AnalysisStructured.hs revision 1b05bdb88b90d3c947351f262d7ae7d68f0a4a6f
{- HetCATS/Static/AnalysisStructured.hs
Till Mossakowski
{- |
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (import Control.Monad.State)
Analysis of structured specifications
Follows the extended static semantic rules in:
T. Mossakowski, S. Autexier, D. Hutter, P. Hoffman:
CASL Proof calculus.
Available from
To appear in the CASL book.
Option: only the structure is analysed
Check that translations and reductions do not effect local env
Unions (already in the parser) need unions of logics
= suprema in the lattice of default logic inclusions!
(also needed by closed specs)
Should we use institution independent analysis over the Grothendieck logic?
abstract syntax + devgraph would have to be changed to homogeneous case
logic translations are symbol maps in the Grothendieck logic
Problem with this approach: symbol functor goes into rel,
and induced_from_morphism gets difficult to implement
Unions need inclusion morphisms. Should these play a special role?
At least we need a function delivering the inclusion morphism
between two (sub)signatures.
In most logics, inclusions could be represented specially, such
that composition for them becomes fast.
Should we even identify an inclusion subcategory?
Then inclusions are represented by pair of signatures
(Non-inclusions could be specially displayed in the DG)
Treatment of translations and reductions along logic translations
(see WADT 02 paper).
Open question:
may local env be translated, and even reduced, along logic translations?
if yes: how is local env linked to signature of resulting spec?
(important e.g. for checking that local env is not being renamed?)
does signature+comorphism suffice, such that c(local env)\subseteq sig?
if no: this means that only closed specs may be translated
Revealings wihout translations: just one arrow
Pushouts: only admissible within one logic?
Union nodes can be extended by a basic spec directly (no new node needed)
Also: free, cofree nodes
module Static.AnalysisStructured (ana_SPEC, ana_GENERICITY, ana_VIEW_TYPE, ana_err)
import Data.Maybe
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.LogicRepr
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Common.Lib.Graph hiding (empty)
import Static.DevGraph
import Syntax.AS_Structured
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.GlobalAnnotationsFunctions
import Common.Result
import Common.Id
import Common.Lib.Set hiding (filter)
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Data.List hiding (union)
import Common.PrettyPrint
lookupNode n dg = lab' $ context n dg
setFilter p s = fromList (filter p (toList s))
setAny p s = any p (toList s)
setAll p s = all p (toList s)
s1 `disjoint` s2 = s1 `intersection` s2 == empty
domFM m = fromList (Map.keys m)
-- | analyze a SPEC
-- Parameters: global context, local environment,
-- the SIMPLE_ID may be a name if the specification shall be named,
-- flag: shall only the structure be analysed?
ana_SPEC :: GlobalContext -> NodeSig -> Maybe SIMPLE_ID -> Bool -> SPEC
-> Result (NodeSig,DGraph)
ana_SPEC gctx@(gannos,genv,dg) nsig name just_struct sp =
case sp of
Basic_spec (G_basic_spec lid bspec) ->
do G_sign lid' sigma' <- return (getSig nsig)
sigma <- rcoerce lid' lid nullPos sigma'
(sigma_local, sigma_complete, ax) <-
if just_struct
then return (empty_signature lid, empty_signature lid,[])
else do b <- maybeToResult nullPos
("no basic analysis for logic "
++language_name lid)
(basic_analysis lid)
b (bspec,sigma,gannos)
let node_contents = DGNode {
dgn_name = name,
dgn_sign = G_sign lid sigma_local, -- only the delta
dgn_sens = G_l_sentence lid ax,
dgn_origin = DGBasic }
[node] = newNodes 0 dg
dg' = insNode (node,node_contents) dg
link = DGLink {
dgl_morphism = undefined, -- where to get it from ???
dgl_type = GlobalDef,
dgl_origin = DGExtension }
dg'' = case nsig of
EmptyNode _ -> dg'
NodeSig (n,_) -> insEdge (n,node,link) dg'
return (NodeSig (node,G_sign lid sigma_complete),dg'')
Translation asp ren ->
do let sp = item asp
(nsig',dg') <- ana_SPEC gctx nsig Nothing just_struct sp
n' <- maybeToResult nullPos
"Internal error: Translation of empty spec" (getNode nsig')
mor <- ana_RENAMING dg (getSig nsig') ren
-- ??? check that mor is identity on local env
let gsigma' = cod Grothendieck mor
-- ??? too simplistic for non-comorphism inter-logic translations
G_sign lid' sigma' <- return gsigma'
let node_contents = DGNode {
dgn_name = name,
dgn_sign = G_sign lid' (empty_signature lid'), -- delta is empty
dgn_sens = G_l_sentence lid' [],
dgn_origin = DGTranslation }
[node] = newNodes 0 dg'
link = (n',node,DGLink {
dgl_morphism = mor,
dgl_type = GlobalDef,
dgl_origin = DGTranslation })
return (NodeSig(node,gsigma'),
insEdge link $
insNode (node,node_contents) dg')
Reduction asp restr ->
do let sp = item asp
(nsig',dg') <- ana_SPEC gctx nsig Nothing just_struct sp
let gsigma = getSig nsig
gsigma' = getSig nsig'
n' <- maybeToResult nullPos
"Internal error: Reduction of empty spec" (getNode nsig')
(hmor,tmor) <- ana_RESTRICTION dg gsigma gsigma' restr
-- we treat hiding and revealing differently
-- in order to keep the dg as simple as possible
case tmor of
Nothing ->
do let gsigma' = dom Grothendieck hmor
-- ??? too simplistic for non-comorphism inter-logic reductions
G_sign lid' sigma' <- return gsigma'
let node_contents = DGNode {
dgn_name = name,
dgn_sign = G_sign lid' (empty_signature lid'),
dgn_sens = G_l_sentence lid' [],
dgn_origin = DGHiding }
[node] = newNodes 0 dg'
link = (n',node,DGLink {
dgl_morphism = hmor,
dgl_type = HidingDef,
dgl_origin = DGHiding })
return (NodeSig(node,gsigma'),
insEdge link $
insNode (node,node_contents) dg')
Just tmor' ->
do let gsigma1 = dom Grothendieck tmor'
gsigma'' = cod Grothendieck tmor'
-- ??? too simplistic for non-comorphism inter-logic reductions
G_sign lid1 sigma1 <- return gsigma1
G_sign lid'' sigma'' <- return gsigma''
let [node1,node''] = newNodes 1 dg'
node_contents1 = DGNode {
dgn_name = Nothing,
dgn_sign = G_sign lid1 (empty_signature lid1),
dgn_sens = G_l_sentence lid1 [],
dgn_origin = DGRevealing }
link1 = (n',node1,DGLink {
dgl_morphism = hmor,
dgl_type = HidingDef,
dgl_origin = DGRevealing })
node_contents'' = DGNode {
dgn_name = name,
dgn_sign = G_sign lid'' (empty_signature lid''),
dgn_sens = G_l_sentence lid'' [],
dgn_origin = DGRevealTranslation }
link'' = (node1,node'',DGLink {
dgl_morphism = tmor',
dgl_type = GlobalDef,
dgl_origin = DGRevealTranslation })
return (NodeSig(node'',gsigma''),
insEdge link'' $
insNode (node'',node_contents'') $
insEdge link1 $
insNode (node1,node_contents1) dg')
Union [] pos -> return (nsig,dg)
Union asps pos ->
do let sps = map item asps
(nsigs,dg') <- let ana r sp = do
(nsigs,dg) <- r
(nsig,dg1) <- ana_SPEC gctx nsig Nothing just_struct sp
return (nsig:nsigs,dg1)
in foldl ana (return ([],dg)) sps
let nsigs' = reverse nsigs
nodes = catMaybes (map getNode nsigs')
G_sign lid' bigSigma <-
homogeneousGsigManyUnion (headPos pos) (map getSig nsigs')
let node_contents = DGNode {
dgn_name = name,
dgn_sign = G_sign lid' (empty_signature lid'),
dgn_sens = G_l_sentence lid' [],
dgn_origin = DGUnion }
[node] = newNodes 0 dg'
link = DGLink {
dgl_morphism = undefined, -- ??? how to get it?
dgl_type = GlobalDef,
dgl_origin = DGUnion }
return (let insE dg n = insEdge (n,node,link) dg -- link should vary
in (NodeSig(node,G_sign lid' bigSigma),
foldl insE (insNode (node,node_contents) dg') nodes))
Extension [] pos -> return (nsig,dg)
Extension asps pos ->
foldl ana (return (nsig,dg)) namedSps
namedSps = zip (map (\_ -> Nothing) (tail asps) ++ [name]) (map item asps)
ana res (name,sp) = do
(nsig,dg) <- res
ana_SPEC (gannos,genv,dg) nsig name just_struct sp
Free_spec asp pos ->
do let sp = item asp
(nsig',dg') <- ana_SPEC gctx nsig Nothing just_struct sp
n' <- maybeToResult nullPos
"Internal error: Free spec over empty spec" (getNode nsig')
let gsigma' = getSig nsig'
G_sign lid' sigma' <- return gsigma'
let node_contents = DGNode {
dgn_name = name,
dgn_sign = G_sign lid' (empty_signature lid'), -- delta is empty
dgn_sens = G_l_sentence lid' [],
dgn_origin = DGFree }
[node] = newNodes 0 dg'
link = (n',node,DGLink {
dgl_morphism = undefined, -- ??? inclusion
dgl_type = FreeDef nsig,
dgl_origin = DGFree })
return (NodeSig(node,gsigma'),
insEdge link $
insNode (node,node_contents) dg')
Cofree_spec asp pos ->
do let sp = item asp
(nsig',dg') <- ana_SPEC gctx nsig Nothing just_struct sp
n' <- maybeToResult nullPos
"Internal error: Free spec over empty spec" (getNode nsig')
let gsigma' = getSig nsig'
G_sign lid' sigma' <- return gsigma'
let node_contents = DGNode {
dgn_name = name,
dgn_sign = G_sign lid' (empty_signature lid'), -- delta is empty
dgn_sens = G_l_sentence lid' [],
dgn_origin = DGCofree }
[node] = newNodes 0 dg'
link = (n',node,DGLink {
dgl_morphism = undefined, -- ??? inclusion
dgl_type = CofreeDef nsig,
dgl_origin = DGCofree })
return (NodeSig(node,gsigma'),
insEdge link $
insNode (node,node_contents) dg')
Local_spec asp asp' pos ->
do let sp = item asp
sp' = item asp'
(nsig',dg') <- ana_SPEC gctx nsig Nothing just_struct sp
(nsig'',dg'') <- ana_SPEC (gannos,genv,dg') nsig' Nothing just_struct sp'
n'' <- maybeToResult nullPos
"Internal error: Local spec over empty spec" (getNode nsig'')
let gsigma = getSig nsig
gsigma' = getSig nsig'
gsigma'' = getSig nsig''
G_sign lid sigma <- return gsigma
G_sign lid' sigma' <- return gsigma'
G_sign lid'' sigma'' <- return gsigma''
sigma1 <- rcoerce lid' lid nullPos sigma'
sigma2 <- rcoerce lid'' lid nullPos sigma''
let sys = sym_of lid sigma
sys1 = sym_of lid sigma1
sys2 = sym_of lid sigma2
mor3 <- cogenerated_sign lid (toList (sys1 `difference` sys)) sigma2
let sigma3 = dom lid mor3
gsigma2 = G_sign lid sigma2
gsigma3 = G_sign lid sigma3
sys3 = sym_of lid sigma3
if sys2 `difference` sys1 `subset` sys3 then return ()
else plain_error ()
"attempt to hide symbols from the local environment" (headPos pos)
let node_contents = DGNode {
dgn_name = name,
dgn_sign = G_sign lid (empty_signature lid), -- delta is empty
dgn_sens = G_l_sentence lid [],
dgn_origin = DGLocal }
[node] = newNodes 0 dg''
link = (n'',node,DGLink {
dgl_morphism = gEmbed (G_morphism lid mor3),
dgl_type = HidingDef,
dgl_origin = DGLocal })
return (NodeSig(node,gsigma3),
insEdge link $
insNode (node,node_contents) dg'')
Closed_spec asp pos ->
do let sp = item asp
l = getLogic nsig
(nsig',dg') <- ana_SPEC gctx (EmptyNode l) Nothing just_struct sp
n' <- maybeToResult nullPos
"Internal error: Closed spec over empty spec" (getNode nsig')
let gsigma = getSig nsig
gsigma' = getSig nsig'
gsigma'' <- homogeneousGsigUnion (headPos pos) gsigma gsigma'
-- also allow different logics???
G_sign lid'' sigma'' <- return gsigma''
let [node] = newNodes 0 dg'
node_contents = DGNode {
dgn_name = name,
dgn_sign = G_sign lid'' (empty_signature lid''),
dgn_sens = G_l_sentence lid'' [],
dgn_origin = DGClosed }
link1 = (n',node,DGLink {
dgl_morphism = inclusion gsigma' gsigma'',
dgl_type = GlobalDef,
dgl_origin = DGClosed })
link2 = DGLink {
dgl_morphism = inclusion gsigma' gsigma'',
dgl_type = GlobalDef,
dgl_origin = DGClosedLenv }
insLink2 = case (getNode nsig) of
Nothing -> id
Just n -> insEdge (n,node,link2)
return (NodeSig(node,gsigma''),
insLink2 $
insEdge link1 $
insNode (node,node_contents) dg')
Group asp pos ->
ana_SPEC gctx nsig name just_struct (item asp)
Spec_inst spname afitargs pos ->
case Map.lookup spname genv of
Nothing -> plain_error (nsig,dg)
("Specification "++pretty spname++" not found") (headPos pos)
Just (ViewEntry _) ->
plain_error (nsig,dg)
(pretty spname++" is a view, not a specification") (headPos pos)
Just (ArchEntry _) ->
plain_error (nsig,dg)
(pretty spname++
" is an architectural, not a structured specification") (headPos pos)
Just (UnitEntry _) ->
plain_error (nsig,dg)
(pretty spname++
" is a unit specification, not a structured specification") (headPos pos)
Just (SpecEntry gs@(imps,params,gSigmaP,body)) ->
case (\x y -> (x,x-y)) (length afitargs) (length params) of
-- the case without parameters leads to a simpler dg
(0,0) -> do
let gsigmaB = getSig body
gsigma <- homogeneousGsigUnion (headPos pos) (getSig nsig) gsigmaB
G_sign lid sigma <- return gsigma
nB <- maybeToResult (headPos pos)
"Internal error: empty body spec" (getNode body)
case (getNode nsig) of
-- the case with empty local env leads to an even simpler dg
Nothing -> case name of
-- if the node shall not be named, just return the body
Nothing -> return (body,dg)
-- if the node shall be named, we need to create a new one
Just _ ->
let [node] = newNodes 0 dg
node_contents = DGNode {
dgn_name = name,
dgn_sign = G_sign lid (empty_signature lid),
dgn_sens = G_l_sentence lid [],
dgn_origin = DGSpecInst spname}
link = (nB,node,DGLink {
dgl_morphism = inclusion gsigmaB gsigma,
dgl_type = GlobalDef,
dgl_origin = DGSpecInst spname})
in return (NodeSig(node,gsigma),
insEdge link $
insNode (node,node_contents) dg)
-- the case with nonempty local env
Just n ->
let [node] = newNodes 0 dg
node_contents = DGNode {
dgn_name = name,
dgn_sign = G_sign lid (empty_signature lid),
dgn_sens = G_l_sentence lid [],
dgn_origin = DGSpecInst spname}
link1 = (n,node,DGLink {
dgl_morphism = inclusion (getSig nsig) gsigma,
dgl_type = GlobalDef,
dgl_origin = DGSpecInst spname})
link2 = (nB,node,DGLink {
dgl_morphism = inclusion gsigmaB gsigma,
dgl_type = GlobalDef,
dgl_origin = DGSpecInst spname})
in return (NodeSig(node,gsigma),
insEdge link1 $
insEdge link2 $
insNode (node,node_contents) dg)
-- now the general case: with parameters
(_,0) -> do
let fitargs = map item afitargs
(dg',args) <- foldl ana (return (dg,[])) (zip params fitargs)
let actualargs = reverse args
(gsigma',mor_f) <- apply_GS (headPos pos) gs actualargs
G_sign lid' sigma' <- return gsigma'
gsigmaRes <- homogeneousGsigUnion (headPos pos) (getSig nsig) gsigma'
nB <- maybeToResult (headPos pos)
"Internal error: empty body spec" (getNode body)
let [node] = newNodes 0 dg'
node_contents = DGNode {
dgn_name = name,
dgn_sign = G_sign lid' (empty_signature lid'),
dgn_sens = G_l_sentence lid' [],
dgn_origin = DGSpecInst spname}
link1 = DGLink {
dgl_morphism = inclusion (getSig nsig) gsigma',
dgl_type = GlobalDef,
dgl_origin = DGSpecInst spname}
insLink1 = case (getNode nsig) of
Nothing -> id
Just n -> insEdge (n,node,link1)
link2 = (nB,node,DGLink {
dgl_morphism = inclusion (getSig body) gsigma',
dgl_type = GlobalDef,
dgl_origin = DGSpecInst spname})
parLinks = catMaybes (map (parLink node) actualargs)
return (NodeSig(node,gsigma'),
foldr insEdge
(insLink1 $
insEdge link2 $
insNode (node,node_contents) dg')
ana res (nsig,fa) = do
(dg,args) <- res
(dg',arg) <- ana_FIT_ARG (gannos,genv,dg) spname imps nsig just_struct fa
return (dg',arg:args)
parLink node (mor_i,nsigA_i) = do
nA_i <- getNode nsigA_i
let link = DGLink {
dgl_morphism = gEmbed mor_i,
dgl_type = GlobalDef,
dgl_origin = DGClosed }
return (nA_i,node,link)
-- finally the case with conflicting numbers of formal and actual parameters
otherwise ->
plain_error (nsig,dg)
(pretty spname++" expects "++show (length params)++" arguments"
++" but was given "++show (length afitargs)) (headPos pos)
Qualified_spec logname asp pos ->
ana_err "logic qualified specs"
Data (Logic lid1) asp1 asp2 pos ->
do let sp1 = item asp1
sp2 = item asp2
l = getLogic nsig
(nsig1,dg1) <- ana_SPEC gctx (EmptyNode lid1) Nothing just_struct sp1
(nsig2,dg2) <- ana_SPEC (gannos,genv,dg1) nsig1 Nothing just_struct sp2
n' <- maybeToResult nullPos
"Internal error: Free spec over empty spec" (getNode nsig')
let gsigma' = getSig nsig'
G_sign lid' sigma' <- return gsigma'
let node_contents = DGNode {
dgn_name = name,
dgn_sign = G_sign lid' (empty_signature lid'), -- delta is empty
dgn_sens = G_l_sentence lid' [],
dgn_origin = DGFree }
[node] = newNodes 0 dg'
link = (n',node,DGLink {
dgl_morphism = undefined, -- ??? inclusion
dgl_type = FreeDef nsig,
dgl_origin = DGFree })
return (NodeSig(node,gsigma'),
insEdge link $
insNode (node,node_contents) dg')
-- analysis of renamings
ana_ren1 dg (GMorphism lid1 lid2 r sigma mor)
(G_symb_map (G_symb_map_items_list lid sis),pos) = do
sis1 <- rcoerce lid2 lid pos sis
rmap <- stat_symb_map_items lid2 sis1
mor1 <- induced_from_morphism lid2 rmap (cod lid2 mor)
mor2 <- maybeToResult pos
"renaming: signature morphism composition failed"
(comp lid2 mor mor1)
return (GMorphism lid1 lid2 r sigma mor2)
ana_ren1 dg mor (G_logic_translation (Logic_code tok src tar pos1),pos2) =
fatal_error "no analysis of logic translations yet" pos2
ana_ren :: DGraph -> Result GMorphism -> (G_mapping,Pos) -> Result GMorphism
ana_ren dg mor_res ren =
do mor <- mor_res
ana_ren1 dg mor ren
ana_RENAMING :: DGraph -> G_sign -> RENAMING -> Result GMorphism
ana_RENAMING dg gSigma (Renaming ren pos) =
foldl (ana_ren dg) (return (ide Grothendieck gSigma)) ren'
ren' = zip ren (tail (pos ++ repeat nullPos))
-- analysis of restrictions
ana_restr1 dg (G_sign lid sigma) (GMorphism lid1 lid2 r sigma1 mor)
(G_symb_list (G_symb_items_list lid' sis'),pos) = do
sis1 <- rcoerce lid1 lid' pos sis'
rsys <- stat_symb_items lid1 sis1
let sys = sym_of lid1 sigma1
let sys' = filter (\sy -> any (\rsy -> matches lid1 sy rsy) rsys)
(toList sys)
-- if sys' `disjoint` () then return ()
-- else plain_error () "attempt to hide symbols from the local environment" pos
mor1 <- cogenerated_sign lid1 sys' sigma1
mor1' <- maybeToResult pos
("restriction: could not map morphism along" ++ repr_name r)
(map_morphism r mor1)
mor2 <- maybeToResult pos
"restriction: signature morphism composition failed"
(comp lid2 mor1' mor)
return (GMorphism lid1 lid2 r (dom lid1 mor1) mor2)
ana_restr1 dg gSigma mor
(G_logic_projection (Logic_code tok src tar pos1),pos2) =
fatal_error "no analysis of logic projections yet" pos2
ana_restr :: DGraph -> G_sign -> Result GMorphism -> (G_hiding,Pos)
-> Result GMorphism
ana_restr dg gSigma mor_res restr =
do mor <- mor_res
ana_restr1 dg gSigma mor restr
ana_RESTRICTION :: DGraph -> G_sign -> G_sign -> RESTRICTION
-> Result (GMorphism, Maybe GMorphism)
ana_RESTRICTION dg gSigma gSigma' (Hidden restr pos) =
do mor <- foldl (ana_restr dg gSigma)
(return (ide Grothendieck gSigma'))
return (mor,Nothing)
restr' = zip restr (tail (pos ++ repeat nullPos))
ana_RESTRICTION dg gSigma@(G_sign lid sigma) gSigma'@(G_sign lid' sigma')
(Revealed (G_symb_map_items_list lid1 sis) pos) =
do let sys = sym_of lid sigma
sys' = sym_of lid' sigma'
sis' <- rcoerce lid1 lid' (headPos pos) sis
rmap <- stat_symb_map_items lid' sis'
let sys'' =
[sy | sy <- toList sys', rsy <- Map.keys rmap, matches lid' sy rsy]
sys1 <- rcoerce lid lid' (headPos pos) sys
-- ??? this is too simple in case that local env is translated
-- to a different logic
if sys1 `disjoint` sys'' then return ()
else plain_error () "attempt to hide symbols from the local environment" (headPos pos)
mor1 <- generated_sign lid' (toList (sys1 `union` sys'')) sigma'
mor2 <- induced_from_morphism lid' rmap (dom lid' mor1)
return (gEmbed (G_morphism lid' mor1),
Just (gEmbed (G_morphism lid' mor2)))
ana_FIT_ARG gctx@(gannos,genv,dg) spname nsigI nsigP just_struct (Fit_spec asp gsis pos) = do
nP <- maybeToResult nullPos
"Internal error: empty parameter spec" (getNode nsigP)
(nsigA,dg') <- ana_SPEC gctx nsigI Nothing just_struct (item asp)
nA <- maybeToResult nullPos
"Internal error: empty argument spec" (getNode nsigA)
let gsigmaP = getSig nsigP
gsigmaA = getSig nsigA
gsigmaI = getSig nsigI
G_sign lidP sigmaP <- return gsigmaP
G_sign lidA sigmaA <- return gsigmaA
G_sign lidI sigmaI <- return gsigmaI
G_symb_map_items_list lid sis <- return gsis
rmap <- stat_symb_map_items lid sis
sigmaA' <- rcoerce lidA lidP (headPos pos) sigmaA
sigmaI' <- rcoerce lidI lidP (headPos pos) sigmaI
rmap' <- rcoerce lid lidP (headPos pos) rmap
mor <- induced_from_to_morphism lidP rmap' sigmaP sigmaA'
let symI = sym_of lidP sigmaI'
symmap_mor = symmap_of lidP mor
-- are symbols of the imports left untouched?
{- if setAll (\sy -> lookupFM symmap_mor sy == Just sy) symI
then return ()
else plain_error () "Fitting morphism must not affect import" (headPos pos)
-} -- ??? does not work
-- ??? also output some symbol that is affected
let link = (nP,nA,DGLink {
dgl_morphism = gEmbed (G_morphism lidP mor),
dgl_type = GlobalThm False,
dgl_origin = DGSpecInst spname})
return (insEdge link dg',
(G_morphism lidP mor,nsigA)
ana_FIT_ARG gctx@(gannos,genv,dg) spname nsigI nsigP just_struct (Fit_view vn fas pos ans) = do
G_sign lid sigma <- return (getSig nsigP)
return (dg,(G_morphism lid (ide lid sigma),nsigP))
-- ??? Needs to be implemented
extendMorphism :: Pos -> G_sign -> G_sign -> G_sign -> G_morphism
-> Result(G_sign,G_morphism)
extendMorphism pos gsigma gsigma' gsigmaA mor =
return (gsigmaA,mor) -- ??? needs to be implemented
apply_GS :: Pos -> ExtGenSig -> [(G_morphism,NodeSig)] -> Result(G_sign,G_morphism)
apply_GS pos (nsigI,params,gsigmaP,nsigB) args = do
let mor_i = map fst args
gsigmaA_i = map (getSig . snd) args
gsigmaB = getSig nsigB
gsigmaI = getSig nsigI
G_sign lidI sigmaI <- return gsigmaI
let idI = ide lidI sigmaI
gsigmaA <- homogeneousGsigManyUnion pos gsigmaA_i
mor_f <- homogeneousMorManyUnion pos (G_morphism lidI idI:mor_i)
extendMorphism pos gsigmaP gsigmaB gsigmaA mor_f
-- | analyze a GENERICITY
-- Parameters: global context, current logic, just-structure-flag, GENERICITY
ana_GENERICITY :: GlobalContext -> AnyLogic -> Bool -> GENERICITY
-> Result (ExtGenSig,DGraph)
ana_GENERICITY (_,_,dg) l@(Logic lid) _
(Genericity (Params []) (Imported []) pos) =
return ((EmptyNode l,[],G_sign lid (empty_signature lid),EmptyNode l),dg)
ana_GENERICITY gctx@(gannos,genv,_) l just_struct (Genericity (Params [asp]) imps pos) = do
(nsigI,dg') <- ana_IMPORTS gctx l just_struct imps
(nsigP,dg'') <- ana_SPEC (gannos,genv,dg') nsigI Nothing just_struct (item asp)
return ((nsigI,[nsigP],getSig nsigP,nsigP),
ana_GENERICITY gctx@(gannos,genv,_) l just_struct (Genericity params imps pos) = do
(nsigI,dg') <- ana_IMPORTS gctx l just_struct imps
(nsigPs,dg'') <- ana_PARAMS (gannos,genv,dg') l nsigI just_struct params
gsigmaP <- homogeneousGsigManyUnion (headPos pos) (map getSig nsigPs)
G_sign lidP sigmaP <- return gsigmaP
let node_contents = DGNode {
dgn_name = Nothing,
dgn_sign = G_sign lidP (empty_signature lidP),
dgn_sens = G_l_sentence lidP [],
dgn_origin = DGFormalParams }
[node] = newNodes 0 dg''
dg''' = insNode (node,node_contents) dg''
inslink dg nsig =
case getNode nsig of
Nothing -> dg
Just n -> insEdge (n,node,DGLink {
dgl_morphism = inclusion (getSig nsig) gsigmaP,
dgl_type = GlobalDef,
dgl_origin = DGFormalParams }) dg
return ((nsigI,nsigPs,gsigmaP,NodeSig(node,gsigmaP)),
foldl inslink dg''' nsigPs)
ana_PARAMS :: GlobalContext -> AnyLogic -> NodeSig -> Bool -> PARAMS
-> Result ([NodeSig],DGraph)
ana_PARAMS gctx@(gannos,genv,dg) l nsigI just_struct (Params asps) = do
(pars,dg') <- foldl ana (return ([],dg)) (map item asps)
return (reverse pars,dg')
ana res sp = do
(pars,dg) <- res
(par,dg') <- ana_SPEC (gannos,genv,dg) nsigI Nothing just_struct sp
return (par:pars,dg')
ana_IMPORTS :: GlobalContext -> AnyLogic -> Bool -> IMPORTED
-> Result (NodeSig,DGraph)
ana_IMPORTS gctx l just_struct (Imported asps) = do
let sp = Union asps (map (\_ -> nullPos) asps)
ana_SPEC gctx (EmptyNode l) Nothing just_struct sp
-- ??? emptyExplicit stuff needs to be added here
-- | analyze a VIEW_TYPE
-- The first three arguments give the global context
-- The AnyLogic is the current logic
-- The NodeSig is the signature of the parameter of the view
-- flag, whether just the structure shall be analysed
ana_VIEW_TYPE:: GlobalContext -> AnyLogic -> NodeSig -> Bool -> VIEW_TYPE
-> Result ((NodeSig,NodeSig),DGraph)
ana_VIEW_TYPE gctx@(gannos,genv,_) l parSig just_struct
(View_type aspSrc aspTar pos) = do
(srcNsig,dg') <- ana_SPEC gctx (EmptyNode l) Nothing just_struct (item aspSrc)
(tarNsig,dg'') <- ana_SPEC (gannos,genv,dg') parSig Nothing just_struct (item aspTar)
return ((srcNsig,tarNsig),dg'')
-- | Auxiliary function for not yet implemented features
ana_err :: String -> a
ana_err fname =
error ("*** Analysis of " ++ fname ++ " is not yet implemented!")