AnalysisLibrary.hs revision db7143998eee23e3d781f1f1e97e953bb831df1f
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2004
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
Analysis of libraries
Follows the verification semantics sketched in Chap. IV:6
of the CASL Reference Manual.
Generalization to heterogeneous views
check that libname coincides with filename (otherwise internal error occurs)
module Static.AnalysisLibrary (anaFile, ana_LIB_DEFN, anaString) where
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Common.Lib.Graph
import Static.DevGraph
import Syntax.AS_Structured hiding (View_defn, Spec_defn)
import Syntax.AS_Library
import Static.AnalysisStructured
import Static.AnalysisArchitecture
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.ConvertGlobalAnnos
import Common.AnalyseAnnos
import Common.Result
import Common.Id
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Driver.Options
import Driver.ReadFn
import Driver.WriteFn (writeFileInfo)
import Data.List(nub)
import System.Environment(getEnv)
-- | parsing and static analysis for files
-- Parameters: logic graph, default logic, file name
anaFile :: LogicGraph -> AnyLogic -> HetcatsOpts -> LibEnv -> String
-> IO (Maybe (LIB_NAME,LIB_DEFN,DGraph,LibEnv))
anaFile logicGraph defaultLogic opts libenv fname = do
putIfVerbose opts 1 ("Reading " ++ fname)
fname' <- existsAnSource fname
case fname' of
Nothing -> do
if outputToStdout opts then
putStrLn (fname++" not found.")
else return ()
return Nothing
Just fname'' -> do
input <- readFile fname''
anaString logicGraph defaultLogic opts libenv input (Just fname'')
-- | parsing and static analysis for string (=contents of file)
-- Parameters: logic graph, default logic, contents of file, filename (if any)
anaString :: LogicGraph -> AnyLogic -> HetcatsOpts -> LibEnv -> String
-> Maybe String -> IO (Maybe (LIB_NAME,LIB_DEFN,DGraph,LibEnv))
anaString logicGraph defaultLogic opts libenv input fname = do
let fname' = case fname of
Nothing -> "<stdin>"
Just n -> n
ast <- read_LIB_DEFN_M defaultLogic fname' input
Result ds res <-
ioresToIO (ana_LIB_DEFN logicGraph defaultLogic opts
libenv ast)
-- no diags expected here, since these are handled in ana_LIB_DEFN
-- sequence (map (putStrLn . show) diags)
case (res,fname) of
(Just (ln,_,_,lenv), Just n) ->
writeFileInfo opts ds n ln lenv
_ -> return ()
return res
-- lookup/read a library
anaLibFile :: LogicGraph -> AnyLogic -> HetcatsOpts -> LibEnv -> LIB_NAME
-> IO ([Diagnosis], LibEnv)
anaLibFile logicGraph defaultLogic opts libenv libname = do
-- is the library already in memory?
case Map.lookup libname libenv of
Just _ -> return ([],libenv)
Nothing -> do
-- if not compute the filename,
fname <- case getLIB_ID libname of
Indirect_link file _ -> do
path <- case libdir opts of
"" -> catch (getEnv "HETS_LIB")
(\ _ -> return "")
p -> return p
-- add trailing "/" if necessary
let path1 = case path of
"" -> ""
p -> case last p of
'/' -> p
_ -> p++"/"
return (path1++file)
Direct_link _ _ ->
if outputToStdout opts then
error "No direct links implemented yet"
else return (error "No direct links implemented yet")
-- check if and env file is there and read it if it is recent
let env_fname = fname++".env"
-- fname is sufficient here, because anaFile
-- trys all possible suffices with this basename
recent_env_file <- checkRecentEnv env_fname fname
if recent_env_file
then do
putIfVerbose opts 1 ("Reading "++env_fname)
(Result dias mgc) <- globalContextfromShATerm env_fname
-- the conversion/reading might yield an error that
-- should be caught here
(dias2, mLibEnv) <-
maybe (do ioresToIO $ showDiags1 opts
(resToIORes (Result dias mgc))
anaLibFile' fname dias)
(\ gc@(_,_,dgraph) -> do
putIfVerbose opts 1 ""
-- get all DGRefs from DGraph
let libEnv' = (Map.insert libname gc libenv)
nodesDGRef =
filter (\ labDG -> case labDG of
DGRef _ _ _ -> True
_ -> False)
(map snd (labNodes dgraph))
-- and call anaLibFile with each of the dgn_libname
-- of the DGRefs
refLibs = nub $ map dgn_libname nodesDGRef
newRefLibs =
filter (\ ln ->
not (ln `elem` Map.keys libEnv'))
foldl (\ioLibEnv tlibname ->
do (dias3 ,p_libEnv) <- ioLibEnv
putIfVerbose opts 1
("Analyzing from " ++
showPretty tlibname "\n")
(dias4, libEnvF) <-
anaLibFile logicGraph defaultLogic
opts p_libEnv tlibname
return ((dias3 ++ dias4),libEnvF)
) (return ([], libEnv')) newRefLibs
if outputToStdout opts then
return ([], mLibEnv)
else return( dias ++ dias2 , mLibEnv)
else anaLibFile' fname []
where anaLibFile' :: FilePath -> [Diagnosis] -> IO ([Diagnosis], LibEnv)
anaLibFile' fname diags'=
-- read and analyze the library,
if outputToStdout opts then
res <- anaFile logicGraph defaultLogic opts libenv fname
putIfVerbose opts 1 ""
-- and just return the libenv
return (case res of
Just (_,_,_,libenv') -> (diags', libenv')
Nothing -> (diags', libenv)
else do
(dias, res) <- anaFileW logicGraph defaultLogic opts
libenv fname
return (case res of
Just (_,_,_,libenv') -> (diags'++dias, libenv')
Nothing -> ((diags $ message ()
(fname ++" not found."))
++ diags',libenv))
anaFileW :: LogicGraph -> AnyLogic -> HetcatsOpts -> LibEnv -> String
-> IO ([Diagnosis], Maybe (LIB_NAME,LIB_DEFN,DGraph,LibEnv))
anaFileW logicGraph' defLogic' opts' libenv' fname = do
fname' <- existsAnSource fname
case fname' of
Nothing -> return ([], Nothing)
Just fname'' -> do
input <- readFile fname''
anaStringW logicGraph' defLogic' opts' libenv' input
(Just fname'')
anaStringW :: LogicGraph -> AnyLogic -> HetcatsOpts -> LibEnv -> String
-> Maybe String
-> IO ([Diagnosis], Maybe (LIB_NAME,LIB_DEFN,DGraph,LibEnv))
anaStringW logicGraph' defLogic' opts' libenv' input fname = do
let fname' = case fname of
Nothing -> "<stdin>"
Just n -> n
(_, ast) <- read_LIB_DEFN_M_WI defLogic' fname' input
Result ds res <-
ioresToIO (ana_LIB_DEFN logicGraph' defLogic' opts'
libenv' ast)
case (res,fname) of
(Just (ln,_,_,lenv), Just n) ->
writeFileInfo opts' ds n ln lenv
_ -> return ()
return (ds, res)
-- | analyze a LIB_DEFN
-- Parameters: logic graph, default logic, opts, library env, LIB_DEFN
-- call this function as follows:
-- do Result diags res <- ioresToIO (ana_LIB_DEFN ...)
-- sequence (map (putStrLn . show) diags)
ana_LIB_DEFN :: LogicGraph -> AnyLogic -> HetcatsOpts
-> LibEnv -> LIB_DEFN
-> IOResult (LIB_NAME,LIB_DEFN,DGraph,LibEnv)
ana_LIB_DEFN lgraph defl opts libenv (Lib_defn ln alibItems pos ans) = do
gannos <- resToIORes $ addGlobalAnnos emptyGlobalAnnos ans
(libItems',gctx@(_,_,dg),_,libenv') <-
foldl ana (return ([],(gannos,Map.empty,empty),defl,libenv))
(map item alibItems)
return (ln,
Lib_defn ln
(map (uncurry replaceAnnoted)
(zip (reverse libItems') alibItems))
Map.insert ln gctx libenv')
ana res1 libItem = do
(libItems',gctx1,l1,libenv1) <- res1
IOResult (do
Result diags2 res <-
ioresToIO $ ana_LIB_ITEM lgraph defl opts libenv1 gctx1 l1 libItem
ioresToIO $ showDiags1 opts (resToIORes (Result diags2 res))
if outputToStdout opts then
if hasErrors diags2 then
fail "Stopped due to errors"
else case res of
Just (libItem',gctx1',l1',libenv1') ->
return (return (libItem':libItems',gctx1',l1',libenv1'))
Nothing -> fail "Stopped. No result available"
else do
--result1 <- ioresToIO res1
--let diags1 = diags result1
if hasErrors diags2 then
ioresToIO $ resToIORes (Result (diags2) Nothing)
else case res of
Just (libItem',gctx1',l1',libenv1') ->
return ((return (libItem':libItems',gctx1',l1',libenv1'))
{diags = diags2})
Nothing -> return $ fail "Stopped. No result available"
-- analyse a LIB_ITEM
-- Parameters: logic graph, default logic, opts, library env
-- global context, current logic, LIB_ITEM
ana_LIB_ITEM :: LogicGraph -> AnyLogic -> HetcatsOpts
-> LibEnv -> GlobalContext -> AnyLogic
-> IOResult (LIB_ITEM,GlobalContext,AnyLogic,LibEnv)
ana_LIB_ITEM lgraph _defl opts libenv gctx@(gannos, genv, _) l
(Spec_defn spn gen asp pos) = do
let analyseMessage = "Analyzing spec " ++ showPretty spn ""
ioToIORes (putIfVerbose opts 1 analyseMessage)
if outputToStdout opts then
resToIORes $ message () analyseMessage
(gen',(imp,params,parsig,allparams),dg') <-
resToIORes (ana_GENERICITY lgraph gctx l opts (extName "P" (makeName spn)) gen)
(sp',body,dg'') <-
resToIORes (ana_SPEC lgraph (gannos,genv,dg')
allparams (makeName spn) opts (item asp))
let libItem' = Spec_defn spn gen' (replaceAnnoted sp' asp) pos
if Map.member spn genv
then resToIORes (plain_error (libItem',gctx,l,libenv)
("Name "++ showPretty spn " already defined")
(headPos pos))
else return (libItem',
Map.insert spn (SpecEntry (imp,params,parsig,body)) genv,
ana_LIB_ITEM lgraph defl opts libenv gctx l
(View_defn vn gen vt gsis pos) = do
let analyseMessage = "Analyzing view " ++ showPretty vn ""
ioToIORes (putIfVerbose opts 1 analyseMessage)
if outputToStdout opts then
resToIORes $ message () analyseMessage
resToIORes (ana_VIEW_DEFN lgraph defl libenv gctx l opts
vn gen vt gsis pos)
-- architectural specification
ana_LIB_ITEM lgraph defl opts libenv gctx@(gannos, genv, _) l
(Arch_spec_defn asn asp pos) = do
let analyseMessage = "Analyzing arch spec " ++ showPretty asn ""
ioToIORes (putIfVerbose opts 1 analyseMessage )
if outputToStdout opts then
resToIORes $ message () analyseMessage
(archSig, dg', asp') <- resToIORes (ana_ARCH_SPEC lgraph defl gctx l opts
(item asp))
let asd' = Arch_spec_defn asn (replaceAnnoted asp' asp) pos
gctx' = (gannos, genv, dg')
if Map.member asn genv
resToIORes (plain_error (asd', gctx', l, libenv)
("Name " ++ showPretty asn " already defined")
(headPos pos))
return (asd',
Map.insert asn (ArchEntry archSig) genv,
-- unit specification
ana_LIB_ITEM lgraph defl opts libenv gctx@(gannos, genv, _) l
usd@(Unit_spec_defn usn usp pos) = do
let analyseMessage = "Analyzing unit spec " ++ showPretty usn ""
ioToIORes (putIfVerbose opts 1 analyseMessage)
if outputToStdout opts then
resToIORes $ message () analyseMessage
(unitSig, dg', usp') <- resToIORes (ana_UNIT_SPEC lgraph defl gctx l opts
(EmptyNode defl) usp)
let usd' = Unit_spec_defn usn usp' pos
if Map.member usn genv
resToIORes (plain_error (usd, (gannos, genv, dg'), l, libenv)
("Name " ++ showPretty usn " already defined")
(headPos pos))
return (usd',
Map.insert usn (UnitEntry unitSig) genv,
-- refinement specification
ana_LIB_ITEM lgraph defl opts libenv gctx@(gannos, genv, dg) l
rd@(Ref_spec_defn rn ref pos) = do
let analyseMessage = "Analyzing refinement " ++ showPretty rn "\n (refinement analysis not implemented yet)"
ioToIORes (putIfVerbose opts 1 analyseMessage )
if outputToStdout opts then
resToIORes $ message () analyseMessage
let rd' = rd
dg' = dg
if Map.member rn genv
resToIORes (plain_error (rd, (gannos, genv, dg), l, libenv)
("Name " ++ showPretty rn " already defined")
(headPos pos))
return (rd',
Map.insert rn (RefEntry) genv,
-- logic declaration
ana_LIB_ITEM lgraph _defl opts libenv gctx _l
(Logic_decl ln@(Logic_name logTok _) pos) = do
logNm <- lookupLogic "LOGIC DECLARATION:" (tokStr logTok) lgraph
let analyseMessage = "logic " ++ show logNm
ioToIORes (putIfVerbose opts 1 analyseMessage)
if outputToStdout opts then
resToIORes $ message () analyseMessage
return (Logic_decl ln pos,gctx,logNm,libenv)
ana_LIB_ITEM lgraph defl opts libenv gctx@(gannos,genv,dg) l
libItem@(Download_items ln items pos) = do
-- we take as the default logic for imported libs
-- the global default logic
let items' = zip items (drop 2 (pos ++ repeat nullPos))
analyseMessage = "Analyzing from " ++ showPretty ln "\n"
ioToIORes (putIfVerbose opts 1 analyseMessage)
if outputToStdout opts then
resToIORes $ message () analyseMessage
(diags', libenv') <- ioToIORes (anaLibFile lgraph defl opts libenv ln)
resToIORes $ Result diags' $ Just ()
-- let libMsg = unlines $ map show diags'
-- resToIORes $ message () libMsg
case Map.lookup ln libenv' of
Nothing -> do
if outputToStdout opts then
ioToIORes (putStrLn ("Internal error: did not find library "++
show ln++" available: "++show (Map.keys libenv')))
return (libItem,gctx,l,libenv')
resToIORes $ (fatal_error ("Internal error: did not find library "
++show ln++" available: "++show (Map.keys libenv')) nullPos)
Just (gannos', genv', _dg') -> do
(genv1,dg1) <- resToIORes (foldl (ana_ITEM_NAME_OR_MAP ln genv')
(return (genv,dg)) items'
gannos'' <- resToIORes $ gannos `mergeGlobalAnnos` gannos'
return (libItem,(gannos'',genv1,dg1),l,libenv')
-- ??? Needs to be generalized to views between different logics
ana_VIEW_DEFN :: LogicGraph -> AnyLogic -> LibEnv -> GlobalContext
-> AnyLogic -> HetcatsOpts -> SIMPLE_ID
-> GENERICITY -> VIEW_TYPE -> [G_mapping] -> [Pos]
-> Result (LIB_ITEM, GlobalContext, AnyLogic, LibEnv)
ana_VIEW_DEFN lgraph _defl libenv gctx@(gannos, genv, _) l opts
vn gen vt gsis pos = do
let adj = adjustPos (headPos pos)
(gen',(imp,params,parsig,allparams),dg') <-
ana_GENERICITY lgraph gctx l opts (extName "VG" (makeName vn)) gen
(vt',(src,tar),dg'') <-
ana_VIEW_TYPE lgraph (gannos,genv,dg') l allparams opts (makeName vn) vt
let gsigmaS = getSig src
gsigmaT = getSig tar
G_sign lidS sigmaS <- return gsigmaS
G_sign lidT sigmaT <- return gsigmaT
gsis1 <- adj $ Syntax.AS_Structured.homogenizeGM (Logic lidS) gsis
G_symb_map_items_list lid sis <- return gsis1
sigmaS' <- rcoerce lid lidS (headPos pos) sigmaS
sigmaT' <- rcoerce lid lidT (headPos pos) sigmaT
mor <- if isStructured opts then return (ide lid sigmaS')
else do
rmap <- adj $ stat_symb_map_items lid sis
adj $ induced_from_to_morphism lid rmap sigmaS' sigmaT'
nodeS <- maybeToResult (headPos pos)
"Internal error: empty source spec of view" (getNode src)
nodeT <- maybeToResult (headPos pos)
"Internal error: empty source spec of view" (getNode tar)
let gmor = gEmbed (G_morphism lid mor)
link = (nodeS,nodeT,DGLink {
dgl_morphism = gmor,
dgl_type = GlobalThm Open None Open,
-- 'Open' for conserv correct?
dgl_origin = DGView vn})
vsig = (src,gmor,(imp,params,parsig,tar))
if Map.member vn genv
then plain_error (View_defn vn gen' vt' gsis pos,gctx,l,libenv)
("Name "++showPretty vn " already defined")
(headPos pos)
else return (View_defn vn gen' vt' gsis pos,
Map.insert vn (ViewEntry vsig) genv,
insEdge link dg''),
ana_ITEM_NAME_OR_MAP :: LIB_NAME -> GlobalEnv -> Result (GlobalEnv, DGraph)
-> (ITEM_NAME_OR_MAP, Pos) -> Result (GlobalEnv, DGraph)
ana_ITEM_NAME_OR_MAP ln genv' res (Item_name name,pos) =
ana_ITEM_NAME_OR_MAP1 ln genv' res name name pos
ana_ITEM_NAME_OR_MAP ln genv' res (Item_name_map old new _, pos) =
ana_ITEM_NAME_OR_MAP1 ln genv' res old new pos
ana_ITEM_NAME_OR_MAP1 :: LIB_NAME -> GlobalEnv -> Result (GlobalEnv, DGraph)
-> Result (GlobalEnv, DGraph)
ana_ITEM_NAME_OR_MAP1 ln genv' res old new pos = do
(genv,dg) <- res
entry <- maybeToResult pos
(showPretty old " not found") (Map.lookup old genv')
case Map.lookup new genv of
Nothing -> return ()
Just _ -> fatal_error (showPretty new " already used") pos
case entry of
SpecEntry extsig ->
let (dg1,extsig1) = refExtsig ln dg (Just new) extsig
genv1 = Map.insert new (SpecEntry extsig1) genv
in return (genv1,dg1)
ViewEntry vsig ->
let (dg1,vsig1) = refViewsig ln dg vsig
genv1 = Map.insert new (ViewEntry vsig1) genv
in return (genv1,dg1)
ArchEntry _asig -> ana_err "arch spec download"
UnitEntry _usig -> ana_err "unit spec download"
refNodesig :: LIB_NAME -> (DGraph, [NodeSig]) -> (Maybe SIMPLE_ID, NodeSig)
-> (DGraph, [NodeSig])
refNodesig ln (dg,refdNodes) (name,NodeSig(n,sigma)) =
let node_contents = DGRef {
dgn_renamed = makeMaybeName name,
dgn_libname = ln,
dgn_node = n }
[node] = newNodes 0 dg
in (insNode (node,node_contents) dg, NodeSig(node,sigma) : refdNodes)
refNodesig _ln (dg,refdNodes) (_,EmptyNode l) =
(dg,EmptyNode l : refdNodes)
refNodesigs :: LIB_NAME -> DGraph -> [(Maybe SIMPLE_ID, NodeSig)]
-> (DGraph, [NodeSig])
refNodesigs ln dg nds =
(dg',reverse nodes')
where (dg', nodes') = foldl (refNodesig ln) (dg,[]) nds
refExtsig :: LIB_NAME -> DGraph -> Maybe SIMPLE_ID -> ExtGenSig
-> (DGraph, ExtGenSig)
refExtsig ln dg name (imps,params,gsigmaP,body) =
params' = map (\x -> (Nothing,x)) params
(dg1,imps1:body1:params1) =
refNodesigs ln dg
refViewsig :: LIB_NAME -> DGraph -> (NodeSig, t1, ExtGenSig)
-> (DGraph, (NodeSig, t1, ExtGenSig))
refViewsig ln dg (src,mor,extsig) =
(_,[src1]) = refNodesigs ln dg [(Nothing,src)]
(dg2,extsig1) = refExtsig ln dg Nothing extsig