AnalysisLibrary.hs revision bdc103981a28a51938de98a956d8a3767f6cf43d
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : static analysis of CASL specification libraries
Copyright : (c) Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
Static analysis of CASL specification libraries
Follows the verification semantics sketched in Chap. IV:6
of the CASL Reference Manual.
module Static.AnalysisLibrary
( anaLibFileOrGetEnv
, anaLibDefn
, anaSourceFile
, anaLibItem
, anaViewDefn
) where
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Syntax.AS_Structured
import Syntax.Print_AS_Structured
import Syntax.AS_Library
import Syntax.Parse_AS_Library (useItems)
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.DgUtils
import Static.ComputeTheory
import Static.AnalysisStructured
import Static.AnalysisArchitecture
import Static.ArchDiagram (emptyExtStUnitCtx)
import Common.AS_Annotation hiding (isAxiom, isDef)
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.ConvertGlobalAnnos
import Common.AnalyseAnnos
import Common.Result
import Common.ResultT
import Common.LibName
import Common.Id
import Common.IRI
import Common.IO
import qualified Common.Unlit as Unlit
import Driver.Options
import Driver.ReadFn
import Driver.WriteLibDefn
#ifndef NOHTTP
import Network.HTTP (simpleHTTP, getRequest, getResponseBody, rspCode, rspReason)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.List
import Data.Either (lefts, rights)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Exception as Ex (catch)
import Data.Maybe
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import LF.Twelf2DG
import Framework.Analysis
import MMT.Hets2mmt
-- a set of library names to check for cyclic imports
type LNS = Set.Set LibName
{- | parsing and static analysis for files
Parameters: logic graph, default logic, file name -}
anaSourceFile :: LogicGraph -> HetcatsOpts -> LNS -> LibEnv -> DGraph
-> FilePath -> ResultT IO (LibName, LibEnv)
anaSourceFile = anaSource Nothing
#ifndef NOHTTP
downloadSource :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath -> IO (FilePath, String)
downloadSource opts fname = do
putIfVerbose opts 3 $ "Downloading file " ++ fname
resp <- simpleHTTP (getRequest fname)
input <- getResponseBody resp
case resp of
Right r -> case rspCode r of
(2,0,0) -> do
putIfVerbose opts 3 "Successful"
return (fname, input)
(x,y,z) -> do
let errmsg = "Download of file " ++ fname
++ " yields HTTP error " ++ show x ++ show y ++ show z
++ ": " ++ rspReason r
putIfVerbose opts 3 errmsg
fail errmsg
Left err -> do
let errmsg = "Download of file " ++ fname ++ " failed: " ++ show err
putIfVerbose opts 3 errmsg
fail errmsg
tryDownloadSources :: HetcatsOpts -> [FilePath] -> FilePath
-> IO (FilePath, String)
tryDownloadSources opts fnames origname = case fnames of
[] -> fail $ "Unable to download file " ++ origname ++ "[.*]"
fname:fnames' -> Ex.catch (downloadSource opts fname)
(\(_::IOError) ->
tryDownloadSources opts fnames' origname)
anaSource :: Maybe LibName -- ^ suggested library name
-> LogicGraph -> HetcatsOpts -> LNS -> LibEnv -> DGraph
-> FilePath -> ResultT IO (LibName, LibEnv)
anaSource mln lg opts topLns libenv initDG fname =
let syn = case defSyntax opts of
"" -> Nothing
s -> Just $ simpleIdToIRI $ mkSimpleId s
lgraph = setSyntax syn $ setCurLogic (defLogic opts) lg in ResultT $
#ifndef NOHTTP
if checkUri fname then do
(fname', input) <-
tryDownloadSources opts (getOntoFileNames opts fname) fname
runResultT $ anaString mln lgraph opts topLns libenv initDG input fname'
fname' <- findFileOfLibName opts fname
case fname' of
Nothing ->
return $ fail $ "no file for library '" ++ fname ++ "' found."
Just file ->
if any (`isSuffixOf` file) [envSuffix, prfSuffix] then
return $ fail $ "no matching source file for '" ++ fname ++ "' found."
else do
inputLit <- readEncFile (ioEncoding opts) file
let input = (if unlit opts then Unlit.unlit else id) inputLit
libStr = if isAbsolute fname
then convertFileToLibStr fname
else dropExtensions fname
nLn = case mln of
Nothing | useLibPos opts ->
Just $ emptyLibName libStr
_ -> mln
putIfVerbose opts 2 $ "Reading file " ++ file
-- possibly insert hets-mmt call here
if takeExtension file /= ('.' : show TwelfIn)
then runResultT $
anaString nLn lgraph opts topLns libenv initDG input file
else do
-- anaTwelfFile also called directly given file.elf input, so might need to change in either hets.hs or LF/Twelf2DG.hs
res <- anaTwelfFile opts file -- typical hets .elf file reading
-- res <- main file
-- return $ Result [] Nothing
case res of
Nothing -> fail $ "failed to analyse file " ++ file
Just (lname, lenv) -> return $ Result [] $
Just (lname, Map.union lenv libenv)
{- | parsing and static analysis for string (=contents of file)
Parameters: logic graph, default logic, contents of file, filename -}
anaString :: Maybe LibName -- ^ suggested library name
-> LogicGraph -> HetcatsOpts -> LNS -> LibEnv -> DGraph -> String
-> FilePath -> ResultT IO (LibName, LibEnv)
anaString mln lgraph opts topLns libenv initDG input file = do
curDir <- lift getCurrentDirectory -- get full path for parser positions
let realFileName = curDir </> file
posFileName = case mln of
Just gLn | useLibPos opts -> show $ getLibId gLn
_ -> if checkUri file then file else realFileName
Lib_defn pln is ps ans <- readLibDefnAux lgraph opts file posFileName input
let noSuffixFile = rmSuffix file
spN = convertFileToLibStr file
noLibName = null $ show $ getLibId pln
nIs = case is of
[Annoted (Spec_defn spn gn as qs) rs [] []]
| noLibName && null (iriToStringUnsecure spn)
-> [Annoted (Spec_defn (simpleIdToIRI $ mkSimpleId spN)
gn as qs) rs [] []]
_ -> is
ln = setFilePath posFileName
$ if noLibName then fromMaybe (emptyLibName spN) mln else pln
ast = Lib_defn ln nIs ps ans
case analysis opts of
Skip -> do
lift $ putIfVerbose opts 1 $
"Skipping static analysis of library " ++ show ln
ga <- liftR $ addGlobalAnnos emptyGlobalAnnos ans
lift $ writeLibDefn lgraph ga file opts ast
liftR mzero
_ -> do
let libstring = show $ getLibId ln
unless (isSuffixOf libstring noSuffixFile) $ lift
$ putIfVerbose opts 1
$ "### file name '" ++ file ++ "' does not match library name '"
++ libstring ++ "'"
lift $ putIfVerbose opts 1 $ "Analyzing "
++ (if noLibName then "file " ++ file ++ " as " else "")
++ "library " ++ show ln
(lnFinal, ld, ga, lenv) <-
anaLibDefn lgraph opts topLns libenv initDG ast file -- <---------- this is where analysis of .het file happens
case Map.lookup lnFinal lenv of
Nothing -> error $ "anaString: missing library: " ++ show lnFinal
Just dg -> lift $ do
writeLibDefn lgraph ga file opts ld
when (hasEnvOut opts)
(writeFileInfo opts lnFinal file ld dg)
return (lnFinal, lenv)
-- lookup or read a library
anaLibFile :: LogicGraph -> HetcatsOpts -> LNS -> LibEnv -> DGraph -> LibName
-> ResultT IO (LibName, LibEnv)
anaLibFile lgraph opts topLns libenv initDG ln =
let lnstr = show ln in case Map.lookup ln libenv of
Just _ -> do
analyzing opts $ "from " ++ lnstr
return (ln, libenv)
Nothing -> do
putMessageIORes opts 1 $ "Downloading " ++ lnstr ++ " ..."
res <- anaLibFileOrGetEnv lgraph
(if recurse opts then opts else opts
{ outtypes = []
, unlit = False })
(Set.insert ln topLns) libenv initDG ln $ libNameToFile ln
putMessageIORes opts 1 $ "... loaded " ++ lnstr
return res
-- | lookup or read a library
anaLibFileOrGetEnv :: LogicGraph -> HetcatsOpts -> LNS -> LibEnv -> DGraph
-> LibName -> FilePath -> ResultT IO (LibName, LibEnv)
anaLibFileOrGetEnv lgraph opts topLns libenv initDG ln file = ResultT $ do
let envFile = rmSuffix file ++ envSuffix
recent_envFile <- checkRecentEnv opts envFile file
if recent_envFile
then do
mgc <- readVerbose lgraph opts ln envFile
case mgc of
Nothing -> runResultT $ do
lift $ putIfVerbose opts 1 $ "Deleting " ++ envFile
lift $ removeFile envFile
anaSource (Just ln) lgraph opts topLns libenv initDG file
Just (ld, gc) -> do
writeLibDefn lgraph (globalAnnos gc) file opts ld
-- get all DGRefs from DGraph
Result ds mEnv <- runResultT $ foldl
( \ ioLibEnv labOfDG -> let node = snd labOfDG in
if isDGRef node then do
let ln2 = dgn_libname node
p_libEnv <- ioLibEnv
if Map.member ln2 p_libEnv then
return p_libEnv
else fmap snd $ anaLibFile lgraph
opts topLns p_libEnv initDG ln2
else ioLibEnv)
(return $ Map.insert ln gc libenv)
$ labNodesDG gc
return $ Result ds $ fmap
( \ rEnv -> (ln, rEnv)) mEnv
else runResultT
$ anaSource (Just ln) lgraph opts topLns libenv initDG file
{- | analyze a LIB_DEFN.
Parameters: logic graph, default logic, opts, library env, LIB_DEFN.
Call this function as follows:
> do Result diags res <- runResultT (anaLibDefn ...)
> mapM_ (putStrLn . show) diags
anaLibDefn :: LogicGraph -> HetcatsOpts -> LNS -> LibEnv -> DGraph -> LIB_DEFN
-> FilePath -> ResultT IO (LibName, LIB_DEFN, GlobalAnnos, LibEnv)
anaLibDefn lgraph opts topLns libenv dg (Lib_defn ln alibItems pos ans) file
= do
let libStr = show (getLibId ln)
isDOLlib = elem ':' libStr
gannos <- showDiags1 opts $ liftR $ addGlobalAnnos
(defPrefixGlobalAnnos $ if isDOLlib then file else libStr) ans
(libItems', dg', libenv', _, _) <- foldM (anaLibItemAux opts topLns ln)
([], dg { globalAnnos = gannos }, libenv
, lgraph, Map.empty) (map item alibItems)
let dg1 = computeDGraphTheories libenv' $ markFree libenv' $
markHiding libenv' dg'
newLD = Lib_defn ln
(zipWith replaceAnnoted (reverse libItems') alibItems) pos ans
dg2 = dg1 { optLibDefn = Just newLD }
return (ln, newLD, globalAnnos dg2, Map.insert ln dg2 libenv')
defPrefixGlobalAnnos :: FilePath -> GlobalAnnos
defPrefixGlobalAnnos file = emptyGlobalAnnos
{ prefix_map = Map.singleton ""
$ fromMaybe nullIRI $ parseIRIReference $ file ++ "#" }
anaLibItemAux :: HetcatsOpts -> LNS -> LibName
-> ([LIB_ITEM], DGraph, LibEnv, LogicGraph, ExpOverrides) -> LIB_ITEM
-> ResultT IO ([LIB_ITEM], DGraph, LibEnv, LogicGraph, ExpOverrides)
anaLibItemAux opts topLns ln q@(libItems', dg1, libenv1, lg, eo) libItem = let
currLog = currentLogic lg
newOpts = if elem currLog ["DMU", "Framework"] then
opts { defLogic = currLog } else opts
in ResultT $ do
res2@(Result diags2 res) <- runResultT
$ anaLibItem lg newOpts topLns ln libenv1 dg1 eo libItem
runResultT $ showDiags1 opts (liftR res2)
let mRes = case res of
Just (libItem', dg1', libenv1', newLG, eo') ->
Just (libItem' : libItems', dg1', libenv1', newLG, eo')
Nothing -> Just q
if outputToStdout opts then
if hasErrors diags2 then
fail "Stopped due to errors"
else runResultT $ liftR $ Result [] mRes
else runResultT $ liftR $ Result diags2 mRes
putMessageIORes :: HetcatsOpts -> Int -> String -> ResultT IO ()
putMessageIORes opts i msg =
if outputToStdout opts
then lift $ putIfVerbose opts i msg
else liftR $ message () msg
analyzing :: HetcatsOpts -> String -> ResultT IO ()
analyzing opts = putMessageIORes opts 1 . ("Analyzing " ++)
alreadyDefined :: String -> String
alreadyDefined str = "Name " ++ str ++ " already defined"
-- | analyze a GENERICITY
anaGenericity :: LogicGraph -> LibName -> DGraph -> HetcatsOpts
-> ExpOverrides -> NodeName -> GENERICITY
-> Result (GENERICITY, GenSig, DGraph)
anaGenericity lg ln dg opts eo name
gen@(Genericity (Params psps) (Imported isps) pos) =
let ms = currentBaseTheory dg in
adjustPos pos $ case psps of
[] -> do -- no parameter ...
unless (null isps) $ plain_error ()
"Parameterless specifications must not have imports" pos
l <- lookupCurrentLogic "GENERICITY" lg
return (gen, GenSig (EmptyNode l) []
$ maybe (EmptyNode l) JustNode ms, dg)
_ -> do
l <- lookupCurrentLogic "IMPORTS" lg
let baseNode = maybe (EmptyNode l) JustNode ms
(imps', nsigI, dg') <- case isps of
[] -> return ([], baseNode, dg)
_ -> do
(is', _, nsig', dgI) <- anaUnion False lg ln dg baseNode
(extName "Imports" name) opts eo isps
return (is', JustNode nsig', dgI)
(ps', nsigPs, ns, dg'') <- anaUnion False lg ln dg' nsigI
(extName "Parameters" name) opts eo psps
return (Genericity (Params ps') (Imported imps') pos,
GenSig nsigI nsigPs $ JustNode ns, dg'')
-- | analyse a LIB_ITEM
anaLibItem :: LogicGraph -> HetcatsOpts -> LNS -> LibName -> LibEnv -> DGraph
-> ExpOverrides -> LIB_ITEM
-> ResultT IO (LIB_ITEM, DGraph, LibEnv, LogicGraph, ExpOverrides)
anaLibItem lg opts topLns currLn libenv dg eo itm =
case itm of
Spec_defn spn2 gen asp pos -> let
spn' = if null (iriToStringUnsecure spn2) then
simpleIdToIRI $ mkSimpleId "Spec" else spn2
in case expCurie (globalAnnos dg) eo spn' of
Nothing -> liftR $ prefixErrorIRI spn'
Just spn -> do
let spstr = iriToStringUnsecure spn
nName = makeName spn
analyzing opts $ "spec " ++ spstr
(gen', gsig@(GenSig _ _args allparams), dg') <-
liftR $ anaGenericity lg currLn dg opts eo nName gen
(sanno1, impliesA) <- liftR $ getSpecAnnos pos asp
when impliesA $ liftR $ plain_error ()
"unexpected initial %implies in spec-defn" pos
(sp', body, dg'') <-
liftR (anaSpecTop sanno1 True lg currLn dg'
allparams nName opts eo (item asp))
let libItem' = Spec_defn spn gen' (replaceAnnoted sp' asp) pos
genv = globalEnv dg
if Map.member spn genv
then liftR $ plain_error (libItem', dg'', libenv, lg, eo)
(alreadyDefined spstr) pos
-- let (_n, dg''') = addSpecNodeRT dg'' (UnitSig args body) $ show spn
( libItem'
, dg'' { globalEnv = Map.insert spn (SpecEntry
$ ExtGenSig gsig body) genv }
, libenv, lg, eo)
View_defn vn' gen vt gsis pos -> case expCurie (globalAnnos dg) eo vn' of
Nothing -> liftR $ prefixErrorIRI vn'
Just vn -> do
(_, dg', libenv', lg', eo') <- downloadMissingSpecs
vt lg opts topLns currLn libenv dg eo itm
analyzing opts $ "view " ++ iriToStringUnsecure vn
liftR $ anaViewDefn lg' currLn libenv' dg' opts eo' vn gen vt gsis pos
Arch_spec_defn asn' asp pos -> case expCurie (globalAnnos dg) eo asn' of
Nothing -> liftR $ prefixErrorIRI asn'
Just asn -> do
let asstr = iriToStringUnsecure asn
analyzing opts $ "arch spec " ++ asstr
(_, _, diag, archSig, dg', asp') <- liftR $ anaArchSpec lg currLn dg
opts eo emptyExtStUnitCtx Nothing $ item asp
let asd' = Arch_spec_defn asn (replaceAnnoted asp' asp) pos
genv = globalEnv dg'
if Map.member asn genv
then liftR $ plain_error (asd', dg', libenv, lg, eo)
(alreadyDefined asstr) pos
else do
let aName = show asn
dg'' = updateNodeNameRT dg'
(refSource $ getPointerFromRef archSig)
True aName
dg3 = dg'' { archSpecDiags =
Map.insert aName diag
$ archSpecDiags dg''}
return (asd', dg3
{ globalEnv = Map.insert asn
(ArchOrRefEntry True archSig) genv }
, libenv, lg, eo)
Unit_spec_defn usn' usp pos -> case expCurie (globalAnnos dg) eo usn' of
Nothing -> liftR $ prefixErrorIRI usn'
Just usn -> do
let usstr = iriToStringUnsecure usn
analyzing opts $ "unit spec " ++ usstr
l <- lookupCurrentLogic "Unit_spec_defn" lg
(rSig, dg', usp') <-
liftR $ anaUnitSpec lg currLn dg opts eo (EmptyNode l) Nothing usp
unitSig <- liftR $ getUnitSigFromRef rSig
let usd' = Unit_spec_defn usn usp' pos
genv = globalEnv dg'
if Map.member usn genv
then liftR $ plain_error (itm, dg', libenv, lg, eo)
(alreadyDefined usstr) pos
else return (usd', dg'
{ globalEnv = Map.insert usn (UnitEntry unitSig) genv },
libenv, lg, eo)
Ref_spec_defn rn' rsp pos -> case expCurie (globalAnnos dg) eo rn' of
Nothing -> liftR $ prefixErrorIRI rn'
Just rn -> do
let rnstr = iriToStringUnsecure rn
l <- lookupCurrentLogic "Ref_spec_defn" lg
(_, _, _, rsig, dg', rsp') <- liftR $ anaRefSpec lg currLn dg opts eo
(EmptyNode l) rn emptyExtStUnitCtx Nothing rsp
analyzing opts $ "ref spec " ++ rnstr
let rsd' = Ref_spec_defn rn rsp' pos
genv = globalEnv dg'
if Map.member rn genv
then liftR $ plain_error (itm, dg', libenv, lg, eo)
(alreadyDefined rnstr) pos
else return ( rsd', dg'
{ globalEnv = Map.insert rn (ArchOrRefEntry False rsig) genv }
, libenv, lg, eo)
Logic_decl logN pos -> do
putMessageIORes opts 1 . show $ prettyLG lg itm
(mth, newLg) <- liftR
$ adjustPos pos $ anaSublogic opts logN currLn dg libenv lg
case mth of
Nothing ->
return (itm, dg { currentBaseTheory = Nothing }, libenv, newLg, eo)
Just (s, (libName, refDG, (_, lbl))) -> do
-- store th-lbl in newDG
let dg2 = if libName /= currLn then
let (s2, (genv, newDG)) = refExtsigAndInsert libenv libName refDG
(globalEnv dg, dg) (getName $ dgn_name lbl) s
in newDG { globalEnv = genv
, currentBaseTheory = Just $ extGenBody s2 }
else dg { currentBaseTheory = Just $ extGenBody s }
return (itm, dg2, libenv, newLg, eo)
Download_items ln items pos ->
if Set.member ln topLns then
liftR $ mkError "illegal cyclic library import"
$ getLibId topLns
else do
(ln', libenv') <- anaLibFile lg opts topLns libenv
(cpIndexMaps dg emptyDG) ln
unless (ln == ln')
$ liftR $ warning ()
(shows ln " does not match internal name " ++ shows ln' "")
case Map.lookup ln' libenv' of
Nothing -> error $ "Internal error: did not find library "
++ show ln' ++ " available: " ++ show (Map.keys libenv')
Just dg' -> do
let dg0 = cpIndexMaps dg' dg
fn = show $ getLibId ln'
currFn = show $ getLibId currLn
(realItems, errs, origItems) = case items of
ItemMaps rawIms ->
let (ims, warns) = foldr (\ im@(ItemNameMap i mi)
(is, ws) -> if Just i == mi then
(ItemNameMap i Nothing : is
, warning () (show i ++ " item no renamed")
(getRange mi) : ws)
else (im : is, ws)) ([], []) rawIms
expIms = map (expandCurieItemNameMap fn currFn) ims
leftExpIms = lefts expIms
in if not $ null leftExpIms
then ([], map fail leftExpIms, itemNameMapsToIRIs ims)
else (rights expIms, warns, itemNameMapsToIRIs ims)
UniqueItem i -> case Map.keys $ globalEnv dg' of
[j] -> case expCurie (globalAnnos dg) eo i of
Nothing -> ([], [prefixErrorIRI i], [i])
Just expI -> case expCurie (globalAnnos dg) eo j of
Nothing -> ([], [prefixErrorIRI j], [i, j])
Just expJ ->
([ItemNameMap expJ (Just expI)], [], [i, j])
_ ->
( []
, [ mkError "non-unique name within imported library"
ln'], [])
additionalEo = Map.fromList $ map (\ o -> (o, fn)) origItems
eo' = Map.unionWith (\ _ p2 -> p2) eo additionalEo
mapM_ liftR errs
dg1 <- liftR $ anaItemNamesOrMaps libenv' ln' dg' dg0 realItems
return (itm, dg1, libenv', lg, eo')
Newlogic_defn ld _ -> ResultT $ do
dg' <- anaLogicDef ld dg
return $ Result [] $ Just (itm, dg', libenv, lg, eo)
Newcomorphism_defn com _ -> ResultT $ do
dg' <- anaComorphismDef com dg
return $ Result [] $ Just (itm, dg', libenv, lg, eo)
_ -> return (itm, dg, libenv, lg, eo)
downloadMissingSpecs :: VIEW_TYPE -> LogicGraph -> HetcatsOpts -> LNS -> LibName
-> LibEnv -> DGraph -> ExpOverrides -> LIB_ITEM
-> ResultT IO (LIB_ITEM, DGraph, LibEnv, LogicGraph,
downloadMissingSpecs (View_type sp1 sp2 _)
lg opts topLns currLn libenv dg eo itm = do
let iris = filter (\i -> case expCurie (globalAnnos dg) eo i
>>= (\i' -> lookupGlobalEnvDG i' dg) of
Nothing -> {- trace (show $ Map.keys $ globalEnv dg) -} True
_ -> False) $
concatMap extractSpecnames (map item [sp1, sp2])
itms <- useItems iris
chainAnaLibItems lg opts topLns currLn libenv dg eo itms itm
extractSpecnames :: SPEC -> [SPEC_NAME]
extractSpecnames spec =
case spec of
Translation asp _ -> (extractSpecnames . item) asp
Reduction asp _ -> (extractSpecnames . item) asp
Union asps _ -> concatMap (extractSpecnames . item) asps
Extension asps _ -> concatMap (extractSpecnames . item) asps
Free_spec asp _ -> (extractSpecnames . item) asp
Cofree_spec asp _ -> (extractSpecnames . item) asp
Local_spec asp1 asp2 _ -> concatMap (extractSpecnames . item) [asp1, asp2]
Closed_spec asp _ -> (extractSpecnames . item) asp
Group asp _ -> (extractSpecnames . item) asp
Spec_inst specname _ _ -> [specname]
Qualified_spec _ asp _ -> (extractSpecnames . item) asp
Data _ _ asp1 asp2 _ -> concatMap (extractSpecnames . item) [asp1, asp2]
_ -> []
chainAnaLibItems :: LogicGraph -> HetcatsOpts -> LNS -> LibName -> LibEnv
-> DGraph -> ExpOverrides -> [LIB_ITEM] -> LIB_ITEM
-> ResultT IO (LIB_ITEM, DGraph, LibEnv, LogicGraph,
chainAnaLibItems lg opts topLns currLn libenv dg eo itms defItm =
case itms of
[] -> return (defItm, dg, libenv, lg, eo)
[itm] -> anaLibItem lg opts topLns currLn libenv dg eo itm
itm:itms' -> do
(_, dg', libenv', lg', eo') <-
chainAnaLibItems lg opts topLns currLn libenv dg eo itms' defItm
anaLibItem lg' opts topLns currLn libenv' dg' eo' itm
-- the first DGraph dg' is that of the imported library
anaItemNamesOrMaps :: LibEnv -> LibName -> DGraph -> DGraph
-> [ItemNameMap] -> Result DGraph
anaItemNamesOrMaps libenv' ln refDG dg items = do
(genv1, dg1) <- foldM
(anaItemNameOrMap libenv' ln refDG) (globalEnv dg, dg) items
gannos'' <- mergeGlobalAnnos (globalAnnos refDG) $ globalAnnos dg
return dg1
{ globalAnnos = gannos''
, globalEnv = genv1 }
-- | analyse genericity and view type and construct gmorphism
anaViewDefn :: LogicGraph -> LibName -> LibEnv -> DGraph -> HetcatsOpts
-> ExpOverrides -> IRI -> GENERICITY -> VIEW_TYPE
-> [G_mapping] -> Range
-> Result (LIB_ITEM, DGraph, LibEnv, LogicGraph, ExpOverrides)
anaViewDefn lg ln libenv dg opts eo vn gen vt gsis pos = do
let vName = makeName vn
(gen', gsig@(GenSig _ _ allparams), dg') <-
anaGenericity lg ln dg opts eo vName gen
(vt', (src@(NodeSig nodeS gsigmaS)
, tar@(NodeSig nodeT gsigmaT@(G_sign lidT _ _))), dg'') <-
anaViewType lg ln dg' allparams opts eo vName vt
let genv = globalEnv dg''
if Map.member vn genv
then plain_error (View_defn vn gen' vt' gsis pos, dg'', libenv, lg, eo)
(alreadyDefined $ iriToStringUnsecure vn) pos
else do
let (tsis, hsis) = partitionGmaps gsis
(gsigmaS', tmor) <- if null tsis then do
(gsigmaS', imor) <- gSigCoerce lg gsigmaS (Logic lidT)
tmor <- gEmbedComorphism imor gsigmaS
return (gsigmaS', tmor)
else do
mor <- anaRenaming lg allparams gsigmaS opts (Renaming tsis pos)
let gsigmaS'' = cod mor
(gsigmaS', imor) <- gSigCoerce lg gsigmaS'' (Logic lidT)
tmor <- gEmbedComorphism imor gsigmaS''
fmor <- comp mor tmor
return (gsigmaS', fmor)
emor <- fmap gEmbed $ anaGmaps lg opts pos gsigmaS' gsigmaT hsis
gmor <- comp tmor emor
let vsig = ExtViewSig src gmor $ ExtGenSig gsig tar
voidView = nodeS == nodeT && isInclusion gmor
when voidView $ warning ()
("identity mapping of source to same target for view: " ++
iriToStringUnsecure vn) pos
return (View_defn vn gen' vt' gsis pos,
(if voidView then dg'' else insLink dg'' gmor globalThm
(DGLinkView vn $ Fitted gsis) nodeS nodeT)
-- 'LeftOpen' for conserv correct?
{ globalEnv = Map.insert vn (ViewOrStructEntry True vsig) genv }
, libenv, lg, eo)
{- | analyze a VIEW_TYPE
The first three arguments give the global context
The AnyLogic is the current logic
The NodeSig is the signature of the parameter of the view
flag, whether just the structure shall be analysed -}
anaViewType :: LogicGraph -> LibName -> DGraph -> MaybeNode -> HetcatsOpts
-> ExpOverrides
-> NodeName -> VIEW_TYPE -> Result (VIEW_TYPE, (NodeSig, NodeSig), DGraph)
anaViewType lg ln dg parSig opts eo name (View_type aspSrc aspTar pos) = do
l <- lookupCurrentLogic "VIEW_TYPE" lg
(spSrc', srcNsig, dg') <- adjustPos pos $ anaSpec False lg ln dg (EmptyNode l)
(extName "Source" name) opts eo (item aspSrc)
(spTar', tarNsig, dg'') <- adjustPos pos $ anaSpec True lg ln dg' parSig
(extName "Target" name) opts eo (item aspTar)
return (View_type (replaceAnnoted spSrc' aspSrc)
(replaceAnnoted spTar' aspTar)
(srcNsig, tarNsig), dg'')
anaItemNameOrMap :: LibEnv -> LibName -> DGraph -> (GlobalEnv, DGraph)
-> ItemNameMap -> Result (GlobalEnv, DGraph)
anaItemNameOrMap libenv ln refDG res (ItemNameMap old m) =
anaItemNameOrMap1 libenv ln refDG res (old, fromMaybe old m)
-- | Auxiliary function for not yet implemented features
anaErr :: String -> a
anaErr f = error $ "*** Analysis of " ++ f ++ " is not yet implemented!"
anaItemNameOrMap1 :: LibEnv -> LibName -> DGraph -> (GlobalEnv, DGraph)
-> (IRI, IRI) -> Result (GlobalEnv, DGraph)
anaItemNameOrMap1 libenv ln refDG (genv, dg) (old, new) = do
entry <- maybe (notFoundError "item" old) return
$ lookupGlobalEnvDG old refDG
maybeToResult (iriPos new) (iriToStringUnsecure new ++ " already used")
$ case Map.lookup new genv of
Nothing -> Just ()
Just _ -> Nothing
case entry of
SpecEntry extsig ->
return $ snd $ refExtsigAndInsert libenv ln refDG (genv, dg) new extsig
ViewOrStructEntry b vsig ->
let (dg1, vsig1) = refViewsig libenv ln refDG dg (makeName new) vsig
genv1 = Map.insert new (ViewOrStructEntry b vsig1) genv
in return (genv1, dg1)
UnitEntry _usig -> anaErr "unit spec download"
ArchOrRefEntry b _rsig -> anaErr $ (if b then "arch" else "ref")
++ " spec download"
refNodesig :: LibEnv -> LibName -> DGraph -> DGraph -> (NodeName, NodeSig)
-> (DGraph, NodeSig)
refNodesig libenv refln refDG dg
(name, NodeSig refn sigma@(G_sign lid sig ind)) =
let (ln, _, (n, lbl)) =
lookupRefNode libenv refln refDG refn
refInfo = newRefInfo ln n
new = newInfoNodeLab name refInfo
$ noSensGTheory lid sig ind
nodeCont = new { globalTheory = globalTheory lbl }
node = getNewNodeDG dg
in case lookupInAllRefNodesDG refInfo dg of
Just existNode -> (dg, NodeSig existNode sigma)
Nothing ->
( insNodeDG (node, nodeCont) dg
, NodeSig node sigma)
refNodesigs :: LibEnv -> LibName -> DGraph -> DGraph -> [(NodeName, NodeSig)]
-> (DGraph, [NodeSig])
refNodesigs libenv ln = mapAccumR . refNodesig libenv ln
refExtsigAndInsert :: LibEnv -> LibName -> DGraph -> (GlobalEnv, DGraph)
-> IRI -> ExtGenSig -> (ExtGenSig, (GlobalEnv, DGraph))
refExtsigAndInsert libenv ln refDG (genv, dg) new extsig =
let (dg1, extsig1) = refExtsig libenv ln refDG dg (makeName new) extsig
genv1 = Map.insert new (SpecEntry extsig1) genv
in (extsig1, (genv1, dg1))
refExtsig :: LibEnv -> LibName -> DGraph -> DGraph -> NodeName -> ExtGenSig
-> (DGraph, ExtGenSig)
refExtsig libenv ln refDG dg name
(ExtGenSig (GenSig imps params gsigmaP) body) = let
pName = extName "Parameters" name
(dg1, imps1) = case imps of
EmptyNode _ -> (dg, imps)
JustNode ns -> let
(dg0, nns) = refNodesig libenv ln refDG dg (extName "Imports" name, ns)
in (dg0, JustNode nns)
(dg2, params1) = refNodesigs libenv ln refDG dg1
$ snd $ foldr (\ p (n, l) -> let nn = inc n in
(nn, (nn, p) : l)) (pName, []) params
(dg3, gsigmaP1) = case gsigmaP of
EmptyNode _ -> (dg, gsigmaP)
JustNode ns -> let
(dg0, nns) = refNodesig libenv ln refDG dg2 (pName, ns)
in (dg0, JustNode nns)
(dg4, body1) = refNodesig libenv ln refDG dg3 (name, body)
in (dg4, ExtGenSig (GenSig imps1 params1 gsigmaP1) body1)
refViewsig :: LibEnv -> LibName -> DGraph -> DGraph -> NodeName -> ExtViewSig
-> (DGraph, ExtViewSig)
refViewsig libenv ln refDG dg name (ExtViewSig src mor extsig) = let
(dg1, src1) = refNodesig libenv ln refDG dg (extName "Source" name, src)
(dg2, extsig1) = refExtsig libenv ln refDG dg1 (extName "Target" name) extsig
in (dg2, ExtViewSig src1 mor extsig1)
-- BEGIN CURIE expansion
failPrefixIRI :: IRI -> String
failPrefixIRI i =
let pos = iriPos i
posStr = if pos == nullRange then "" else "(" ++ show pos ++ ") "
in failPrefixStr posStr $ iriToStringShortUnsecure i
failPrefixStr :: String -> String -> String
failPrefixStr pos s = "No prefix found for CURIE \"" ++ s ++
"\" " ++ pos ++ "or expansion does not yield a valid IRI."
expandCurieItemNameMap :: FilePath -> FilePath -> ItemNameMap
-> Either String ItemNameMap
expandCurieItemNameMap fn newFn (ItemNameMap i1 mi2) =
case expandCurieByPath fn i1 of
Just i -> case mi2 of
Nothing -> Right $ ItemNameMap i mi2
Just j -> case expandCurieByPath newFn j of
Nothing -> Left $ failPrefixIRI j
mj -> Right $ ItemNameMap i mj
Nothing -> Left $ failPrefixIRI i1
itemNameMapsToIRIs :: [ItemNameMap] -> [IRI]
itemNameMapsToIRIs = concatMap (\ (ItemNameMap i mi) -> [i | isNothing mi])
-- END CURIE expansion