342N/A Copyright : (c) Till Mossakowski and Uni Bremen 2003
342N/A Maintainer : hets@tzi.de
342N/A Stability : provisional
342N/A Analysis of structured specifications
342N/A Follows the extended static semantic rules in:
342N/A T. Mossakowski, S. Autexier, D. Hutter, P. Hoffman:
342N/A To appear in the CASL book.
1472N/A Option: only the structure is analysed => also for symbol maps!
342N/A Check that translations and reductions do not effect local env
1879N/A Unions (already in the parser) need unions of logics
1879N/A = suprema in the lattice of default logic inclusions!
1879N/A (also needed by closed specs)
1879N/A Should we use institution independent analysis over the Grothendieck logic?
1879N/A abstract syntax + devgraph would have to be changed to homogeneous case
1879N/A logic translations are symbol maps in the Grothendieck logic
342N/A Problem with this approach: symbol functor goes into rel,
342N/A and induced_from_morphism gets difficult to implement
342N/A Unions need inclusion morphisms. Should these play a special role?
342N/A At least we need a function delivering the inclusion morphism
342N/A between two (sub)signatures.
342N/A In most logics, inclusions could be represented specially, such
342N/A that composition for them becomes fast.
342N/A Should we even identify an inclusion subcategory?
342N/A Then inclusions are represented by pair of signatures
342N/A (Non-inclusions could be specially displayed in the DG)
342N/A Treatment of translations and reductions along logic translations
342N/A may local env be translated, and even reduced, along logic translations?
342N/A if yes: how is local env linked to signature of resulting spec?
342N/A (important
e.g. for checking that local env is not being renamed?)
342N/A does signature+comorphism suffice, such that c(local env)\subseteq sig?
342N/A if no: this means that only closed specs may be translated
342N/A Revealings wihout translations: just one arrow
342N/A Pushouts: only admissible within one logic?
845N/A Union nodes can be extended by a basic spec directly (no new node needed)
845N/A Also: free, cofree nodes
845N/A-- Parameters: global context, local environment,
342N/A-- the SIMPLE_ID may be a name if the specification shall be named,
845N/A-- flag: shall only the structure be analysed?
845N/Aana_SPEC :: LogicGraph -> GlobalContext -> NodeSig -> Maybe SIMPLE_ID ->
845N/A Bool -> SPEC -> Result (SPEC,NodeSig,DGraph)
845N/Aana_SPEC lg gctx@(gannos,genv,dg) nsig name just_struct sp =
342N/A Basic_spec (G_basic_spec lid bspec) ->
342N/A do G_sign lid' sigma' <- return (getSig nsig)
342N/A sigma <- rcoerce lid' lid nullPos sigma'
342N/A (bspec',sigma_local, sigma_complete, ax) <-
342N/A then return (bspec,empty_signature lid, empty_signature lid,[])
342N/A else do b <- maybeToResult nullPos
342N/A ("no basic analysis for logic "
342N/A (G_sign lid sigma) (G_sign lid sigma_complete)
342N/A let node_contents = DGNode {
342N/A dgn_sign = G_sign lid sigma_local, -- only the delta
342N/A dgn_sens = G_l_sentence lid ax,
342N/A dg' = insNode (node,node_contents) dg
342N/A dgl_origin = DGExtension }
342N/A NodeSig (n,_) -> insEdge (n,node,link) dg'
342N/A return (Basic_spec (G_basic_spec lid bspec'),
342N/A NodeSig (node,G_sign lid sigma_complete),
1879N/A (sp',nsig',dg') <- ana_SPEC lg gctx nsig Nothing just_struct sp
n' <- maybeToResult nullPos
"Internal error: Translation of empty spec" (getNode nsig')
mor <- ana_RENAMING dg (getSig nsig') ren
-- ??? check that mor is identity on local env
let gsigma' = cod Grothendieck mor
-- ??? too simplistic for non-comorphism inter-logic translations
G_sign lid' sigma' <- return gsigma'
let node_contents = DGNode {
dgn_sens = G_l_sentence lid' [],
dgn_origin = DGTranslation }
dgl_origin = DGTranslation })
return (Translation (replaceAnnoted sp' asp) ren,
insNode (node,node_contents) dg')
(sp',nsig',dg') <- ana_SPEC lg gctx nsig Nothing just_struct sp
n' <- maybeToResult nullPos
"Internal error: Reduction of empty spec" (getNode nsig')
(hmor,tmor) <- ana_RESTRICTION dg gsigma gsigma' restr
-- we treat hiding and revealing differently
-- in order to keep the dg as simple as possible
do let gsigma' = dom Grothendieck hmor
-- ??? too simplistic for non-comorphism inter-logic reductions
G_sign lid' sigma' <- return gsigma'
let node_contents = DGNode {
dgn_sign = G_sign lid' (empty_signature lid'),
dgn_sens = G_l_sentence lid' [],
return (Reduction (replaceAnnoted sp' asp) restr,
insNode (node,node_contents) dg')
do let gsigma1 = dom Grothendieck tmor'
gsigma'' = cod Grothendieck tmor'
-- ??? too simplistic for non-comorphism inter-logic reductions
G_sign lid1 sigma1 <- return gsigma1
G_sign lid'' sigma'' <- return gsigma''
let [node1,node''] = newNodes 1 dg'
node_contents1 = DGNode {
dgn_sign = G_sign lid1 (empty_signature lid1),
dgn_sens = G_l_sentence lid1 [],
dgn_origin = DGRevealing }
link1 = (n',node1,DGLink {
dgl_origin = DGRevealing })
node_contents'' = DGNode {
dgn_sign = G_sign lid'' (empty_signature lid''),
dgn_sens = G_l_sentence lid'' [],
dgn_origin = DGRevealTranslation }
link'' = (node1,node'',DGLink {
dgl_origin = DGRevealTranslation })
return (Reduction (replaceAnnoted sp' asp) restr,
insNode (node'',node_contents'') $
insNode (node1,node_contents1) dg')
Union [] pos -> return (sp,nsig,dg)
do let sps = map item asps
(sp1,nsig',dg1) <- ana_SPEC lg (gannos,genv,dg) nsig Nothing just_struct sp
return (sp1:sps1,nsig':nsigs,dg1)
in foldl ana (return ([],[],dg)) sps
let nsigs' = reverse nsigs
gbigSigma <- homogeneousGsigManyUnion (headPos pos) (map getSig nsigs')
G_sign lid' bigSigma <- return gbigSigma
let node_contents = DGNode {
dgn_sign = G_sign lid' (empty_signature lid'),
dgn_sens = G_l_sentence lid' [],
insE dgres (n,gsigma) = do
incl <- ginclusion lg gsigma gbigSigma
return (insEdge (n,node,link) dg)
dg'' <- foldl insE (return (insNode (node,node_contents) dg'))
(catMaybes (map getNodeAndSig nsigs'))
return (Union (map (uncurry replaceAnnoted)
(zip (reverse sps') asps))
Extension [] pos -> return (sp,nsig,dg)
(sps',nsig1,dg1) <- foldl ana (return ([],nsig,dg)) namedSps
return (Extension (map (uncurry replaceAnnoted)
(zip (reverse sps') asps))
namedSps = zip (map (\_ -> Nothing) (tail asps) ++ [name]) (map item asps)
(sp1',nsig1,dg1) <- ana_SPEC lg (gannos,genv,dg) nsig name just_struct sp
return (sp1':sps',nsig1,dg1)
(sp',nsig',dg') <- ana_SPEC lg gctx nsig Nothing just_struct sp
n' <- maybeToResult nullPos
"Internal error: Free spec over empty spec" (getNode nsig')
let gsigma' = getSig nsig'
G_sign lid' sigma' <- return gsigma'
incl <- ginclusion lg (getSig nsig) gsigma'
let node_contents = DGNode {
dgn_sign = G_sign lid' (empty_signature lid'), -- delta is empty
dgn_sens = G_l_sentence lid' [],
return (Free_spec (replaceAnnoted sp' asp) pos,
insNode (node,node_contents) dg')
(sp',nsig',dg') <- ana_SPEC lg gctx nsig Nothing just_struct sp
n' <- maybeToResult nullPos
"Internal error: Cofree spec over empty spec" (getNode nsig')
let gsigma' = getSig nsig'
G_sign lid' sigma' <- return gsigma'
incl <- ginclusion lg (getSig nsig) gsigma'
let node_contents = DGNode {
dgn_sign = G_sign lid' (empty_signature lid'), -- delta is empty
dgn_sens = G_l_sentence lid' [],
dgl_type = CofreeDef nsig,
return (Cofree_spec (replaceAnnoted sp' asp) pos,
insNode (node,node_contents) dg')
Local_spec asp asp' pos ->
(sp1,nsig',dg') <- ana_SPEC lg gctx nsig Nothing just_struct sp
(sp1',nsig'',dg'') <- ana_SPEC lg (gannos,genv,dg') nsig' Nothing just_struct sp'
n'' <- maybeToResult nullPos
"Internal error: Local spec over empty spec" (getNode nsig'')
G_sign lid sigma <- return gsigma
G_sign lid' sigma' <- return gsigma'
G_sign lid'' sigma'' <- return gsigma''
sigma1 <- rcoerce lid' lid nullPos sigma'
sigma2 <- rcoerce lid'' lid nullPos sigma''
let sys = sym_of lid sigma
let sigma3 = dom lid mor3
gsigma2 = G_sign lid sigma2
gsigma3 = G_sign lid sigma3
"attempt to hide symbols from the local environment" (headPos pos)
let node_contents = DGNode {
dgn_sign = G_sign lid (empty_signature lid), -- delta is empty
dgn_sens = G_l_sentence lid [],
link = (n'',node,DGLink {
dgl_morphism = gEmbed (G_morphism lid mor3),
return (Local_spec (replaceAnnoted sp1 asp)
(replaceAnnoted sp1' asp')
insNode (node,node_contents) dg'')
(sp',nsig',dg') <- ana_SPEC lg gctx (EmptyNode l) Nothing just_struct sp
n' <- maybeToResult nullPos
"Internal error: Closed spec over empty spec" (getNode nsig')
gsigma'' <- homogeneousGsigUnion (headPos pos) gsigma gsigma'
-- also allow different logics???
G_sign lid'' sigma'' <- return gsigma''
incl1 <- ginclusion lg gsigma' gsigma''
incl2 <- ginclusion lg gsigma' gsigma''
let [node] = newNodes 0 dg'
dgn_sign = G_sign lid'' (empty_signature lid''),
dgn_sens = G_l_sentence lid'' [],
link1 = (n',node,DGLink {
dgl_origin = DGClosedLenv }
insLink2 = case (getNode nsig) of
Just n -> insEdge (n,node,link2)
return (Closed_spec (replaceAnnoted sp' asp) pos,
insNode (node,node_contents) dg')
(sp',nsig',dg') <- ana_SPEC lg gctx nsig name just_struct (item asp)
return (Group (replaceAnnoted sp' asp) pos,nsig',dg')
Spec_inst spname afitargs pos ->
Nothing -> plain_error (sp,nsig,dg)
("Specification "++ showPretty spname " not found") (headPos pos)
(showPretty spname " is a view, not a specification") (headPos pos)
" is an architectural, not a structured specification") (headPos pos)
" is a unit specification, not a structured specification") (headPos pos)
Just (SpecEntry gs@(imps,params,gSigmaP,body)) ->
case (\x y -> (x,x-y)) (length afitargs) (length params) of
-- the case without parameters leads to a simpler dg
let gsigmaB = getSig body
gsigma <- homogeneousGsigUnion (headPos pos) (getSig nsig) gsigmaB
G_sign lid sigma <- return gsigma
nB <- maybeToResult (headPos pos)
"Internal error: empty body spec" (getNode body)
-- the case with empty local env leads to an even simpler dg
-- if the node shall not be named, just return the body
Nothing -> return (sp,body,dg)
-- if the node shall be named, we need to create a new one
incl <- ginclusion lg gsigmaB gsigma
let [node] = newNodes 0 dg
dgn_sign = G_sign lid (empty_signature lid),
dgn_sens = G_l_sentence lid [],
dgn_origin = DGSpecInst spname}
dgl_origin = DGSpecInst spname})
insNode (node,node_contents) dg)
-- the case with nonempty local env
incl1 <- ginclusion lg (getSig nsig) gsigma
incl2 <- ginclusion lg gsigmaB gsigma
let [node] = newNodes 0 dg
dgn_sign = G_sign lid (empty_signature lid),
dgn_sens = G_l_sentence lid [],
dgn_origin = DGSpecInst spname}
dgl_origin = DGSpecInst spname})
link2 = (nB,node,DGLink {
dgl_origin = DGSpecInst spname})
insNode (node,node_contents) dg)
-- now the general case: with parameters
let fitargs = map item afitargs
foldl ana (return ([],dg,[])) (zip params fitargs)
let actualargs = reverse args
(gsigma',mor_f) <- apply_GS (headPos pos) gs actualargs
G_sign lid' sigma' <- return gsigma'
gsigmaRes <- homogeneousGsigUnion (headPos pos) (getSig nsig) gsigma'
nB <- maybeToResult (headPos pos)
"Internal error: empty body spec" (getNode body)
incl1 <- ginclusion lg (getSig nsig) gsigma'
incl2 <- ginclusion lg (getSig body) gsigma'
let [node] = newNodes 0 dg'
dgn_sign = G_sign lid' (empty_signature lid'),
dgn_sens = G_l_sentence lid' [],
dgn_origin = DGSpecInst spname}
dgl_origin = DGSpecInst spname}
insLink1 = case (getNode nsig) of
Just n -> insEdge (n,node,link1)
link2 = (nB,node,DGLink {
dgl_origin = DGSpecInst spname})
parLinks = catMaybes (map (parLink node) actualargs)
(map (uncurry replaceAnnoted)
(zip (reverse fitargs') afitargs))
insNode (node,node_contents) dg')
(fa',dg',arg) <- ana_FIT_ARG lg (gannos,genv,dg)
spname imps nsig just_struct fa
return (fa':fas',dg',arg:args)
parLink node (mor_i,nsigA_i) = do
dgl_morphism = gEmbed mor_i,
-- finally the case with conflicting numbers of formal and actual parameters
(showPretty spname " expects "++show (length params)++" arguments"
++" but was given "++show (length afitargs)) (headPos pos)
Qualified_spec logname asp pos ->
ana_err "logic qualified specs"
Data (Logic lid1) asp1 asp2 pos ->
ana_SPEC lg gctx (EmptyNode lid1) Nothing just_struct sp1
ana_SPEC lg (gannos,genv,dg1) nsig1 Nothing just_struct sp2
n' <- maybeToResult nullPos
"Internal error: Free spec over empty spec" (getNode nsig')
let gsigma' = getSig nsig'
G_sign lid' sigma' <- return gsigma'
let node_contents = DGNode {
dgn_sign = G_sign lid' (empty_signature lid'), -- delta is empty
dgn_sens = G_l_sentence lid' [],
return (Data (Logic lid1)
(replaceAnnoted sp1' asp1)
(replaceAnnoted sp2' asp2)
insNode (node,node_contents) dg')
ana_ren1 dg (GMorphism r sigma mor)
(G_symb_map (G_symb_map_items_list lid sis),pos) = do
sis1 <- rcoerce lid2 lid pos sis
rmap <- stat_symb_map_items lid2 sis1
mor1 <- induced_from_morphism lid2 rmap (cod lid2 mor)
mor2 <- maybeToResult pos
"renaming: signature morphism composition failed"
return (GMorphism r sigma mor2)
ana_ren1 dg mor (G_logic_translation (Logic_code tok src tar pos1),pos2) =
fatal_error "no analysis of logic translations yet" pos2
ana_ren :: DGraph -> Result GMorphism -> (G_mapping,Pos) -> Result GMorphism
ana_RENAMING :: DGraph -> G_sign -> RENAMING -> Result GMorphism
ana_RENAMING dg gSigma (Renaming ren pos) =
foldl (ana_ren dg) (return (ide Grothendieck gSigma)) ren'
ren' = zip ren (tail (pos ++ repeat nullPos))
-- analysis of restrictions
ana_restr1 dg (G_sign lid sigma) (GMorphism cid sigma1 mor)
(G_symb_list (G_symb_items_list lid' sis'),pos) = do
let lid1 = sourceLogic cid
sis1 <- rcoerce lid1 lid' pos sis'
rsys <- stat_symb_items lid1 sis1
let sys = sym_of lid1 sigma1
let sys' = filter (\sy -> any (\rsy -> matches lid1 sy rsy) rsys)
-- if sys' `disjoint` () then return ()
-- else plain_error () "attempt to hide symbols from the local environment" pos
mor1 <- cogenerated_sign lid1 sys' sigma1
mor1' <- maybeToResult pos
("restriction: could not map morphism along" ++ language_name cid)
mor2 <- maybeToResult pos
"restriction: signature morphism composition failed"
return (GMorphism cid (dom lid1 mor1) mor2)
(G_logic_projection (Logic_code tok src tar pos1),pos2) =
fatal_error "no analysis of logic projections yet" pos2
ana_restr :: DGraph -> G_sign -> Result GMorphism -> (G_hiding,Pos)
ana_restr dg gSigma mor_res restr =
ana_restr1 dg gSigma mor restr
ana_RESTRICTION :: DGraph -> G_sign -> G_sign -> RESTRICTION
-> Result (GMorphism, Maybe GMorphism)
ana_RESTRICTION dg gSigma gSigma' (Hidden restr pos) =
do mor <- foldl (ana_restr dg gSigma)
(return (ide Grothendieck gSigma'))
restr' = zip restr (tail (pos ++ repeat nullPos))
ana_RESTRICTION dg gSigma@(G_sign lid sigma) gSigma'@(G_sign lid' sigma')
(Revealed (G_symb_map_items_list lid1 sis) pos) =
do let sys = sym_of lid sigma
sys' = sym_of lid' sigma'
sis' <- rcoerce lid1 lid' (headPos pos) sis
rmap <- stat_symb_map_items lid' sis'
sys1 <- rcoerce lid lid' (headPos pos) sys
-- ??? this is too simple in case that local env is translated
else plain_error () "attempt to hide symbols from the local environment" (headPos pos)
mor2 <- induced_from_morphism lid' rmap (dom lid' mor1)
return (gEmbed (G_morphism lid' mor1),
Just (gEmbed (G_morphism lid' mor2)))
ana_FIT_ARG lg gctx@(gannos,genv,dg) spname nsigI nsigP just_struct
(Fit_spec asp gsis pos) = do
nP <- maybeToResult nullPos
"Internal error: empty parameter spec" (getNode nsigP)
(sp',nsigA,dg') <- ana_SPEC lg gctx nsigI Nothing just_struct (item asp)
nA <- maybeToResult nullPos
"Internal error: empty argument spec" (getNode nsigA)
let gsigmaP = getSig nsigP
G_sign lidP sigmaP <- return gsigmaP
G_sign lidA sigmaA <- return gsigmaA
G_sign lidI sigmaI <- return gsigmaI
G_symb_map_items_list lid sis <- return gsis
rmap <- stat_symb_map_items lid sis
sigmaA' <- rcoerce lidA lidP (headPos pos) sigmaA
sigmaI' <- rcoerce lidI lidP (headPos pos) sigmaI
rmap' <- rcoerce lid lidP (headPos pos) rmap
mor <- induced_from_to_morphism lidP rmap' sigmaP sigmaA'
let symI = sym_of lidP sigmaI'
symmap_mor = symmap_of lidP mor
-- are symbols of the imports left untouched?
{- if
Set.all (\sy -> lookupFM symmap_mor sy == Just sy) symI
else plain_error () "Fitting morphism must not affect import" (headPos pos)
-- ??? also output some symbol that is affected
let link = (nP,nA,DGLink {
dgl_morphism = gEmbed (G_morphism lidP mor),
dgl_type = GlobalThm Open None Open,
dgl_origin = DGSpecInst spname})
return (Fit_spec (replaceAnnoted sp' asp) gsis pos,
(G_morphism lidP mor,nsigA)
ana_FIT_ARG lg gctx@(gannos,genv,dg) spname nsigI nsigP just_struct
(Fit_view vn fas pos ans) = do
G_sign lid sigma <- return (getSig nsigP)
return (Fit_view vn fas pos ans,
(G_morphism lid (ide lid sigma),nsigP))
-- ??? Needs to be implemented
extendMorphism :: Pos -> G_sign -> G_sign -> G_sign -> G_morphism
-> Result(G_sign,G_morphism)
extendMorphism pos gsigma gsigma' gsigmaA mor =
return (gsigmaA,mor) -- ??? needs to be implemented
apply_GS :: Pos -> ExtGenSig -> [(G_morphism,NodeSig)] -> Result(G_sign,G_morphism)
apply_GS pos (nsigI,params,gsigmaP,nsigB) args = do
gsigmaA_i = map (getSig . snd) args
G_sign lidI sigmaI <- return gsigmaI
let idI = ide lidI sigmaI
gsigmaA <- homogeneousGsigManyUnion pos gsigmaA_i
mor_f <- homogeneousMorManyUnion pos (G_morphism lidI idI:mor_i)
extendMorphism pos gsigmaP gsigmaB gsigmaA mor_f
-- | analyze a GENERICITY
-- Parameters: global context, current logic, just-structure-flag, GENERICITY
ana_GENERICITY :: LogicGraph -> GlobalContext -> AnyLogic -> Bool
-> Result (GENERICITY,ExtGenSig,DGraph)
ana_GENERICITY lg (_,_,dg) l@(Logic lid) _
gen@(Genericity (Params []) (Imported []) pos) =
return (gen,(EmptyNode l,[],G_sign lid (empty_signature lid),EmptyNode l),dg)
ana_GENERICITY lg gctx@(gannos,genv,_) l just_struct
(Genericity (Params [asp]) imps pos) = do
(imps',nsigI,dg') <- ana_IMPORTS lg gctx l just_struct imps
(sp',nsigP,dg'') <- ana_SPEC lg (gannos,genv,dg') nsigI Nothing just_struct (item asp)
return (Genericity (Params [replaceAnnoted sp' asp]) imps' pos,
(nsigI,[nsigP],getSig nsigP,nsigP),
-- ... and more parameters
ana_GENERICITY lg gctx@(gannos,genv,_) l just_struct
(Genericity params imps pos) = do
(imps',nsigI,dg') <- ana_IMPORTS lg gctx l just_struct imps
ana_PARAMS lg (gannos,genv,dg') l nsigI just_struct params
gsigmaP <- homogeneousGsigManyUnion (headPos pos) (map getSig nsigPs)
G_sign lidP sigmaP <- return gsigmaP
let node_contents = DGNode {
dgn_sign = G_sign lidP (empty_signature lidP),
dgn_sens = G_l_sentence lidP [],
dgn_origin = DGFormalParams }
dg''' = insNode (node,node_contents) dg''
incl <- ginclusion lg (getSig nsig) gsigmaP
return (insEdge (n,node,DGLink {
dgl_origin = DGFormalParams }) dg)
dg4 <- foldl inslink (return dg''') nsigPs
return (Genericity params' imps' pos,
ana_PARAMS :: LogicGraph -> GlobalContext -> AnyLogic -> NodeSig -> Bool
-> Result (PARAMS,[NodeSig],DGraph)
ana_PARAMS lg gctx@(gannos,genv,dg) l nsigI just_struct (Params asps) = do
(sps',pars,dg') <- foldl ana (return ([],[],dg)) (map item asps)
return (Params (map (uncurry replaceAnnoted)
(zip (reverse sps') asps)),
(sp',par,dg') <- ana_SPEC lg (gannos,genv,dg) nsigI Nothing just_struct sp
return (sp':sps',par:pars,dg')
ana_IMPORTS :: LogicGraph -> GlobalContext -> AnyLogic -> Bool -> IMPORTED
-> Result (IMPORTED,NodeSig,DGraph)
ana_IMPORTS lg gctx l just_struct (Imported asps) = do
let sp = Union asps (map (\_ -> nullPos) asps)
(Union asps' _,nsig',dg') <-
ana_SPEC lg gctx (EmptyNode l) Nothing just_struct sp
return (Imported asps',nsig',dg')
-- ??? emptyExplicit stuff needs to be added here
-- The first three arguments give the global context
-- The AnyLogic is the current logic
-- The NodeSig is the signature of the parameter of the view
-- flag, whether just the structure shall be analysed
ana_VIEW_TYPE:: LogicGraph -> GlobalContext -> AnyLogic -> NodeSig -> Bool
-> Result (VIEW_TYPE,(NodeSig,NodeSig),DGraph)
ana_VIEW_TYPE lg gctx@(gannos,genv,_) l parSig just_struct
(View_type aspSrc aspTar pos) = do
ana_SPEC lg gctx (EmptyNode l) Nothing just_struct (item aspSrc)
ana_SPEC lg (gannos,genv,dg') parSig Nothing just_struct (item aspTar)
return (View_type (replaceAnnoted spSrc' aspSrc)
(replaceAnnoted spTar' aspTar)
-- | Auxiliary function for not yet implemented features
error ("*** Analysis of " ++ fname ++ " is not yet implemented!")