ArchDiagram.hs revision 99f5c48552a2131df4e26a225dc79443018196b1
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Data types and functions for architectural diagrams
Copyright : (c) Maciek Makowski, Warsaw University 2004-2006
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (Logic)
Data types and functions for architectural diagrams
Follows the CASL Reference Manual, section III.5.6.
Extended to the new rules for lambda expressions(WADT2010).
module Static.ArchDiagram where
import Logic.Comorphism
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Coerce
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as Graph
import qualified Common.Lib.Graph as Tree
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.ExtSign
import Common.Result
import Common.Id
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Data.List(nub)
import Common.IRI
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.DgUtils
-- * Types
-- (as defined for extended static semantics in Chap. III:5.6.1)
-- moved in Static.DevGraph
emptyDiag :: Diag
emptyDiag = Diagram{diagGraph = Graph.empty, numberOfEdges = 0}
data DiagNodeSig = Diag_node_sig Node NodeSig deriving Show
instance Show MaybeDiagNode where
show (EmptyDiagNode _) = "empty"
show (JustDiagNode dns) = show dns
data MaybeDiagNode = JustDiagNode DiagNodeSig | EmptyDiagNode AnyLogic
toMaybeNode :: MaybeDiagNode -> MaybeNode
toMaybeNode mdn = case mdn of
JustDiagNode dns -> JustNode $ getSigFromDiag dns
EmptyDiagNode l -> EmptyNode l
-- | Return a signature stored within given diagram node sig
getSigFromDiag :: DiagNodeSig -> NodeSig
getSigFromDiag (Diag_node_sig _ ns) = ns
data BasedUnitSig = Based_unit_sig DiagNodeSig RefSig
| Based_par_unit_sig MaybeDiagNode RefSig
| Based_lambda_unit_sig [DiagNodeSig] RefSig
-- the list is always non-empty,
-- actually has at least 2 elems, and the
-- head stores the "result" node
instance Show BasedUnitSig where
show (Based_unit_sig dns _) = show dns
show (Based_par_unit_sig mdn _) = show mdn
show (Based_lambda_unit_sig _ usig) = show usig
type StBasedUnitCtx = Map.Map IRI BasedUnitSig
emptyStBasedUnitCtx :: StBasedUnitCtx
emptyStBasedUnitCtx = Map.empty
-- Since Ps and Bs in the definition of ExtStUnitCtx have disjoint domains
-- we can merge them into a single mapping represented by StBasedUnitCtx.
type ExtStUnitCtx = (StBasedUnitCtx, Diag)
emptyExtStUnitCtx :: ExtStUnitCtx
emptyExtStUnitCtx = (emptyStBasedUnitCtx, emptyDiag)
-- Instance
instance Pretty Diag where
pretty diag =
let gs (n, dn) =
(n, getSig $ dn_sig dn)
in text "nodes:"
<+> sepByCommas (map (pretty . gs) $ labNodes $ diagGraph diag)
$+$ text "edges:"
<+> ppWithCommas (edges $ diagGraph diag)
-- * Functions
-- | return the diagram
printDiag :: a -> String -> Diag -> Result a
printDiag res _ _ = return res
-- | A mapping from extended to basic static unit context
ctx :: ExtStUnitCtx -> RefStUnitCtx
ctx (buc, _) =
let ctx' [] _ = emptyRefStUnitCtx
ctx' (id1 : ids) buc0 =
let uctx = ctx' ids buc0
in case Map.lookup id1 buc0 of
Just (Based_unit_sig _ rsig) -> Map.insert id1
rsig uctx
Just (Based_par_unit_sig _ rsig) -> Map.insert id1
rsig uctx
Just (Based_lambda_unit_sig _ rsig) -> Map.insert id1
rsig uctx
_ -> uctx -- this should never be the case
in ctx' (Map.keys buc) buc
-- | Insert the edges from given source nodes to given target node
-- into the given diagram. The edges are labelled with inclusions.
insInclusionEdges :: LogicGraph
-> Diag -- ^ the diagram to insert edges to
-> [DiagNodeSig] -- ^ the source nodes
-> DiagNodeSig -- ^ the target node
-> Result Diag -- ^ the diagram with edges inserted
insInclusionEdges lgraph diag0 srcNodes (Diag_node_sig tn tnsig) = do
let inslink diag dns = do
d1 <- diag
let d = diagGraph d1
case dns of
Diag_node_sig n nsig -> do
incl <- ginclusion lgraph (getSig nsig) (getSig tnsig)
return $ Diagram {diagGraph = insEdge (n, tn, DiagLink {
dl_morphism = incl,
dl_number = numberOfEdges d1 + 1 }) d,
numberOfEdges = numberOfEdges d1 + 1}
diag' <- foldl inslink (return diag0) srcNodes
return diag'
-- | Insert the edges from given source node to given target nodes
-- into the given diagram. The edges are labelled with inclusions.
insInclusionEdgesRev :: LogicGraph
-> Diag -- ^ the diagram to insert edges to
-> DiagNodeSig -- ^ the source node
-> [DiagNodeSig] -- ^ the target nodes
-> Result Diag -- ^ the diagram with edges inserted
insInclusionEdgesRev lgraph diag0 (Diag_node_sig sn snsig) targetNodes =
do let inslink diag dns = do
d1 <- diag
let d = diagGraph d1
case dns of
Diag_node_sig n nsig -> do
incl <- ginclusion lgraph (getSig snsig) (getSig nsig)
return $ Diagram {diagGraph = insEdge (sn, n, DiagLink {
dl_morphism = incl,
dl_number = numberOfEdges d1 + 1 }) d,
numberOfEdges = numberOfEdges d1 + 1}
diag' <- foldl inslink (return diag0) targetNodes
return diag'
{- | Build a diagram that extends given diagram with a node containing
given signature and with edges from given set of nodes to the new
node. The new edges are labelled with sigature inclusions. -}
extendDiagramIncl :: LogicGraph
-> Diag -- ^ the diagram to be extended
-> [DiagNodeSig]
-- ^ the nodes which should be linked to the new node
-> NodeSig
-- ^ the signature with which the new node should be labelled
-> String -- ^ the node description (for diagnostics)
-> Result (DiagNodeSig, Diag)
-- ^ returns the new node and the extended diagram
extendDiagramIncl lgraph diag srcNodes newNodeSig desc =
do let nodeContents = DiagNode {dn_sig = newNodeSig, dn_desc = desc}
diagGr = diagGraph diag
node = Tree.getNewNode diagGr
diag' = Diagram{diagGraph = insNode (node, nodeContents) diagGr,
numberOfEdges = numberOfEdges diag}
newDiagNode = Diag_node_sig node newNodeSig
diag'' <- insInclusionEdges lgraph diag' srcNodes newDiagNode
printDiag (newDiagNode, diag'') "extendDiagramIncl" diag''
-- | Extend the development graph with given morphism originating
-- from given NodeSig
extendDGraph :: DGraph -- ^ the development graph to be extended
-> NodeSig -- ^ the NodeSig from which the morphism originates
-> GMorphism -- ^ the morphism to be inserted
-> DGOrigin
-> Result (NodeSig, DGraph)
-- ^ returns the target signature of the morphism and the resulting DGraph
extendDGraph dg (NodeSig n _) morph orig = case cod morph of
targetSig@(G_sign lid tar ind) -> let
nodeContents = newNodeLab emptyNodeName orig
$ noSensGTheory lid tar ind
linkContents = globDefLink morph SeeTarget
node = getNewNodeDG dg
dg' = insNodeDG (node, nodeContents) dg
dg'' = snd $ insLEdgeDG (n, node, linkContents) dg'
in return (NodeSig node targetSig, dg'')
-- | Extend the development graph with given morphism pointing to
-- given NodeSig
extendDGraphRev :: DGraph -- ^ the development graph to be extended
-> NodeSig -- ^ the NodeSig to which the morphism points
-> GMorphism -- ^ the morphism to be inserted
-> DGOrigin
-> Result (NodeSig, DGraph)
-- ^ returns the source signature of the morphism and the resulting DGraph
extendDGraphRev dg (NodeSig n _) morph orig = case dom morph of
sourceSig@(G_sign lid src ind) -> let
nodeContents = newNodeLab emptyNodeName orig
$ noSensGTheory lid src ind
linkContents = globDefLink morph SeeSource
node = getNewNodeDG dg
dg' = insNodeDG (node, nodeContents) dg
dg'' = snd $ insLEdgeDG (node, n, linkContents) dg'
in return (NodeSig node sourceSig, dg'')
-- | Extend the development graph with given morphism pointing to
-- given NodeSig
extendDGraphRevHide :: DGraph -- ^ the development graph to be extended
-> NodeSig -- ^ the NodeSig to which the morphism points
-> GMorphism -- ^ the morphism to be inserted
-> DGOrigin
-> Result (NodeSig, DGraph)
-- ^ returns the source signature of the morphism and the resulting DGraph
extendDGraphRevHide dg (NodeSig n _) morph orig = case dom morph of
sourceSig@(G_sign lid src ind) -> let
nodeContents = newNodeLab emptyNodeName orig
$ noSensGTheory lid src ind
linkContents = defDGLink morph HidingDefLink
node = getNewNodeDG dg
dg' = insNodeDG (node, nodeContents) dg
dg'' = snd $ insLEdgeDG (n, node, linkContents) dg'
in return (NodeSig node sourceSig, dg'')
extendDiagramWithMorphismRevHide :: Range -- ^ the position (for diagnostics)
-> LogicGraph
-> Diag -- ^ the diagram to be extended
-> DGraph -- ^ the development graph
-> DiagNodeSig
-- ^ the node to which the edge should point
-> GMorphism
-- ^ the morphism as label for the new edge
-> String -- ^ a diagnostic node description
-> DGOrigin -- ^ the origin of the new node
-> Result (DiagNodeSig, Diag, DGraph)
-- ^ returns the new node, the extended diagram and extended development graph
extendDiagramWithMorphismRevHide pos _ diag dg (Diag_node_sig n nsig)
mor desc orig =
if getSig nsig == cod mor then
do (sourceSig, dg') <- extendDGraphRevHide dg nsig mor orig
let nodeContents = DiagNode {dn_sig = sourceSig, dn_desc = desc}
diagGr = diagGraph diag
node = Tree.getNewNode diagGr
diagGr' = insNode (node, nodeContents) diagGr
diag' = Diagram{ diagGraph = insEdge (node, n, DiagLink {
dl_morphism = mor ,
dl_number = numberOfEdges diag + 1}) diagGr',
numberOfEdges = numberOfEdges diag + 1 }
printDiag (Diag_node_sig node sourceSig, diag', dg')
"extendDiagramWithMorphismRev" diag'
else fatal_error
("Internal error: Static.ArchDiagram.extendDiagramWithMorphismRev:\n" ++
" the morphism codomain differs from the signature in given target node")
{- | Build a diagram that extends the given diagram with a node and an
edge to that node. The edge is labelled with a given signature morphism
and the node contains the target of this morphism. Extends the
development graph with the given morphism as well. -}
extendDiagramWithMorphism :: Range -- ^ the position (for diagnostics)
-> LogicGraph
-> Diag -- ^ the diagram to be extended
-> DGraph -- ^ the development graph
-> DiagNodeSig
-- ^ the node from which the edge should originate
-> GMorphism
-- ^ the morphism as label for the new edge
-> String -- ^ the node description (for diagnostics)
-> DGOrigin -- ^ the origin of the new node
-> Result (DiagNodeSig, Diag, DGraph)
-- ^ returns the new node, the extended diagram and extended development graph
extendDiagramWithMorphism pos _ diag dg (Diag_node_sig n nsig) mor desc orig =
if getSig nsig == dom mor then
do (targetSig, dg') <- extendDGraph dg nsig mor orig
let nodeContents = DiagNode {dn_sig = targetSig, dn_desc = desc}
diagGr = diagGraph diag
node = Tree.getNewNode diagGr
diagGr' = insNode (node, nodeContents) diagGr
diag' = Diagram{diagGraph = insEdge (n, node, DiagLink {
dl_morphism = mor,
dl_number = numberOfEdges diag + 1 }) diagGr',
numberOfEdges = numberOfEdges diag + 1 }
printDiag (Diag_node_sig node targetSig, diag', dg')
"extendDiagramWithMorphism" diag'
else fatal_error
("Internal error: Static.ArchDiagram.extendDiagramWithMorphism:" ++
"\n the morphism domain differs from the signature in given source node")
{- | Build a diagram that extends a given diagram with a node and an
edge from that node. The edge is labelled with a given signature
morphism and the node contains the source of this morphism. Extends
the development graph with the given morphism as well. -}
extendDiagramWithMorphismRev :: Range -- ^ the position (for diagnostics)
-> LogicGraph
-> Diag -- ^ the diagram to be extended
-> DGraph -- ^ the development graph
-> DiagNodeSig
-- ^ the node to which the edge should point
-> GMorphism
-- ^ the morphism as label for the new edge
-> String -- ^ a diagnostic node description
-> DGOrigin -- ^ the origin of the new node
-> Result (DiagNodeSig, Diag, DGraph)
-- ^ returns the new node, the extended diagram and extended development graph
extendDiagramWithMorphismRev pos _ diag dg (Diag_node_sig n nsig)
mor desc orig =
if getSig nsig == cod mor then
do (sourceSig, dg') <- extendDGraphRev dg nsig mor orig
let nodeContents = DiagNode {dn_sig = sourceSig, dn_desc = desc}
diagGr = diagGraph diag
node = Tree.getNewNode diagGr
diagGr' = insNode (node, nodeContents) diagGr
diag' = Diagram{ diagGraph = insEdge (node, n, DiagLink {
dl_morphism = mor ,
dl_number = numberOfEdges diag + 1}) diagGr',
numberOfEdges = numberOfEdges diag + 1 }
printDiag (Diag_node_sig node sourceSig, diag', dg')
"extendDiagramWithMorphismRev" diag'
else fatal_error
("Internal error: Static.ArchDiagram.extendDiagramWithMorphismRev:\n" ++
" the morphism codomain differs from the signature in given target node")
{- | Build a diagram that extends given diagram with a node containing
given signature and with edge from given nodes to the new node. The
new edge is labelled with given signature morphism. -}
extendDiagram :: Diag -- ^ the diagram to be extended
-> DiagNodeSig -- ^ the node from which morphism originates
-> GMorphism -- ^ the morphism as label for the new edge
-> NodeSig -- ^ the signature as label for the new node
-> String -- ^ the node description (for diagnostics)
-> Result (DiagNodeSig, Diag)
-- ^ returns the new node and the extended diagram
extendDiagram diag (Diag_node_sig n _) edgeMorph newNodeSig desc =
do let nodeContents = DiagNode {dn_sig = newNodeSig, dn_desc = desc}
diagGr = diagGraph diag
node = Tree.getNewNode diagGr
diagGr' = insNode (node, nodeContents) diagGr
diag' = Diagram{diagGraph = insEdge (n, node, DiagLink {
dl_morphism = edgeMorph,
dl_number = numberOfEdges diag + 1 }) diagGr',
numberOfEdges = numberOfEdges diag + 1 }
newDiagNode = Diag_node_sig node newNodeSig
printDiag (newDiagNode, diag') "extendDiagram" diag'
{- | Convert a homogeneous diagram to a simple diagram where all the
signatures in nodes and morphism on the edges are coerced to a common
logic. -}
homogeniseDiagram :: Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree
=> lid -- ^ the target logic to be coerced to
-> Diag -- ^ the diagram to be homogenised
-> Result (Tree.Gr sign (Int,morphism))
{- The implementation relies on the representation of graph nodes as
integers. We can therefore just obtain a list of all the labelled
nodes from diag, convert all the nodes and insert them to a new
diagram; then copy all the edges from the original to new diagram
(coercing the morphisms). -}
homogeniseDiagram targetLid diag =
do let convertNode (n, dn) =
do G_sign srcLid sig _ <- return $ getSig $ dn_sig dn
sig' <- coerceSign srcLid targetLid "" sig
return (n, plainSign sig')
convertEdge (n1, n2, DiagLink {
dl_morphism = GMorphism cid _ _ mor _, dl_number = nr})
= if isIdComorphism (Comorphism cid) then
do mor' <- coerceMorphism (targetLogic cid) targetLid "" mor
return (n1, n2, (nr,mor'))
else fail $
"Trying to coerce a morphism between different logics.\n" ++
"Heterogeneous specifications are not fully supported yet."
convertNodes cDiag [] = do return cDiag
convertNodes cDiag (lNode : lNodes) =
do convNode <- convertNode lNode
let cDiag' = insNode convNode cDiag
convertNodes cDiag' lNodes
convertEdges cDiag [] = do return cDiag
convertEdges cDiag (lEdge : lEdges) =
do convEdge <- convertEdge lEdge
let cDiag' = insEdge convEdge cDiag
convertEdges cDiag' lEdges
dNodes = labNodes $ diagGraph diag
dEdges = labEdges $ diagGraph diag
-- insert converted nodes to an empty diagram
cDiag <- convertNodes Graph.empty dNodes
-- insert converted edges to the diagram containing only nodes
cDiag' <- convertEdges cDiag dEdges
return cDiag'
-- | Create a graph containing descriptions of nodes and edges.
diagDesc :: Diag
-> Tree.Gr String String
diagDesc diag =
let insNodeDesc g (n, DiagNode { dn_desc = desc }) =
if desc == "" then g else insNode (n, desc) g
in foldl insNodeDesc Graph.empty . labNodes $ diagGraph diag
-- | Create a sink consisting of incusion morphisms between
-- signatures from given set of nodes and given signature.
inclusionSink :: LogicGraph
-> [DiagNodeSig] -- ^ the source nodes
-> NodeSig -- ^ the target signature
-> Result [(Node, GMorphism)]
-- ^ returns the diagram with edges inserted
inclusionSink lgraph srcNodes tnsig =
do let insmorph ls dns = do
l <- ls
case dns of
Diag_node_sig n nsig -> do
incl <- ginclusion lgraph (getSig nsig) (getSig tnsig)
return ((n, incl): l)
sink <- foldl insmorph (return []) srcNodes
return sink
{- | Build a diagram that extends the given diagram with an
edge between existing nodes.
The edge is labelled with a given signature morphism. Extends the
development graph with the given morphism as well. -}
extendDiagramWithEdge :: Range -- ^ the position (for diagnostics)
-> LogicGraph
-> Diag -- ^ the diagram to be extended
-> DGraph -- ^ the development graph
-> DiagNodeSig
-- ^ the node from which the edge should originate
-> DiagNodeSig
-- ^ the target node of the edge
-> GMorphism
-- ^ the morphism as label for the new edge
-> DGLinkOrigin -- ^ the origin of the new edge
-> Result (Diag, DGraph)
-- ^ returns the extended diagram and extended development graph
extendDiagramWithEdge pos _ diag dg
(Diag_node_sig s ssig)
(Diag_node_sig t tsig)
mor orig =
if getSig tsig == cod mor then
if getSig ssig == dom mor then
let linkContents = globDefLink mor orig
s' = getNode ssig
t' = getNode tsig
dg' = snd $ insLEdgeDG (s', t', linkContents) dg
diagGr = diagGraph diag
diag' = Diagram{diagGraph = insEdge (s, t, DiagLink {
dl_morphism = mor,
dl_number = numberOfEdges diag + 1 }) diagGr,
numberOfEdges = numberOfEdges diag + 1 }
printDiag (diag', dg')
"extendDiagramWithMorphism" diag'
else fatal_error
("Internal error: Static.ArchDiagram.extendDiagramWithMorphism:" ++
"\n the morphism domain differs from the signature in given source node")
else fatal_error
("Internal error: Static.ArchDiagram.extendDiagramWithMorphism:" ++
"\n the morphism domain differs from the signature in given target node")
matchDiagram :: Node -> Diag -> (Graph.MContext DiagNodeLab DiagLinkLab, Diag)
matchDiagram n diag =
let (mc, b) = match n $ diagGraph diag in (mc, diag{diagGraph = b})
copyDiagram :: LogicGraph -> [Node] -> Diag ->
Result (Diag, Map.Map Node Node)
copyDiagram lg ns diag = do
(diag1, c) <- copyDiagramAux Map.empty lg ns diag
let (_, diag2) = copyEdges ns diag1 c Map.empty
return (diag2, c)
copyEdges :: [Node] -> Diag -> Map.Map Node Node -> Map.Map Edge Bool ->
(Map.Map Edge Bool, Diag)
copyEdges ns diag c visit =
case ns of
[] -> (visit, diag)
_ -> let sucs = nub $ concatMap (suc (diagGraph diag)) ns
sEdges = concatMap (inn (diagGraph diag)) sucs
(visit', diag') = foldl (\(v,d) e -> copyEdge d c e v) (visit, diag) sEdges
in copyEdges sucs diag' c visit'
copyEdge :: Diag -> Map.Map Node Node -> LEdge DiagLinkLab -> Map.Map Edge Bool ->
(Map.Map Edge Bool, Diag)
copyEdge diag c (s,t, llab) visit =
if (s,t) `elem` (Map.keys visit) then (visit, diag)
-- visit edge
let visit' = Map.insert (s,t) True visit
s' = Map.findWithDefault s s c
t' = Map.findWithDefault (error "t") t c
diag' = Diagram{diagGraph = insEdge (s', t', llab {
dl_number = numberOfEdges diag + 1 }) $ diagGraph diag,
numberOfEdges = numberOfEdges diag + 1 }
in (visit', diag')
copyDiagramAux :: Map.Map Node Node -> LogicGraph -> [Node] -> Diag ->
Result (Diag, Map.Map Node Node)
copyDiagramAux c lgraph ns diag =
case ns of
[] -> return (diag, c)
_ -> do
(diag', c')<- foldM (\(d, c0) x-> do
let DiagNode nsig desc =
case lab (diagGraph d) x of
Nothing -> error $ "copy:"++show x
Just y -> y
(Diag_node_sig y _, d') <- extendDiagramIncl
lgraph d [] nsig $ desc ++ "copy"
return (d', Map.insert x y c0)) (diag, c) ns
let sucs = filter (\x -> not (x `elem` (Map.keys c'))) $ nub $ concatMap
(\n -> suc (diagGraph diag) n) ns
copyDiagramAux c' lgraph sucs diag'
insertFormalParamAndVerifCond :: Range -- ^ the position (for diagnostics)
-> LogicGraph
-> Diag -- ^ the diagram to be extended
-> DGraph -- ^ the development graph
-> DiagNodeSig
-- ^ the node to which the edge should point
-> NodeSig -- ^ the dg node where the param is based
-> DiagNodeSig -- ^ the union of the params
-> GMorphism
-- ^ the morphism as label for the new edge
-> String -- ^ a diagnostic node description
-> DGOrigin -- ^ the origin of the new node
-> Result (Diag, DGraph)
-- ^ returns the new node, the extended diagram and extended development graph
_pos lgraph
diag0 dg0
_targetNode@(Diag_node_sig tNode tSig) fpi qB
argStr origin = do
let nodeContents = DiagNode {dn_sig = fpi, dn_desc = argStr}
diagGr = diagGraph diag0
node = Tree.getNewNode diagGr
diagGr' = insNode (node, nodeContents) diagGr
-- this inserts p^F_i
diag' = Diagram{ diagGraph = insEdge (node, tNode, DiagLink {
dl_morphism = mor ,
dl_number = numberOfEdges diag0 + 1}) diagGr',
numberOfEdges = numberOfEdges diag0 + 1 }
-- this inserts mor : p^F_i -> p^A_i
(dnsig, diag'', dg'') <- printDiag (Diag_node_sig node fpi, diag', dg0)
"extendDiagramWithMorphismRev" diag'
diag''' <- insInclusionEdges lgraph diag'' [dnsig] qB
-- this inserts incl : p^F_i -> q^B
-- now we add the verification condition
-- as a theorem link from
-- fpi with mor
-- to
-- tNode
case cod mor of
cmor@(G_sign lid tar ind) -> do
let f = getNode fpi
fpiLab = labDG dg'' f
k = getNewNodeDG dg''
labelK = newInfoNodeLab
(extName "Verification" $ dgn_name fpiLab)
(newNodeInfo origin) $ noSensGTheory lid tar ind
dgK = insNodeDG (k, labelK) dg''
(_, dg''') = insLEdgeDG (f,k, globDefLink mor DGLinkProof) dgK
-- inserts the node for fpi with sigma and
-- a definition link from fpi to it
incl <- ginclusion lgraph cmor (getSig tSig)
let linkLabel = defDGLink incl globalThm DGLinkVerif
(_, dg2) = insLEdgeDG (k, getNode tSig, linkLabel) dg'''
-- inserts the theorem link from fpi with sigma to p^A_i
return (diag''', dg2)