ApplyChanges.hs revision 3ddbdc6f84dbf9a59e178575db8359d3aab1dd2f
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : apply xupdate changes to a development graph
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder, DFKI GmbH 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Grothendieck)
adjust development graph according to xupdate information
module Static.ApplyChanges (dgXUpdate) where
import Static.ComputeTheory (computeLibEnvTheories)
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DgUtils
import Static.FromXml
import Static.History (undoAllChanges)
import Static.ToXml
import Static.XGraph
import Static.XSimplePath
import Driver.Options
import Driver.ReadFn (libNameToFile)
import Driver.WriteFn (writeVerbFile)
import Comorphisms.LogicGraph (logicGraph)
import Common.LibName
import Common.ResultT
import Common.Result
import Common.XUpdate
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph (Node, match)
import qualified Data.List as List (nub)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Text.XML.Light hiding (Node)
dgXUpdate :: HetcatsOpts -> String -> LibEnv -> LibName -> DGraph
-> ResultT IO (LibName, LibEnv)
dgXUpdate opts xs le ln dg = do
(xml, chL) <- liftR $ changeXml (dGraph le ln $ undoAllChanges dg) xs
lift $ writeVerbFile opts (libNameToFile ln ++ ".xml")
$ ppTopElement $ cleanUpElem xml
-- rebuiltDgXml opts le xml
updateDG opts xml chL dg le
{- TODO (general): a lot of unused information is created. possibly check if
update is required for an element BEFORE processing xgraph information.
TODO (general): determine the EXACT required change for each object instead
of overwriting the existing one every time! -}
{- | updates a dgraph partially in accordance with changelist data from a .diff
application. an xgraph is created and used as a guideline for signature-
hierachy and for retrieving required new data. -}
updateDG :: HetcatsOpts -> Element -> ChangeList -> DGraph -> LibEnv
-> ResultT IO (LibName, LibEnv)
updateDG opts xml chL dg le = do
(dg', chL') <- liftR $ deleteElements dg chL
xgr <- liftR $ xGraph xml
let dg'' = dg' { globalAnnos = if updateAnnotations chL' then globAnnos xgr
else globalAnnos dg', getNewEdgeId = nextLinkId xgr }
(dgFin, le', _) <- iterateXgBody opts xgr le dg'' chL'
let ln = libName xgr
-- TODO possibly test if any updates are left undone (corrupted dg/diff)
return (ln, computeLibEnvTheories $ Map.insert ln dgFin le')
{- | move along xgraph structure and make updates or insertions in accordance
with changelist. In addition to the initial entries of the changelist, all
nodes that were subject to ingoing signature changes as well as all links
adjacent to an updated node will also be updated. -}
iterateXgBody :: HetcatsOpts -> XGraph -> LibEnv -> DGraph
-> ChangeList -> ResultT IO (DGraph, LibEnv, ChangeList)
iterateXgBody opts xgr lv dg chL = let lg = logicGraph in do
rs1 <- foldM (mkNodeUpdate opts lg Nothing) (dg, lv, chL) $ startNodes xgr
rs2 <- foldM (foldM (mkXStepUpdate opts lg)) rs1 $ reverse $ xg_body xgr
mkThmLinkUpdates lg rs2 $ thmLinks xgr
-- | apply updates to one branch of the xgraph.
mkXStepUpdate :: HetcatsOpts -> LogicGraph -> (DGraph, LibEnv, ChangeList)
-> ([XLink], XNode) -> ResultT IO (DGraph, LibEnv, ChangeList)
mkXStepUpdate opts lg (dg, lv, chL) (xlks, xnd) = let
-- first, add the req. signature change from ingoing definition links
sigUpd = getLinkModUnion chL xlks
chL' = if sigUpd == unMod then chL
else updateNodeChange (MkUpdate sigUpd) (nodeName xnd) chL in do
mrs <- mapM (getTypeAndMorphism lg dg) xlks
G_sign lid sg sId <- getSigForXNode lg dg mrs
rs1 <- mkNodeUpdate opts lg (Just $ noSensGTheory lid sg sId)
(dg, lv, chL') xnd
foldM (mkLinkUpdate lg) rs1 mrs
{- | the required node update due to link mods is derived using union.
predecessor signature changes have been collected through markLinkUpdates. -}
getLinkModUnion :: ChangeList -> [XLink] -> NodeMod
getLinkModUnion chL = foldr (\ xl ->
case Map.lookup (edgeId xl) $ changeLinks chL of
-- TODO get proper NodeMod here!
Just MkInsert -> mergeNodeMod symMod
Just (MkUpdate nmod) -> mergeNodeMod nmod
Nothing -> id ) unMod
{- | update or insert a node in accordance with XGraph data ONLY if the element
is marked for updating in changelist. -}
mkNodeUpdate :: HetcatsOpts -> LogicGraph -> Maybe G_theory
-> (DGraph, LibEnv, ChangeList) -> XNode
-> ResultT IO (DGraph, LibEnv, ChangeList)
mkNodeUpdate opts lg mGt (dg, lv, chL) xnd = let nm = nodeName xnd in
case Map.lookup nm $ changeNodes chL of
-- no change required, move on
Nothing -> return (dg, lv, chL)
-- make insertion using FromXml.insertNode
Just MkInsert -> do
(_, dg', lv') <- insertNode opts lg mGt xnd (getNewNodeDG dg) (dg, lv)
return (dg', lv', markNodeAsChanged nm symMod chL)
{- make update
TODO: watch out for reference nodes!
TODO: use NodeMod in a proper way, only update as much as necessary! -}
Just (MkUpdate nmod) -> do
(j, dg'') <- liftR $ deleteNode dg nm
(_, dg', lv') <- insertNode opts lg mGt xnd j (dg'', lv)
-- all adjacent links need to get their morphism updated
return (dg', lv', markLinkUpdates dg' j nmod
$ markNodeAsChanged nm nmod chL)
-- | check one xlink and make update or insertion to dg if required
mkLinkUpdate :: LogicGraph -> (DGraph, LibEnv, ChangeList)
-> (Node, GMorphism, DGLinkType, XLink)
-> ResultT IO (DGraph, LibEnv, ChangeList)
mkLinkUpdate lg (dg, lv, chL) lkMr@(_, _, _, xl) =
case Map.lookup (edgeId xl) $ changeLinks chL of
Nothing -> return (dg, lv, chL)
Just MkInsert -> do
dg' <- insertLinkAux lg (target xl) dg lkMr
let chL' = chL { changeLinks = Map.delete (edgeId xl) $ changeLinks chL }
return (dg', lv, chL')
-- TODO use setMorphism if possible to keep old link data
Just (MkUpdate nmod) -> do
dg'' <- deleteLink dg xl
dg' <- insertLinkAux lg (target xl) dg'' lkMr
let chL' = chL { changeLinks = Map.delete (edgeId xl) $ changeLinks chL }
return (dg', lv, chL')
-- | gather target node information and call FromXml.insertLink
insertLinkAux :: LogicGraph -> String -> DGraph
-> (Node, GMorphism, DGLinkType, XLink) -> ResultT IO DGraph
insertLinkAux lg tar dg lkMr = case lookupUniqueNodeByName tar dg of
Nothing -> fail $
"required node [" ++ tar ++ "] was not found in DGraph!"
Just (j, lbl) -> (insertLink lg j $ signOf $ dgn_theory lbl) dg lkMr
-- | updates any necessary ThmLinks
mkThmLinkUpdates :: LogicGraph -> (DGraph, LibEnv, ChangeList) -> [XLink]
-> ResultT IO (DGraph, LibEnv, ChangeList)
mkThmLinkUpdates lg (dg, lv, chL) xlks = do
mrs <- mapM (getTypeAndMorphism lg dg) xlks
foldM (mkLinkUpdate lg) (dg, lv, chL) mrs
{- | deletes the those elements from dgraph that are marked for deletion in
changelist. for link deletion, the affected nodes are marked as such in chL -}
deleteElements :: DGraph -> ChangeList -> Result (DGraph, ChangeList)
deleteElements dg chL = do
(dg1, targets) <- foldM deleteLinkAux (dg, []) $ Set.toList $ deleteLinks chL
dg2 <- foldM (\ dg' -> liftM snd . deleteNode dg') dg1 $ Set.toList
$ deleteNodes chL
{- after deletion, all still-existing nodes which lost ingoing definition
links must be marked for updating. -}
chL' <- foldM (flip $ markNodeUpdates dg2) chL $ List.nub targets
-- | mark all links adjacent to a node as update-pending
markLinkUpdates :: DGraph -> Node -> NodeMod -> ChangeList -> ChangeList
markLinkUpdates dg t nmod chL = let
(Just (ins, _, _, outs), _) = match t $ dgBody dg
in foldr (updateLinkChange (MkUpdate nmod)) chL
$ map (dgl_id . fst) $ ins ++ outs
-- | look for given node and mark as update-pending in changelist
markNodeUpdates :: Monad m => DGraph -> Node -> ChangeList -> m ChangeList
markNodeUpdates dg trg = case lookupNodeWith ((== trg) . fst) dg of
[] -> return
-- TODO: here also, the NodeMod could be calculated
[(_, lbl)] -> return . updateNodeChange (MkUpdate symMod) (dgn_name lbl)
_ -> fail $ "ambigous occurance of node #" ++ show trg
-- | remove a node from changelist pending list and mark it as update conducted
markNodeAsChanged :: NodeName -> NodeMod -> ChangeList -> ChangeList
markNodeAsChanged nm nmod chL = chL
{ changeNodes = Map.delete nm $ changeNodes chL
, changedInDg = Map.insert nm nmod $ changedInDg chL }
-- deletes a link from dg.
deleteLink :: Monad m => DGraph -> XLink -> m DGraph
deleteLink dg = liftM fst . deleteLinkAux (dg, [])
-- additionally returns (def)links target id
deleteLinkAux :: Monad m => (DGraph, [Node]) -> XLink -> m (DGraph, [Node])
deleteLinkAux (dg, tars) xl = case lookupUniqueNodeByName (source xl) dg of
Just (s, _) -> let dg' = delEdgeDG s (edgeId xl) dg
in if not $ isDefEdgeType (lType xl)
then return (dg', tars)
else case lookupUniqueNodeByName (target xl) dg of
Just (t, _) -> return (dg', t : tars)
Nothing -> fail $ "required target [" ++ target xl
++ "] was not found in DGraph!"
Nothing -> fail $ "required source [" ++ source xl
++ "] was not found in DGraph!"
-- deletes a node from dg
deleteNode :: Monad m => DGraph -> NodeName -> m (Node, DGraph)
deleteNode dg nm = let nd = showName nm
in case lookupUniqueNodeByName nd dg of
Just (j, _) -> let dg' = delNodeDG j dg in return (j, dg')
Nothing -> fail $
"required node [" ++ nd ++ "] was not found in DGraph!"