CheckGlobalContext.hs revision 1842453990fed8a1bd7a5ac792d7982c1d2bfcd5
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : checking consistency of indices
Copyright : (c) Jianchun Wang, C. Maeder, Uni Bremen 2002-2007
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
compare indices from development graphs to the corresponding maps of
the global context
module Static.CheckGlobalContext where
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.GTheory
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Comorphism
import Common.Lib.State
data Statistics = Statistics
{ zeroSign, wrongSign, rightSign,
zeroMor, wrongMor, rightMor,
zeroTh, wrongTh, rightTh :: Int }
deriving (Show)
initStat :: Statistics
initStat = Statistics { zeroSign = 0, wrongSign = 0, rightSign = 0,
zeroMor = 0, wrongMor = 0, rightMor = 0,
zeroTh = 0, wrongTh = 0, rightTh = 0}
incrZeroSign :: Statistics -> Statistics
incrZeroSign s = s { zeroSign = zeroSign s + 1 }
incrWrongSign :: Statistics -> Statistics
incrWrongSign s = s { wrongSign = wrongSign s + 1 }
incrRightSign ::Statistics -> Statistics
incrRightSign s = s { rightSign = rightSign s + 1 }
incrZeroG_theory :: Statistics -> Statistics
incrZeroG_theory s = s { zeroTh = zeroTh s + 1 }
incrWrongG_theory :: Statistics -> Statistics
incrWrongG_theory s = s { wrongTh = wrongTh s + 1 }
incrRightG_theory :: Statistics -> Statistics
incrRightG_theory s = s { rightTh = rightTh s + 1 }
incrZeroGMorphism :: Statistics -> Statistics
incrZeroGMorphism s = s { zeroMor = zeroMor s +1 }
incrWrongGMorphism :: Statistics -> Statistics
incrWrongGMorphism s = s { wrongMor = wrongMor s + 1 }
incrRightGMorphism :: Statistics -> Statistics
incrRightGMorphism s = s { rightMor = rightMor s + 1 }
checkG_theory :: G_theory -> DGraph -> State Statistics ()
checkG_theory g@(G_theory _ _ si _ ti) dgraph = do
if si == 0 then modify incrZeroSign
else case lookupSigMapDG si dgraph of
Nothing -> error "checkG_theory: Sign"
Just signErg -> if signOf g /= signErg then modify incrWrongSign
else modify incrRightSign
if ti == 0 then modify incrZeroG_theory
else case lookupThMapDG ti dgraph of
Nothing -> error "checkG_theory: Theory"
Just thErg -> if g /= thErg then modify incrWrongG_theory
else modify incrRightG_theory
checkG_theoryInNode :: DGraph -> DGNodeLab -> State Statistics ()
checkG_theoryInNode dgraph dg = checkG_theory (dgn_theory dg) dgraph
checkG_theoryInNodes :: DGraph -> State Statistics ()
checkG_theoryInNodes dgraph =
mapM_ (checkG_theoryInNode dgraph) $ getDGNodeLab dgraph
checkGMorphism :: GMorphism -> DGraph -> State Statistics ()
checkGMorphism g@(GMorphism cid sign si _ mi) dgraph = do
if si == 0 then modify incrZeroSign
else case lookupSigMapDG si dgraph of
Nothing -> error "checkGMorphism: Sign"
Just signErg -> if G_sign (sourceLogic cid) sign si /= signErg
then modify incrWrongSign
else modify incrRightSign
if mi == 0 then modify incrZeroGMorphism
else case lookupMorMapDG mi dgraph of
Nothing -> error "checkGMorphism: Morphism"
Just morErg -> if g /= gEmbed morErg then modify incrWrongGMorphism
else modify incrRightGMorphism
getDGLinkLab :: DGraph -> [DGLinkLab]
getDGLinkLab dgraph = map (\(_,_,label) -> label) $ labEdgesDG dgraph
getDGNodeLab :: DGraph -> [DGNodeLab]
getDGNodeLab dgraph = map snd $ labNodesDG dgraph
checkGMorphismInNode :: DGraph -> DGNodeLab -> State Statistics ()
checkGMorphismInNode dgraph dg = case dgn_sigma dg of
Nothing -> return ()
Just gmor -> checkGMorphism gmor dgraph
checkGMorphismInNodes :: DGraph -> State Statistics ()
checkGMorphismInNodes dgraph =
mapM_ (checkGMorphismInNode dgraph) $ getDGNodeLab dgraph
checkGMorphismInEdge :: DGraph -> DGLinkLab -> State Statistics ()
checkGMorphismInEdge dgraph (DGLink {dgl_morphism = dgmor}) =
checkGMorphism dgmor dgraph
checkGMorphismInEdges :: DGraph -> State Statistics ()
checkGMorphismInEdges dgraph =
mapM_ (checkGMorphismInEdge dgraph) $ getDGLinkLab dgraph
checkDGraph :: DGraph -> State Statistics ()
checkDGraph dgraph = do
checkGMorphismInNodes dgraph
checkG_theoryInNodes dgraph
checkGMorphismInEdges dgraph
printStatistics :: DGraph -> String
printStatistics dgraph = unlines
[ "maxSigIndex = " ++ show (snd $ sigMapI dgraph)
, "maxGMorphismIndex = " ++ show (snd $ morMapI dgraph)
, "maxG_theoryIndex = " ++ show (snd $ thMapI dgraph)
, show $ execState (checkDGraph dgraph) initStat