AnalysisLibrary.hs revision 6a57a555c8ef0a79aa5d20e1d721400dbffa564a
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2004
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
Analysis of libraries
Follows the verification semantics sketched in Chap. IV:6
of the CASL Reference Manual.
Generalization to heterogeneous views
check that libname coincides with filename (otherwise internal error occurs)
module Static.AnalysisLibrary (anaFile, ana_LIB_DEFN, anaString) where
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Comorphisms.LogicGraph
import Common.Lib.Graph
import Static.DevGraph
import qualified Syntax.AS_Structured
import Syntax.Parse_AS_Structured (lookupLogicName)
import Syntax.AS_Library
import Static.AnalysisStructured
import Static.AnalysisArchitecture
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.ConvertGlobalAnnos
import Common.AnalyseAnnos
import Common.Result
import Common.Id
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Options
import System
import List
import ReadFn
import WriteFn (writeFileInfo)
import System.Posix.Files
-- | parsing and static analysis for files
-- Parameters: logic graph, default logic, file name
anaFile :: LogicGraph -> AnyLogic -> HetcatsOpts -> LibEnv -> String
-> IO (Maybe (LIB_NAME,LIB_DEFN,DGraph,LibEnv))
anaFile logicGraph defaultLogic opts libenv fname = do
putIfVerbose opts 1 ("Reading " ++ fname)
fname' <- existsAnSource fname
case fname' of
Nothing -> do
if outputToStdout opts then
putStrLn (fname++" not found.")
else return ()
return Nothing
Just fname'' -> do
input <- readFile fname''
anaString logicGraph defaultLogic opts libenv input (Just fname'')
-- | parsing and static analysis for string (=contents of file)
-- Parameters: logic graph, default logic, contents of file, filename (if any)
anaString :: LogicGraph -> AnyLogic -> HetcatsOpts -> LibEnv -> String
-> Maybe String -> IO (Maybe (LIB_NAME,LIB_DEFN,DGraph,LibEnv))
anaString logicGraph defaultLogic opts libenv input fname = do
let fname' = case fname of
Nothing -> "<stdin>"
Just n -> n
ast <- read_LIB_DEFN_M defaultLogic fname' input
Result diags res <-
ioresToIO (ana_LIB_DEFN logicGraph defaultLogic opts
libenv ast)
-- no diags expected here, since these are handled in ana_LIB_DEFN
-- sequence (map (putStrLn . show) diags)
case (res,fname) of
(Just (ln,_,_,lenv), Just n) ->
writeFileInfo opts diags n ln lenv
_ -> return ()
return res
-- lookup/read a library
anaLibFile :: LogicGraph -> AnyLogic -> HetcatsOpts -> LibEnv -> LIB_NAME
-> IO ([Diagnosis], LibEnv)
anaLibFile logicGraph defaultLogic opts libenv libname = do
-- is the library already in memory?
case Map.lookup libname libenv of
Just _ -> return ([],libenv)
Nothing -> do
-- if not compute the filename,
fname <- case getLIB_ID libname of
Indirect_link file _ -> do
path <- case libdir opts of
"" -> catch (getEnv "HETS_LIB")
(\ _ -> return "")
p -> return p
-- add trailing "/" if necessary
let path1 = case path of
"" -> ""
p -> case last p of
'/' -> p
_ -> p++"/"
return (path1++file)
Direct_link _ _ ->
if outputToStdout opts then
error "No direct links implemented yet"
else return (error "No direct links implemented yet")
-- check if and env file is there and read it if it is recent
let env_fname = fname++".env"
-- fname is sufficient here, because anaFile
-- trys all possible suffices with this basename
recent_env_file <- checkRecentEnv env_fname fname
if recent_env_file
then do
putIfVerbose opts 1 ("Reading "++env_fname)
(Result dias mgc) <- globalContextfromShATerm env_fname
-- the conversion/reading might yield an error that
-- should be caught here
(dias2, mLibEnv) <-
maybe (do ioresToIO $ showDiags1 opts (resToIORes (Result dias mgc))
anaLibFile' fname dias)
(\ gc@(_,_,dgraph) -> do
if outputToStdout opts then
putStrLn ""
else return()
-- get all DGRefs from DGraph
let libEnv' = (Map.insert libname gc libenv)
nodesDGRef =
filter (\ labDG -> case labDG of
DGRef _ _ _ -> True
_ -> False)
(map snd (labNodes dgraph))
-- and call anaLibFile with each of the dgn_libname
-- of the DGRefs
refLibs = nub $ map dgn_libname nodesDGRef
newRefLibs =
filter (\ ln ->
not (ln `elem` Map.keys libEnv'))
foldl (\ioLibEnv tlibname ->
do (dias3 ,p_libEnv) <- ioLibEnv
putIfVerbose opts 1
("Analyzing from " ++
showPretty tlibname "\n")
(dias4, libEnvF) <- anaLibFile logicGraph defaultLogic opts p_libEnv tlibname
return ((dias3 ++ dias4),libEnvF)
) (return ([], libEnv')) newRefLibs
if outputToStdout opts then
return ([], mLibEnv)
else return( dias ++ dias2 , mLibEnv)
else anaLibFile' fname []
where anaLibFile' :: FilePath -> [Diagnosis] -> IO ([Diagnosis], LibEnv)
anaLibFile' fname diags'=
-- read and analyze the library,
if outputToStdout opts then
res <- anaFile logicGraph defaultLogic opts libenv fname
putStrLn ""
-- and just return the libenv
return (case res of
Just (_,_,_,libenv') -> (diags', libenv')
Nothing -> (diags', libenv)
else do
(dias, res) <- anaFileW logicGraph defaultLogic opts libenv fname
return (case res of
Just (_,_,_,libenv') -> (diags'++dias, libenv')
Nothing -> ((diags $ message () (fname ++" not found.")) ++ diags',libenv))
anaFileW :: LogicGraph -> AnyLogic -> HetcatsOpts -> LibEnv -> String
-> IO ([Diagnosis], Maybe (LIB_NAME,LIB_DEFN,DGraph,LibEnv))
anaFileW logicGraph defaultLogic opts libenv fname = do
fname' <- existsAnSource fname
case fname' of
Nothing -> return ([], Nothing)
Just fname'' -> do
input <- readFile fname''
anaStringW logicGraph defaultLogic opts libenv input (Just fname'')
anaStringW :: LogicGraph -> AnyLogic -> HetcatsOpts -> LibEnv -> String
-> Maybe String
-> IO ([Diagnosis], Maybe (LIB_NAME,LIB_DEFN,DGraph,LibEnv))
anaStringW logicGraph defaultLogic opts libenv input fname = do
let fname' = case fname of
Nothing -> "<stdin>"
Just n -> n
(_, ast) <- read_LIB_DEFN_M_WI defaultLogic fname' input
Result diags res <-
ioresToIO (ana_LIB_DEFN logicGraph defaultLogic opts
libenv ast)
case (res,fname) of
(Just (ln,_,_,lenv), Just n) ->
writeFileInfo opts diags n ln lenv
_ -> return ()
return (diags, res)
-- | analyze a LIB_DEFN
-- Parameters: logic graph, default logic, opts, library env, LIB_DEFN
-- call this function as follows:
-- do Result diags res <- ioresToIO (ana_LIB_DEFN ...)
-- sequence (map (putStrLn . show) diags)
ana_LIB_DEFN :: LogicGraph -> AnyLogic -> HetcatsOpts
-> LibEnv -> LIB_DEFN
-> IOResult (LIB_NAME,LIB_DEFN,DGraph,LibEnv)
ana_LIB_DEFN lgraph defl opts libenv (Lib_defn ln alibItems pos ans) = do
gannos <- resToIORes $ addGlobalAnnos emptyGlobalAnnos ans
(libItems',gctx@(_,_,dg),_,libenv') <-
foldl ana (return ([],(gannos,Map.empty,empty),defl,libenv))
(map item alibItems)
return (ln,
Lib_defn ln
(map (uncurry replaceAnnoted)
(zip (reverse libItems') alibItems))
Map.insert ln gctx libenv')
ana res1 libItem = do
(libItems',gctx1,l1,libenv1) <- res1
IOResult (do
Result diags2 res <-
ioresToIO $ ana_LIB_ITEM lgraph defl opts libenv1 gctx1 l1 libItem
ioresToIO $ showDiags1 opts (resToIORes (Result diags2 res))
if outputToStdout opts then
if hasErrors diags2 then
fail "Stopped due to errors"
else case res of
Just (libItem',gctx1',l1',libenv1') ->
return (return (libItem':libItems',gctx1',l1',libenv1'))
Nothing -> fail "Stopped. No result available"
else do
--result1 <- ioresToIO res1
--let diags1 = diags result1
if hasErrors diags2 then
ioresToIO $ resToIORes (Result (diags2) Nothing)
else case res of
Just (libItem',gctx1',l1',libenv1') ->
return ((return (libItem':libItems',gctx1',l1',libenv1')){diags = diags2})
Nothing -> return $ fail "Stopped. No result available"
-- analyse a LIB_ITEM
-- Parameters: logic graph, default logic, opts, library env
-- global context, current logic, LIB_ITEM
ana_LIB_ITEM :: LogicGraph -> AnyLogic -> HetcatsOpts
-> LibEnv -> GlobalContext -> AnyLogic
-> IOResult (LIB_ITEM,GlobalContext,AnyLogic,LibEnv)
ana_LIB_ITEM lgraph defl opts libenv gctx@(gannos,genv,dg) l
(Spec_defn spn gen asp pos) = do
let analyseMessage = "Analyzing spec " ++ showPretty spn ""
ioToIORes (putIfVerbose opts 1 analyseMessage)
if outputToStdout opts then
resToIORes $ message () analyseMessage
(gen',(imp,params,parsig,allparams),dg') <-
resToIORes (ana_GENERICITY lgraph gctx l opts gen)
(sp',body,dg'') <-
resToIORes (ana_SPEC lgraph (gannos,genv,dg')
allparams (Just spn) opts (item asp))
let libItem' = Spec_defn spn gen' (replaceAnnoted sp' asp) pos
if Map.member spn genv
then resToIORes (plain_error (libItem',gctx,l,libenv)
("Name "++ showPretty spn " already defined")
(headPos pos))
else return (libItem',
Map.insert spn (SpecEntry (imp,params,parsig,body)) genv,
ana_LIB_ITEM lgraph defl opts libenv gctx l
(View_defn vn gen vt gsis pos) = do
let analyseMessage = "Analyzing view " ++ showPretty vn ""
ioToIORes (putIfVerbose opts 1 analyseMessage)
if outputToStdout opts then
resToIORes $ message () analyseMessage
resToIORes (ana_VIEW_DEFN lgraph defl libenv gctx l opts
vn gen vt gsis pos)
-- architectural specification
ana_LIB_ITEM lgraph defl opts libenv gctx@(gannos, genv, dg) l
asd@(Arch_spec_defn asn asp pos) = do
let analyseMessage = "Analyzing arch spec " ++ showPretty asn ""
ioToIORes (putIfVerbose opts 1 analyseMessage )
if outputToStdout opts then
resToIORes $ message () analyseMessage
(archSig, dg', asp') <- resToIORes (ana_ARCH_SPEC lgraph defl gctx l opts (item asp))
let asd' = Arch_spec_defn asn (replaceAnnoted asp' asp) pos
gctx' = (gannos, genv, dg')
if Map.member asn genv
resToIORes (plain_error (asd', gctx', l, libenv)
("Name " ++ showPretty asn " already defined")
(headPos pos))
return (asd',
Map.insert asn (ArchEntry archSig) genv,
-- unit specification
ana_LIB_ITEM lgraph defl opts libenv gctx@(gannos, genv, _) l
usd@(Unit_spec_defn usn usp pos) = do
let analyseMessage = "Analyzing unit spec " ++ showPretty usn ""
ioToIORes (putIfVerbose opts 1 analyseMessage)
if outputToStdout opts then
resToIORes $ message () analyseMessage
(unitSig, dg', usp') <- resToIORes (ana_UNIT_SPEC lgraph defl gctx l opts (EmptyNode defl) usp)
let usd' = Unit_spec_defn usn usp' pos
if Map.member usn genv
resToIORes (plain_error (usd, (gannos, genv, dg'), l, libenv)
("Name " ++ showPretty usn " already defined")
(headPos pos))
return (usd',
Map.insert usn (UnitEntry unitSig) genv,
ana_LIB_ITEM lgraph defl opts libenv gctx l
(Logic_decl ln pos) = do
log <- lookupLogicName ln lgraph
let analyseMessage = "logic "++show log
ioToIORes (putIfVerbose opts 1 analyseMessage)
if outputToStdout opts then
resToIORes $ message () analyseMessage
return (Logic_decl ln pos,gctx,log,libenv)
ana_LIB_ITEM lgraph defl opts libenv gctx@(gannos,genv,dg) l
libItem@(Download_items ln items pos) = do
-- we take as the default logic for imported libs
-- the global default logic
let items' = zip items (drop 2 (pos ++ repeat nullPos))
analyseMessage = "Analyzing from " ++ showPretty ln "\n"
ioToIORes (putIfVerbose opts 1 analyseMessage)
if outputToStdout opts then
resToIORes $ message () analyseMessage
(diags', libenv') <- ioToIORes (anaLibFile lgraph defl opts libenv ln)
resToIORes $ Result diags' $ Just ()
-- let libMsg = unlines $ map show diags'
-- resToIORes $ message () libMsg
case Map.lookup ln libenv' of
Nothing -> do
if outputToStdout opts then
ioToIORes (putStrLn ("Internal error: did not find library "++show ln++" available: "++show (Map.keys libenv')))
return (libItem,gctx,l,libenv')
resToIORes $ (fatal_error ("Internal error: did not find library "++show ln++" available: "++show (Map.keys libenv')) nullPos)
Just (gannos',genv',dg') -> do
(genv1,dg1) <- resToIORes (foldl (ana_ITEM_NAME_OR_MAP ln genv')
(return (genv,dg)) items'
gannos'' <- resToIORes $ gannos `mergeGlobalAnnos` gannos'
return (libItem,(gannos'',genv1,dg1),l,libenv')
-- ??? Needs to be generalized to views between different logics
ana_VIEW_DEFN lgraph defl libenv gctx@(gannos,genv,dg) l opts
vn gen vt gsis pos = do
let adj = adjustPos (headPos pos)
(gen',(imp,params,parsig,allparams),dg') <-
ana_GENERICITY lgraph gctx l opts gen
(vt',(src,tar),dg'') <-
ana_VIEW_TYPE lgraph (gannos,genv,dg') l allparams opts vt
let gsigmaS = getSig src
gsigmaT = getSig tar
G_sign lidS sigmaS <- return gsigmaS
G_sign lidT sigmaT <- return gsigmaT
gsis1 <- adj $ Syntax.AS_Structured.homogenizeGM (Logic lidS) gsis
G_symb_map_items_list lid sis <- return gsis1
sigmaS' <- rcoerce lid lidS (headPos pos) sigmaS
sigmaT' <- rcoerce lid lidT (headPos pos) sigmaT
mor <- if analysis opts == Structured then return (ide lid sigmaS')
else do
rmap <- adj $ stat_symb_map_items lid sis
adj $ induced_from_to_morphism lid rmap sigmaS' sigmaT'
nodeS <- maybeToResult (headPos pos)
"Internal error: empty source spec of view" (getNode src)
nodeT <- maybeToResult (headPos pos)
"Internal error: empty source spec of view" (getNode tar)
let gmor = gEmbed (G_morphism lid mor)
link = (nodeS,nodeT,DGLink {
dgl_morphism = gmor,
dgl_type = GlobalThm Open None Open,
-- 'Open' for conserv correct?
dgl_origin = DGView vn})
vsig = (src,gmor,(imp,params,parsig,tar))
if Map.member vn genv
then plain_error (View_defn vn gen' vt' gsis pos,gctx,l,libenv)
("Name "++showPretty vn " already defined")
(headPos pos)
else return (View_defn vn gen' vt' gsis pos,
Map.insert vn (ViewEntry vsig) genv,
insEdge link dg''),
ana_ITEM_NAME_OR_MAP ln genv' res (Item_name name,pos) =
ana_ITEM_NAME_OR_MAP1 ln genv' res name name pos
ana_ITEM_NAME_OR_MAP ln genv' res (Item_name_map old new _, pos) =
ana_ITEM_NAME_OR_MAP1 ln genv' res old new pos
ana_ITEM_NAME_OR_MAP1 ln genv' res old new pos = do
(genv,dg) <- res
entry <- maybeToResult pos
(showPretty old " not found") (Map.lookup old genv')
case Map.lookup new genv of
Nothing -> return ()
Just _ -> fatal_error (showPretty new " already used") pos
case entry of
SpecEntry extsig ->
let (dg1,extsig1) = refExtsig ln dg (Just new) extsig
genv1 = Map.insert new (SpecEntry extsig1) genv
in return (genv1,dg1)
ViewEntry vsig ->
let (dg1,vsig1) = refViewsig ln dg vsig
genv1 = Map.insert new (ViewEntry vsig1) genv
in return (genv1,dg1)
ArchEntry asig -> ana_err "arch spec download"
UnitEntry usig -> ana_err "unit spec download"
refNodesig ln (dg,refdNodes) (name,NodeSig(n,sigma)) =
let node_contents = DGRef {
dgn_renamed = name,
dgn_libname = ln,
dgn_node = n }
[node] = newNodes 0 dg
in (insNode (node,node_contents) dg, NodeSig(node,sigma) : refdNodes)
refNodesig ln (dg,refdNodes) (_,EmptyNode l) =
(dg,EmptyNode l : refdNodes)
refNodesigs ln dg nodes =
(dg',reverse nodes')
where (dg', nodes') = foldl (refNodesig ln) (dg,[]) nodes
refExtsig ln dg name (imps,params,gsigmaP,body) =
params' = map (\x -> (Nothing,x)) params
(dg1,imps1:body1:params1) =
refNodesigs ln dg
refViewsig ln dg (src,mor,extsig) =
(_,[src1]) = refNodesigs ln dg [(Nothing,src)]
(dg2,extsig1) = refExtsig ln dg Nothing extsig