ApplyChanges.hs revision e46d78f7c6324ed9f1a191d46b6e5732e61e1835
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : apply xupdate changes to a development graph
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder, DFKI GmbH 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Grothendieck)
adjust development graph according to xupdate information
module Static.ApplyChanges (dgXUpdate) where
import Static.ComputeTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.GTheory
import Static.History
import Static.FromXmlUpdates
import Static.FromXmlUtils
import Logic.Coerce
import Logic.ExtSign
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Prover
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.DocUtils
import qualified Common.OrderedMap as OMap
import Common.Result
import Common.Utils (readMaybe, atMaybe)
import Common.XUpdate
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as Graph
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Monad
trace :: String -> a -> a
trace = const id
dgXUpdate :: Monad m => String -> LibEnv -> DGraph -> m DGraph
dgXUpdate xs le =
liftM (computeDGraphTheories le) . applyXUpdates xs
lookupNodeByNodeName :: NodeName -> DGraph -> [LNode DGNodeLab]
lookupNodeByNodeName nn = lookupNodeWith (eqNN nn . dgn_name . snd)
eqNN :: NodeName -> NodeName -> Bool
eqNN a b = getName a == getName b
&& extString a == extString b
&& extIndex a == extIndex b
getNodeByName :: Monad m => String -> NodeName -> DGraph -> m (LNode DGNodeLab)
getNodeByName msg nn dg = let s = showName nn in
case lookupNodeByNodeName nn dg of
[] -> fail $ msg ++ "missing node: " ++ s
[i] -> return i
_ -> fail $ msg ++ "ambiguous node: " ++ s
applyXUpdates :: Monad m => String -> DGraph -> m DGraph
applyXUpdates xs dg = do
cs <- anaXUpdates xs
let acs = foldr (\ c l -> case changeDG c of
Nothing -> trace ("skip1: " ++ show c) l
Just s -> s : l) [] cs
return $ foldr (\ s g -> case applyChange s g of
Left r -> trace ("skip2: " ++ shows s "\n" ++ r) g
Right ng -> trace ("succeeded: " ++ show s) ng) dg
$ sortBy cmpSelChanges acs
cmpSelChanges :: SelChangeDG -> SelChangeDG -> Ordering
cmpSelChanges (SelChangeDG _ ch1) (SelChangeDG _ ch2) =
case (ch1, ch2) of
(RemoveChDG, RemoveChDG) -> EQ
(RemoveChDG, _) -> LT
(_, RemoveChDG) -> GT
_ -> EQ
applyChange :: Monad m => SelChangeDG -> DGraph -> m DGraph
applyChange (SelChangeDG se ch) dg = case ch of
RemoveChDG -> remove se dg
UpdateChDG str -> update str se dg
AddChDG _ ls ->
foldM (add se) dg ls
add :: Monad m => SelElem -> DGraph -> AddChangeDG -> m DGraph
add se dg ch = case ch of
SpecEntryDG n _fm ->
trace ("ignore adding spec entry " ++ show n ++ " to:\n" ++ show se)
$ return dg
ViewEntryDG n _fm s t gm ->
trace ("ignore adding view entry " ++ show n ++ " from " ++ show s
++ " to " ++ show t ++ "\n" ++ gm
++ "via:\n" ++ show se)
$ return dg
NodeDG n _refn _consStatus ds ->
trace ("ignore adding node " ++ showName n
++ " (via:\n" ++ show se ++ ") " ++ show ds)
$ return dg
LinkDG e s t _linkTy gm ->
trace ("ignore adding link " ++ showEdgeId e ++ " from "
++ showName s ++ " to " ++ showName t
++ "\n" ++ gm
++ "\nvia: " ++ show se)
$ return dg
StringElem en str -> case en of
"Symbol" -> addSymbol str se dg
_ | elem en ["Axiom", "Theorem"] -> addAxOrTh str se dg
_ -> trace ("ignore adding: " ++ show en ++ "\nat: " ++ show se)
$ return dg
addSymbol :: Monad m => String -> SelElem -> DGraph -> m DGraph
addSymbol str se dg = let err = "Static.ApplyChanges.addSymbol: " in case se of
NodeElem nn (Just (DeclSymbol Nothing)) -> do
(v, lbl) <- getNodeByName err nn dg
case extendByBasicSpec (globalAnnos dg) str (dgn_theory lbl) of
(Success nGt nSens nSyms _, _) ->
if nSens == 0 && Set.size nSyms == 1 then do
diffSig <- resultToMonad "ApplyChanges.addSymbol"
$ homGsigDiff (signOf nGt) $ dgn_sign lbl
let newLbl = lbl { dgn_theory = nGt
, nodeInfo = case nodeInfo lbl of
DGNode (DGBasicSpec _ _ syms) _ -> newNodeInfo $
DGBasicSpec Nothing diffSig
$ Set.union nSyms syms
i -> i }
finLbl = newLbl { globalTheory = computeLabelTheory Map.empty dg
(v, newLbl) }
return $ changeDGH dg $ SetNodeLab lbl (v, finLbl)
else fail $ err ++ "just add a single symbol to: " ++ showName nn
(_, msg) -> fail $ err ++ msg
_ -> fail $ err ++ "cannot add symbol to: " ++ show se
addAxOrTh :: Monad m => String -> SelElem -> DGraph -> m DGraph
addAxOrTh str se dg = let err = "Static.ApplyChanges.addAxOrTh: " in case se of
NodeElem nn (Just _) -> do
(v, lbl) <- getNodeByName err nn dg
case extendByBasicSpec (globalAnnos dg) str (dgn_theory lbl) of
(Success nGt nSens _ sameSig, msg) -> case nSens of
1 | sameSig -> let
newLbl = lbl { dgn_theory = nGt }
finLbl = newLbl { globalTheory = computeLabelTheory Map.empty dg
(v, newLbl) }
in return $ changeDGH dg $ SetNodeLab lbl (v, finLbl)
0 -> fail $ err ++ "missing sentence for: " ++ str
_ -> fail $ err ++ msg
(_, msg) -> fail $ err ++ msg
_ -> fail $ err ++ "cannot add sentence to: " ++ show se
remove :: Monad m => SelElem -> DGraph -> m DGraph
remove se dg = let err = "Static.ApplyChanges.remove: " in case se of
NodeElem nn m -> do
i <- getNodeByName err nn dg
let s = showName nn
case m of
Nothing -> return $ changeDGH dg (DeleteNode i)
Just (DeclSymbol md) -> case md of
Nothing -> fail $ err ++ "cannot remove all declarations from: " ++ s
Just (si, b) -> if b then
trace ("ignore removing symbol attributes from: " ++ s) $ return dg
else removeNthSymbol si dg i
Just (Axioms si) -> removeNthAxOrTh True si dg i
Just (Theorems si) -> removeNthAxOrTh False si dg i
LinkElem eId src tar m -> let e = showEdgeId eId in case m of
Nothing ->
case (lookupNodeByNodeName src dg, lookupNodeByNodeName tar dg) of
([s], [t]) -> case filter (\ (_, o, l) -> o == fst t && eId == dgl_id l)
$ outDG dg (fst s) of
[le] -> return $ changeDGH dg (DeleteEdge le)
[] -> fail $ err ++ "edge not found: " ++ e
_ -> fail $ err ++ "ambiguous edge: " ++ e
(sl, tl) -> if null sl || null tl
then trace ("cannot remove link " ++ showEdgeId eId
++ " from " ++ showName src
++ " to " ++ showName tar)
$ return dg -- assume link is gone
else fail $ err ++ "non-unique source or target for edge: " ++ e
++ "\n" ++ show (map (\ (v, l) -> (v, getDGNodeName l)) $ sl ++ tl)
Just _ -> fail $ err ++ "cannot remove edge morphisms"
_ -> fail $ err ++ "unimplemented selection"
update :: Monad m => String -> SelElem -> DGraph -> m DGraph
update str se dg =
let err = "Static.ApplyChanges.update with: " ++ str ++ "\n"
in case se of
NodeElem nn m -> case m of
Nothing -> let s = showName nn in case lookupNodeByNodeName nn dg of
[_] -> trace ("update '" ++ str ++ "' is ignored on: " ++ show se)
$ return dg -- ignore any attribute changes
[] -> fail $ err ++ "node not found: " ++ s
_ -> fail $ err ++ "ambiguous node: " ++ s
Just nse -> fail $ err ++ "cannot remove node symbols\n" ++ show nse
NextLinkId -> case readMaybe str of
Just i -> return dg { getNewEdgeId = EdgeId i }
Nothing -> fail $ err ++ "could not update nextlinkid using: " ++ str
_ -> fail $ err ++ "unimplemented selection:\n" ++ show se
removeNthSymbol :: Monad m => Int -> DGraph -> LNode DGNodeLab -> m DGraph
removeNthSymbol n dg (v, lbl) = let nn = getDGNodeName lbl in
case nodeInfo lbl of
DGRef _ _ -> fail $ "cannot remove symbols from ref-node: " ++ nn
DGNode orig _ -> case orig of
DGBasicSpec _ _ syms -> case atMaybe (Set.toList syms) $ n - 1 of
Nothing -> fail $ "symbol " ++ show n ++ " not found in node: " ++ nn
++ "\n" ++ showDoc syms ""
Just gs@(G_symbol lid sym) -> case dgn_theory lbl of
G_theory lid2 sig si sens _ ->
let Result ds mr = ext_cogenerated_sign lid2
(Set.singleton $ coerceSymbol lid lid2 sym) sig
in case mr of
Nothing -> fail $ "hiding " ++ showDoc sym " in " ++ nn ++
" failed:\n" ++ showRelDiags 1 ds
Just mor -> case makeExtSign lid2 $ dom mor of
tarSig -> do
diffSig <- resultToMonad "ApplyChanges.removeNthSymbol"
$ homGsigDiff (G_sign lid2 sig si)
$ G_sign lid2 tarSig startSigId
let newLbl = lbl
{ dgn_theory = G_theory lid2 tarSig startSigId
sens startThId
, nodeInfo = newNodeInfo $ DGBasicSpec Nothing diffSig
$ Set.delete gs syms }
finLbl = newLbl
{ globalTheory = computeLabelTheory Map.empty dg
(v, newLbl) }
return $ changeDGH dg $ SetNodeLab lbl (v, finLbl)
_ -> fail $ "cannot remove symbol from non-basic-spec node: " ++ nn
removeNthAxOrTh :: Monad m => Bool -> Int -> DGraph -> LNode DGNodeLab
-> m DGraph
removeNthAxOrTh b n dg (v, lbl) = let nn = getDGNodeName lbl in
case dgn_theory lbl of
G_theory lid sig si thsens _ -> let
sens = toNamedList $ OMap.filter ((if b then id else not) . isAxiom)
in case atMaybe sens $ n - 1 of
Nothing -> fail $ "sentence " ++ show n ++ " not found in node: "
++ nn ++ "\n" ++ intercalate ", " (map senAttr sens)
Just ns -> let
newLbl = lbl { dgn_theory = G_theory lid sig si
(Map.delete (senAttr ns) thsens) startThId }
finLbl = newLbl { globalTheory = computeLabelTheory Map.empty dg
(v, newLbl) }
in return $ changeDGH dg $ SetNodeLab lbl (v, finLbl)