeId -> DGraph -> DGraph
renumberDGLinks (EdgeId i1) (EdgeId i2) dg = if i1 >= i2 then dg else
changesDGH dg $ concatMap mkRenumberChange $ labEdgesDG dg where
needUpd (EdgeId x) = x >= i1
offset = i2 - i1
add (EdgeId x) = EdgeId $ x + offset
mkRenumberChange e@(s, t, l) = let
ei = dgl_id l
-- update links own id if required
(upd, newId) = let b = needUpd ei in (b, if b then add ei else ei)
-- make updates to links proof basis if required
(upd', newTp) = let
pB = getProofBasis l
(b, pBids) = foldl (\ (bR, eiR) ei' -> let bi = needUpd ei' in
(bR || bi, if bi then add ei' : eiR else ei' : eiR))
(False, []) $ Set.toList $ proofBasis pB
in (b, (if b then flip updThmProofBasis
. ProofBasis $ Set.fromList pBids else id) $ dgl_type l)
-- update in dg unless no updates conducted
in if upd || upd' then [DeleteEdge e, InsertEdge (s, t, l
{ dgl_id = newId, dgl_type = newTp })] else []